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Forgotten Romance


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I'm a founder. I've played as a subscriber since launch.

I've played most of the storylines. I'm really dismayed about the forgotten romances. My Sith Juggernaut was romancing Lt Pierce and I had been working pretty hard to get as much influence with him as I could.

I start Knights...

There was no mention of him in the conversations and no letter from him (I honestly didn't know that was a possibility til I saw this thread.) Now that I've run into him again, he wasn't particularly happy to see me. In fact, there was no mention of our romance at all, even tho the influence with him is still quite high. I went ahead and recruited him but it was the same as for any other char I've recruited.


I'm really disappointed. So disappointed that I haven't logged in for a week now. .. and I was a daily player.

This will likely be the end for SWTOR for me.... not that anyone at Bioware gives a sh*t.

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I'm a founder. I've played as a subscriber since launch.

I've played most of the storylines. I'm really dismayed about the forgotten romances. My Sith Juggernaut was romancing Lt Pierce and I had been working pretty hard to get as much influence with him as I could.

I start Knights...

There was no mention of him in the conversations and no letter from him (I honestly didn't know that was a possibility til I saw this thread.) Now that I've run into him again, he wasn't particularly happy to see me. In fact, there was no mention of our romance at all, even tho the influence with him is still quite high. I went ahead and recruited him but it was the same as for any other char I've recruited.


I'm really disappointed. So disappointed that I haven't logged in for a week now. .. and I was a daily player.

This will likely be the end for SWTOR for me.... not that anyone at Bioware gives a sh*t.


Pierce has never been tagged as a full romance companion, unfortunately. You get your few flirts and a black screen and that's it.

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Pierce has never been tagged as a full romance companion, unfortunately. You get your few flirts and a black screen and that's it.


This right here. I'm actually glad he never brought the fling back up again (my jugga had a fling with him, haven't logged her for ... months though) because she never wanted more from him anyway. Tharan Cedrax is the same, you only get a fling, nothing more. (Though Tharan seems to be bugged, my shadow refused him because I like Holiday but he still acts like something happened.)


Sorry to go OT lol :p

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It would be nice if some of those flings were remembered (Rylee Dray and Lord Zavrasha come to mind), even moreso if, like Lt. Pierce, they are actually a companion too, but I can understand not going through the effort for all the numerous one-off flings scattered around the game. (Heck, I remember flirting with Kory just as soon as my inquisitor's story began...and then the next time I saw her, she [spoiler DELETED]. It made an impact on me, but I can see why it's never brought up again.)


The fact that the fully fleshed out romance options get nixed by a bug, though...that's just shoddy and unacceptable. These are major story elements, and some of us find things like that important.

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(Though Tharan seems to be bugged, my shadow refused him because I like Holiday but he still acts like something happened.)


Sorry to go OT lol :p


I think the exact same thing happened with my SI and Andronikos today. I'm pretty sure I never used a single [Flirt] option on him because that character has an aversion to intimacy of any kind, and when I played through his companion storyline I didn't even see any [Flirt] options, and then the last few conversations he was talking about "our relationship" and popped the question. I know my previous SI actually led him on, but this one is as celibate and humorless as an evil, asexual monk. :confused: Maybe he's just a creep, but the way it played out certainly SEEMED bugged, and I even wondered at the time if it had something to do with the bug causing the opposite problem. Seeing this post furthers my suspicion.



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Actually, I do believe they were planning on making Companions Influence Legacy wide, but it got cut do to time lines.


I say this because my Jedi Sage was my first through KotFE, and when I recruited 2V-R8 I was VERY nice to him and got the tag on him that stated that he was overjoyed at having found a master that wouldn't threaten him anymore.


I next ran my Sith Warrior through, and when I got 2V-R8, I threatened him. Now BOTH may Jedi AND my Sith show that 2V-R8 had his hopes smashed at ever finding a nice master...


That leads me to believe that some coding, that either is not, or will not be entirely implemented, is still affecting the Companions in the game.

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I think the exact same thing happened with my SI and Andronikos today. I'm pretty sure I never used a single [Flirt] option on him because that character has an aversion to intimacy of any kind, and when I played through his companion storyline I didn't even see any [Flirt] options, and then the last few conversations he was talking about "our relationship" and popped the question. I know my previous SI actually led him on, but this one is as celibate and humorless as an evil, asexual monk. :confused: Maybe he's just a creep, but the way it played out certainly SEEMED bugged, and I even wondered at the time if it had something to do with the bug causing the opposite problem. Seeing this post furthers my suspicion.




Yuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhpppppppppppp. I love Bioware, but after all of this, I am not so sure I respect them. Kind of like a drunken uncle you give money to; I keep hoping they'll get better and get their life around, since they helped me out through a formative time in my life, but, really... they aren't going to get Aunt Sally back from her 'friend,' the gardener, if he doesn't sober up and stop making the same mistakes.

