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scammer got me


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What Bioware could do is fixing the sort by unit price function. Since it's implementation in 2.4 (2 years ago!) the unit price column doesn't carry over the previous sort settings and results are unsorted, yet the unit price column still shows ascending order, this results in an inconsistency between sorting by unit price and sort by price (or anything else):


Sort by price

First search: results are unsorted, you click once on "price" - items are sorted by price in ascending order.

Next search: your last sort setting carries over and results are again sorted by ascending price.


Sort by unit price

First search: results are unsorted, you click once on "unit price" - items are sorted by unit price in ascending order.

Next search: results are unsorted, you click again on "unit price" - items are sorted in descending order.


Of course you ought to double check before you buy, but sometimes you're simply distracted. There is a bug in the GTN, and some players are exploiting the bug by chosing a price that not only is on top when the unit price is (unintentionally) sorted by descending order, but also may look to an inattentive player like a good per-unit price for a whole stack.

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boo freaking hoo


look before you buy folks seriously time and time again people make this bs thread to whine about how they got scammed



i'm not defending the people who put items up for this price but it takes a couple seconds to click sort by unit price it's not that hard bw gave us the options to find the cheapest item on the gtn and yet people still think more measures need to be taken with bw


guess what anyone can put anything on the gtn for whatever price they want keep whining about how you got scammed because guess what



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Be prepared for vultures to descend and start mocking you and claiming it isn't a scam :rolleyes: But I feel your pain, because this happened to me too. All it takes is being on auto pilot buying mats and misreading a comma for a period and you're screwed.


I was out 20 mill after buying a few stacks of archaeology mats for 3mill each that I thought were 300k each... that was over a year ago and I've been super paranoid ever since.


I tend to report people I see trying to scam on the GTN but have no clue if it does any good.


Being on "auto pilot" buying mats is your first mistake.


There's no scam just because you're not being observant.

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What sort of QoL change would fix this. The price is listed, people just aren't paying attention. The last thing we need is another confirm button that says "Hey, did you read the price? Is that REALLY what you want to pay? Are you sure? Did you double check the price?"


exactly at some point the person buying these items needs to take some responsibility for their actions and realize it's their fault end of discussion on all these whiner threads

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So many scammer apologists in this thread.


Kind of sad actually, so many people without compassion for others.


Its a simple mistake, no human being is right 100% of the time. And having someone scam someone when they make the mistake is not right, and not healthy for a good society.

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So many scammer apologists in this thread.


Not really, just people who think you are responsible for your own actions, and if you make an error through your own inattention, it is your error not a scam. the item was what was advertised, the price was posted in plain sight, buying the first one you see is your own mistake not someone elses.

Edited by Lord_Sleepy
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Be prepared for vultures to descend and start mocking you and claiming it isn't a scam :rolleyes: But I feel your pain, because this happened to me too. All it takes is being on auto pilot buying mats and misreading a comma for a period and you're screwed.


^ Yep, this...


Losers who have nothing to do but mock other people's errors in falling victim to this crap...


It is really sad that people who will do this exist, frankly it shows that there are people in this world who have no hearts... Sad...

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So many scammer apologists in this thread.


I don't think they care for them either, just want to say something snarky and condescending.


Markets in these games are PVP. It isn't as obvious here as it is in Eve or the like, but thats the facts. No real way to regulate ***hats (which is what they are), and no way to make em accountable. They are like ticks, goes with getting out in the country. Gotta pay attention.


Still sorry it happened to the OP, and wish there were a way to force choke the ***hats that do it. There isn't. Have to content yourself force choking mobs, or better - people on pvp maps, and telling yourself that is A) The ***hat on the market, or B) The ***hat on the forum, or C) The ***hat at work, etc.


But force choke is really the main bit. Use that on something.

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Not really, just people who think you are responsible for your own actions, and if you make an error through your own inattention, it is your error not a scam. the item was what was advertised, the price was posted in plain sight, buying the first one you see is your own mistake not someone elses.


This is literally the worst logic though, because every single scam ever conceived relies upon a person falling for it. By your logic it's impossible to fall for a scam because if you fall for it it's not a scam since it's your fault you fell for it in the first place. See how irrational that is?

