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Soft Sith?


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People need to get past the "All sith are cartoonishly evil supervillains" Schtick.


Yes, there are some, (Im looking at you Thana Vesh) just like there are some really cartoonishly evil republic characters (Yeah im talking about you Saresh).


Then you just have straightup whackadoos like Vaylin.


I never saw Marr as "Soft", just pragmatic. As another poster said if you absolutely need definitions, try thinking "Lawful Evil" instead of "Chaotic Evil.


If anyone in SWTOR should be considered Chaotic Evil it would be Vaylin :p


(Although some would say Lord Gratham and his ergonomic chairs are hmmm...)


Saresh and Thana Vesh are just Chaotic Stupid. :D

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I miss Malgus. :(


On a side note I prefer the "softer" SIth. They don't just see something as "waiting to be destroyed" and can be somewhat reasoned with. Being 100% dark or 100% light seems dumb to me, not talking about the in game dark/light bar. Talking about NPCs dark/light style. Light are too naive, Dark are too cartoon evil. The good characters are the ones that are able to blend somewhere in the middle, either leading slightly dark or slightly light.

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Maybe they finally realised that twirling their moustaches while laughing maniacally as they sent countless imperial resources to waste for pointless petty reasons is why they keep getting rekteroni in the first place?


I mean, even Emperor thinks they were a giant waste of his time.

Edited by imissleeches
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Honestly, I think Marr and Satele banged on Yavin and that's why he's visiting her...





That's why they keep having their little "Ghost" moments. Theron's got a little kid half-sister running around somewhere. Wee little Marr Shan.


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Actually I have done both.


As I said at the end of the initial post, this thread is not to be taken seriously

No, you said it was not to be take "to [sic] seriously."


]and I am just having fun by creating a thread not discussing the companion nerf or upcoming buff. Not threatening to unsub for blah blah reason.

The traditional refuge of those on the internet when shown to be wrong: "I was just trolling/joking."

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Psychopathic, murdering, baby eating monsters =/= Sith. (did I use that symbol right?)


To be fair, at least an entire bloodline of the Sith still at war with the Republic devolve into psychopathic, murdering, baby-eating monsters by the time of Knight Errant (It's set before the Brotherhood of Darkness rises, but I'm not sure on its exact placement in the timeline offhand. A generation before, I think?).

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Coldly logical is the definition of the Light Side.

It really isn't. The light side is about compassion and self-sacrifice, not sacrificing others for the "greater good."


The only Jedi that's known to have abandoned her emotions for logic was the Dark Woman, and she was considered strange at best by other Jedi.

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To be fair, at least an entire bloodline of the Sith still at war with the Republic devolve into psychopathic, murdering, baby-eating monsters by the time of Knight Errant (It's set before the Brotherhood of Darkness rises, but I'm not sure on its exact placement in the timeline offhand. A generation before, I think?).


Oh really? I never indulged into the EU. Then again, none of it's canon anymore. In fact, none of this is canon, so I guess I don't really care what BW does with the Sith (or anything else) in this game.


I wish I got more into the EU. I guess I can still do it now. Any tips on where to start? I heard Thrawn is good, but I'm more interested in events before the prequels.

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No, you said it was not to be take "to [sic] seriously."



The traditional refuge of those on the internet when shown to be wrong: "I was just trolling/joking."


You presume much about my intentions.


Let me put it to bed then shall I?


It doesn't bother me when I am wrong about something, and I don't mind admitting I am wrong about something. Like the Force Ghost thing, I was misinformed about that in the lore and thus was corrected.


This is how I learn and grow as a person.


So yes, I was poking fun at some of the "Soft Sided" Sith we have been introduced to in the KOTFE story line.

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Oh really? I never indulged into the EU. Then again, none of it's canon anymore. In fact, none of this is canon, so I guess I don't really care what BW does with the Sith (or anything else) in this game.


I wish I got more into the EU. I guess I can still do it now. Any tips on where to start? I heard Thrawn is good, but I'm more interested in events before the prequels.