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I'm not so sure. I couldn't believe that when I started getting emails from Alliance people that I *never* tried to CONTACT MY SPOUSE AFTER FIVE YEARS of being away! I mean really the beginning (of the expansion) makes sense when you physically cannot contact your former crew/spouse, but when you can finally (in story, mind you) see a mailbox, I am making a 60 second detour to send Elara an email saying "Hey, I was a POW, but I'm alive (and escaped). Will explain after I deal with the Eternal Empire. Love ya."


HORRID writing that makes our "romances" feel completely inconsequential. If your character felt anything at all they'd contact them, or at least *try*. This needs to be addressed before they write any more chapters so that maybe some things could be salvaged.


Just played my trooper through and I have to agree.

At least with the Knight I get to ask T7 if he has heard anything or had any contact with the old crew, but with a trooper, I meet up with 3 old members of the crew and I don't even get the option to ask about Aric or Elara???? And I have a findsman, and I don't ask him to help me get in contact?

If Aric gives my fem trooper a reaction like the one my Shepard got from Kaidan on Horizon....with the options I have been given, it would be justified. But I wont be happy.


But I did get my letter, hopefully my other characters are as lucky.

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If Aric gives my fem trooper a reaction like the one my Shepard got from Kaidan on Horizon....with the options I have been given, it would be justified. But I wont be happy.


But I did get my letter, hopefully my other characters are as lucky.


Could be worse. Could be a Jacob from Mass Effect 3 situation.


It would be nice if, as part of KotFE, Aric actually acknowledges after the time skip if your trooper was a Cathar as well. There were so many awkward parts of the script in the vanilla game since Cathar were implemented later. ><;

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As far as I can see, there are actually 4 separate bugs connected to romances atm (maybe more)


1. The Forgotten Romance - the whole reason why we have this thread and the Iresso one


2. The Unwanted Gifts - companions gifts are not recognizing or reacting to romance flags, why so many people cannot use their courting gifts with a romanced companion. And Ashara is so hard to gain influence with through gifts.


3. The Bounty Hunter Gender Swap - For Fem BH, they are getting the beginning of a Male BH convo from Mako and then it bugs out and Torian is giving them Male BH dialog, cutting off an already started romance.


4. The Confused Pirate - Andronikos begins suddenly talking about a romance that never existed, since he had been turned down in previous conversations.


So it looks like romances are all kinds of messed up and BW/EA really needs to address these things. It's getting ridiculous.

It's fairly inexcusable. I don't think know what else to call it.
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Could be worse. Could be a Jacob from Mass Effect 3 situation.


:eek: too true. I just hope we all get a chance to rekindle those romances and they don't steal some of them away from us. So dreading that possibility.......course the bug has already done that for some of us :( (Hopefully not permanently)

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They're gonna have to do something, with that livestream announcement. Kaliyo is coming...and she's a romance option. I don't know offhand if any of the characters affected by this bug have been male imperial agents, but if so, that's gonna become kinda important come February.
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Could be worse. Could be a Jacob from Mass Effect 3 situation.


What were they thinking with that lol I only played through once and romanced Thane, that sucked. I'm just glad I had read a little about the game so I knew not to get too attached to the characters. NWN2 was where my tears were at - though, after reading the ME3 rage on the forums my reaction wasn't that bad :p

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Lol yeah NWN2 romances were terrible. Thankfully, player mods helped but yeah....

NWN2 Romances in a nutshell



Ha, that comic is priceless! And so sad because it's so true. And please don't tell me I'm the only one who wanted to romance Sand. And Bishop, of course. It's a shame that Bishop's VA seems to have dropped out of games, though, since his performance was so swoonworthy. I never liked Gann, he was just too flipping weird and such a drama queen. The whole hag cannibalism thing just freaked me out completely. (And thanks for reminding me, I feel a bit nauseous now. Ugh, mission accomplished, if that's what you were after, Obsidian.)


And we all hope that BioWare learns from their mistakes of the past in other games, since I do not want to be JacobTaylored again. Too much "reality" for a game I play to escape, thanks.


This romance flag bug was present in DA2 with we poor souls who romanced Zevran in DAO. And this is one of the reasons why I am so upset. It's like they keep slapping me with the same fish and I pay them for it. :(

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First from Ohlen himself at GDC 2013...

Don't be scared about adding voice over and cool cinematic content," he advised his audience, "but do be careful about adding lots of choice with consequence because that adds to QA cost and development cost and makes it hard to design everything.


Now clearly this bug is not universal. I know people who had one of every class who took all of them through the story and there was no issue. This is not to say the issue does not exist BUT look at all the stuff they have done and still have to do. Example, the never ending corpse bug. That was almost game breaking in general and generated enough lag for people with lower end systems that it was game breaking for them. It issues like that which they have to prioritize because while the term random was used something like this isn't random, there is some sort of trigger BUT what is that trigger? It could be that a seemingly innocuous conversation earlier causes the bug. It could be an unrelated decision, who knows. Debugging something like this is a colossal PITA and if it is not game breaking it is lower on the priority list.

