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Player's Choice awards for PVP


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I'm going to tend to agree with Rydarus on this topic. Most of the leaders here are not a good representation of the best of their role/class, the exception being Rydarus himself in the DPS juggernaut department (Mace is a beast as sentinel too).


While this was an amusing exercise, I would caution anyone to take this list seriously in any capacity.


While I appreciate the shoutout, I'll have to disagree with you.


By far and away the best Guardian/Juggernaut DPS on the server is Cedralla. She's a recent transfer from Harbinger and is semi inactive but is sort of maybe coming back, so popular vote wouldn't really sway for her, but in general I think she edges me out as a player, if only slightly.


Hibar has no business being on this list though, nor does Kabie. It's ludicrous how far 6 saging warzones can get you nowadays, as much respect as I have for certain core members like Dock, Sevrin, Kym, Viking, and Phil, I feel the vast majority of that guild is full of FOTM chasing cheese comps, and I miss the days where the teams that roflstomped did so with sheer coordination and ability, like Zen, old days Guerrilla, Game Genie, and many more that simply are slipping my memory, not just cheesy "army of phase walk" tactics.

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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While I appreciate the shoutout, I'll have to disagree with you.


By far and away the best Guardian/Juggernaut DPS on the server is Cedralla. She's a recent transfer from Harbinger and is semi inactive but is sort of maybe coming back, so popular vote wouldn't really sway for her, but in general I think she edges me out as a player, if only slightly.


Hibar has no business being on this list though, nor does Kabie. It's ludicrous how far 6 saging warzones can get you nowadays, as much respect as I have for certain core members like Dock, Sevrin, Kym, Viking, and Phil, I feel the vast majority of that guild is full of FOTM chasing cheese comps, and I miss the days where the teams that roflstomped did so with sheer coordination and ability, like Zen, old days Guerrilla, Game Genie, and many more that simply are slipping my memory, not just cheesy "army of phase walk" tactics.


Yeah, some of these people on the lists I haven't even seen before, and I've been PVPing on this server since the original server merges. Then again, they may be ranked players (cause I don't enjoy arenas and rarely participate in ranked), so that could explain it.

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Yeah, some of these people on the lists I haven't even seen before, and I've been PVPing on this server since the original server merges. Then again, they may be ranked players (cause I don't enjoy arenas and rarely participate in ranked), so that could explain it.


Nope. A lot of the "winning people" haven't done ranked at all, with the exception of like, Shocky, but then again, he's no longer winning. I don't think general ranked rating is a good barometer for total leetness in general, but it should factor in. Most of the winners are people in gigantic pvp guilds *Cough, <The Core>* circle jerking each other off and boosting their epeen. Some members of the Core might actually deserve their wins, but a looooooot of the best players are virtually PvP loners, they don't typically que with en masse groups, or they even que incognito, so I just find this entire contest to be pathetic in general.






I'd just like to throw in for community consideration, WHY IS ALL BUT THREE categories, fully dominated by the Core? Why? Really guys? Really? (I'll throw Atrixx in the pile cause Kabie friendship), are you guys reaaaaally going to play this Donald Trump level game? Wot


EDIT 2: Tefia snub is super strong. Why would you snub Tefia...?

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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Is it really that important to you?


Important to me? No. I don't need recognition, I get enough people whispering me for Guardian advice every day, I'm perfectly fine where I'm at. I'd rather have less recognition than more of it. I don't need the prizes, I own two guild ships and multiple personal bank guilds, I have more money than I can realistically spend.


HOWEVER, there are a lot of players I'm personally friends with, who I genuinely feel significantly eclipse several members of your guild in both skill and general class, that aren't being recognized, and I think it's hilarious and dumb that one guild is literally ruling this entire circus, and I think it's incredibly stupid that prizes are being donated to this thing to give out to people, when all it'll end up being is a total care package donation for <The Core>.


Ahh well, at least it's not <Nar Shaddaa Nexu>.

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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Important to me? No. I don't need recognition, I get enough people whispering me for Guardian advice every day, I'm perfectly fine where I'm at. I'd rather have less recognition than more of it. I don't need the prizes, I own two guild ships and multiple personal bank guilds, I have more money than I can realistically spend.


HOWEVER, there are a lot of players I'm personally friends with, who I genuinely feel significantly eclipse several members of your guild in both skill and general class, that aren't being recognized, and I think it's hilarious and dumb that one guild is literally ruling this entire circus, and I think it's incredibly stupid that prizes are being donated to this thing to give out to people, when all it'll end up being is a total care package donation for <The Core>.


Ahh well, at least it's not <Nar Shaddaa Nexu>.


take it easy there, knightmenace.

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I'd rather have less recognition than more of it.

At this point so would I, because now I have to hear people like you circle jerk to how terrible I am at pushing buttons on a video game.


Ahh well, at least it's not <Nar Shaddaa Nexu>.


I guess we can agree on that.

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I mean Rydarus you know this is how these things go, its really not worth being upset about.


I'd personally take Te'ras doing just about any role in PvE or PvP over anyone in this game, but you'll never see her come up in stuff like this because she doesn't run with a huge pvp guild or toot her pve horn. So yeah I gotta toot it for her, best sorc ever since 1.0 :p


Also realize that the voting for this is based on who actually was willing to vote. Technically if you wanted someone to win all you'd have to do is stuff the ballot, its not like the winners have a mountain of votes on this.

Edited by wadecounty
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Then you haven't met me.


Non sarcastic and vitriolic recommendations:


Sage Healer: Lots of people, Bubble'u and Shocky for sure but there's a lot of good ones, mostly cause the class is faceroll to the point where people that are actually good are harder to differentiate, but these are the people I would say definitively stuck out before they got uberbuffed. Also tali's good too but Shocky and Tali sorta bleed together in my head.


VG Tank: Phil? I dunno are we judging based on yolos, regs, hmm? Strangely enough VG tanks aren't all that common on server.


Deception Assassin: Maybe Dajarum? I dunno no one plays assassins.


Vig Guardian: Vinte, Kydorus, the juggs on this server suck so bad it's hilarious. I haven't met many that actually dotspread competently on a jugg.


Op healer: I haven't seen too much of this season but last season Tøuka probably, in granked anyway, weren't many op healers in yolos and regs. I hear yolky's making a comeback though.


Jugg tank: Slag, Axomm?


Sentinel everything: fix-watchman/macedonicus, to say there's a contest on that front is a joke. In the last few seasons he was the only person running a mara in yolos and granked onserver and doing it with any form of competency, plus he's *********** MACEDONICUS.


concealment op: No one? I dunno I know a few different decent ones but no one that legitimately wows. B'usy maybe? Every time I see her she seems to do relatively well or wreck, but I haven't played enough against other competent operatives for her to have any serious competition.


Commando anything DPS: Pantsbandit by default, we'd have to delve into PVE geared players in order to find a better Commando :p


No idea why we're comparing though, best players are very subjective in PVP, realistically you can only say who's absolutely horrible.


Sledgehammer #1 VG/PT tank hands down

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Sorry to rain on all the parades, but the contest is hilariously rigged.


Deleting browser history allows you to vote repeatedly.


Should rename this to "Best Macro Contest NA"


Does it matter? Even if that weren't the case, it would still just be a popularity contest.

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