The Thrawn Trilogy really is very good, but if you're looking for pre-Episode I stuff, there isn't necessarily a lot of it. Much of the Old Republic era and the foundation material for this game, by and large, come from the Dark Horse comics. The old Tales of the Jedi comics starting with Golden Age of the Sith are really quite good. The Darth Bane trilogy of novels from Drew Karpyshyn were good, there's also four novels that are set specifically around The Old Republic, three of them tie-in directly (Revan, Deceived, and Annilhation), the fourth (Fatal Alliance) just kind of uses the setting and the structure of the classes as the framework.


Beyond that, there's not a lot pre-Episode 1. There's one book (and a handful of comics) in the Dawn of the Jedi. I like it, but it's very preliminary stuff, which like Knight Errant, was cut short due to Disney's buy out. There's also the Lost Tribe of the Sith, which is kind of interesting on its own, but ties in more directly to stuff that happens thousands of years later in the timeline, a zombie novel (Red Harvest), and the starting stuff that begins laying the backstory for Episode 1 and beyond (Darth Plagueis).

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That's why they keep having their little "Ghost" moments. Theron's got a little kid half-sister running around somewhere. Wee little Marr Shan.


Satele is too old to breed. :D


Course if you say Marr-Shan fast you get little green men...tee hee, see what I did there? :D



People need to get past the "All sith are cartoonishly evil supervillains" Schtick.


Yes, there are some, (Im looking at you Thana Vesh) just like there are some really cartoonishly evil republic characters (Yeah im talking about you Saresh).


Then you just have straightup whackadoos like Vaylin.


I never saw Marr as "Soft", just pragmatic. As another poster said if you absolutely need definitions, try thinking "Lawful Evil" instead of "Chaotic Evil.


If anyone in SWTOR should be considered Chaotic Evil it would be Vaylin :p


(Although some would say Lord Gratham and his ergonomic chairs are hmmm...)


Saresh and Thana Vesh are just Chaotic Stupid. :D



I agree, I think it makes for more interesting characters to acknowledge the good in the baddies, and the bad in the 'goodies.' No one is completely one or the other.


I don't see Marr as a soft Sith, he's powerful, dedicated and pragmatic. Just because he's not running around with kitten entrail necklaces doesn't mean he's not dark, battle hardened and strong in the Force. Calling Marr soft is ridiculous, he's forged in battle, he is the defender of the Empire and it's primary conqueror. He has been on the Dark Council longer than anyone, and is respected, at least by anyone with half a shred of sense. I'm vaguely amused by the young whipper nappers that come along and think they're all that, only to be obliterated from their positions on the Dark Council within weeks, if it takes that long. What Marr has done, is no small feat, and he deserves respect. I think he's awesome, and yeah, I'm still bummed out that they've killed him. But I know you and I are on the same page.


*high fives to my forum sister*

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The Thrawn Trilogy really is very good, but if you're looking for pre-Episode I stuff, there isn't necessarily a lot of it. Much of the Old Republic era and the foundation material for this game, by and large, come from the Dark Horse comics. The old Tales of the Jedi comics starting with Golden Age of the Sith are really quite good. The Darth Bane trilogy of novels from Drew Karpyshyn were good, there's also four novels that are set specifically around The Old Republic, three of them tie-in directly (Revan, Deceived, and Annilhation), the fourth (Fatal Alliance) just kind of uses the setting and the structure of the classes as the framework.


Beyond that, there's not a lot pre-Episode 1. There's one book (and a handful of comics) in the Dawn of the Jedi. I like it, but it's very preliminary stuff, which like Knight Errant, was cut short due to Disney's buy out. There's also the Lost Tribe of the Sith, which is kind of interesting on its own, but ties in more directly to stuff that happens thousands of years later in the timeline, a zombie novel (Red Harvest), and the starting stuff that begins laying the backstory for Episode 1 and beyond (Darth Plagueis).


Thanks for the information. I definitely want to check out the Darth Bane and Darth Plagueis content.

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