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What if you don't need a full time healers just a spot heal here and there? I used to run treek exclusively pretty much for that reason. I know the point of the revamp was to create more options for companion but in terms of functionality, not so much. Couple that with losing the ability to gear them out cosmetically and you see the same companions running around on fleet.


Anyways there are skill slots for companions not being used. Couldn't BW get creative here and give them some unique skills?


How about a slider? 40% heals 60% dps etc?


Basically if you are a dps class with off heals you are in a better place than a pure dps because you have more options of companions. A tank player might not need a healer 100% of the time so a dps companion with a heal here and there would be most useful. Either way it opens up options for players.

How high is your influence? I find that my healing comps also seem to do some pretty fair DPS and occasional tanking (well, more off-tanking), especially once their influence gets up there. Even still, I like your slider idea.
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