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Level 50. My view of the current state of the game (wordy)


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Exactly what everyone's problem is... high expectations, average results. It hasn't even been a month yet. Calm down people.


And don't sit there and say "Quit saying 'it just came out' talk". MMO's take time to mature and polish.


Very typical in today's culture.... Instant Gratification and gets pissed when given something otherwise!



FOR THE EMPIRE :sy_empire:


my problem is that their are so many ability bugs and loot bug in the game and they are already telling us that their is a new flash point and operation coming out next month if they cant get the first ones that they have made to work like they should do you think the next ones will i have read the next patch notes and does not seem like they are putting alot of effort in to the major issues with it

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handful of people in the forums complaining

lots of threats to quit

and yet the servers are pretty populated if not full


That's pretty usual for a new mmo. People will play their free month to get their money's worth then you have a drop off as some of them decide to not sub.

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That's pretty usual for a new mmo. People will play their free month to get their money's worth then you have a drop off as some of them decide to not sub.


I don't get that logic though.

You don't like the game because it's so terrible and so flawed, you come to the forums and have to whine and whine and tell everyone not to play it then.. whats the point of wasting another 30 days on the game?

Those 30 days can most certainly be spent on something more productive. Heck, you could even re-sub your WoW/Rift or download the few P2P games which have gone F2P.


I mean come on.. 30 days to get your money's worth when you've spent like 7 days to get to level 50 by rushing through the content.. silly people.

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do you people ever stop?


QQ moar.



you all seem to look at the bad and ignore the good. the game will improve and will become great.



look at it as a stocked car. in a year you will get the rims paint and parts you want.




















Yes wow WAS a good time and OVER 7 years they had time to IMPROVE just like this game WILL!!!!

Edited by Mrpoodles
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Well I do not agree with that logic either. I do not want to be rude but if we recognise now that the game has serious flaws and are expecting the developers to correct them then I'd rather it is you that has to pay for those changes and pay the subscription and with your cash the game might become better. I can always come back six months or a year later if things do improve. Again, sorry for being rude. Edited by a_Stalker
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Those 30 days can most certainly be spent on something more productive. Heck, you could even re-sub your WoW/Rift or download the few P2P games which have gone F2P.


I did that, stopped playing 5 days ago, finished Saints Row 3 and I am playing Skyrim again.


Just went a few times online to check if my ticket got answered and after 8 days I recieved a one line long straight out lie, so that's that for this game and for Bioware. If you have to lie to your costumers you are done for me. Maybe I will buy Mass Effect 3, but I am not even sure about that. I used to buy every Bioware game day one for the last 10 years.


To be fair, it was not just SWtoR, Dragon Age 2 was already a mess, but I still had hope for this game. You sold out your company to the EA overlord and released this game in this state, so the only thing for me is to hope, that you will end like Bullfrog, Origin, Mythic or Westwood. If you do not have the integrity to say no and wait with the launch until the game is finished, then you deserve no better.

Edited by Nethrom
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I don't get that logic though.

You don't like the game because it's so terrible and so flawed, you come to the forums and have to whine and whine and tell everyone not to play it then.. whats the point of wasting another 30 days on the game?

Those 30 days can most certainly be spent on something more productive. Heck, you could even re-sub your WoW/Rift or download the few P2P games which have gone F2P.


I mean come on.. 30 days to get your money's worth when you've spent like 7 days to get to level 50 by rushing through the content.. silly people.


It matters not if you "get it". That's the way MMO launches go. The more fail in the MMO, the bigger the drop-off after the first month.

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Having reached level 50 5 days back and having a chance to do pvp, finish my class questline completely and run some flashpoints, I feel somewhat dissapointed overall. Now im not a cry baby troll looking for sympathy as I rage irrational expectations to the masses and declare "Im quitting" after investing a lot of time and 60 bucks into the game. The BIGGEST problems I feel this game has is as follows:


1. It really feels like a single player game with multiplayer functionality. (the diablo series is a good example of what I mean.) Every server is overpopped with empire and underpopped with republic. I rolled republic and its astounding how few of us there actually are. Another thing that contributes to this feeling is the constant storyzones and instances. Now dont get me wrong, I think bioware did a fantastic job with the story and the immersion of your character aspect. Unfortunately much of this is lost when you see how railed the zones and planets are. Everything feels like a straight line.


