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Forgotten Romance


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This is the first time I've considered dropping my subscription. I've been playing (almost) since launch - this is the first time I've ever felt devalued as a customer and abused as a player. I can't actually unsubscribe, but that's MY fault, not Bioware's. I took one of my characters through KotFE and really enjoyed the story there, and I have to know what happens next.


A clinical gambler can't "unsubscribe" from a casino, but that doesn't mean the casino shouldn't feel like a waste of human space. They're relying on my personal weakness, and shame on them for that.


I've always believed in giving people and companies the benefit of the doubt. But if you aren't crippled by addiction like me, you should probably unsubscribe. This is an abusive relationship and the players deserve better.


This is actually the first time I have deliberately unsubbed this game. I have been a faithful customer since launch and I only missed one month because my origin account got hacked. And its not even so much the bug itself, its the sheer shameful and inept level of customer service Bioware has displayed on its part of this situation. THAT is what made me unsub.


Quoted for truth.


I dread to think about when some of the romances are going to pop up again in KOTFE, 6 months from now, 12 months, 15 months, longer? Having to wait for maybe 12+ months to get our romanced companion back only for them to still be bugged and not registered now that would be killer...


Hey remember when Bioware said they would have a new chapter/content every month when they first started talking KotFE?


What I find weird the way they are doing things is it seems like they are sprinkling only a few characters with every new chapter. Take the next one for example. There are only 2 characters they have mentioned will be available to recruit (I won't spoil who). Only 2. With... 6 chapters left.

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Can anyone confirm that this change actually went live?

The big one is Iresso. While Iresso is not alone in not acknowledging your romance, he has become the name surrounding the whole situation. In this case, there is a bug – the romance variables for some of the pre-KOTFE companions are being improperly assessed, leading to the appearance that they aren’t romanced even if they are. This fix is scheduled for 4.1 but is not finalized yet. What should have occurred is that when you completed Chapter I of Fallen Empire, you would receive a mail from your romance. We believe that this issue is also affecting pre-KOTFE content as well; please let us know once the fix is live if you notice any issues. It is worth pointing out that this change is not retroactive: if you have already started Fallen Empire, you will not receive the letter.

It would be nice to finally be able to start doing KotFE content.

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