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Multiple sorc healers are destroying PvP for everybody else.


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Its FOTM effect. When I play a healer sorc and I am the lone healer on the team or there is another tank/healer and its fine. Any more and it becomes pointless snoozefest and nobody dies. But these days tanks and healers become abundand. Irregardless of balance as long as ability to stack healers/tanks remains it will lead to boring games and as Bio is unwilling to address that the only left option is to force less people to play healers by making them harder to play or reduce healing output.

Edited by Arunas
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I like to log on my 65 sage every 3-5 days, and see what numbers I put up. I aint kidding, with rust and all I always put up great numbers.


I guess it must really feel awesome to some players who think their huge numbers really indicate skill. I particularly love the healing sorcs/sages that talk crap and /laugh etc.


When they get nerfed, I hope the class is destroyed. Just for a year or two. They deserve it.


Ok, I am kidding, I just hope they get toned down and at least become rewarding to play again. Soon. :p

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This. So much this. It's making warzones so utterly frustrating. I hate short TTK in any game, but the current situation is out of hand. I also get frustrated at the utter lack of BW interation with players when it comes to stuff like this. It means I have no idea if they see it as a problem, care if it is one or have plans to change it. I really wish they should get someone to work on the whole communication aspect, they really are one of the worst MMO companies when it comes to interaction.
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Not really. I want to add that I find in my personal experience there seems to be an extremely high, no a gargantuan volume of players unlike anything I've seen in mmorpg PVP gaming in this game in particular that do not want to team up and focus down or even mark the healers. I have completely jumped off the bandwagon of "nerf sorc/sage heals" because of what has become an "I can DPS this target myself even with the healer healing them" epidemic among the players of this game. Edited by lunardiscotheque
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Weird...the last 6 matches i was in i was on a madness sorc and the opposing team had 2 sorc healers and a merc or op healer and a tank....i went 6-0. Must be a dps issue on your end...


Keep in mind that you're an EXTREMELY strong player. A skill machine. An exception. One can't say much about balance if one of the teams has you. This will distort things and make the other team look like NPCs on prozac. No matter how many sorc healers and/or tanks they have, no matter how fantastic they actually are.

Edited by Cretinus
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Welcome to another nerf healers thread by Cretinus. You are, if nothing else, very persistant.

You might even be the very first poster from PVP forums that Bioware will actually read, considering the sheer number of these threads. In 2017 maybe :rak_01:

Edited by wmst
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I was playing an arena recently and a opposing team with 4 dps took out a team of 3 healers (2 sorc healers and 1 merc healer) and a dps in 2 rounds. I don't think its nessesarily the heals that are the issue. It is peoples inability to properly focus targets and also people not using their interupts on healers. Scoundrel healers are the only ones that aren't as affected by interupts, but their heals aren't quite as bursty as mercs or sage heals are. If a team of dps is working together, they can surely take out a teams of healers. It won't be super easy and sure it will be frustrating, but it is possible and I am glad you showed your picture you posted in the link, because it proves that even if the opponenets have 3-4 healers pumping out 1mil+ heals it doesn't gaurentee victory. Nice pic!

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that do not want to team up and focus down or even mark the healers.


If there are - just as an example - 4 Sorcs in one match on one side - WHICH of them is the healer ? And whom do you mark ? Or do you mark all 4 ?


And teaming up against - whom ? Who is actually the Healer Sorc of these 4 ?

And if there are more than 1 Sorc Healer - whoim do you team up ahainst FIRST ?

Or do you decide this spontaneously ? Or randomly ? Or ... ? By which measure, actually ?

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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If there are - just as an example - 4 Sorcs in one match on one side - WHICH of them is the healer ? And whom do you mark ? Or do you mark all 4 ?


And teaming up against - whom ? Who is actually the Healer Sorc of these 4 ?

And if there are more than 1 Sorc Healer - whoim do you team up ahainst FIRST ?

Or do you decide this spontaneously ? Or randomly ? Or ... ? By which measure, actually ?


You don't do any of these things, I would tell you what you do IRL but they'd remove my post for being innapropriate instructions.


Let's just say, unless they are all PVE geared noobs, it would be an act in futility trying to kill anyone in this match lol. As the numbers show in the pic.

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If there are - just as an example - 4 Sorcs in one match on one side - WHICH of them is the healer ? And whom do you mark ? Or do you mark all 4 ?


And teaming up against - whom ? Who is actually the Healer Sorc of these 4 ?

And if there are more than 1 Sorc Healer - whoim do you team up ahainst FIRST ?

Or do you decide this spontaneously ? Or randomly ? Or ... ? By which measure, actually ?

There are two easy ways this can be done:

  • Look for 2 specific skills they are casting. Innervate/healing trance and revivification/salvation (This one you should not see them casting but you'll at least know there is one in the area by seeing the animation).
  • If you look at their buffs, you'll see the one which they get from crits when using innervate/healing trance. If you are unfamiliar with what this looks like, ask someone on fleet to show you (I would ask preferably in the PvP area).


