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Player's Choice awards for PVP


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Just wanted to give everyone an update since ive been doing things for I'm currently working with Survey Monkey and a few other places to create polls. Currently beginning Today through the Launch of 4.1 (about February) I will accept Nominations for DPS Tank and Healer based upon advanced class (Sage, Powertech, etc) and when the patch launches I will post the polls for everyone to vote. I am also working on prizes. Upon the conclusion, although results will be online, the intent is to have an RP Event with Duels and prize issuance. Location TBD. Feel free to post any feedback.

Any donations for prizes can be sent to Alzbeta (Republic) or Brad'Vickers Imperial side. You can either send the items or state what you will bring in a message.

As heads up the intent is to limit people to 1 vote in each category so if guilds are looking for representation it may be better to nominate only 1 of your people in each category.


Nomination link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ebonhawkpvp

Edited by blackopsranger
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Just wanted to give everyone an update since ive been doing things for I'm currently working with Survey Monkey and a few other places to create polls. Currently beginning 1 January through the Launch of 4.1 (about February) I will accept Nominations for DPS Tank and Healer based upon advanced class (Sage, Powertech, etc) and when the patch launches I will post the polls for everyone to vote. I am also working on prizes. Upon the conclusion, although results will be online, the intent is to have an RP Event with Duels and prize issuance. Location TBD. Feel free to post any feedback.

As heads up the intent is to limit people to 1 vote in each category so if guilds are looking for representation it may be better to nominate only 1 of your people in each category.


Nice, nice. On a side note, Gump's mother always said, "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say nothing at all." I agree.


With that, I should also mention O'ryn (I think his name is spelled this way), a guardian, is pretty tough. Kudos to him for killing me many times (I hate juggs/guardians so much). :p

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For the record, I strongly disapprove of this.


E-peen & egos. Leading to more egos. And more egos.


The people who are truly good at PVP do not need recognition, as they are already respected and sure of themselves. Ego-stroking does not help us make a better community, but insteadencourages bragging, that is born out of lobbyists.

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for the record, i strongly disapprove of this.


E-peen & egos. Leading to more egos. And more egos.


The people who are truly good at pvp do not need recognition, as they are already respected and sure of themselves. Ego-stroking does not help us make a better community, but insteadencourages bragging, that is born out of lobbyists.


t b h

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For the record, I strongly disapprove of this.


E-peen & egos. Leading to more egos. And more egos.


The people who are truly good at PVP do not need recognition, as they are already respected and sure of themselves. Ego-stroking does not help us make a better community, but insteadencourages bragging, that is born out of lobbyists.


People with EGOs will stroke their EGOs and talk smack regardless with or without an event. I would say though that based upon the nominations received people are nominating people I've never heard of and who are likely not in the same guild as them. That said to help with EGOs and such the event will likely be held on a Tatooine stronghold so that "grudge matches" can take place. While EGOs will still go on as they always will, we can at-least have fun in the event itself as it will also bring higher levels players together so that players new to PVP will be able to see their gear, perhaps get tips and such so that the "bottom level" of PVP would rise as well. I think I recall The Nexu guild saying they were looking for stiff competition for 4v4s, This would be a good oppurtunity to get mass pops in a tournament/ Survivor's challenge as lots of guilds have representation on the nominations already.

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Many of the folks listed so far play regs (which obviously has a larger population). I would imagine that many of those who are concerned about their reputation, focus on ranked. I am not sure the results will mean very much to anybody, but I don't see much harm either.
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I think this thread is fun and simple when people can simply limit what they post to positive things said about others.


It's amazing to me, how hard other people find it is to hear something nice said about someone other than themselves, though.


As for a contest, not a big deal. If people enjoy contests, then they will partake and that's fine, right? Humans as a species enjoy sports, contests, competition and this game is no different.


Just like in sports, some players are obnoxiously rude and cocky, while others are more humble.


You shouldn't avoid contests just because you fear obnoxious players will have a platform to feel themselves more.


It's better to try to enjoy the fun in an event and just don't be surprised when some people show their butts. (IMO though, the thread alone was good enough, without a contest.)

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Many of the folks listed so far play regs (which obviously has a larger population). I would imagine that many of those who are concerned about their reputation, focus on ranked. I am not sure the results will mean very much to anybody, but I don't see much harm either.


Is there a way to see a list of nominations without going through the survey first? Or do you mean the people listed in this thread so far?

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Is there a way to see a list of nominations without going through the survey first? Or do you mean the people listed in this thread so far?


I have had added those listed in the thread to the list of nominations. You wont see names listed in the survey as currently its simply nominations. At the beginning of the ranked season I will create ballots with all of the names that have been submitted. Currently there are at-least 100 different characters nominated overall with 87 from DPS alone.

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Gotta confer with the rest of <NSN> but we (read: I) can probably put a bounty on our A-team's head in group ranked. I'll come up with some kind of prize that's worth it.


Lifts the heart to see the A team willing to throw some for the B team and allow them a shot in the spotlight to win the ultimate elite mega warlord prize. Keepin it classy you cheeky devils.

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Gotta confer with the rest of <NSN> but we (read: I) can probably put a bounty on our A-team's head in group ranked. I'll come up with some kind of prize that's worth it.


If the prize is worth it, I know some Imp teams from Harbinger that are thinking about paying this server a visit.

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Gotta confer with the rest of <NSN> but we (read: I) can probably put a bounty on our A-team's head in group ranked. I'll come up with some kind of prize that's worth it.


Awesome. If that's the case we may move up the awards ceremony (depending on input) so that if this pumps teams up, they will have plenty of time to also compete for the ranked rewards.

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No offense, but what was the point of us posting people to nominate in the thread if you was going to put in a link to a website anyways?


The original post was to see how many would be interested in this. It was not until after many posts where people were already "nominating" people that the decision to move ahead and do this event was made. At that time I developed the survey which I edited the first post to include the link. So simply put there was no official plan for this until there appeared to be at-least some interest.

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Happy to see Juricane back along with Iilililililii, of <Guerrilla>, both awesome players and always make the fights a challenge or totally frustrating. :D I say happy to see them back only because I just started seeing them again recently. See you guys in the warzones!
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