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<Serendipity> (Republic) casual/conquest/raiding guild is recruiting

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<Serendipity> is a reborn guild from <Time to Pie> after a few weeks break and we are looking to renew the previous player base and focus more on actual group content, than before, pvp and pve both, with a special focus on conquest!


...for that we need mature players who like having fun or a nice chat while playing, and who like doing group content with others, even conquest, don't hate TS too much, and have a friendly attitude to guildies. (even if I manage to recruit players with less experience :) )


We welcome the challenge of teaching people how to do ops/flashpoint tactics with training runs, give advice on rotation (or just link it from dulfy :p ).


What else we have, that you look for in the guild?

  • 10% xp/rep
  • bank (with repair and sometimes with useful items, even! :p)
  • almost complete, very pretty HQ ( all the utilities, but the balcony is still missing, duh! :D )
  • guildship to do conquest with
  • TeamSpeak
  • continuously updated website
  • welcoming community



To apply, don't be shy, enter Serendipty in your /who and ask one of our members to get an invite for you, write a message to me here, on swtor website, or just check out our website: http://serendipitous.enjin.com/ :)

Edited by Lysirina
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