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Balmorra bounty hunter class missions only giving 7xp

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I have just done the first class mission on my Bounty hunter on Balmorra and noticed that my xp bar did not move, when I checked it gave me only 7xp on completion, the second quest also is showing in the quest log as it will only give me 7xp too.
Posted (edited)

I've noticed this on several bonus missions while I leveled up through the planet and class mission arcs on numerous characters. Seemed to happen more often with the bonus missions that have stages. It's as if they're not syncing correctly with the new planet sync system.


I only noticed one or two actual planet or class missions that were affected. Mainly bonus missions though.


Is it a grey quest by any chance? (ie, are you too high level for it?)


They started out yellow or purple for me then turned grey after progressing to stage 2 in most cases. The "stage 1" of the bonus mission would show correct EXP gain but once you advanced to "stage 2" it would turn grey and only show +7 EXP.

Edited by ebmccown
Is it a grey quest by any chance? (ie, are you too high level for it?)


Well I guess it would be except with the way level sync work I should not have any grey quests at all, let alone class missions, I know I have seen it on some bonuses but never a main class mission until now. Its obvious that it needs adjusting so that it works with level sync.

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