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Get TEAMS OUT of Unranked


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Also need a social ability test, on how to read a chat, write in a chat, be positive even when behind, stick to a reference point when calling incs (minimap OR respawn pov) and so on.


IQ tests + social tests + necessity to be a full party, and pvp will be better, that's for sure, the obviousness.


You forgot to mention a personality test, perhaps I could recommend the Myers, Briggs Type Indicator Test?


That way, we could mesh people onto the same teams who ALSO had similar personalities! People could not only enjoy pvp, but eachother's company too!

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You can not get teams out of unranked; it is simply impossible. Don't understand why? Ok, let me spell it our for you morons:


A guild with, say, 8 PvPers can just que sync as solo individuals and end up in the same warzones anyways.


Thanks for reading, hope you learned some common sense today. Bye.

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You can not get teams out of unranked; it is simply impossible. Don't understand why? Ok, let me spell it our for you morons:


A guild with, say, 8 PvPers can just que sync as solo individuals and end up in the same warzones anyways.


Thanks for reading, hope you learned some common sense today. Bye.


You need to combine it with cross faction, moron ...

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.....if only to stop people giving up 5 seconds in saying "they're a premade don't bother" and quite a lot of the time they are wrong. One sided matches are soooo boring and theres just too many of them.


PLEASE, you'll need to align RANKED accordingly so if people want to team proper then they can but we can do away with so many of these landslides.


THANX (if only they would)


Get them out and put them were exactly? Ranked? This does not work, because not every premade is 4 players playing trinity, fully geared and playing there A toons. Not to mention this is also limited only to arenas, which not everyone likes.


Some smarter devs than BW's realized you can match premades against premades, and players against others with similar skill level. Even the busiest servers right now do not have the population for any level of match making. I do not want to sound rude, but what it is right now, is either suck it up or leave.

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IQ test.....love it. /vote, /vote, /vote. Can I /vote again? No? Well I'll still /vote.


Common knowledge, reference, social skills....sure. Not sure about personality, the hamster would die from depression with all the lovely personalities floating around, but the first three? Go for it.


Proving grounds for PVE, IQ tests for PVP and GSF. We have just dicovered how to make SWTOR a better place, guys!

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And does it tell you that anywhere in game... You cannot expect people who want to try PvP to try and figure out the math, grind out for PvE gear that they are not gonna use, just to get a PvP set. That is totally flawed thinking.


Plus, the 190 gear costs crystals that most people will be using to get 208 PvE gear. Sure there are loot drops (which BTW is the only way to get Ear/Implant) and no 190 relics. So you can only get 1936 expertise.


But again, it's playing with math which should not be a barrier to entering PvP.


What do you mean if tells you anywhere in game? When you activate you swtor launcer there are always patch notes listed, when they modified bolster to work like this they surely mentioned it in there. They also mention this kind of big changes in blogs and forum feeds. Heck you can just do a google search if you're interested in how some swtor mechanic works, I'm sure you'll get a pretty clean answer. Not to mention you can use the in-game chat or ask someone you know about it or just the pvp/general chat.


Math is actually part of everything in games like this. It's not hard math, it's only basic math anyone should know, but it's there. It's not something mandatory, but you'll miss a lot without it. Most like in real life. You need to accept it or try some other genre which doesn't need that much thinking or learning, like Candy Crush or the kind.

Edited by DarenLoot
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Personally I would prefer to see premades in a separate queue, simply because when I am in a premade in the unranked queue, I know it is going to be like kicking puppies when we get a match against 4 solo queuers, 1 of whom will quit virtually straight away, with 2 of the remaining 3 gone before 2 minutes are on the clock.

Even when we queue solo, but still on the same TS channel, we still have a huge advantage over the standard solo queuers, if we get into the same match, because even 2 of us working together means that we can carry the game.


Sure when we come across premades in ranked battles, we notice a huge step up in the quality of the opposition, and that forces us to be better. But the drama that goes with purely running ranked WZs because one person has a hissy fit about the other 3 being crap tonight, and dragging down his ranking means we are crying out for a middle option.

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What do you mean if tells you anywhere in game? When you activate you swtor launcer there are always patch notes listed, when they modified bolster to work like this they surely mentioned it in there. They also mention this kind of big changes in blogs and forum feeds. Heck you can just do a google search if you're interested in how some swtor mechanic works, I'm sure you'll get a pretty clean answer. Not to mention you can use the in-game chat or ask someone you know about it or just the pvp/general chat.


Math is actually part of everything in games like this. It's not hard math, it's only basic math anyone should know, but it's there. It's not something mandatory, but you'll miss a lot without it. Most like in real life. You need to accept it or try some other genre which doesn't need that much thinking or learning, like Candy Crush or the kind.

