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Question for all the casuals


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It just seems to me that people are so focused on how awful everything is that they won't accept ANY answer or solution but their own.


I'm like, "Hi, can I help you with that?"

They're like "f you go away"




Yeah because at any moment I may decide I am thirst and go afk for a drink, or hear that my niece has arrived and want to go and give her a hug and a kiss, this type of attitude would annoy anyone I group with but I can go afk at my leisure or even turn around and look at something on the TV.

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FWIW, it's not that we don't want to group, nor is it a case of never grouping. It's that some of us have very select circles with whom we group.


A random sampling of "social level" for some of my characters. A person who never groups would probably be social II or III maybe? http://s21.postimg.org/o7gfmwtcn/Lady_Vixx.jpg


Current characters/alts on Jedi covenant:


31 @ Lv65

18 @ Lv60

4 @ Lv55

Edited by LadyVix
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Why can't you group with people?


I work full time, I got 2 dogs and a cat to deal with. I only have a couple hours a day to play games.


Yet, I don't see the problem with most of the other people in the games I play. I get groups for heroic content a a daily basis, and most of the time, they are NOT terrible, rude jerks. We just do the dungeon/flashpoint, say thanks for the group, and move on. Occasionally, someone asks a question about the game, and if I know the answer, I tell them.


I made a post a few days ago asking for people who play in the early morning on Jedi Covenant to start aa morning heroic/whatever group. I GOT NO ONE.


Stop raging about how none of you have any time to do anything now that you can't solo and look around. Stop being so anti-social and rude (you know, like these mythical people that you won't group up with), and try doing heroics with another guy.


I may be harsh and blunt on these forums, but I'm asking you to run a heroic with me. I'm a great tank, and even after the nerf, my lvl 20 influence Xalek is better then nothing. Bring your favorite dps character and we'll go obliterate the enemy, or something. COMEON!


Hey I have a bunch of toons on Jedi Cov. I'll group with you! I tend to play healers so a good tank is always a plus. My new lvl 60 (free) is Tarabith. You see her on, send me a tell, if I have time, I'll do something. I would much prefer to group.


Am I the best? No. Am I bad? Not at all. I am a competent healer and competent dps. I have a tank but ..haha..that's a work in progress.


If I wanted to play alone, I'd play skyrim or something.

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I imagine I won't find anyone at all, since people think I'm rude and they don't want to play with anyone. I found some of the people who replied to my posts to be rude, too. I'll still do group content with em if they could get over it ;)


Well, from this I glean you really don't want an answer to your OP question. You just want us to **** and group with you.


However here's my excuse/reason/answer.


I have 2 ISPs, one DSL, one satellite.


The DSL is subject to conditions of "bandwidth exhaustion" on erratic to almost constant times. This simply means that I freeze in place on the screen for long periods of time or get kicked off the server.


The sat net is slow... very slow, but I can(well could) play the game. Look at the "ping" you get in game, and you'll see 40-80 ms response times(unless from Pacific/Euro area on an American server). On a good day I get 670ms.


Grouping is really impossible for me. Solo was fun pre-massive nerf, only died a few times. Now, well I have played in game for maybe 2 hours since the nerf.


The other posters' points about why they don't have a desire to group, but would rather solo, also are very good and why I would probably infrequently group also. The "its an MMO/forced grouping is good for the game" crowd is really distasteful.

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The game is all about story just ask BW. The story is SOLO, all of the sudden you want people to group up? That really doesnt make sense. There are raids and heroic FPs for group content. Theres even a group finder.


People are pissed because BW sells a solo story game and then on a whim destroys the enjoyment of soloing for many many people.


They just made the game less fun because it lines up with "their vision" Who the hell wants to pay for a game that is less fun by design?


The story mode is completely soloable. You can do it with the companions you have right now and in whatever gear you have right now. Heroic 2+ require some effort and aren't a main part of the story, so they aren't counted as the core story content. Casuals can completely accomplish the story with a little effort and enjoy doing so. The people raging against the nerf are doing so because of the heroic 2+, not story.

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The story mode is completely soloable. You can do it with the companions you have right now and in whatever gear you have right now. Heroic 2+ require some effort and aren't a main part of the story, so they aren't counted as the core story content. Casuals can completely accomplish the story with a little effort and enjoy doing so. The people raging against the nerf are doing so because of the heroic 2+, not story.


You need to play the h2+ mode to complete the star fortress story quest chain.


And that is impossible for average solo players after the change.

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The story mode is completely soloable. You can do it with the companions you have right now and in whatever gear you have right now. Heroic 2+ require some effort and aren't a main part of the story, so they aren't counted as the core story content. Casuals can completely accomplish the story with a little effort and enjoy doing so. The people raging against the nerf are doing so because of the heroic 2+, not story.


Seems you have a different definition of "core story content" than I do. Please enlighten me on how you level up your Alliance and get the companions added to the game without doing the H2+?

Edited by Roalmo
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The story mode is completely soloable. You can do it with the companions you have right now and in whatever gear you have right now. Heroic 2+ require some effort and aren't a main part of the story, so they aren't counted as the core story content. Casuals can completely accomplish the story with a little effort and enjoy doing so. The people raging against the nerf are doing so because of the heroic 2+, not story.


Actually, the alliance progression requires that you complete the heroic starforges or you are stuck. I think that needs to be fixed so that solo mode starforge will count, OR, they need to give a little back on the nerf, because it IS too hard.


Which if you woke up one morning to play your game and discovered that the company changed it so you couldn't do it the way you wanted (when you COULD the day before), you'd be MAD. I would. But I'd figure out a way to get past it. Somehow.

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Actually, the alliance progression requires that you complete the heroic starforges or you are stuck.