Now you can mark 4 healers (I always do). From here it becomes strategy which can be formed during group play. I'll throw out some ideas, but I'd rather keep some of these imps in the dark ;)


And one more thing just to note because it really was upsetting (this guys name is "Sinner") is to constantly switch markers to your specific target because you think it's helping the group out. His reasoning was that he had them keybound...The rest of us could care less. In all honestly it's more frustrating than anything after marking heals and then someone goes ahead and switches it again and again every 30 seconds. /QQ.

Edited by DieLikeAHero
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Of course it would probably be faster to just learn how to deal with healers.....

Yeah why don't you *********** tell us how? Get 5 well coordinated DPS with TS3/Vent to chain their CCs and bursts on a singular Sorc/Sage, in which case they'd bubble and now their team can mop us up?


Oh hold up, turns out that Sorc/Sage now has a tank and you need 10 well coordinated DPS with TS3/Vent to chain their CCs and bursts for a singular Sorc/Sage.

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And while were nerfing sorc healers, let's also take a look at stun locking, perma slow, and classes that have multiple stun breaks, as well as being able to use most of their abilities while on the move.


There's a lot more than just issues with sorc heals, so if were going to bring out the nerf bat, lets put all of the problems on the table and just rectify them with one swing.

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And while were nerfing sorc healers, let's also take a look at stun locking, perma slow, and classes that have multiple stun breaks, as well as being able to use most of their abilities while on the move.


There's a lot more than just issues with sorc heals, so if were going to bring out the nerf bat, lets put all of the problems on the table and just rectify them with one swing.


Careful how far you take this. A lot of the things you suggest would make pvp rather boring.

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I agree.


The other night I was playing my operative and I got the sorc healer away from his group, got him down to about 20%health after 2mins, including his force bubble.


A healer should never be allowed to out heal a dps WITH stuns/interrupts used properly on them but he happily just sat there doing it. Ok you might ask why was I trying to 1v1 a healer and the answer is I wanted to test out how much of a joke this class is at healing.


I really do hope bioware nerf the c*** out of this class soon.


1 tank 1 sorc healer = usually a loss if my team has no healer

Edited by -Healius-
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I really do hope bioware nerf the c*** out of this class soon.


Nerfing the crap out of something is not a good idea. Making a spec unplayable and alienating a part of the community who legitimately love to play this class is not a good idea. Sorc/sage players have as much right as you as other players to have a competitive class. I agree that some things should be corrected. Sages should never have had phasewalk for example, but nerfing a class because people aren't able to play correctly is not a good idea


1 tank 1 sorc healer = usually a loss if my team has no healer


Continuing on what I said, I played an arena ealier this week where the opposing team had a tank and a healer while we were 4 dps. We didn't lose hope and all 4 of us focused the healer who died faster than his reflex permitted him to bubble. We destroyed the rest of the team afterwards. 2nd round went exactly the same way except the healer had time to bubble. When under bubble we all switched target then burned the sage when his bubble finished. We won the 2nd round as well.


The only problem is the inability for people to think properly. How many dps have you seen bursting the bubble of a sage ? Or switching target and coming long after the sage has healed to full ?


Some tweaking are needed, but not a huge nerf. But the main thing is people need a buff to their brain, byt BW can't do anything about that.

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Nerfing the crap out of something is not a good idea. Making a spec unplayable and alienating a part of the community who legitimately love to play this class is not a good idea. Sorc/sage players have as much right as you as other players to have a competitive class. I agree that some things should be corrected. Sages should never have had phasewalk for example, but nerfing a class because people aren't able to play correctly is not a good idea




Continuing on what I said, I played an arena ealier this week where the opposing team had a tank and a healer while we were 4 dps. We didn't lose hope and all 4 of us focused the healer who died faster than his reflex permitted him to bubble. We destroyed the rest of the team afterwards. 2nd round went exactly the same way except the healer had time to bubble. When under bubble we all switched target then burned the sage when his bubble finished. We won the 2nd round as well.


The only problem is the inability for people to think properly. How many dps have you seen bursting the bubble of a sage ? Or switching target and coming long after the sage has healed to full ?


Some tweaking are needed, but not a huge nerf. But the main thing is people need a buff to their brain, byt BW can't do anything about that.


The entire pvp community is being alienated by one spec, by allowing it to heal at a 20% higher level over the other healers.


Yeah I honestly don't know the answer to how they balance sorc heals so that it's not over-performing in regs and still manages to operate well in 4v4 or ranked.


If they gimp sorc heals, then it will probably be pretty useless in 4v4s. In this vein, I think it's most appropriate to adjust the spec for the game mode which is most played and that is regs and 8v8s.


It's a fact that more people play 8v8s, and as it stands healing sorcs are too stupid-easy and healing for too much in 8v8s.


You don't even need multiple sorcs healing to make an 8v8 wz broken, all you need is 1 great sorc healer and a decent tank and you pretty much have one team that is destined for a win, particularly if the other team has no heals.

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Rolled my sage hlz into a few matches a couple weeks ago. Had no PvP gear, and mostly 208/216 vendor gear (which is **** to begin with). Had no issues being at least moderately effective in WZs and rarely died. I can't do that with pretty much any other class/spec. Although 1v1 on my guardian I feel sage/sorcs have gotten a lot squishier in 4.0. Take what you want from that. *shrug*
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