Specific gear requirements are NOT in the patch notes for one. As a matter of fact, the way bolster works specifically per gear slot is not mentioned ANYWHERE in any recent patch notes. What, they are supposed to go thru 3 years worth of patch notes just to PvP?


Also, the majority of players don't read blogs, patch notes, forums, or anything like that. Also again, bolster specifics are only found in a couple posts on the forums, which people don't visit. And asking someone in PvP/General chat about it... The way people playing PvP behave, most people won't bother. Why, because they all give the same lame answer you just did... Google it.... When they could have just told them quickly...


And math should not be an entry barrier... I have no problem with it being a barrier to maximizing your character, but if you want to get the most people to try it and do it, you do have to set the entry level low. Given stat allocation and how much can be in each slot of each armor and/or weapon piece. Knowing I have to hold on to this 190 gear if I even want to PvP later (if PvP even crossed their mind leveling up) because I will be useless otherwise, and crap like that is just one stack on top of the other to barring entry. Which is not mentioned anywhere in game while leveling up. All it says is you will be bolstered (and I'm not even sure it says that anymore)....


I really don't get the PvP people in this game. They want people to PvP, but they want the bar set high to get in. They want better PvP players, but they refuse to help them. Personally I think all they want is easy farms.

Edited by Psychopyro
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Grouping up with friends on an organized team is ONLY fun if the other team is a premade or the very rare solo que team of ORGANIZED people.


If you read that last sentence and think it's wrong...you are the problem, you are the reason solo que's quit. Steam rolling solo que's as a premade is not fun, it's not challenging, it's epeen at it's worst. It's an ego boost that you clearly need. I love joining with friends and doing premades, so, no, this is not an anti premade post, however...if the opposing teams continue to be challenge less, I quit, it's just not fun at that point.

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Understandable, but the players react that way due to a cause. No doubt a lot more people expect "The easy mode", but PvP was never about that. Unfortunately with the retarded amount of Sorcs and Sages you see, it gets very frustrating no matter what. Wins feel like you gave your all and you're so burnt out, then next match you have to do the same simply because the enemy is playing a stupid overperforming class. It has nothing to do with skill vs skill.


God I hate Sorcs and Sages, I will spit in their faces once they get nerfed. Maybe 2 years from now but I'll still hold resentment.


Double premades to boot, four sorcs with four powertechs for example (with, of course, their taunting abilities in the mix, as well as heavy dps). It's a laugh a minute facing off against opposition like that when your own side is a random jumble.


Sorcs coming out of the woodwork everywhere these days with their accompanying support. Too often, too numerous in the opposition teams, often a minimum of three, quite often four, even a few with five. "Focus the healer" (which one?) and "split off the tank" (or two) just don't work anymore in these situations. Healer heavy oppositions are happening far more often than pre 4.0 it seems.


I can understand why people quit when faced with an opposition that virtually never dies.

Edited by Theagg
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I solo queue constantly. Do I think people who group up, or have min/max pvp gears in regs are a problem? No.


I agree completely. I solo que nearly all the time that I play unless someone is kind enough to invite me...which is rare. I love the guilds that I go up against and/or play with in matches. Every player has their gripes with someone that they play or have played with at some point.


Do somethings happen more than others...yes. Are they the ones that bother you the most? maybe. If it is a problem that I have control over and choose not to do anything about, then I live with my choice.

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Specific gear requirements are NOT in the patch notes for one. As a matter of fact, the way bolster works specifically per gear slot is not mentioned ANYWHERE in any recent patch notes. What, they are supposed to go thru 3 years worth of patch notes just to PvP?


Also, the majority of players don't read blogs, patch notes, forums, or anything like that. Also again, bolster specifics are only found in a couple posts on the forums, which people don't visit. And asking someone in PvP/General chat about it... The way people playing PvP behave, most people won't bother. Why, because they all give the same lame answer you just did... Google it.... When they could have just told them quickly...


And math should not be an entry barrier... I have no problem with it being a barrier to maximizing your character, but if you want to get the most people to try it and do it, you do have to set the entry level low. Given stat allocation and how much can be in each slot of each armor and/or weapon piece. Knowing I have to hold on to this 190 gear if I even want to PvP later (if PvP even crossed their mind leveling up) because I will be useless otherwise, and crap like that is just one stack on top of the other to barring entry. Which is not mentioned anywhere in game while leveling up. All it says is you will be bolstered (and I'm not even sure it says that anymore)....


I really don't get the PvP people in this game. They want people to PvP, but they want the bar set high to get in. They want better PvP players, but they refuse to help them. Personally I think all they want is easy farms.


They say "google it" because this is something where you need to read some amount of text to get it, which is why in-game chat is not really the best and easiest way to do it. You do a google search and you get your answers fast. You don't need to shy about it, nor it's something that requires that much effort, even your kids could do it.


I also said, it's not a barrier. It's basic math. A middle-schooler shouldn't have any trouble with the level of math you need for the game.


