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Player's Choice awards for PVP


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Update for 2016. So Far at the Start of the new year 74 Healers, 59 Tanks and 156 DPS have been nominated. There are also 27 nominated for best overall and 13 guilds. We should be able to expand that number over the next few weeks.


Be sure to get anyone you can to fill it out. If you see someone do well in War-zones and you have already done the survey as them to do it and fill their info for their class. Some suggestions that I have heard is that this will allow people to find others to do group ranked with. Doesn't mean the matches will be harder or easier but their could be more of them and more frequently. Also for those who have done a few regs and want to try ranked they will be able to get gearing and technique tips from ranked veterans.


Still waiting to hear about bounties on people (duels), Teams (via group ranked), as well as there may be Speeder racing at the event with it own prize (this is a course set up on a stronghold with multiple route options and is more for fun)


If you need help spelling a Guild's name or a character's name see the Guild contact list and you may be able to find what you are looking for or perhaps be reminded of someone. Alot of guilds that have been nominated are not on the guild contact list and a lot guilds on the contact list that are listed as "Competitive" for PVP have not been nominated. Be sure to update your info their as it may make it easier for you to find challenges or be challenged.

Edited by blackopsranger
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That is a lot of nominations! Seems like it'd be a bit of a chore to go through them all for voting... Will they all be listed or will there be a cut off such as only those nominated 3+ times get put on the vote list?


They will be broken down the same as the survey. So for instance sage/ sorc healers and Commando/Merc Healers will not be in the same section.

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I would say I have a healthy respect of both, Galvik I've seen off days and really really good days and Arvy I don't see that often anymore sadly :c


I play often, just usually in the early mornings due to my work schedule so my regular adversaries are those few guys in the Core and Anathema who also queue in the mornings.


But on topic of the post, I would say Galvik is definitely stronger when it comes to doing damage (although this could also be because he usually runs with buddies and has support, and we all know how op's defensives pretty much ruins their damage), whereas my talents are more in the "how to piss the enemy team off the most" department.


Galvik and Juricane are the other ops/scoundrels on the server who I'd say should be nominated.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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Simulara or Zytra - Best Serenity Shadow



Amazing shadow. :rak_02:


Also, to the other <NSN> people in this thread, whenever myself or friends offered to queue ranked with 4 dps v 4 dps, none of your guildies responded! :( It's almost like you guys don't wanna play around without a trinity comp.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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I find it funny how none of the people that are truly the best pvp'ers on this server are even mentioned lol, another pathetic thread made by ppl that get shat on.



I think its sad to complain, but not add any input to the list. Step up to the mound and throw out some names if you think nobody mentioned is good enough in your opinion.

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I think its sad to complain, but not add any input to the list. Step up to the mound and throw out some names if you think nobody mentioned is good enough in your opinion.


That's because in their mind, only they are deserving and I guess they realize it would look bad if they put their own name up.

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That's because in their mind, only they are deserving and I guess they realize it would look bad if they put their own name up.


I don't think that i'm the best player on the server, I just know that i slay all the names that were thus far mentioned and since i slay them (not being the best) that certainly does not make them the best. I will give my list tho.


Best Assassin/Shadow - Peb

Best Operative/Scoundrel - Bruha

Best Sniper/Gunslinger - Torn between Vixerus/Dock so we'll make that a tie.

Best Mercenary/Commando - Itracer ( because the asian sensasion excels at all he does)

Best Powertech/Vanguard - Grizz

Best Sorceror/Sage- Audacious

Best Marauder/Sentinel - Ragnak

Best Juggernaut/Guardian - Zerkonis

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I don't think that i'm the best player on the server, I just know that i slay all the names that were thus far mentioned and since i slay them (not being the best) that certainly does not make them the best. I will give my list tho.


Best Assassin/Shadow - Peb

Best Operative/Scoundrel - Bruha

Best Sniper/Gunslinger - Torn between Vixerus/Dock so we'll make that a tie.

Best Mercenary/Commando - Itracer ( because the asian sensasion excels at all he does)

Best Powertech/Vanguard - Grizz

Best Sorceror/Sage- Audacious

Best Marauder/Sentinel - Ragnak

Best Juggernaut/Guardian - Zerkonis


Half of those people don't even play anymore. But yeah, Peb for best Shadow/Sin NA! :rak_03:

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I don't think that i'm the best player on the server, I just know that i slay all the names that were thus far mentioned and since i slay them (not being the best) that certainly does not make them the best. I will give my list tho.


Best Assassin/Shadow - Peb

Best Operative/Scoundrel - Bruha

Best Sniper/Gunslinger - Torn between Vixerus/Dock so we'll make that a tie.

Best Mercenary/Commando - Itracer ( because the asian sensasion excels at all he does)

Best Powertech/Vanguard - Grizz

Best Sorceror/Sage- Audacious

Best Marauder/Sentinel - Ragnak

Best Juggernaut/Guardian - Zerkonis



Thx a lot dude!

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Just like to add that the list is entertaining but not entirely certain it's valid. There are a lot of players I think are amazing and would rip apart the leaders (not that the leaders are bad, just that I feel some players have an equivalent or better grasp of a class and aren't properly represented.)


Examples that would come to mind would be Mace (for Senti/mara), Tellic for slingers, Green'beam for Commando healers, Bubble'u for Sages, Sto'at for Sages, Seetsu for Sage healers.

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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I'm going to tend to agree with Rydarus on this topic. Most of the leaders here are not a good representation of the best of their role/class, the exception being Rydarus himself in the DPS juggernaut department (Mace is a beast as sentinel too).


While this was an amusing exercise, I would caution anyone to take this list seriously in any capacity.

Edited by Charobot
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I'm going to tend to agree with Rydarus on this topic. Most of the leaders here are not a good representation of the best of their role/class, the exception being Rydarus himself in the DPS juggernaut department (Mace is a beast as sentinel too).


While this was an amusing exercise, I would caution anyone to take this list seriously in any capacity.


For those who arent on the list, simply check others and put in their name. Its not intended that these players are the best for ranked matches, they can queue 4s. or ranked matches for that.This is more for the people who usually queue only regs and is strictly based upon opinion. Its also meant to get people in the spirit for the new ranked season so that they feel they should/ can prove themselves and their guilds. Still those that are typed can still be counted and the number of time they are voted can still be tallied as I can see the number of times each name appears, at the end I will count these up and post "official" winners here.

Edited by blackopsranger
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