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Forgotten Romance


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Related, thus far ignored, bug thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=843854


With all the recent discussion about companions, not to mention major mechanical adjustments to them, I can't help but notice the conspicuous silence on the matter of all the broken companion romances. For a company that is supposed to be more about the story than the mechanics, and one that's specifically advertised this new expansion as a return to storytelling, it seems very strange to me that the people in charge would spend all this time buffing, nerfing, and tweaking combat balance when multiple players (myself included) can't even experience the new storyline properly because the romances they cultivated have been erased. There hasn't been as much as one yellow post acknowledging that this bug even exists.


All this focus on companions specifically, and we still can't even recognize the elephant in the room? C'mon Bioware, I'd like to start into this story (which I had early access for, not that that mattered) sometime this year.

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Related, thus far ignored, bug thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=843854


With all the recent discussion about companions, not to mention major mechanical adjustments to them, I can't help but notice the conspicuous silence on the matter of all the broken companion romances. For a company that is supposed to be more about the story than the mechanics, and one that's specifically advertised this new expansion as a return to storytelling, it seems very strange to me that the people in charge would spend all this time buffing, nerfing, and tweaking combat balance when multiple players (myself included) can't even experience the new storyline properly because the romances they cultivated have been erased. There hasn't been as much as one yellow post acknowledging that this bug even exists.


All this focus on companions specifically, and we still can't even recognize the elephant in the room? C'mon Bioware, I'd like to start into this story (which I had early access for, not that that mattered) sometime this year.



To be fair, I was given the option to mention that one of my crew was my lover. I, of course, ignored this option and left that sad-sack to die. Time to move on and whatnot. But, maybe some of you who are more attached, took the opportunity to expose your affair. Don't know how that works out, as none of my other characters had such baggage.




Edited by AlienEyeTX
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It's insane that they're not mentioning anything. If it helps, I even made a petition for them to fix it. change.org/p/bioware-ea-games-bioware-fix-the-kotfe-romance-bug?recruiter=122654945&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=share_twitter_responsive&rp_sharecordion_checklist=control Edited by Swedguy
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Being a romantic, I agree with the OP. I have to say that dealing with the current fiasco is more important but I am hoping they address the romance issues SOON or at least give us a heads up about it. My trooper is married to Aric. My Smuggler is married to Corso. There are all my other toons too but these will do for an example. While I can mention them in the initial part of KotFE, that's about all. I have no idea if I will ever get them back or if I will only get them as a fighting vanity pet with no furthering of our dialogues. etc. That would be entirely upsetting.
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I've had access to the new content for 34 days now, and not stepped into it on any of my 10 characters. The first couple of days it was because of 8/10 ship droids being MIA and trying to restore some semblance of organization in my mail boxes, cargo bays and inventories after the crafting fiasco's material conversion / obsolescence and companion strip search.

However it was during those first days I noticed that none of my character's spouses showed reaction to Courting Gifts. These gifts are still broken and the only way I have to test / confirm that the game remembers my character's relationships at all.

I have no desire to continue my characters personal story where past and future choices matter, as it was heavily marketed, when I have no guarantee at all that their past choices haven't been reset. On top of that, all 10 of those characters have 1-4 companions missing from their Stronghold Decoration Browser without ever having started KotFE. It doesn't inspire confidence.


I have no desire to use the instant 60 slot to experience KotFE. I fail to see the point of continuing the story of a character that skipped ahead 92% of the story already.


tl;dr - This bug and the silence on it is a roadblock to me starting the content at all and also to allowing Bioware continued access to my wallet. Had I not been on 3 month recurring sub, I'd be gone already.

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Wait.. what is the actual bug? Not sure I understand..


On my Sorcerer, I received a letter from Ashara (my romanced companion) saying a bunch of touchy feely stuff..


Is that what you mean?


What is happening is that, despite the romance having been completed, many characters are not presented with the option to speak about their love interest with Valkorion, and also never receive the letter afterward—which strongly implies that whatever flag(s) is responsible for identifying a completed romance has been set to an inactive state. This is worrying because that means there is a high probability that the romance will not be acknowledged in future chapters, should those characters reappear (and everything so far indicates they will---eventually).


What has players concerned is that even if the bug is fixed, there may be no way for their current characters to ever have the flag properly set again, hence a reluctance to play through the current content.

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I resubbed a couple of months ago. Been leveling my remaining toons to 55 and then started to take them through SoR. 4.0.2 Broke all the class quests on Rishi, saying in the quest log that you need to finish chapter 3. So I'm pretty p'ed off about that. Hearing about this too (when bioware is supposedly about player choice!) makes me seriously consider not bothering with this game anymore, but we'll see what happens in the patch.
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What is happening is that, despite the romance having been completed, many characters are not presented with the option to speak about their love interest with Valkorion, and also never receive the letter afterward—which strongly implies that whatever flag(s) is responsible for identifying a completed romance has been set to an inactive state. This is worrying because that means there is a high probability that the romance will not be acknowledged in future chapters, should those characters reappear (and everything so far indicates they will---eventually).


What has players concerned is that even if the bug is fixed, there may be no way for their current characters to ever have the flag properly set again, hence a reluctance to play through the current content.


