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Companions were only OP for 27 Days!!!


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says who?


Are you saying that people around the intended level should not be able to complete them?


Drastically increase Out Of Combat passive health/resource regeneration. Boom! Problem fixed.


Why it's so difficult to stop and regenerate? Some of the regen items have cool animations.

Edited by Halinalle
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It isn't difficult. It's tedious and time-consuming.


Oh, now I start to understand the new and cool "we need a healer" thing in tacticals.

To be honest that's just disgusting.


I have to admit, it's funny when people say I'm the one who should "L2P!" when it's me who uses the abilities given to every class.


Me: "Interrupt X ability"

Random troll: "L2P noob!"

*Random troll initiates a vote kick on me*

Edited by Halinalle
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Just here for the QQs and the pros acting self righteous.


Sorry but I do not like how far they went with the nerf. Companions needed nerf but 4.0.2 went a bit too far.


Luckily, we're getting more information about the adjustments to companions.


I just hope they won't go back to 4.0 numbers because it was bad. 5-10% buff to current numbers should be fine.

Edited by Halinalle
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Heroics/companions should not be adjusted around max level characters though.


I think this is what happened with the former H4's when they got scaled, I don't struggle with all the heroics while levelling but the ones I do I think were the old H4's ie too many silvers and golds in a single mob pull.

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I think this is what happened with the former H4's when they got scaled, I don't struggle with all the heroics while levelling but the ones I do I think were the old H4's ie too many silvers and golds in a single mob pull.


For max level characters only Makeb heroics have been challenging after the nerf. That's exactly what I mean by saying that "either the nerf went too far or some of the heroics aren't scaled properly".


There's no problems on any other planet, Empire or Republic side. Some of them can even be completed without a companion at max level. And that's what I mean by saying that "companions/heroics shouldn't be balanced around max level characters".

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Its seriously amusing how people are crying foul over a system that was in place for less then a month, a system that was flawed from the start, that completely changed the entire game.


The game has been out for almost 4 years now, and we all got through content just fine with them that whole time. Now, companions are Still more powerful then they were in the last 4 years, and people are clinging to a 27 day period when they were so stupidly overpowered no one needed to even try, the companions took the 'play' out of the game, and all we needed was "W", "1", and a single-button mouse to trivialize content.


I cant understand why people are clinging to this 27 day debacle as if it were the only way companions ever were.


I just finished Heroic +4 Aurora Canon SOLO with a companion that had lvl 4 influence. They are still overpowered, I would still welcome another balance pass, no content should be this easy, but that isn't the point. The point is this: The overpowered companions of 4.0 were a mistake, and the mistake was fixed, nothing was nerfed.


Why isn't anyone complaining about the Ice Scrabbler Jerky drop rates now? They were fixed. We didn't get an Ice Scrabbler Jerky Nerf, the drop rate was fixed. In a month from now, when they get around to fixing the corpse pile ups, it wont be the Corpse Nerf, it will be a broken system fixed.


Companions were broken, now they are fixed. Now, and only now can they receive a much needed nerf.


Level sync is 100% why. Prior to 4.0, you could out-level content. That's not possible any longer so companions have to be able to pick up the slack.

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Now that I have tested, companions are now a little too weak, especially when Healing, a role in which they are often buggy on top of it. DPS is also too low now (lower than pre-2.0, just as Healing... here it's something like 1:5 going 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2) and tanks are worse but still OK to solo H2 missions, whereas they were almost good for a solo H4 in 4.0.1.


What's wrong, on the other hand, is the bolster... totally wrong. Character info panel is full of wrong data and it's probably why some here cried about the companions' nerf. Not sure about the values displayed during PvP bolster, but seeing a 50%+ damage increase going PvE to PvP stuff it seems to be off too (should be about 20% with these numbers).


Considering other minor issues, I must say I'm not really surprised... QA is absolutely non-existent.