I'm telling you, if you want to deal with less math and in-game research there are other games that might suit your tastes better then the mmorpg genre. This genre is really for the more geeky (no offense to anyone) oriented community, for whom the numbers, adjustments, numbers, and more numbers matter to maximize their play style class potential, optimize time to acquire stuff, to get great deals on trades and GTN trades etc. You don't have to know all those stuff, but if you know them you will get the benefits out of it. Also this is more like what you'd call experience info, but the math required it's very basic. If you want to avoid all this "complicated stuff" and also have a blast there are Star Wars themed action-adventure genre games like The Force Unleashed, which I'm pretty sure you can have a blast with. It's just the way these games work. Some are simple and have an immersive story, others are more complicated with lots of stuff you can do and probably will get you hung up on them only if you manage to get the insides of the system.


To wrap things up, the majority of active and long term players (if not all) read forums, blogs etc. and stay informed because for them it really matters. What you are talking about are probably the majority of the people who just try the game and then leave after some days or weeks.

Edited by DarenLoot
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This isn't about people "playing together to have fun" this is about people teaming up with other players whom they know are very good too to steamrole over their oppisition....preorganised teams should be playing against preorganised teams to get the most fun out of it.


Anybody who can argue "this game needs you to be able to team in unranked warzone" is saying it because they want easy wins and to feel they are far superior at the game because of this level of support they receive in a wz.



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This isn't about people "playing together to have fun" this is about people teaming up with other players whom they know are very good too to steamrole over their oppisition....preorganised teams should be playing against preorganised teams to get the most fun out of it.


Anybody who can argue "this game needs you to be able to team in unranked warzone" is saying it because they want easy wins and to feel they are far superior at the game because of this level of support they receive in a wz.




You make it sound as if, there's one simple reason people group up, the reason you have in your head. Look a little deeper, bro.


There are MANY different reasons why people group up for pvp. People are all very different, people also group up for a myriad of different reasons!


Some Reasons People Group Up For Warzones:


1. To try to limit the number of bads that end up on the 8 man team.

2. To have fun with people they genuinely enjoy grouping with who play like they do. (objectively, deathmatching)

3. To grind their awful Forex companion valor requirements with guildies who also have to enter this hell.

4. To form a 4 man "gank squad" of stealths to terrorize those who are doing warzones for Forex.

6. To battle that annoying imp/pub premade with one's own guild group.

5. Etc.


Seriously, there are many reasons people group up for warzones. Not everyone does it to beat up on lesser skilled opponents.


Also, the best fights usually occur against premades, whether you are in one or not. All it takes is for you to get lucky and have 2-4 other "decent" players and you basically have a premade yourself.

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I'd be shocked if this particular situation ever changes or even if BW has the balls to comment on it.


so all you're really doing is spitting venom at each other. some of you are purposefully antagonizing others. I see a lot of obstinate idiocy on both sides. but really...what do you think any of this is going to change? it's like the 151st LONG THREAD on the topic. literally nothing is going to change, not even a comment from BW to clarify their own position on the matter.


jesus FC. I just got sucked into this mess myself. :mad:

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Just do what I do when you get hit with a double premade, get you one or two medal and troll the rest of the match sheath chars are best for that.


But yeah premades are killing the noobs, teams like easy wins and so do most guilds what did you expect its the truth

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I believe that the more you are frustrated by facing an organized group, the more you need to step up your efforts to find or found a playgroup of your own. Basically, my feeling is that if a player finds it challenging to accept the trials and tribulations of the solo play (along with its joys), the efforts required in finding team-mates as onerous as they are, and as insurmountable as the challenges on the way to group play appear, it is the better to spend time resolving those challenges and working on building a team, than playing in the state of constant frustration.


I think a lot of us also have no idea how much efforts initially goes into constructing one of those unstoppable death squads, and into maintaining it in a world of amateur internet affiliations.

Edited by DomiSotto
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And there is a reason for people quitting...


But just for the sake of "Google It"... I did...


swtor PvP gear

Every link on the first page is out of date...


swtor best way to get pvp gear

Oh look again, all out of date...


swtor PvP bolster

Only 1 link on this page is up to date (yet it shows the original post date, not the updated date so it appears out of date), but it barely explains anything. It does not correctly inform players that there are no 190 relics, implants, or earpieces on this vendor and that you have to get them from drops...


So your argument that the information is "readily" and "easily" available are false. And even the people who do the math don't admittedly have it all figured out exactly yet.


And insulting me, really? Considering I have no problem with complex map, that's damn insulting... But then again, you're probably one of those PvP players who gets a kick out of insulting people to feel better about yourself.