2. So many bugs. Now I am not naive enough and unrealistically demanding enough to expect a bug free MMO launch. Far from it. The problem here is many of the bugs are debilitating to the entire game and are broken/flawed core game mechanics. Examples: Ability delay (and at times they dont even go off at all), Raid Frames not updating properly and showing actual health (feel so bad for you healers), the absolute dependency on your companion for survival in everything outside of raids and pvp. The chat window becoming active if you click on it or near it on accident. The extremely buggy UI (again see the raid frames) and the fact that you cannot move it, customize it or change it in any way. The CC bar that displays that you cant be ccd for a short time seems to never work right. Im getting ccd when its full all the time. Abilities canceling themselves in mid attack because you happened to dodge or parry an attack. The guild window never updating. The list goes on and on. I have to reload the UI at least ten or more times per play session. These bugs were present in beta for a long time and were not ever addressed and dont even get me started on the fact that all my romantic storyline options with Kira Carsen are bugged. I have max affection rating with her and have had no dialogue with her at all. Constant settings getting changed back to defaults each time you zone. Confirmed bugs back in beta.


3. Features that the game should have but doesnt. A good example is the ability to /roll or the fact that you have to constantly run to your airlock and cant use your mount in the shipyard every time you want to leave a planet. The fact that when you queue for a WZ as a group and when the warzone ends you are no longer in a group. The inability to queue for the WZ that you wish to queue for. No mailbox on your ship. No dual spec feature and an extremely high cost to respec. The inability to search/filter properly on the AH.


4. PVP feels incredibly out of whack. I thought there was too much CC in WoW and then I played SWTOR. You move at less than 60% speed 90% of the WZ. The lack of brackets for pvp combat. The broken RNG system of getting pvp gear... why make getting pvp gear so RNG based? Feels like arch in WoW all over again. Of course I know the classes need to be balanced and that it takes time, I realize that and accept that. But how in the hell do you balance a game where level 50s are put on the same team as a level 10? No real rewards for world pvp at all. Even Ilum. Have done it, you get practically nothing.


Overall the game has potential if bioware can make the necessary changes and make them quickly. Right now though as a whole, the game feels unfinished. I am not a QQr crying for everything to be like wow, nor am I a fanboi. But the excuse I hear the most from fanbois when any issues are brought up is "They are adding that soon." or "They are doing that but it wasnt ready for launch." The WHOLE game wasnt ready for launch imo with so many glaring problems with basic core functionality that any modern MMO needs to have.


In the end I stand by my previous statement. The game feels like a single player game with multiplayer functionality. It doesnt feel like an mmo to me. Im not rage quitting, Im going to give bioware and EA a chance to make things right, but Im not going to wait around forever for basic functionality features and bugs that have been present since the first beta phase to be repaired. Worst case Id quit and come back in a few months if things are different.


The game has a lot going for it... Descent PVE flashpoints, awesome crafting system and a great storyline with descent voice acting, but in the end of that is all it has Id rather play SW:KOTOR 1/2 or Mass Effect because those have even better and more immersive stories.


Flame if you will.


I agree. I wasn't sure what to make of this game when I first played it, it felt like an MMO at first but as I got higher in levels I felt more like I was playing a single player game.

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The first long thread I have read on the forums which I agree on. I am so glad some people are not 'fanboys' and can just be honest and take the game for what it really is.


There is far too many problem for the game to be released with, ofcourse it will get better but it is unfortunate they rushed it for Christmas and we get quite a bit of a mess.



Some Major problems I feel that the OP have missed out though are;


1) CE Vendor - (infact make the the whoel of CE. To some up, worst CE of any CE ever made)

2) LS/DS Vendor - All it is, is just a bad selection of gloves and boots...

3) Too much money draining

4) Crew skills - Need made so all of them is actually useful



There are plenty more things but they spring to my mind straight away.

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Why is this an unreasonable expectation?