Level sync is 100% why. Prior to 4.0, you could out-level content. That's not possible any longer so companions have to be able to pick up the slack.

This argument is invalid.


1- Companions fulfill their jobs as intended even if not strong enough to replace a barely decent player.

2- Because of level sync and the stupid H2 grind thing, there are more people in otherwise desert area, so more opportunities to group-up.

Edited by JMCH
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For max level characters only Makeb heroics have been challenging after the nerf.


Depending on your class, I would say some of the Belsavis ones are abnormally difficult (eg 4 Elite + some Strongs), and the Republic Voss Heroic 'Not Afraid Enough' (4x Elite, 2x Elite + 5x Strong, Elite + Champion).

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Thats my excuse, but I always get the generic L2P idjot!!!

That's the typical elitist reply, don't worry about anyone saying it.


Know what I do to challenge myself? Harder Ops and PvP. The rest of the game should be casually enjoyable...and it largely was until the nerf.

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No...it's not. It's factual and based on reality, not superiority.

A - Is SWTOR a multiplayer game?


B - Companions still work well enough to solo H2 with basic gear playing DPS, heal or tank (tested : tank juggernaut, heal sage, pyro merc, tank sin, tank vanguard, heal scoundrel).


A + B = if you need OP companions to "do your things", the issue is yourself, not the companions'. Not saying it's your case, but it's a fact.


Now, I know and agree it's boring to grind these H2, but ***!?! when something is wrong, it's not a reason to get something else wrong to compensate.


It's not being elitist to ask a multiplayer game to reject obviously incompetent players, thoses ones who never learn and only blame others, who will finally be a nuisance for the others. All the initial story is supposed to learn you how to play, if you aren't able to do this, go play The Sims.

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See suprisingly fun is different for different people.


For you its blasting through content that has the difficulty level of -9000


For me its overcome challenges, ya know what games were originally about


If you ever find this game's core leveling content difficult, I pity your family and suspect that revolving doors are the bane of your entire existence.


This game was never challenging for anyone with two hands and gaming competency sufficient to install it in the first place without deleting a hard drive somewhere along the way.


For a mere 27 days, the forever-easy fluff was easy to breeze right through on one's way to bigger, better things. Good design on the whole? No. Very little of this game suffers the dignity of being well designed, so that's not even a viable topic.


For 27 whole days, it felt like it wasn't an entirely boring slog to do a lot of the alliance grind rubbish, and since it's so very alt-unfriendly, anyone doing it on more than one character could at least have the solace of it being quick and easy to smash oh, 14 characters through the weekly heroics and such.


Now? A nerf of this magnitude is absurd. It unequivocally says that they didn't know what they were even trying to do in the first place and they still apparently don't.


I'm never again going to trust this dev team to design so much as a tic tac toe browser game that I'm going to spend my free time on, because it's pretty bloody apparent in this and numerous other fronts that they just do whatever the hell seems like a good idea at the time, then panic and overcorrect with a 60-75% nerf of a core and vital component of core gameplay.


It's like... How many wheels should go on this car? If four is good, maybe EIGHT will be AMAZING!


O'noez, some people think eight is too much! PANIC TIME! REMOVE ALL THE WHEELS EXCEPT ONE!


I look at what's been done and it blows my cotton picking mind. These are ostensibly professionals that have, at some point in their lives, learned about things like operational procedures and design principles that actually work in real life, doing real and often important things.


But here, it looks like a bunch of people that had no fricken clue about anything convinced eachother that Thing 1 would be great, didn't test anything meaningfully, angered some people and then wrenched it so hard in the opposite direction that they might well have pissed everyone else off too.


How to piss just about everybody off and lose all credibility with anyone that hasn't misplaced the middle digit of their IQ'S, Bioware Edition.


Here it is.

Edited by Uruare
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Every time a game company makes changes to an MMO, there will be people who like them, and others who won't. This being the internet, the inevitable battles will, inevitably, follow. You'll also get the special drama snowflakes who feel the need to publicly post about how they're going to cancel their subscriptions / quit / uninstall if the game isn't changed to conform to their own personal preferences.


