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Group questing dialogue - I really hate the bland, generalized greetings


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I tend to duo almost exclusively with my gf. One thing that we both really hate, is that when we greet an NPC solo, we often get a very interesting greeting, that is relevant directly to our class. If we do it as a group, it's almost always some lame variation of the line, "Well, look at this group of heroes!!111".


The whole Makeb storyline is an especial offender. We would both rather have it go normally, with whoever starts the convo first getting the personalized greeting. Pretty much the only quest in the entire game which handles a group dialogue is meeting Darth Lachris...which can be hilarious if you're questing as a Sith and a non-Sith...whereas the Darth refers to the other group member as your slave.


But that's the single exception. All of the rest is 'hurr durr, they sent all of you!'

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