Blizzard set the bar with WoW, so if other companies aren't meeting the bar, why should people stoop down to poorly thought out games and unfinished products which ask for $15 a month?


It doesn't matter that the game just came out, they are trying to pull subscribers from WoW therefore they need to offer similar quality from the get go. If they aren't able to provide that then they should have stuck to single player games.


So you are saying that the amount of content that WoW has is to be expected at launch of every MMO that is to be released??? Should BW have thought more on the functions of some things like the AH... YES !!! But, a MMO is a living thing that is always changing and adapting itslef. Not every game is going to be loved by everyone but some games have done things better than others have. Some people prefered to play Call of Duty while others liked the Medal of Honor series. Same type of game yet different. Same is true in this situation with SWTOR and other MMO's. Not everyone will like this game.

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So you are saying that the amount of content that WoW has is to be expected at launch of every MMO that is to be released???


No, but they should learn from other MMO games like WoW.


The talent trees for example, if you put a lot of crappy talents in there, they are no fun. Blizzard already made that change quite some time ago. But in Star Wars you still get 2 Point talents for 4% more shield probability and things like that.


It's not bad if you learn from others. The problem is, that this games feels in it's core like a game from 2008 not 2011.

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What do you want at level 50 I don't understand? You don't raid, won't do endgame flashpoints, won't bother collecting datacrons, won't craft, won't do Ilum, won't do warzones, what do you want? Please, enlighten Bioware because I'm sure they're just as confused as I am WHAT SUGGESTIONS DO YOU HAVE FOR LEVEL 50?


And be specific


that made me lol irl

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is it just me that feels like this game has no replay value since there's only 1 planet per lvl bracket? First character is fun but why would I make a second one? I don't feel like doing all the same boring side-quest only to see a new story thats probably doesnt even represent 10% of my quests. WoW usually had atleast 2 zones per lvl brackets.


Theyre adding upwards to 10 planets a year. Theres a good chance at some point in the near future they may open up your options so you can go elsewhere instead of the current choices you face.

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EXACTLY! That's how a MMO succeeds! Running off all players who point out it's flaws! Sure did work well for DCUO!!


No one ran this player off, they were unhappy with game mechanics and have decided not to play any longer.



People wouldnt be so damn aggressive towards people complaining about the game if it wasnt for the fact that its a nonstop qq on these forums. The majority of complaining is coming from people expecting this to be WoW as it exists now but in space.


People fail to understand WoW is where its at because of the feedback it recieved. Blizzard catered to what the playerbase wanted and its current incarnation is a result of that. But TOR is a different game, catering to a different playerbase as a whole, not just to vocal minority on here.


Its one thing to come in, give a complaint and follow it up with a way to fix it. Its completely different to come in here, add your dribble about how HORRIBLE the game is and how its going to fail cause GW2 will be here soon.


The result is those 'fanboys' who arent really fanboys are just tired of hearing the same old story from people who are impatiently upset with the games current build. So they lash out, just like the complainers are lashing out by stomping their feet and demanding it get fixed NAOW.

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Agree on all counts.


I'm just amazed that they didn't get more stuff done during development. It feels like a lot of the budget went to the things that Bioware does great and the MMO part was an afterthought.


The core functionalities just aren't there, which is weird since they seem like such easy things to do considering other devs have done it. With the size of project and budget they had they should easily be able to hire people who have been involved in developing core systems like this in wow or other MMOs.

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Agree on some accounts really, though I enjoy the game immensely, but it sure needs some fixing in quite a few areas. Probably won't re-sub when the first month is out, but I will definitely return the month after just to play another class, cause the stories are just too much fun.
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Having reached level 50 5 days back and having a chance to do pvp, finish my class questline completely and run some flashpoints, I feel somewhat dissapointed overall. Now im not a cry baby troll looking for sympathy as I rage irrational expectations to the masses and declare "Im quitting" after investing a lot of time and 60 bucks into the game. The BIGGEST problems I feel this game has is as follows:


1. It really feels like a single player game with multiplayer functionality. (the diablo series is a good example of what I mean.) Every server is overpopped with empire and underpopped with republic. I rolled republic and its astounding how few of us there actually are. Another thing that contributes to this feeling is the constant storyzones and instances. Now dont get me wrong, I think bioware did a fantastic job with the story and the immersion of your character aspect. Unfortunately much of this is lost when you see how railed the zones and planets are. Everything feels like a straight line.


