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scammer got me


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I just bought 1 permarcrete for over 8mil credits.

My bad.

I knew there are scammers who pray on people's mistakes. I even fought them placing 1 item for 999999999 to have it on top of the list -so that it's red color states clearly this is the highest price. Didn't pay attention today/


No one will convince me that these people don't do this counting on honest mistakes.

Well, 8 mil isn't that much to me. I'll get it back selling uni prefabs next week.

Still hurts.

The thought that scumbags share the same entertainment as me: SWTOR


ive occasionally bought a few items over price on the gtn by accident, mostly because i didnt pay enough attention at that moment. but ultimately it is your choice not to pay attention and get side swiped by it, it is not the other persons fault in this instance.


you are confusing someone deliberately trying to cheat you through active dishonesty to fool you into getting something that isnt what it appears from a mistake you made and blaming someone else for it, however placing something on the gtn at a high price is the sellers preference regardless what the buyer thinks.


get over it, if you can make 8 million before the accident, you can do it again and just learn from the mistake.

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Be prepared for vultures to descend and start mocking you and claiming it isn't a scam :rolleyes: But I feel your pain, because this happened to me too. All it takes is being on auto pilot buying mats and misreading a comma for a period and you're screwed.


I was out 20 mill after buying a few stacks of archaeology mats for 3mill each that I thought were 300k each... that was over a year ago and I've been super paranoid ever since.


I tend to report people I see trying to scam on the GTN but have no clue if it does any good.


Hope anyone innocent hasn't gotten hit by your report. I accidentally put a dye on on the GTN the other day for 8,002,250, when I was trying to put it up for 802,250. Hit the zero one too many times, I had a lot of stuff I was putting up there so I was in a hurry to get it done. Didn't realize my mistake until someone actually bought the damn thing :eek:

Edited by beattlebilly
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making a thread because you got scammed for 8 mil? i bought an augment for 50 mil last week, thinking it is 50k. shame on customer service for not helping with such mistakes, especially if the players have a scam / hack / exploit-free record.


seriously, player loses 2 months of work and cs does nothing? it's pathetic.


why didn't they get rid of the decimals, which don't display in our inventory screen, yet anyway?


On items that don't stack, there are no decimals.

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Hope anyone innocent hasn't gotten hit by your report.


Don't worry, bioware does not police scamming. technically it's not allowed but they don't give a damn. Ninja looting, scamming on referral clicks, manipulating with trade window, gtn listings with obvious malicious intent, guild selling.. They don't care. And they wonder why people are more likely to play WoW?

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It is scummy for people to list things this way, but in the end it's entirely the fault of the buyer.


The price is clearly listed.


The items can be sorted by total price or price/piece.


It sucks if this happened to you, but next time pay attention. People saying CS should do something about their mistake are being silly.

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If you could pull all the stuff out of a hypercrate and leave 1 low level item in it and put it on the gtn as a hypercrate that would be a scam, if you post a cheap mat at an unreasonably high price it isn't. It had the price, and the item was what it claimed then no scam just lazy buying practices. If I buy item A at the store and find it at a lower price at a different store I wasn't scammed I just didn't shop well.
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Learn to read.


Hell, even BioWare has addressed this in the past, and determined that it is not a scam.


Here's the deal:


All of the information, including name of the item, quantity, and price are all plainly visible. You are given multiple ways to sort what you are looking for, INCLUDING setting a price range to search for. You are even given a purchase confirmation when you click buy, before the purchase goes through.


You ignored all of these, you have no one to blame but yourself.

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in a real world, if I buy a can of soda for a dollar, and then find out I could buy it for 80 cents this is just a competition.

If I buy the soda for 1000$ -I've bean cheated out of app 999 dollars. And this could be reported (in my country at least)

Anyone that puts things on GTN in prices that try to look like low price but actually is not -it is a scam.


I've seen it for a long time. This time I fell for it. that's it


The guy who decided to put decimals on the GTN made credit sellers lives much, much easier.

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And here we go with the "someone who does not know the definition of the word 'scam'" mentality.


But I suspect the OP has achieved his goal since the odds are strong it's just a troll post.


Scam - swindle, cheat, deceive, trick, dupe, hoodwink, double-cross, gull;


I think one or more of these apply, unless you're say the listing with a comma are a simple mistake in posting.

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in a real world, if I buy a can of soda for a dollar, and then find out I could buy it for 80 cents this is just a competition.

If I buy the soda for 1000$ -I've bean cheated out of app 999 dollars. And this could be reported (in my country at least)

Anyone that puts things on GTN in prices that try to look like low price but actually is not -it is a scam.


