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Multiple sorc healers are destroying PvP for everybody else.


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Healers can be absolutely crazy ATM I agree. Especially sorcs and well played ops. However, I think the problem is the lack of heal debuffs. Only one class gets one. Giving one or two more classes a heal debuff could help. A well played Mara/sent seems to make a huge difference when fight a sorc.
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Healers can be absolutely crazy ATM I agree. Especially sorcs and well played ops. However, I think the problem is the lack of heal debuffs. Only one class gets one. Giving one or two more classes a heal debuff could help. A well played Mara/sent seems to make a huge difference when fight a sorc.


Immortal/Defense + Darkness/Kinetic Combat + Shield Spec + Marksman/Sharpshooter/Engineering/Saboteur/Virulance/Dirty Fighting + Annihilation/Watchman/Carnage/Combat/Fury/Concentration = 1 class??? Someone needs to redo his basic maths.

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Healers can be absolutely crazy ATM I agree. Especially sorcs and well played ops. However, I think the problem is the lack of heal debuffs. Only one class gets one. Giving one or two more classes a heal debuff could help. A well played Mara/sent seems to make a huge difference when fight a sorc.


no. ops are completely fine. their big single target healing is laughable and they have to give up gcd in order to create gaps to melee. because of this it is justified that they are very slippery and have great multitarget healing.


sorcs on the other hand just can spamm heals and kite at the same time, port away at the same time and force speed at the same time.



Comparing ops to sorcs is not a good thing. ops are balanced. they are exactly where they should be. mercs are behind and sorcs ... no comment

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Immortal/Defense + Darkness/Kinetic Combat + Shield Spec + Marksman/Sharpshooter/Engineering/Saboteur/Virulance/Dirty Fighting + Annihilation/Watchman/Carnage/Combat/Fury/Concentration = 1 class??? Someone needs to redo his basic maths.


Just came back and did not know they added extra healing debuffs. Thanks for being a jerk about it though.


All that does is make me think it is even more of a learn to play issue. Since I've returned more people seem to be concerned with total damage on the scoreboard and death matching than objectives.

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On behalf of those of us who have mained sage heals since launch, who the heck where you whining and sulking about when we were not viable ? I actually dont play my mains so much anymore due to whining little brats like you sending harassment ims after warzones, lucky for me, I play all ACs, and have another 15 geared PVP toons to use instead.


On that note, here's an idea, learn to play other classes, and learn their weaknesses, I am not remotely worried on my dps toons when we have sorc/sage heals on other side, above all learn to play the warzone, not the opposition.


Let me guess, you were instrumental in the premades are ruining pvp threads, old nerf operative healing threads, and in the old nerf smash monkeys threads, though I would suspect you most likely main a smash monkey so maybe not? Common theme in your losses perhaps? You?


Play the objectives, stop crying the moment you see a sorc healer and win. Forget kills, distract, make them run to sides on ACW for example, or whine and sulk, and live up to your name, and feel free to lose.


Every dog has its day, I wonder who you will be failing to beat next.


As a reminder to your ever so short memory, allow me to quote you from yesteryear, when other classes had their days in the sun.














Seems to me, you just enjoy a good old moan and blame anything and everything but yourself for losing. Not to mention, you quite like throwing out quality advice...................:eek:




I was wrong wasn't I? You don't play smash monkey, you are maining a sniper/slinger? I knew it !


Hahahaha!!! Owned that ***. Cretinus always *****es about everything and threatens to quit, but never does lol.

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Is that all you have got ? I mean, come on, with all the whining you do in every nerf thread around I would have thought you would have some rationale arguments to back up the information you pick out of your backside.


Time is the most precious resource that we have. I won't waste my share of it with superfluous disputes. You have a nice weekend.

Edited by Cretinus
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no. ops are completely fine. their big single target healing is laughable and they have to give up gcd in order to create gaps to melee. because of this it is justified that they are very slippery and have great multitarget healing.


sorcs on the other hand just can spamm heals and kite at the same time, port away at the same time and force speed at the same time.



