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Force Storm/Forcequake a DPS gain?


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I've been messing around with some gearing and feel like FS and FQ may be be a ST DPS gain and was hoping someone would be able to verify.


I am curious as to whether or not using FS/FQ as a TK or Lightning spec with 25% utility is the best filler attack. The only reason I ask is due to my Alacrity and the crit chance/damage passive this tree gets.


If my channel time is 2.1s, with the changes to crit, this feels like it hits harder than 2 Lightning Bolts or TK Blasts in less time. If one GCD is 1.5s, am I right? What if the channel is less than that (I'm hitting a max of 42.X Alacrity)?

Edited by TitusOfTides
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conisder this back when it was a "thing" crits would tick upwards of 4k each. normal ticks around 2-3 k. keep in mind back then LB also did more damage, and you only used Force storm as a filler under recklessness of if you timed it under relic procs. so as i said, dont do it. use LB.
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conisder this back when it was a "thing" crits would tick upwards of 4k each. normal ticks around 2-3 k. keep in mind back then LB also did more damage, and you only used Force storm as a filler under recklessness of if you timed it under relic procs. so as i said, dont do it. use LB.


Ty, I appreciate the explanation. The highest crit I see is usually around 3.8k, so right around where you mentioned.

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It used to be a thing because it lasted for 6 seconds and under Recklessness it would only consume one charge and all ticks would benefit from it.


Even if it did slightly more damage, the reason you wouldn't want to use FS as a filler is because LB procs way too many things to be left out: force regen, alacrity, damage reduction and forked lightning. I'd say chain lightning too but that works for force storm too, and you want it procing from TB anyway...

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  • 1 month later...

Well I like Force storm a lot. But it has almost been rendered useless except for activating Chain lightning as a instant cast. sad really..It was awesome. I liked the fact that it froze everything in place and that you could spam it back to back, build power, and basically just fry things and not take a lot of damage.. Pvp'rs hated it cause you could just wipe them, so they mostly left you alone.

So here we are now, short effect time, doesn't freeze things in place, basically made useless now.

Sad really, it wasn't broken, Sorcs were happy, so lets mess it up for no reason under the sun..

But doesn't that seem to be the way of it in games..Its not broken, lets break it. Folks are happy, well we can't have that..

what part of 'Leave things alone when they work' don't devs get..I have to wonder sometimes if they play the games they build. And really wonder why no one on the Board overseeing the game just doesn't ask them, 'Are you out of your frikken mind? Or do you really want to run off your tried and true fan base, especially for those that pay for it, right out of the game?' Is it really better that we keep a steady supply of F2P'rs coming and going?

Look how many dead guilds there are that are full of F2P'rs that came, spent some money., played till it cost to much to play and bolted, never to be seen again.

Oh for 1 day of being in charge..I put up a big sign that says 'Absolutely no stupid S..t'

but thats just my feelings on it, soooo..

Will you rewind my Force Storm back to the way it was..It was better then

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Well I like Force storm a lot. But it has almost been rendered useless except for activating Chain lightning as a instant cast. sad really..It was awesome. I liked the fact that it froze everything in place and that you could spam it back to back, build power, and basically just fry things and not take a lot of damage.. Pvp'rs hated it cause you could just wipe them, so they mostly left you alone.

So here we are now, short effect time, doesn't freeze things in place, basically made useless now.

Sad really, it wasn't broken, Sorcs were happy, so lets mess it up for no reason under the sun..

But doesn't that seem to be the way of it in games..Its not broken, lets break it. Folks are happy, well we can't have that..

what part of 'Leave things alone when they work' don't devs get..I have to wonder sometimes if they play the games they build. And really wonder why no one on the Board overseeing the game just doesn't ask them, 'Are you out of your frikken mind? Or do you really want to run off your tried and true fan base, especially for those that pay for it, right out of the game?' Is it really better that we keep a steady supply of F2P'rs coming and going?

Look how many dead guilds there are that are full of F2P'rs that came, spent some money., played till it cost to much to play and bolted, never to be seen again.

Oh for 1 day of being in charge..I put up a big sign that says 'Absolutely no stupid S..t'

but thats just my feelings on it, soooo..

Will you rewind my Force Storm back to the way it was..It was better then


sorcs liked it. and everyone else hated it. sooooooo they did what the masses wanted in that respect. you confuse me.

Edited by Bejujular
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I've been messing around with some gearing and feel like FS and FQ may be be a ST DPS gain and was hoping someone would be able to verify.


I am curious as to whether or not using FS/FQ as a TK or Lightning spec with 25% utility is the best filler attack. The only reason I ask is due to my Alacrity and the crit chance/damage passive this tree gets.


If my channel time is 2.1s, with the changes to crit, this feels like it hits harder than 2 Lightning Bolts or TK Blasts in less time. If one GCD is 1.5s, am I right? What if the channel is less than that (I'm hitting a max of 42.X Alacrity)?


Force Quake/Storm will never be viable in a single target rotation even with Potency/Recklessness activated. PvPers whined and PvPers got it nerfed because the LARGEST portion of this game is PvP right? Friggen hate PvPers.

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Pve carebears whining that they have to use more than three buttons now aside, force storm was overpowered in both pve and pvp. In pve it was doing very high single target dmg, which is not what ranged spammable aoe is supposed to do in this game. Sorry you got nerfed to the level of everyone else. However, the other Nerf's to lightning in that patch were uncalled for.
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