I've seen it for a long time. This time I fell for it. that's it


The guy who decided to put decimals on the GTN made credit sellers lives much, much easier.


If you spend 1000$ on a can of soda, that is your choice, you did it knowingly, and if you weren't paying attention when paying, that is, once again, your fault.

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in a real world, if I buy a can of soda for a dollar, and then find out I could buy it for 80 cents this is just a competition.

If I buy the soda for 1000$ -I've bean cheated out of app 999 dollars. And this could be reported (in my country at least)

Anyone that puts things on GTN in prices that try to look like low price but actually is not -it is a scam.


I've seen it for a long time. This time I fell for it. that's it


The guy who decided to put decimals on the GTN made credit sellers lives much, much easier.


You bought one item, not a stack, at least according to your own post. There weren't any decimals, decimals only apply to the per unit column of a stacked item. Even if you live in Europe, where prices are listed like 1.000,00 instead of 1,000.00 here in America (where the game is based out of), it is still pretty simple to read. If there are two numbers after the last mark, it is a decimal, if there are three, then it is not.


You failed to read the price. You failed to sort properly. You failed to set price ranges. You failed to read the confirmation before hitting the accept button. The failure here, at every step of the process, was your own.


I agree that listing prices like this is shady, but you have ALL of the tools at your disposal to avoid it, and BioWare themselves have said that it is NOT a scam.

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in a real world, if I buy a can of soda for a dollar, and then find out I could buy it for 80 cents this is just a competition.

If I buy the soda for 1000$ -I've bean cheated out of app 999 dollars. And this could be reported (in my country at least)

Anyone that puts things on GTN in prices that try to look like low price but actually is not -it is a scam.


I've seen it for a long time. This time I fell for it. that's it


The guy who decided to put decimals on the GTN made credit sellers lives much, much easier.


If the sodas were all next to each other, and each one had their prices clearly marked on each individual one, you aren't getting cheated if you picked up the highest priced one because you weren't paying attention. Real world store items with fixed prices aren't comparable to a game auction house that isn't fixed and allows players to control the prices, so this isn't a proper analogy.


On individual items that don't stack, there is no way to game the system with decimal points to make the items look lower priced than what they are.


I've accidentally put items up with a lower price than what I intended to, and players have bought the items up, am I being robbed by them?

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If the sodas were all next to each other, and each one had their prices clearly marked on each individual one, you aren't getting cheated if you picked up the highest priced one because you weren't paying attention. Real world store items with fixed prices aren't comparable to a game auction house that isn't fixed and allows players to control the prices, so this isn't a proper analogy.


On individual items that don't stack, there is no way to game the system with decimal points to make the items look lower priced than what they are.


I've accidentally put items up with a lower price than what I intended to, and players have bought the items up, am I being robbed by them?


I hate when that happens, you know you made a pricing error when as soon as you put it up it is sold. But, was my mistake so I paid more attention later.

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You bought one item, not a stack, at least according to your own post. There weren't any decimals, decimals only apply to the per unit column of a stacked item. Even if you live in Europe, where prices are listed like 1.000,00 instead of 1,000.00 here in America (where the game is based out of), it is still pretty simple to read. If there are two numbers after the last mark, it is a decimal, if there are three, then it is not.


You failed to read the price. You failed to sort properly. You failed to set price ranges. You failed to read the confirmation before hitting the accept button. The failure here, at every step of the process, was your own.


I agree that listing prices like this is shady, but you have ALL of the tools at your disposal to avoid it, and BioWare themselves have said that it is NOT a scam.


Then BioWare is taking the cheezy way out. There is no doubt that there are people using this technique with the purpose of "tricking" someone into clicking the item knowing full well that if they were really paying attention they would not.


Ever single scam that has ever been run could be blamed on the person being scammed for not paying attention or not doing due diligence, etc. The key is if it is done with the intent to fool, trick, etc. Bioware is just taking the easy way by saying, well we can't "prove" the intent was to trick someone when they could at least issue a warning and then a ban for repeated offenses or simply fix the cartel market.


And no, I've never been scammed.

Edited by Erasimus
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You bought one item, not a stack, at least according to your own post. There weren't any decimals, decimals only apply to the per unit column of a stacked item. Even if you live in Europe, where prices are listed like 1.000,00 instead of 1,000.00 here in America (where the game is based out of), it is still pretty simple to read. If there are two numbers after the last mark, it is a decimal, if there are three, then it is not.


You failed to read the price. You failed to sort properly. You failed to set price ranges. You failed to read the confirmation before hitting the accept button. The failure here, at every step of the process, was your own.