I couldn't've put it better myself.


I resubbed a couple of months ago. Been leveling my remaining toons to 55 and then started to take them through SoR. 4.0.2 Broke all the class quests on Rishi, saying in the quest log that you need to finish chapter 3. So I'm pretty p'ed off about that. Hearing about this too (when bioware is supposedly about player choice!) makes me seriously consider not bothering with this game anymore, but we'll see what happens in the patch.


Good luck with the Blood Hunt flashpoint. It's been broken for almost a year now, with no sign of a fix. Things like that worry me for bugs like the Companion Romance issue.

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I couldn't've put it better myself.




Good luck with the Blood Hunt flashpoint. It's been broken for almost a year now, with no sign of a fix. Things like that worry me for bugs like the Companion Romance issue.


I've completed blood hunt dozens of times starting day 1 of the revan expac and many times since; what is considered broken about it?

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To be fair, I was given the option to mention that one of my crew was my lover. I, of course, ignored this option and left that sad-sack to die. Time to move on and whatnot. But, maybe some of you who are more attached, took the opportunity to expose your affair. Don't know how that works out, as none of my other characters had such baggage.





Wow..I didn't have this option either. That is total bs and makes me wish I never played the expansion.

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Chiming in to add - I'm still holding off on running most of my characters through the expansion until I know this is fixed.


Of those that have been run through only one was romancing an original companion and she got letters from them and Theron along with the option to tell you-know-who she was sharing a bunk with one of them, but in a later conversation it mentioned she had lovers but did not know love, so who knows what's happening there.


The other two had no romance or were romancing Lana.


Given how long it took to fix the romance related bits for SoR I'm hoping the devs will be a bit more proactive on this.

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Chiming in to add - I'm still holding off on running most of my characters through the expansion until I know this is fixed.


Of those that have been run through only one was romancing an original companion and she got letters from them and Theron along with the option to tell you-know-who she was sharing a bunk with one of them, but in a later conversation it mentioned she had lovers but did not know love, so who knows what's happening there.


The other two had no romance or were romancing Lana.


Given how long it took to fix the romance related bits for SoR I'm hoping the devs will be a bit more proactive on this.


The characters I put through the new content all got the emails from their lovers suggesting their romance has been remembered, but in the Valk "Dream Scene", one of them did not get the love option in the conversation (so I used that one to romance Lana and in the cantina party scene I selected the "flirt" option and have started an official romance line with her).


What bugs me more is that characters that I have not taken through the new content that have had romances do not seem to have that count for gifts, thereby reducing an option to increase their influence (especially as courting gifts seem to be a common crew mission and H2 elite drop result).


I agree there are more pressing bugs, but this is still an important one as the story progresses and you meet your romanced companion again.

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The fact that this is outright preventing people from playing any of the new content alone seems like it should make this bug a high priority. I mean, this expansion is all about story, and the story is broken. Why are we not willing to fix that, or even admit it's happening?


I've completed blood hunt dozens of times starting day 1 of the revan expac and many times since; what is considered broken about it?


The manor couple have a tendency to cause companions (including the combat support bot) to despise during the fight, or get stuck up on top of a pillar where they can no longer affect the fight...and worse than that, they sometimes just reset, in my experience at about 50% health, so that the fight starts over again, ad infinitum, often without any apparent trigger. This has apparently been a problem since SoR came out, and because the flashpoint is required for a story mission, it can prevent you from playing the expansion outright.


I'm only adding this to be informative. It is really a separate topic, and I'd rather not derail this thread too badly.

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If this bug is going to keep cropping up, since it took almost a year to fix the bugged romance flags for SoR, I feel that they need to employ something to give players more control over this, or at least a way to see if a romance is considered active or not before entering into any new content. (Wow, that was a long sentence.)


Anyway, I'm hearing that there is a green check mark when you romance one of the new companions. This should be enabled across the board, for old companions as well as new.


There should also be a way for a player to manually reset a romance flag if it was completed but is not showing the check mark. Or perhaps instruct CSRs on how to retrieve a romance flag.

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They need to cut back on hiring writers and start hiring competent developers.


The writers must be mad, seeing people not being able to enjoy the story because "so and so' down the hall couldn't implement it correctly.


I'm usually 100% supportive of BW, but I'm seeing zero recognition of companion romances in pre-kotfe story. That's right, I romanced Mako and the final scene is different from what other people have experienced. This is due to them being bugged and recommending people reset their phases. Can't wait to take these through SoR...NOT.


I guess I'll just continue to get bored on main until I unsub. I was having fun playing on other characters, but choices don't matter due to incompetence.

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I'm baffled about the silence regarding this issue. It would be nice to have it addressed before they release even more chapters that a significant portion of the playerbase can't enjoy.


If it's a bug, it needs to be acknowledged. If there's some possible storyline reason for it that we can't see because we don't have access to "the big picture," then we need to be told that.

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I have no idea. What reset?



In this thread a lot of people have mentioned that after the last patch if you try and and complete the romances from pre-KOTFE they aren't recognized in the new expansion; meaning its as if they were never finished. Or in other words, reset.


Hopefully this will be addressed before the next expansion in January

Edited by h_weber
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