2. So many bugs. Now I am not naive enough and unrealistically demanding enough to expect a bug free MMO launch. Far from it. The problem here is many of the bugs are debilitating to the entire game and are broken/flawed core game mechanics. Examples: Ability delay (and at times they dont even go off at all), Raid Frames not updating properly and showing actual health (feel so bad for you healers), the absolute dependency on your companion for survival in everything outside of raids and pvp. The chat window becoming active if you click on it or near it on accident. The extremely buggy UI (again see the raid frames) and the fact that you cannot move it, customize it or change it in any way. The CC bar that displays that you cant be ccd for a short time seems to never work right. Im getting ccd when its full all the time. Abilities canceling themselves in mid attack because you happened to dodge or parry an attack. The guild window never updating. The list goes on and on. I have to reload the UI at least ten or more times per play session. These bugs were present in beta for a long time and were not ever addressed and dont even get me started on the fact that all my romantic storyline options with Kira Carsen are bugged. I have max affection rating with her and have had no dialogue with her at all. Constant settings getting changed back to defaults each time you zone. Confirmed bugs back in beta.


3. Features that the game should have but doesnt. A good example is the ability to /roll or the fact that you have to constantly run to your airlock and cant use your mount in the shipyard every time you want to leave a planet. The fact that when you queue for a WZ as a group and when the warzone ends you are no longer in a group. The inability to queue for the WZ that you wish to queue for. No mailbox on your ship. No dual spec feature and an extremely high cost to respec. The inability to search/filter properly on the AH.


4. PVP feels incredibly out of whack. I thought there was too much CC in WoW and then I played SWTOR. You move at less than 60% speed 90% of the WZ. The lack of brackets for pvp combat. The broken RNG system of getting pvp gear... why make getting pvp gear so RNG based? Feels like arch in WoW all over again. Of course I know the classes need to be balanced and that it takes time, I realize that and accept that. But how in the hell do you balance a game where level 50s are put on the same team as a level 10? No real rewards for world pvp at all. Even Ilum. Have done it, you get practically nothing.


Overall the game has potential if bioware can make the necessary changes and make them quickly. Right now though as a whole, the game feels unfinished. I am not a QQr crying for everything to be like wow, nor am I a fanboi. But the excuse I hear the most from fanbois when any issues are brought up is "They are adding that soon." or "They are doing that but it wasnt ready for launch." The WHOLE game wasnt ready for launch imo with so many glaring problems with basic core functionality that any modern MMO needs to have.


In the end I stand by my previous statement. The game feels like a single player game with multiplayer functionality. It doesnt feel like an mmo to me. Im not rage quitting, Im going to give bioware and EA a chance to make things right, but Im not going to wait around forever for basic functionality features and bugs that have been present since the first beta phase to be repaired. Worst case Id quit and come back in a few months if things are different.


The game has a lot going for it... Descent PVE flashpoints, awesome crafting system and a great storyline with descent voice acting, but in the end of that is all it has Id rather play SW:KOTOR 1/2 or Mass Effect because those have even better and more immersive stories.


Flame if you will.



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is it just me that feels like this game has no replay value since there's only 1 planet per lvl bracket? First character is fun but why would I make a second one? I don't feel like doing all the same boring side-quest only to see a new story thats probably doesnt even represent 10% of my quests. WoW usually had atleast 2 zones per lvl brackets.


I feel sort of the same way when it comes to this, though I do have a lower level smuggler compared to my high level consular, some of the planets are just right out tedious and boring (balmora, coruscant, taris), to go through again :/

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Tons of peoples complaints were brought up as far as 4 months back in beta testing and testers were told "just play it to find massive game breaking bugs, we don't really want to listen to you about anything else". I'm having fun but it's a fun single player game with some MMO qualities.
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