To wrap things up, the majority of active and long term players (if not all) read forums, blogs etc. and stay informed because for them it really matters

And this is the biggest fallacy of your entire statement. Ask ANY forum manager for a live game. The majority of players do NOT read the forums. They do NOT read the patch notes. They do NOT read the blogs. Just read chat any day the servers patch or there is an event coming up...

Edited by Psychopyro
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I get as frustrated as anyone when i get steamrolled all night by the same premade from WZ to WZ (last night was just awful, OMG, I can't remember the last time it took me that long to get my dailies done). But further reducing the population of PVP players by removing premades won't help us in the big picture. The real issue seems to be that there is no individual rating that at least tries to match up teams by skill levels. With populations as low as they are maybe it wouldn't matter if there was, but I think that is more the root problem than premades. When you queue solo, lately it is a crap shoot as to whether your teammates will have PVP experience or are new to PVP and on the M1-4X quest. I think that has more impact than premades, because I've been on teams that have beaten a premade with no trouble, where my team was made up of folks I recognized as experienced, regular PVPers who didn't need to be told how to play. Edited by Kurj
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Cross faction is never going to happen. Get over it. This "Eternal Empire" crap is going to end and it is just going to go right back to Republic vs Empire.


Lol. You mean like how at the end of Shadow of Revan, the loading screen was titled "Allies No More", and yet the very next piece of content does what? Puts in another 3rd party threat so that we can unite and stream forth to save the galaxy!


Brings a tear to the eye

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And there is a reason for people quitting...


But just for the sake of "Google It"... I did...


swtor PvP gear

Every link on the first page is out of date...


swtor best way to get pvp gear

Oh look again, all out of date...


swtor PvP bolster

Only 1 link on this page is up to date (yet it shows the original post date, not the updated date so it appears out of date), but it barely explains anything. It does not correctly inform players that there are no 190 relics, implants, or earpieces on this vendor and that you have to get them from drops...


So your argument that the information is "readily" and "easily" available are false. And even the people who do the math don't admittedly have it all figured out exactly yet.


And insulting me, really? Considering I have no problem with complex map, that's damn insulting... But then again, you're probably one of those PvP players who gets a kick out of insulting people to feel better about yourself.



And this is the biggest fallacy of your entire statement. Ask ANY forum manager for a live game. The majority of players do NOT read the forums. They do NOT read the patch notes. They do NOT read the blogs. Just read chat any day the servers patch or there is an event coming up...


Are you sure you didn't get the required up-to-date answers in the search engine just because you strategically avoided using terms like the current major patch number - like 4.0, in an attempt to try winning an already lost argument? I mean it's obvious you need to get some dating indication if you want the search results to be about up-to-date matters... Also if you search for pve gear used in warzones, those should help your search engine too.


I also didn't say gathering all the info was easy, i just explained to you that the genre is more popular with the geeky folks, since the amount of info is pretty vast. What I said was easy/basic was the math you need to do to understand where you are. Adding, multiplying, fractions and percentages are basic math. No one is requiring of you to solve difficult equations or advanced math. And if you play the game , it's obvious no one requires of you to do any sort of math... all I said is that if you do it you'll get some advantages from the game - most like real life things work actually. e.g. You will never get the best price on what you buy if you don't study the market prices and don't do a bit of basic math to see how you should spend your money.


And yeah, if you don't have trouble with advanced math but you don't want to bother with the basic stuff, the problem lies with you. My intention was not to insult you. I was just stating the "real" facts as I've gathered them from what you said and your attitude towards putting a bit of effort into gathering knowledge and using the brain utensils mostly everybody was gifted or taught. I'm again telling you these games are more complex then the usual kind - they are made to try simulating a bit of the real world and give you the liberty to do more then a xbox controller and a linear adventure story can offer.


As for your last paragraph, I'll remind you I said the long term players aka those that don't only come and go. And if you don't understand why they only stay a little time and leave, I'll tell you. Because they don't get informed, get frustrated about content they cant fully immerse in or understand, or about others that can do things they can't and so they can't make the most of the game just because they are not interested enough to feel like getting informed.


So ask yourself, which of the groups are you in? The ones that really care about what's happening in the game, or those that only come to check it out and leave for various reasons like not caring enough, or getting frustrated cause they lack knowledge? If you want to stick with the majority it's your choice, but it won't get you any favors.


And if you think I'm a bully you would be pretty much wrong. I rarely use harsh words and it doesn't give me any satisfaction if I really feel the need of using them. If I did it in this conversation was because you were so certain that just because you didn't know the stuff, and just because you didn't want to gather info that was actually released and could be obtained from various sources pretty easily, all/most of the others should be the same. You also refused when people were trying to offer you solutions to your problems. And I really wander, if you're so present on this forum thread, how come you're also saying you don't read forum threads. Instead of being here and trying to prove to others things that are far from inspiring good life attitude, shouldn't you be more interested in the threads from which you could really gather the information you need?

Edited by DarenLoot
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