Comparing ops to sorcs is not a good thing. ops are balanced. they are exactly where they should be. mercs are behind and sorcs ... no comment


Ops are slightly under-tuned without a guard, but hey are faceroll easy with a tank that guard swaps; the only reason ops seem to be balanced is because they are not designed to heal through copious amounts of burst and that is the current meta, if the meta shifted to a heavy dot/aoe dps next week operative healers would be the top healer again.


The funny thing is that as soon as sorcs are nerfed operatives healers will be the next target, because the premade teams running trinity comps will simply swap to operatives and we'll have Cretinus in here ************ about operative healers day after day, except it will be worse because pugs will have less healers in queue because no one wants to solo queue as a healing ac that lacks the tools to deal with the current meta.

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Ops are slightly under-tuned without a guard, but hey are faceroll easy with a tank that guard swaps; the only reason ops seem to be balanced is because they are not designed to heal through copious amounts of burst and that is the current meta, if the meta shifted to a heavy dot/aoe dps next week operative healers would be the top healer again.


The funny thing is that as soon as sorcs are nerfed operatives healers will be the next target, because the premade teams running trinity comps will simply swap to operatives and we'll have Cretinus in here ************ about operative healers day after day, except it will be worse because pugs will have less healers in queue because no one wants to solo queue as a healing ac that lacks the tools to deal with the current meta.


Top healer does not mean op.

If all healers were balanced ops would be top healer in team ranked simply because of how their heals work. hot classes, similar to dot class will always have superior hps to burshealers. In a team ranked scenario with guard and people using cds correctly the strong sustained heals are slightly more valuable than bursty spotheals.

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Top healer does not mean op.

If all healers were balanced ops would be top healer in team ranked simply because of how their heals work. hot classes, similar to dot class will always have superior hps to burshealers. In a team ranked scenario with guard and people using cds correctly the strong sustained heals are slightly more valuable than bursty spotheals.


How is that balanced then, if by their very mechanics operative/scoundrel healers would be the best healer if all three healers were balanced?


If your statement is true then mercs and sorcs actually need to be stronger than operatives in order for them to be competitive.


Frankly, if they take away enet I'm 100% behind mercs being the next meta healer (and I personally do not enjoy merc/mando heals); we had to deal with ops being the meta healer from 1.2-3.0 and while I want them to be viable (which they are), I have zero desire to see them return to being the defacto meta healer.

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On behalf of those of us who have mained sage heals since launch, who the heck where you whining and sulking about when we were not viable ? I actually dont play my mains so much anymore due to whining little brats like you sending harassment ims after warzones, lucky for me, I play all ACs, and have another 15 geared PVP toons to use instead.


On that note, here's an idea, learn to play other classes, and learn their weaknesses, I am not remotely worried on my dps toons when we have sorc/sage heals on other side, above all learn to play the warzone, not the opposition.


Let me guess, you were instrumental in the premades are ruining pvp threads, old nerf operative healing threads, and in the old nerf smash monkeys threads, though I would suspect you most likely main a smash monkey so maybe not? Common theme in your losses perhaps? You?


Play the objectives, stop crying the moment you see a sorc healer and win. Forget kills, distract, make them run to sides on ACW for example, or whine and sulk, and live up to your name, and feel free to lose.


Every dog has its day, I wonder who you will be failing to beat next.


As a reminder to your ever so short memory, allow me to quote you from yesteryear, when other classes had their days in the sun.














Seems to me, you just enjoy a good old moan and blame anything and everything but yourself for losing. Not to mention, you quite like throwing out quality advice...................:eek:




I was wrong wasn't I? You don't play smash monkey, you are maining a sniper/slinger? I knew it !


Thanx, man, really.

So much whining, omg xD

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Healer + marauder = 4 dps (and healer + marauder with brains = 12 dps, but this doesn't happen often). Healer + tank = 7 dps. Healer + healer = 6 dps. Great fun this game. Healer uber alles.


[Omg it's Cretinus again! Don't worry, healers are fine. It's only Cretinus who's bad. Healers (and in particular sorc healers) are super balanced. Cretinus needs to l2p. It's his fault.]