But really, the OP is right about the short time the 4.0 companions were in place. It is hilarious to see those 27 days discussed as if they were some ancient good old days of the game... as if this was Star Wars Galaxies and 4.02 was NGE.


Still, makes for a good show. Pass the popcorn.

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It's not being elitist to ask a multiplayer game to reject obviously incompetent players, thoses ones who never learn and only blame others, who will finally be a nuisance for the others. All the initial story is supposed to learn you how to play, if you aren't able to do this, go play The Sims.

And you have the power to avoid these folk, however, to Bioware, their $ is just as green as yours, so as a business, they're fools to not factor them into the equation.


Revenue is what matters, not your experience.

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A + B = if you need OP companions to "do your things", the issue is yourself, not the companions'. Not saying it's your case, but it's a fact.


I know this is the case, but I do not have any other option any more, since level sync came out it meant I can no longer out level content, I need something else to help ME and the way the companions were in 4.0.2 really did not help.


I made a game more difficult for ME than I would have liked, its a game I just play for the story I never said I was good at this game I just like it.

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when something is wrong, it's not a reason to get something else wrong to compensate.


I feel like this should be engraved into stone and mounted on a wall somewhere.


It's like, nobody can think of any other solution to a problem except 'make Companions OP again.'


Adjust Heroic difficulty, or the number of things to collect/kill for its objectives? Adjust mob health to reduce clear times? Boost the passive Out of Combat health regen to decrease downtime? Increase rewards for Heroics so they're more worth the time they take? Increase Influence gain per Alliance box to reduce grind? Introduce more ways to gain Alliance Influence? Add the option to purchase Alliance boxes with PVP and GSF comms? Add Common Crystals to any group content that doesn't already reward them, so they can be used to purchase boxes/gifts?


No. NO.


We must make Companions OP again!



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You'll also get the special drama snowflakes who feel the need to publicly post about how they're going to cancel their subscriptions / quit / uninstall if the game isn't changed to conform to their own personal preferences.

I announced it back in 2013, I left, I came back last month to give a try to 2 years of "content" and I'll soon leave again for the exact same reasons...


This game is broken from the start and the dev team have no clue what to do and how to do things, it's getting worse and worse over time (ops shouldn't be frustrating, for a start... boss mechanics are more and more in practice and make me remember the good old time of pre-2.0 HM LI) and the "we don't know what we're doing" feel never left me since the first Foundry HK-47 bug (which lasted around a full year, for a rather simple unmanaged conditions overlap because of too much dps).


Still, it's sometimes fun to play, but clearly not worth a monthly subscription and even less any CC purchase... well, with that said, there's little hope left.


Just take a minute to think about how better it would have been to have had real invasions of Korriban and Tython instead of instanciated flashpoints, it could be instanciated 1 time just to keep the initial storyline and expansion-free accounts in their different timeline, but you have the key thing that breaks the game : everything is based on grind, grind, grind, and more grind. An MMORPG isn't a solo RPG with counters to show to other players based on solo and fixed size group achievements and farming the same scenarii all over again.


Epic encounters should lead to epic battles (1 time world events, not weekly instanciated ops and multi-daily flashpoints) and actions should have consequences, skills shouldn't be removed each time an expansion is launched... All in all, everything basic is wrong. If you want to scenarize an MMORPG, you have to add epic encounters one after the other and forget about fixed size group content, the world itself should feel alive and players should be in the heart of it.


It's years too late for this to happen for SWTOR.


So, now, you see where the companions issue lies. We play an amateur game labelled as "Star Wars"... embarrassing.

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Funny how so many people against the nerf said they were OP pre-4.0 except you.


It is a repeated argument from many who are against the nerf in various threads. The argument being they were OP before, so it doesn't matter that they are OP now.

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