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Multiple sorc healers are destroying PvP for everybody else.


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Phasewalk needs to go first, this is game breaking on some maps, especially voidstar, never mind the fact that it's another heal to full ability for them.


Enduring bastion also needs to go, far too strong for such a mobile caster. Also the free win in acid is still ridiculous.


I would be happy with these 2 changes for now and see how things play out.


If you take these two away from DPS sorcs, then they will become freekills for every single melee.

We have to distinguish between healer sorcs and DPS sorcs. Healer sorcs are stupidly OP, they ridicule the whole point of PvP. But DPS sorcs are actually nop OP (although they're quite strong). The nerfs should first inc for healer sorcs alone. If DPS sorcs are too strong, then they should be nerfed on their own, but we shouldn't mix up these two and nerf and/or buff them together.

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Fun is a subjective concept... for me, and by your words looks like you think the same way as me, a fun experience consists of friendly players (PUG or premade doesn't matter) talking with each other, using tactics, working together. But for others fun is winning and having the best gear possible no matter what... Each player has his own concept of fun, so it's difficult to please everyone. In my opinion the challenge is to find a group of players that see things like you regarding fun and play with them.and i think that will lead you to the best experience possible.


Yeah, you're right that the main challange is finding the right "group of people" to play with - but even so, pvp needs to be *fun* even when those players aren't online.


And while i agree that fun might a subjective concept, im not overly convinced that any overwhelming number of players find stalemate matches entertaining. Im also painfully aware of BW's epic trackrecord on breaking pvp with their patches, but i can't for the life of me understand why healers/tanks aren't evenly distributed across same faction teams queueing for WZ's, at least to some degree. :rak_02:

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All I see is a bunch of chicken littles on the forums. As soon as a class gets a little over tuned its "OMG BW! Fix! NERF! They ruin the game because I can't figure out what an interrupt is! I can't be bothered to use my class' full toolkit so you need to nerf X class until I can face roll them!"


What I mean to say is that yes, Sorc healers are currently over tuned. However they are not over tuned in raw healing output (Remember, Static Barrier counts as HEALING done when is absorbs damage), they are over tuned in MOBILITY (not to be confused with SURVIVABILITY). They only reason why sorc healers are performing as well as they are is because they can get away from you.


In the interest of tunning down mobility, here is the list of APPROPRIATE changes that should be made to bring Sorc healers in line with OP healers:


1) Change Force Mobility

-Replace Innervate for Dark Infusion


2) Change Phasewalk

-Reduce the distance from 60m to 30m


3) Modify Force Surge

-Each stack of Force Surge reduces Revivification cast time by 0.5 seconds (No more instant cast)



Now, there is a downside to you melee if Force Mobility gets changed. Should more Sorc Healers (like myself) stop using Force Mobility (because its a crutch and not needed), you will see much more Backlash (Bubble Stun) usage. Personally I think that any Sorc healer not using Backlash and Shapeless Spirit are gimping their survivability.


Phase walk should either be removed or changed as above. It should not be a "I reset the combat" ability. It should be a way for the healer to tactically move about the battle field.


Insta cast Reviv is not necessary at all. We are not spazzoid maras, you can stop moving for .5 seconds.

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Ya big baby. Have you ever made a post that wasn't b*tchmoaningandcomplaining? We get it. You don't know how to deal with sorc healers.


Jesus Christ... Pull your skirt down.


Yea, because you CANT just "deal with sorc healers" They are damn near unkillable. You get em down to 30% HP? God Bubble + Phase Walk and Heal 2 Full. You try killing em from Range as a Sniper? Force Speed > Stun > Phase Walk away. It's literally a gigantic catch 22 on how to kill one without pulling away people from working towards an objective. They need to nerf the **** out of Roaming Mend and God Bubble to make them even remotely balanced. A smart heal like Roaming Mend should not be healing for 15k+ crit ticks when it's fire and forget. If it was like Progressive Scan, I'd be fine with it.

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...pvp needs to be *fun* even when those players aren't online.

True... 100% with you on that.


And while i agree that fun might a subjective concept, im not overly convinced that any overwhelming number of players find stalemate matches entertaining.

You'd be surprised with what some players think about what is and what isn't fun... LOL


Hey, but i'm on your side mate! PvP MUST CHANGE...

Edited by pjaogg
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Just had a Voidstar with 5 sorcs on one side and 4 sorcs on the other side. At least 3 of them were healers, in each team. None of the teams managed to open the first door. The match can be summarized as a collection of futile attempts to stop the gods of heal on both sides. Nothing more. Nothing else happened. Large amounts of damage were produced and completely soaked up by huuuuuge amounts of heal. There were no kills.


In general:

The one and only objective of current PvP = to chase invincible healers without a chance of success. BW should award legendary medals and titles to the very few people who actually managed to kill one, or at least to shut one down for a few secs.

Edited by Cretinus
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Just had a Voidstar with 5 sorcs on one side and 4 sorcs on the other side. At least 3 of them were healers, in each team. None of the teams managed to open the first door. The match can be summarized as a collection of futile attempts to stop the gods of heal on both sides. Nothing more. Nothing else happened. Large amounts of damage were produced and completely soaked up by huuuuuge amounts of heal. There were no kills.


In general:

The one and only objective of current PvP = to chase invincible healers without a chance of success. BW should award legendary medals and titles to the very few people who actually managed to kill one, or at least to shut one down for a few secs.


