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Please Don't Force us To PVP


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One of my characters is doing the recruitment arcs for Knights of a Fallen Empire and I was surprised that one the recruitment missions requires me to do PvP to build the valor points to recruit the character.\


I know some people absolutely love PvP and that's great, but I dislike PvP greatly. THere should, at least, be an alternate path for PvE players.

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You don't *need* Pierce/4X, you *want* Pierce/4X.


You don't *need* Lokin, you *want* Lokin.


You don't *need* <blahblah>, you *want* <blahblah>.


If you *want* something you do what it takes to get it. Why is this such a difficult concept?

Edited by PetFish
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One of my characters is doing the recruitment arcs for Knights of a Fallen Empire and I was surprised that one the recruitment missions requires me to do PvP to build the valor points to recruit the character.\


I know some people absolutely love PvP and that's great, but I dislike PvP greatly. THere should, at least, be an alternate path for PvE players.


I both agree and disagree with this, clearly BW wanted us to check out the pvp content but just with Qui Fes or who ever that was, where they wanted us to kill world bosses, they gave us an option that does not require grouping so I have mixed feelings about it. I suppose at the end of the day Peirce wants what he wants, if you don't want to help him don't I suppose

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I don't know why PvP is somehow different than other sorts of activities, it just is.


I'm not good at jumping puzzles and platform style games, so I won't get all the Holocrons. I accept that; that's just the way it is.


I am in a guild that does Hard Mode content, so I do get to have Raid level gear... but when I wasn't, I respected that I wouldn't get it, and that's the way it is.


But... like everyone who dislikes PvP play... well, here's the thing. No one "dislikes" PvP. If you don't like it... you hate it in ways that are almost trauma inducing. It's not a dislike, it's a loathing that you'd normally associate with dark wet caves on the planet of Dagoba.

...we do not like it, not one little bit, and no lame inducement such as getting Pierce or Fourex is going to get us to try it.


Conversely, people who like PvP are going to do it regardless... so, either you get Pierce/Fourex for doing absolutely nothing different than what you would normally do... or you are punished for your insurmountable loathing of PvP by being denied one of the Companion options.

...uhm. Yeah. I don't know how it's different than, say, not getting Holocrons, but somehow it is. And this kind of sucks.

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You don't *need* Pierce/4X, you *want* Pierce/4X.


You don't *need* Lokin, you *want* Lokin.


You don't *need* <blahblah>, you *want* <blahblah>.


If you *want* something you do what it takes to get it. Why is this such a difficult concept?


The PVErs may literally need to get their PVP-earned companion for their faction in order to recruit future companions. That hasn't been set in stone yet probably but as of now your alliance captains should theoretically only give out one companion quest at a time, leaving you to dispose of that quest one way or another before moving on to the next recruitment attempt (or bloody slaughter of an unworthy supplicant if you deem that the best option).


It would be best if EA just listened to the PVEers and gave them what they want. Making them PVP brings them no joy and their lackadaisical efforts in WZs actually spreads their anger and displeasure to others.

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The PVErs may literally need to get their PVP-earned companion for their faction in order to recruit future companions. That hasn't been set in stone yet probably but as of now your alliance captains should theoretically only give out one companion quest at a time, leaving you to dispose of that quest one way or another before moving on to the next recruitment attempt (or bloody slaughter of an unworthy supplicant if you deem that the best option).

Which is why what they should so is allow players to simply bypass a companion quest if they don't care about that companion, for whatever reason.


It would be best if EA just listened to the PVEers and gave them what they want. Making them PVP brings them no joy and their lackadaisical efforts in WZs actually spreads their anger and displeasure to others.

This was a poorly thought-out "enticement' to get PvEers to do WZs, because yes, all it leads to is anger on both sides (the PvPers and the PvEers).

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Why is this a PVE mission that makes you do PVP? I agree on the dumb semantic that you are not "forced" too do it, but its still a PVE mission, if you support this than you support me joining a PVE warzone and just not caring about the mission, I will AFK it and get away with it most of the time. that is how I finished this mission. Edited by Raeus
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Why is this a PVE mission that makes you do PVP? I agree on the dumb semantic that you are not "forced" too do it, but its still a PVE mission, if you support this than you support me joining a PVE warzone and just not caring about the mission, I will AFK it and get away with it most of the time. that is how I finished this mission.

You will get away with it all the time.

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