I agree that listing prices like this is shady, but you have ALL of the tools at your disposal to avoid it, and BioWare themselves have said that it is NOT a scam.


yep, I agree. My post isn't about me. It's about those scammers who place such listings in hope that someone falls for it (like me)

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you are confusing someone deliberately trying to cheat you through active dishonesty to fool you into getting something that isnt what it appears from a mistake you made and blaming someone else for it, however placing something on the gtn at a high price is the sellers preference regardless what the buyer thinks.


Sorry but if you look at the GTN listings it is beyond obvious these people are, to use your words, "deliberately trying to cheat you through active dishonesty."


It may be the "seller's preference" to scam but that doesn't mean it's right.


Yes, obviously it is the buyer's responsibility to be aware of what they're buying, but just because they slip up and accidentally buy the items people meant to confuse people with, doesn't mean it wasn't a scam in the first place.


We aren't talking about a case where the cheapest is 10k and someone lists an item for 500k here. We're talking about matching numbers so that the lowest and highest price look identical except for the decimal.


If you spend 1000$ on a can of soda, that is your choice, you did it knowingly, and if you weren't paying attention when paying, that is, once again, your fault.


I'm so glad you don't make laws then.


Let's make a better analogy. You're in a store and there's bins of DVDs everywhere marked $1.00. You go through the first 20 bins grabbing DVDs because you think they're all $1.00 but then you come to a bin in the middle of the $1.00 bins marked $100 and assume the DVD in that one is also $1.00. Yep, it's your fault for not noticing that decimal... but is it incredibly dishonest/intentionally confusing? Yes.


(And by the way, if this happened in real life, you could get a refund. Just because in a MMO there are no refunds or repercussions doesn't mean it's a totally legit and honest practice.

Edited by Beltane
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Sorry but if you look at the GTN listings it is beyond obvious these people are, to use your words, "deliberately trying to cheat you through active dishonesty."


It may be the "seller's preference" to scam but that doesn't mean it's right.


Yes, obviously it is the buyer's responsibility to be aware of what they're buying, but just because they slip up and accidentally buy the items people meant to confuse people with, doesn't mean it wasn't a scam in the first place.


We aren't talking about a case where the cheapest is 10k and someone lists an item for 500k here. We're talking about matching numbers so that the lowest and highest price look identical except for the decimal.




I'm so glad you don't make laws then.


Let's make a better analogy. You're in a store and there's bins of DVDs everywhere marked $1.00. You go through the first 20 bins grabbing DVDs because you think they're all $1.00 but then you come to a bin in the middle of the $1.00 bins marked $100 and assume the DVD in that one is also $1.00. Yep, it's your fault for not noticing that decimal... but is it incredibly dishonest/intentionally confusing? Yes.


(And by the way, if this happened in real life, you could get a refund. Just because in a MMO there are no refunds or repercussions doesn't mean it's a totally legit and honest practice.


No need for me, since I actually look at prices now, made mistakes, but didn't try to blame others for my mistakes. The important thing to remember is to pay attention to the prices, like in everything else in life if you aren't paying attention, you have blame. And for purchasing something without really looking at the price, or even better sorting lowest to highest, that is all on you or me or whoever does it. I have done it, and my thought was I need to pay more attention, and now I do.

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Your analogy would work if the item the OP bought was one that could have decimal points put in the price. But single items can't have decimals put in the price, so seeing a larger price in that case is exactly what you're seeing: a larger price. There is no confusion between 8,000,000 and 80,000.00 in a case like the OP's.


so, you are ok with this. Even though the price was designed so that it could be mistaken for 8k not 8 mil?


The game is so much better when everyone has to double check everything, and expect everyone they meet to be a threat. This surely encourages people to socialize, trade, group up, help one another etc.


I really don't get people who defend scammers.

But hey, if it's allowed, than nothing's wrong with it, yeah?


I am sure I could get 'revenge' on gaming community by placing my own listings on GTN to scam them off their credits. This would surely be profitable -someone's bound to fall for it sooner or later. But it would be just wrong. I was obviously raised better than this.

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This is the type of QOL changes that we need, rather than the nerfs, etc. that Bioware prefers to give us. I've fallen for it too, losing millions and killing my interest i the game. It doesn't matter anymore for me, though. Here since beta, we're finally gone once our current subs expire.


What sort of QoL change would fix this. The price is listed, people just aren't paying attention. The last thing we need is another confirm button that says "Hey, did you read the price? Is that REALLY what you want to pay? Are you sure? Did you double check the price?"

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