We have a source on that? I completed them all and all I got was an email from Theron, six comps, and some swank armor.

Edited by ZanyaCross
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We have a source on that? I completed them all and all I got was an email from Theron, six comps, and some swank armor.


When the next chapters come out you will get quests for more companions, but only if you finish the prior companions.


Companions are basically a major quest line for the new style of expansions.


Note we have gone from 8 storylines to 2 storylines to 1 storyline. So the getting of comps IS the story.

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I've just read through this thread and everyone's got reasons for and against grouping. i don't group but there is no reason for this other that 'That's how i want to play' I pay my money on subs and (Far too much money) coins etc, so if i want to play solo i will. i don't understand what the problem is, i could go on about the groups who go through the game like they own it, with no respect for the fact that their not the only ones, but i wont :rolleyes:


Happy gaming folks, however you choose to play

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I don't find enjoyment dealing with people I don't know.

I barely like dealing with people I DO know.

IDGAF about grouping or group content.

When you start paying ALL my bills, I'll consider giving a damn about your opinion on how I play.


Any more questions?


This is an outstanding post. Approve.

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I am spoiled by TS. So, I'd rather do the content myself, than try to guess what people are trying to do. I usually off-heal, off-taunt, relieve extra adds off anyone in trouble in the common areas, trying to make sure their spawn does not get transferred to me. I certainly revive anyone who dies near me. I feel that's good enough.


I've never really liked doing Heroics anyway, have zero interest in KotFE, and did not get to try some of the FPs. My guild runs ops though, so that's good.

Edited by DomiSotto
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People like me? Who ask for help and offer help? You don't like that? OK.


The first day of the nerf, I logged in, asked in general for some people to run a heroic starforge with and got told that it wasn't possible. And I said, I'll tank, companion will heal, you dps and have your companion do whatever. They refused to go.


Companions aren't useless now. They need an un-nerf, they need even balancing for ALL classes. They need to be fixed. I agree that the nerf screwed new players and leveling players. That needs an immediate hotfix.


But *I* can tank. I love tanking. I love the challenge of all types and skill levels of players. I can adapt my playstyle to each group, and thats fun. I ask questions, I love watching the cutscene animation of the starforge blowing up. My companion can heal, you can dps and pull all of the things and I'll do the best I can to tank ALL OF THE THINGS, and I think that's fun. Pull EVERYTHING, lets GO. Let's have fun with the game we got, OK?


I still like the game, and I'll be sad if Bioware gets shut down because of a mistake like this, but can we not be allowed to have ANY fun at all with what's here?


Unfortunately, you are an exception. 11 years playing MMOs, and you sound like the exception to the rule of what I encounter grouping. Unfortunately, going through 99 idiots/jerks/rude people to get to you is not worth my time, frustration and stress. I play the game to have fun, and going through those other 99 is not fun.


As to heroics not being required, unfortunately they are now required to build your alliance, which is core story line. They are then new dailies as they preferred to recycle old content to save money.

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Why can't you group with people?


I work full time, I got 2 dogs and a cat to deal with. I only have a couple hours a day to play games.


Yet, I don't see the problem with most of the other people in the games I play. I get groups for heroic content a a daily basis, and most of the time, they are NOT terrible, rude jerks. We just do the dungeon/flashpoint, say thanks for the group, and move on. Occasionally, someone asks a question about the game, and if I know the answer, I tell them.


I made a post a few days ago asking for people who play in the early morning on Jedi Covenant to start aa morning heroic/whatever group. I GOT NO ONE.


Stop raging about how none of you have any time to do anything now that you can't solo and look around. Stop being so anti-social and rude (you know, like these mythical people that you won't group up with), and try doing heroics with another guy.


I may be harsh and blunt on these forums, but I'm asking you to run a heroic with me. I'm a great tank, and even after the nerf, my lvl 20 influence Xalek is better then nothing. Bring your favorite dps character and we'll go obliterate the enemy, or something. COMEON!


Have you ever listened to the toxic trolls on fleet?


LFM -<random> post achievement, must know tactics and be geared - no scrubs


Which I think means:

looking for 15 others so I can master loot as you do not need and please make sure you are able to carry me as I'm clueless & under geared


This is why people do not want to group up...

Edited by GythralSWTOR
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I have social anxiety...so I avoid grouping like the plague (I am getting better I think). I'd rather cut off a body part than group up to be honest. That's my problem, I know. But it's a lot easier on the nerves. I just can't hack the idea that people might be judging my skill level, or worse telling me how much I suck to my face. I feel like I'm a good player, I get done the things that I want to do, sometimes out of sheer head bashing persistence. I like my delusion lol. If I run with others it maybe shattered. :)


Plus I like freedom. I might suddenly decide to go out somewhere or watch a movie, or write if I get a jolt of inspiration. These things usually happen on the spur of the moment and I wouldn't want to leave anyone in the lurch after making a commitment to help.


I also like to do things at my own pace, and see everything and hear the dialogue, even if I've done it before, I don't like the whole 'will you just spacebar dammit!?' thing.


I'm not really sure I even qualify as a casual, I pretty much eat, breathe and sleep this game and the universe. But, there is my answer anyways.

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Have you ever listened to the toxic trolls on fleet?


LFM -<random> post achievement, must know tactics and be geared - no scrubs


Which I think means:

looking for 15 others so I can master loot as you do not need and please make sure you are able to carry me as I'm clueless & under geared


This is why people do not want to group up...


I read it as:


"I'm looking to run my alt through, so I don't have the gear/experience to carry undergeared/inexperienced players and would like to finish the run quickly without having to stop and explain every fight."


Sometimes I'm happy to teach new players how to play or carry them through harder content to gear up (mostly guildies). Other times I'm just looking to do a quick run while I have time on a character I don't run in a regular group.

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