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I never get MVP.


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mvp dosent give much.. so dont care so much.. I think its good that you can vote on someone that saved you... or voting for someone that worked as a leader.


I mostly heal.. so I get 2-4 votes every game.. but at one point I got 6 votes! .. that game I had both most healing done and I worked as a leader.. wrote a lot.. gave warnings when ppl where moving and where they were moving.. said were defense was needed ect.. some ppl actually vote for a good leader.

Edited by Leefn
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I vote for who I thought did the best... but I see idiots voting for people that did nothing in hopes the MVP vote will swing their way because they gave random votes to ones they knew did nothing. The voting system for MVP needs to just be done by the AI... give it to those with the most medals, objectives completed! And damaging, healing and kills should play a smaller factor. Edited by Camthylion
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The only thing I'd like is to be able to vote for the opposite faction as well.


That would be great, though I think only 10%-20% would use it correctly. There's often one or two Imps that particularly frustrate me, and honestly, I have better knowledge at the end of the game of what the Imps did then our own team apart from the people in our pvp group.

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heal > protect > objective > kills > damage.


objective and damage dont mean anything really.

there might be 10 people capping a flag, only one gets it. so it doesnt show anything.


as with damage. someone might be brainlessly hitting people in the middle of nowhere, no point.

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I play as a Sith Marauder and I won't lie I am pretty good. I am often number one in damage, kills, and objective. However I never get MVP. Not even a single vote. I always drop predation (10% resistance to damage + 15% movement speed) I always jump to help a teamate, sometimes even causing me to get killed.(Teamate runs away, I get quadteamed). I'm a fairly decent scorer on huttball and an absolute monster on civil war.


However I always see the mvp votes go to the guy with half of everything I get. I think people get butthurt and just vote for some random or their friend. Pretty stupid, IMO. Could we maybe have different awards? Like most damage on team, most damage overall, most heals, most kills etc?


Anybody else feel like the get screwed out of MVP?


Not to flame you but you dont finish first in these categories. And that's why you're not MVP. Warriors NEVER finish first and hardly ever get MVP. Ranged DPS rules the day in PvP right now. Why wouldn't they when they create 25 percent or so more damage and have snares that last up to five seconds. The Devs were overly cautious not to have the SW be dominate.

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Also, if you're not getting it, it just means somebody else is playing better, communicating better, and paying more attention to winning the game.


I actually lol'd when I read this. Not sure if troll or just retarded. Thanks for the laugh either way :)

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I vote for who I thought did the best... but I see idiots voting for people that did nothing in hopes the MVP vote will swing their way because they gave random votes to ones they knew did nothing. The voting system for MVP needs to just be done by the AI... give it to those with the most medals, objectives completed! And damaging, healing and kills should play a smaller factor.


So tanks get MVP all the time?

You can do a good amount of dmg to the get the dmg medals. Then use your guard. Then use a health pack that heals for 2.5k then sit at an objective. People will attack you at the objective so you can work on getting kills and such. Medals are easy to manipulate.

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I play as a Sith Marauder and I won't lie I am pretty good. I am often number one in damage, kills, and objective. However I never get MVP. Not even a single vote. I always drop predation (10% resistance to damage + 15% movement speed) I always jump to help a teamate, sometimes even causing me to get killed.(Teamate runs away, I get quadteamed). I'm a fairly decent scorer on huttball and an absolute monster on civil war.


However I always see the mvp votes go to the guy with half of everything I get. I think people get butthurt and just vote for some random or their friend. Pretty stupid, IMO. Could we maybe have different awards? Like most damage on team, most damage overall, most heals, most kills etc?


Anybody else feel like the get screwed out of MVP?


protect healers and u get my mvp :p

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I don't feel like screwed, I am playing Jugg tank and I am quite often among the top people in objective/defend/overall point wise. I've only gotten MVP once, it doesn't bother me, if someone feels like their epeen should be stroked they should find something else to do with their lives. :rolleyes:
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Not to flame you but you dont finish first in these categories. And that's why you're not MVP. Warriors NEVER finish first and hardly ever get MVP. Ranged DPS rules the day in PvP right now. Why wouldn't they when they create 25 percent or so more damage and have snares that last up to five seconds. The Devs were overly cautious not to have the SW be dominate.