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Ha, that comic is priceless! And so sad because it's so true. And please don't tell me I'm the only one who wanted to romance Sand. And Bishop, of course. It's a shame that Bishop's VA seems to have dropped out of games, though, since his performance was so swoonworthy. I never liked Gann, he was just too flipping weird and such a drama queen. The whole hag cannibalism thing just freaked me out completely. (And thanks for reminding me, I feel a bit nauseous now. Ugh, mission accomplished, if that's what you were after, Obsidian.)


And we all hope that BioWare learns from their mistakes of the past in other games, since I do not want to be JacobTaylored again. Too much "reality" for a game I play to escape, thanks.


This romance flag bug was present in DA2 with we poor souls who romanced Zevran in DAO. And this is one of the reasons why I am so upset. It's like they keep slapping me with the same fish and I pay them for it. :(


Berelinde made a romance mod for Bishop that extended into Mask of the Betrayer ^_^ and Yeah my choices were Bishop, Sand, and even Nashers Blond Guard Captain that I cant remember his name now over "Im Obsessed with Old Owl Well" Casavir :p

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As far as I can see, there are actually 4 separate bugs connected to romances atm (maybe more)


1. The Forgotten Romance - the whole reason why we have this thread and the Iresso one


2. The Unwanted Gifts - companions gifts are not recognizing or reacting to romance flags, why so many people cannot use their courting gifts with a romanced companion. And Ashara is so hard to gain influence with through gifts.


3. The Bounty Hunter Gender Swap - For Fem BH, they are getting the beginning of a Male BH convo from Mako and then it bugs out and Torian is giving them Male BH dialog, cutting off an already started romance.


4. The Confused Pirate - Andronikos begins suddenly talking about a romance that never existed, since he had been turned down in previous conversations.


So it looks like romances are all kinds of messed up and BW/EA really needs to address these things. It's getting ridiculous.


This makes me very afraid to try to take my Bounty Hunter through (again). It may be quitting time for the year that they're probably going to take to fix this. :(

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This makes me very afraid to try to take my Bounty Hunter through (again). It may be quitting time for the year that they're probably going to take to fix this. :(


From what I have seen that only has happened to people who were mid story when 4.0 hit, new characters may be safe, but idk. Maybe I will roll a new one next week to check it out.

Good news is, it looks like with the Torian one, you get enough of a romance to turn the flag on for the letter in KotFE. But I wouldn't blame you for waiting. Romance bug fixes have become tops on my Christmas wish list.

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From what I have seen that only has happened to people who were mid story when 4.0 hit, new characters may be safe, but idk. Maybe I will roll a new one next week to check it out.

Good news is, it looks like with the Torian one, you get enough of a romance to turn the flag on for the letter in KotFE. But I wouldn't blame you for waiting. Romance bug fixes have become tops on my Christmas wish list.


Interesting, thank you. My original BH was mid-story when 4.0 hit, and got the Mako bug, even though she was in a romance with Torian. Torian was never bugged for her, but the romance was completely ignored in KotFE -- no conversation choice, no letter.

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Interesting, thank you. My original BH was mid-story when 4.0 hit, and got the Mako bug, even though she was in a romance with Torian. Torian was never bugged for her, but the romance was completely ignored in KotFE -- no conversation choice, no letter.


Ya, I will definitely run a test Fem BH to check it out. Were you mid story but had completed your Torian romance? or were you mid story and mid romance? The other one was mid romance.

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Ya, I will definitely run a test Fem BH to check it out. Were you mid story but had completed your Torian romance? or were you mid story and mid romance? The other one was mid romance.


I was both mid-story and mid-romance with Torian. I was just about to go to Quesh when 4.0 hit. But I did get the correct Torian romance cutscene with the beginning of SoR, even after I got Mako's bugged conversation. I just kept escaping out of that, and it disappeared, so I assumed they fixed it?

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Yuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhpppppppppppp. I love Bioware, but after all of this, I am not so sure I respect them. Kind of like a drunken uncle you give money to; I keep hoping they'll get better and get their life around, since they helped me out through a formative time in my life, but, really... they aren't going to get Aunt Sally back from her 'friend,' the gardener, if he doesn't sober up and stop making the same mistakes.


I compared them in Gen chat to that guy that everyone knows who is always going on about how he's going to start a garden to grow his own food and install a pool and a few months later there's just a bunch of dead plants and a hole in his backyard with a tarp hanging over it.


Big ideas, good intentions - short attention span, refusal to admit he's never going to finish all those projects he started. (Everyone knows one of those guys, right...? It seems to be a pretty universal experience.)

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