Interestingly enough, I had 2 healers on my team (sorc/merc) and the enemy team had 2 sorc healers 1 op healer on their team. In the voidstar the games still went on a long time, but we were able to "convince" the enemy team to go to one side, so all 3 enemy healers were there. That enabled 2 DPSers to quickly take on the 1-2 people on the other side and cap the door, as the enemy team frantically tried to get to the other door in time (it was close, I had stopped a sage who was close to being in range to stopping the cap). So, while we only got one door down, we did manage to win, because of how we rotated better.

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All I see is a bunch of chicken littles on the forums. As soon as a class gets a little over tuned its "OMG BW! Fix! NERF! They ruin the game because I can't figure out what an interrupt is! I can't be bothered to use my class' full toolkit so you need to nerf X class until I can face roll them!"


What I mean to say is that yes, Sorc healers are currently over tuned. However they are not over tuned in raw healing output (Remember, Static Barrier counts as HEALING done when is absorbs damage), they are over tuned in MOBILITY (not to be confused with SURVIVABILITY). They only reason why sorc healers are performing as well as they are is because they can get away from you.


In the interest of tunning down mobility, here is the list of APPROPRIATE changes that should be made to bring Sorc healers in line with OP healers:


1) Change Force Mobility

-Replace Innervate for Dark Infusion


2) Change Phasewalk

-Reduce the distance from 60m to 30m


3) Modify Force Surge

-Each stack of Force Surge reduces Revivification cast time by 0.5 seconds (No more instant cast)



Now, there is a downside to you melee if Force Mobility gets changed. Should more Sorc Healers (like myself) stop using Force Mobility (because its a crutch and not needed), you will see much more Backlash (Bubble Stun) usage. Personally I think that any Sorc healer not using Backlash and Shapeless Spirit are gimping their survivability.


Phase walk should either be removed or changed as above. It should not be a "I reset the combat" ability. It should be a way for the healer to tactically move about the battle field.


Insta cast Reviv is not necessary at all. We are not spazzoid maras, you can stop moving for .5 seconds.


It's not just mobility but also resource management. A sorc/sage has a much, much easier time at managing their resources than what a merc/mando does. If it comes down to crunch time a merc/mando is going to burn through all of their resources, and their Vent Heat/recharge Cells, faor quicker than a sorc/sage will.


In addition to your suggestions, I would also either increase the cost of their heals or decrease the cost of merc/mando healing abilities.

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The majority of your posts are whining about sorc/sage healers, snipers, premades etc, because you keep losing over and over. You are the common theme in all those issues. I do not have any of your problems.



This and this ^


We should get everyone running 4 mando premades and watch as the QQ changes....

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The only change I'd like to see for sorc sage (healers only) is to have phase walk disabled in arenas its fine in reg warzones but I think it breaks arena maps, also There is no doubt sorcs are in a good place they are one of the most popular classes and you will see a lot of them, but unless you can do reliably 1500-2k + dps then you just need to shut up about sorcs, the amount of useless dps in this game is unbelievable so learn to deal some damage before you complain.
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The only change I'd like to see for sorc sage (healers only) is to have phase walk disabled in arenas its fine in reg warzones but I think it breaks arena maps, also There is no doubt sorcs are in a good place they are one of the most popular classes and you will see a lot of them, but unless you can do reliably 1500-2k + dps then you just need to shut up about sorcs, the amount of useless dps in this game is unbelievable so learn to deal some damage before you complain.


ahaha no this isnt going to happen :D

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yes thnx my point exactly on average i get 2-3mil range heals every so often 4mil deoends on how intense a wz can be . Really tho theres a thing called LEARNING TO FOCUS ONE TARGET AT A TIME i know i know its wayyyy to hard to do . Even a really well skilled sorc will get beat if ppl just l2focus thats your #1 problem. #2 problem is you dont know how to play your class nor do you know how to hit them at their weak points to take them down . #3 depends on how skilled they are face it even random teams have that one player tgat just is way better skilled it happens. Im just so tired of this community and its l2play issuses . First if all thats how class balances got ****** up to begin with !!! . Too many butthurt ppl who cant figure out their classes or use google ....like **** google can help ? YES it can ...... back to the point . Im tired og ppl QQing so hard on forums asking fir nerfs left n right then buffs again then nerfs again etc and you ppl wonder why theres a balance issue ..... i hate to say this but its realky not biowares fault ...its yours ...since a majority of you sit n cry on forums all day. I main a sorc heals fir pvp n were not as op as you think we are . Like i said above its the focusing . And in termof cus Edited by LordKitana
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And in terms of focusing really comes down ro be a dps check and this cannot happen if you dont know how to play your class . Yes yes QQ to us all day but the truth shows bcuz obv you learned nothing and still here crying ...rather tgen looking up guides on google on how to get better .So really yes learn how to play or stop crying . Remember your the reason for all this balancing **** in the first place wuth all your back n forth crying im tired of hearing it. USE GOOGLE ....
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"Even a really well skilled sorc will get beat if ppl just l2focus"


This would be true if:


1) Everyone and their mother wasn't rolling a tank or healer.

2) Sorcs didn't have Phasewalk and heal 2 full, along with their godbubble and many other dcds.


You would need 3 - 6 dps to make a sorc play defensively, but that frees up the rest of the team to focus on objectives.

It's a losing scenario 100% of the time. I've seen a single tank and a sorc defend nodes successfully against 6 people. It's ridiculous.

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