Edited by Cretinus
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Well something needs to be done. At least if BW have any interest in providing an entertaining pvp experience to the majority of the playerbase imo.


It doesn't really matter if a premade can take down a healer + tank or 2 healers + tank etc, because fact is that the majority of the playerbase will not aquire that knowledge, skill and cooperation. The result is static healthbars.


When i queue up for a wz, i want it to be entertaining both in a PUG and in a premade. I usually run solo when i play daytime and premades at evenings/nights...and in all honesty, stalemates are happening way more often now then before in pugs. And it's simply not fun.


If they're not gonna tune down healing in one way or another, they need to implement a better matchmaking system imo. For exmaple, why the f**k does one team get 2 healers while the other gets none, and it's a same faction arena? Just dividing healers logically between teams where it is possible would go a long way imo - and that wouldn't have to effect queue times either.

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Well something needs to be done. At least if BW have any interest in providing an entertaining pvp experience to the majority of the playerbase imo.

I think nowadays 85% of players agree with you.


When i queue up for a wz, i want it to be entertaining both in a PUG and in a premade. I usually run solo when i play daytime and premades at evenings/nights...and in all honesty, stalemates are happening way more often now then before in pugs. And it's simply not fun.

Fun is a subjective concept... for me, and by your words looks like you think the same way as me, a fun experience consists of friendly players (PUG or premade doesn't matter) talking with each other, using tactics, working together. But for others fun is winning and having the best gear possible no matter what... Each player has his own concept of fun, so it's difficult to please everyone. In my opinion the challenge is to find a group of players that see things like you regarding fun and play with them.and i think that will lead you to the best experience possible.


If they're not gonna tune down healing in one way or another, they need to implement a better matchmaking system imo. For exmaple, why the f**k does one team get 2 healers while the other gets none, and it's a same faction arena? Just dividing healers logically between teams where it is possible would go a long way imo - and that wouldn't have to effect queue times either.

Seriously i think that they don't know how to fix things properly anymore. There are so many variables involved that, it's like you fix on one side and you'll be messing with the other end... Honestly i think they should re-think PvP concept, and keep it appart from PvE and History content, a bit like GSF, but not exactly as, since i think PvP experiences should be done without gear advantage (if you play GSF you know what i mean)... I've been playing this game since it started and the community had to adapt to so many things, that we could live if PvP was re-thinked. One thing i would like to see was cross-server PvP implemented. Regarding having the same number of healers in PvP Wz's on each team i think that would make you wait forever in a PvP queue (could be minimized with cross-server PvP). I also think they could even mix PvP between factions, for example having players from Empire and Republic playing together on same team... I know... The Republic vs Empire eternal struggle wouldn't make sense, but isn't that what they're doing with the Story right now? Mixing things? For me it would make more sense to have Light Side Players vs Dark Side players (although i also think that could also be a bad choice in terms of waiting for PvP WZ's) but would make more sense for me. Hey, but those are just my thoughts, and opinions... :D

Edited by pjaogg
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Sorcerers are a massive problem right now. Sorc healers are disgustingly overpowered right now and in need of a serious nerf, but that's not even the biggest problem. The big issue right now is not just that they're overpowered but the number of them playing is out of control.


After a number of games full of sorcerers last night, I decided to take count of the last 6 games I played. Of the 48 players on enemy team, 32 were sorcerers, and of the 32, 21 were healers. It is getting ridiculous right now. Having 3 sorc healers on enemy team is bad enough but there's always a tank in there too. Really unfun games.


On top of that, I'm seeing more and more premades running 3 sorcerers + tank. This is unwinnable for a pug and I can't understand what kind of fun they're getting from doing this.


Sorcerers have always been a popular class and because of the sheer size of the sorc population, they cannot be allowed to continue on in such an overpowered state.


Phasewalk needs to go first, this is game breaking on some maps, especially voidstar, never mind the fact that it's another heal to full ability for them.


Enduring bastion also needs to go, far too strong for such a mobile caster. Also the free win in acid is still ridiculous.


I would be happy with these 2 changes for now and see how things play out.

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