Exactly. I've finished first & second in both kills and dps a few times, but that is a fluke/outlier that is due more to the incompetence of pugs then a testament to my class or skill. Even as a level 50, whenever I queue with non-tank guildmates, even if they are < lvl 30, they will top me.

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I've got just as many MVP votes on my Knight as my Shadow. Really, no 2 people will vote the same.


Some people will vote highest damage, some will vote highest healing, some highest objective, some will combine stats, some will just vote for the person highest in the list.


Protection is valued less than heals and for the most part that makes sense, heals keep someone up indefinitely, protection does not, BUT protection makes heals worth more. I've died many times from guard damage to help keep a healer alive but people look at the board and go "well he prevented 50k, but that other guy healed 200k so he kept more people alive". It's an accurate statement but not black and white.


Some people will vote for a player they SEE doing something. I tend to find good DPS vote for DPS, Tanks vote for Healers, healers vote for Tanks... especially if they see the guard placed on them. This also works the other way though.. that a bad healer will see themself survive and assume it's because they were so good at healing themselves, not because the tank guarded them.


You cannot explain, understand or influence how ANYONE votes. If someone saves me with a well timed heal or even just a well timed CC, or say they ninja-cap an objective under someone's nose, that's worthy of a vote... numbers can't tell the whole story. If you don't see a feat of greatness, numbers come into play. I throw a stun on people to allow a healer time to run often, but don't get a vote because the healer doesn't realise etc. I don't hate them for it, they can't be expected to see all.


Ultimately, I think its hilarious how many MVP whine threads appear, its nothing why care? The only thing I even remotely care about it is recognition from the sense of getting the guild noticed. I wouldn't care if they removed the reward part of it one bit. If I'm not with a premade, I get 1+ vote at least 50% of the time, sometimes it makes no sense to get zero but it's no big deal... it amuses me how all these threads are "I'm the best guy every time but no one EVER VOTES, IVE HAD NONE, EVER" .. what have you done, played 2 warzones?


Infact, my preference is to make it 1 vote for your faction and one for the opposing, the opposing one NOT giving a reward (otherwise no one would ever cast it :p)... opponents are far more likley to notice you thwarting their final blow than your allies are. And don't allow leaving until you vote :D

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Me and some guildmates discussed this last night and decided the damage/kills/healing/objective numbers are worthless to MVP.


One of our team mates got the worst damage/healing in the Warfront 3 times in a row but we voted him MVP because we knew he ninjured all the objectives when we needed them rather than trying to top the scoreboard. I don't care that as a DPS class he got less DPS than a Gaurdian, he won us the Warfronts and deserved recognition.


It's the guys I notice doing useful stuff, dropping heals when they are needed, CC'ing the right person at the right time running to their death to stop us losing.


I am really glad to see I am not the only person that thinks the numbers don't tell the true story.

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It's the guys I notice doing useful stuff, dropping heals when they are needed, CC'ing the right person at the right time running to their death to stop us losing.


I am really glad to see I am not the only person that thinks the numbers don't tell the true story.



Spot on, even when pvp'ing with a guild group, I'll vote for whomever I notice.


Why is anyone complaining, according to almost every post here, everyone is the top killer or healer....damn, I guess there are no average players in the game, except for me, but, I am trying, practice, practice. BTW, the MVP thing sux, get rid of it BW.


Sadly just the fact that you're on this board & reading these threads make you better then a large percentage of those queueing up regardless of who's on top. I'm not sure why anyone is complaining about it since IMO it works as intended, it's a vote, sometimes you might not like how people vote but that's the way it works.

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I have given up on MVP I come 1st or 2nd in heals yet I get no votes for it. In my experience people vote for their friends or the guy with the big kill numbers. I don't go to war zones expecting anything but some commendations, experience and a little cash Edited by livewood
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