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Looking for active end game guild!!


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Hey everyone,

I just transferred over from Harbinger. I am an East Coast player and chose a West Coast server because I like to play late at night. Unfortunately, my guild wouldn't get going until real late due to the time difference and in the end, it just didn't work for me. I am usually on 7PM EST until 11:30 or so.


I came from a real good end game guild. Good people and a lot of fun. We would run SM and HM Ops frequently, FP's etc... Sort of looking for the same. Pugging is just not what it used to be and I have more fun doing guild runs. Although a semi guild run with Pugs can be fun too.


I have 1 level 65 Combat Sentinel with a mix of 216/220 all augmented. I would like to complete the 220 set and start moving to NiM runs. I have a level 53 Carnage Marauder on Imp side that is about 2 weeks away from 65 and am collecting Commons for 208 gear. But the Imp side isn't really my cup of tea. I am leveling him to have options but prefer Pub side.


So looking for a mature, experienced guild that focuses on PVE end game. Not into PVP at all. My days of PVP ended with Modern Warfare. Let me know if you could use a mediocre DPS. :)

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Hey there chemithir!


<Galactic Forces> is a Republic conquesting and raiding guild on Jedi Covenant, looking for more people to consistently clear 4.0 SM, HM, and NiM content. We are a casual, friendly guild with a great sense of camaraderie. Our ops are first-come, first-serve on a nightly basis with multiple runs/lockouts to get everyone involved. While we're primarily looking for tanks and heals at this point to bolster our ranks, we're always welcome to have a knowledgable dps like you join! We do have a sister Imp guild that you could put your Marauder in as well (though we raid less frequently on impside).


As usual, all available amenities are provided (guild bank, guild ship, ventrilo, 10/10 xp, etc.) We are also consistently in the top 10 for conquest each week if you're looking to get those rewards. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, don't hesitate to shoot me a message! PM me here on SWTOR.com or shoot me a message in-game to my toon Azlock.





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The <Black Widow Company> is a veteran-owned, award-winning, multi-gaming community which has been successful for over twelve years, primarily in first person shooters and MMOs. In that time we have built a solid reputation in online gaming as a community that believes in integrity, fair play, dedication, and teamwork. You can expect a highly organized unit with a mature and professional gaming attitude. We are competitive; we're in this game for competition and fun and we support a diverse range of play styles. We provide content for casual and progression Raiders, casual and competitive PvP and Galactic Starfighter, as well as maintaining an environment conducive to general fun in less organized play styles.


There is no level, gear, or experience requirement for joining BWC. We run in-house trainings that will allow each member to advance in skill and understanding as far as they are willing to push themselves.


BWC plays on both factions and currently hosts progression raids on most nights; 7:30 pm to 9:30pm EST and to Midnight EST. On our non-raiding nights of the week, we run everything from PvP Ops to Trainings. Teamspeak is our VoIP program, and we require its use for all progression content. We have a guild flagship, 10% Rep/XP bonuses, and consistently win and place in the conquest leaderboards.


Our team motto is “ONE TEAM, ONE FIGHT”, and we apply that mentality in every game we play, and to everything we do, without risking or compromising our desire or our ability to have fun at the same time. We invite you to discover what makes us different for yourself.


To begin your journey, please feel free to send me a PM here or visit our website: http://the-bwc.com/

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If you haven't found a home yet I think my guild could be a really good fit for you. Our website is linked in my signature or I'm happy to answer any questions you might have. If you already landed elsewhere then I wish you all the best, there's plenty of good guilds on the server so I wouldn't presume to say that we're the only good fit for you!
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