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This is literally the worst logic though, because every single scam ever conceived relies upon a person falling for it. By your logic it's impossible to fall for a scam because if you fall for it it's not a scam since it's your fault you fell for it in the first place. See how irrational that is?


Scams rely on people being greedy. Scams can't work if the mark isn't greedy. This is why so many of them revolve around the mark getting a 'great deal' on something or another.


This is simply a case of someone not really paying attention to what they're doing. I mean, there's a second 'confirmation' window that asks if you're absolutely sure you want to buy that item at the advertised price. And you have to click 'again' to get that purchase.


Take a second or three and read what you're doing and you won't make that mistake again.

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Scams rely on people being greedy. Scams can't work if the mark isn't greedy. This is why so many of them revolve around the mark getting a 'great deal' on something or another.


This is simply a case of someone not really paying attention to what they're doing. I mean, there's a second 'confirmation' window that asks if you're absolutely sure you want to buy that item at the advertised price. And you have to click 'again' to get that purchase.


Take a second or three and read what you're doing and you won't make that mistake again.


So scammers can't rely on someone else making a mistake, and not being greedy? ONLY greedy people get scammed?


EDIT: No human being is infallible. Nobody is right 100% of the time. We all make mistakes.

Edited by CosmicCleric
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This is literally the worst logic though, because every single scam ever conceived relies upon a person falling for it. By your logic it's impossible to fall for a scam because if you fall for it it's not a scam since it's your fault you fell for it in the first place. See how irrational that is?


Falling for something isn't the same as a mistake made through inattention. There is no misinformation on the GTN. The prices are very clearly marked. Yes, the scammer may be "clever" enough to work the system with decimal points, but they aren't hiding their price at all. You can see it plain as day, can sort the prices on the GTN from low to high, and beat the scam. If a person buys the highest priced item, it is through their own inattention, and not because they were misinformed on the price.

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This is literally the worst logic though, because every single scam ever conceived relies upon a person falling for it. By your logic it's impossible to fall for a scam because if you fall for it it's not a scam since it's your fault you fell for it in the first place. See how irrational that is?


A high price isn't a scam, now, if they were offering hypercrates but had been able to remove the content and still place the empty crate on the gtn that would be a scam, if they had offered an item and instead during the trade took your credits and didn't give the item, that would be a scam. If I were to place my pos truck on craigslist (with full disclosure) for $100,000 and someone bought it, that would not be a scam.


I am saying you doing something you didn't mean to or paying more through Your own inattention isn't a scam, it is your own fault for not paying attention.


Lets say you are driving, and looking at facebook on your phone and hit a car, who's fault is that? Yours of course, due to, once again, your own inattention. Not saying that the people trying to get more are right or wrong, just that if you pay attention that won't happen.

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So scammers can't rely on someone else making a mistake, and not being greedy? ONLY greedy people get scammed?


99% of the time, yeah, scammers target 'greedy' people.


What's being discussed here is someone taking advantage of someone else's impatience and inattention. That's not ethical, but it's also not a scam.

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99% of the time, yeah, scammers target 'greedy' people.

So, what orifice did you pull that "99%" number from?

What's being discussed here is someone taking advantage of someone else's impatience and inattention. That's not ethical, but it's also not a scam.

Nope, we're talking about someone who made a mistake and was scammed for doing so. Everyone makes mistakes (what you call 'inattention'), nobody gets it right 100% of the time.


To allow scammers to take advantage of others mistakes is not healthy for a society, in-game or real-world.

Edited by CosmicCleric
Fixed typo
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So, what orifice did you pull that "99%" number from?


Nope, we're talking about someone who made a mistake and was scammed for doing so. Everyone makes mistakes (what you call 'inattention'), nobody gets it right 100% of the time.


To allow scammers to take advantage of others mistakes is not healthy for a society, in-game or real-world.


He paid more than he meant to by not paying attention, I was working at a restaurant as a cashier one day (not my normal position back then) and a Canadian couple came through and paid handing me a hundred as a one, now, if I hadn't told them, it would have been unethical, not a scam. It happened because they didn't pay attention to something they should, I corrected them because that's how I am, but I wasn't scamming them.

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