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Question for all the casuals


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Story mode is completely solo able if you are having trouble you do what you did on every freaken rpg you have ever played in your life!

You level up! Gear up! Get up! Improve your strategy ! Try again! If all else fails look up guides! I


Group content should be expected to be done in groups, if you solo it you are doing so at your own risk. Hell every heroic I ran into says 2+


Pretty sure you misquoted me as your answer had pretty much nothing to do with my post lol

If you didnt reading comprehension is great, try it

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Games companies would be spending money hand-over-fist on pvp/raid content if that's where the player-base wanted to be, but clearly their stats show otherwise.


So, again with no disrespect, to those claiming astonishment that most mmo players don't want to play 'hardcore' group content, have you considered that *you* might be playing the wrong game? DOTA?


Finally, I couldn't agree more with all the reasons given here for not wanting to group. In the dim and distant past, I used to, but it got depressing, unfriendly and TIRESOME. Mind you, I remember when it was considered polite to /tell someone before you asked them to group or join a guild. I liked that.


Spot-the-heck ON! I wish I could upvote this comment.

Edited by mrsrachelm
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Group content should be expected to be done in groups, if you solo it you are doing so at your own risk. Hell every heroic I ran into says 2+


Evidently you aren't aware, or are being deliberately forgetful, of the fact that Eric blatantly stated that our companions were supposed to count as the second person for an H2+.

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My personal favorite is this:


Pug - "LFG For Heroic X"

Me - I will help

Pug - "LFG for Heroic X"

Me - Invite me.

Pug - "LFG for Heroic X.


Is there some secret internet handshake I don't know about, do I have to send a private message to someone, or invite them to my own group? If you are asking for help in chat you should be prepared to accept that help when it comes, just in case the people who are offering that help aren't doing it for their own benefit.

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My personal favorite is this:


Pug - "LFG For Heroic X"

Me - I will help

Pug - "LFG for Heroic X"

Me - Invite me.

Pug - "LFG for Heroic X.


Is there some secret internet handshake I don't know about, do I have to send a private message to someone, or invite them to my own group? If you are asking for help in chat you should be prepared to accept that help when it comes, just in case the people who are offering that help aren't doing it for their own benefit.


I usually /whisper them with "I will come if you need a tank" or whatever class/spec I'm online with.


I usually get an invite, or a /whisper back saying they were looking for something else.


Is it possible that you have invites set to auto-decline?

Edited by Tarkashae
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My personal favorite is this:


Pug - "LFG For Heroic X"

Me - I will help

Pug - "LFG for Heroic X"

Me - Invite me.

Pug - "LFG for Heroic X.


Is there some secret internet handshake I don't know about, do I have to send a private message to someone, or invite them to my own group? If you are asking for help in chat you should be prepared to accept that help when it comes, just in case the people who are offering that help aren't doing it for their own benefit.


You are doing it wrong. You are suppose to respond by linking the achievement so the person asking knows he can be carried.


And to the OP : after reading your comments here in this thread my answer to you about this is I will group with anyone ingame but you. Straightforward enough?

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You are doing it wrong. You are suppose to respond by linking the achievement so the person asking knows he can be carried.


And to the OP : after reading your comments here in this thread my answer to you about this is I will group with anyone ingame but you. Straightforward enough?


Should make a lot of people happy to be able to progress their alliance because of your generosity. :)


Make sure you spell my character name right when you add it to your ignore list. "Zendraco" on Harbinger and Jedi Covenant.

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Why can't you group with people?


I work full time, I got 2 dogs and a cat to deal with. I only have a couple hours a day to play games.


Yet, I don't see the problem with most of the other people in the games I play. I get groups for heroic content a a daily basis, and most of the time, they are NOT terrible, rude jerks. We just do the dungeon/flashpoint, say thanks for the group, and move on. Occasionally, someone asks a question about the game, and if I know the answer, I tell them.


I made a post a few days ago asking for people who play in the early morning on Jedi Covenant to start aa morning heroic/whatever group. I GOT NO ONE.


Stop raging about how none of you have any time to do anything now that you can't solo and look around. Stop being so anti-social and rude (you know, like these mythical people that you won't group up with), and try doing heroics with another guy.


I may be harsh and blunt on these forums, but I'm asking you to run a heroic with me. I'm a great tank, and even after the nerf, my lvl 20 influence Xalek is better then nothing. Bring your favorite dps character and we'll go obliterate the enemy, or something. COMEON!


As I'm sure many have pointed out by now (don't feel like reading more than a page of this), it isn't that I can't, it's that I don't want to.


The game is sold as KotOR 3, 4, and 5. Every PR piece they've ever done has centered on the game as a narrative experience. Grouping just isn't a draw for many players, and Bioware tacitly acknowledged this when advertising the game.


But a lot of story content is locked behind groups, which is lame.


I've grouped before, and to be frank it just isn't enjoyable to interact with most of you. Most players seem half-witted, and generally bewildered by basic concepts - others are raging children that honestly believe you should study before playing a video game. I'd like to enjoy the story of a flashpoint or operation without having that sort of creature screeching "spacebar!!1!" into my chat box.


That's the opposite of fun or leisure, which is what I'm going for here.

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a lot of story content is locked behind groups, which is lame.


I've grouped before, and to be frank it just isn't enjoyable to interact with most of you. Most players seem half-witted, and generally bewildered by basic concepts - others are raging children that honestly believe you should study before playing a video game. I'd like to enjoy the story of a flashpoint or operation without having that sort of creature screeching "spacebar!!1!" into my chat box.


That's the opposite of fun or leisure, which is what I'm going for here.


Well, I don't care for group content (namely: operations, 4 person flashpoints, world bosses) in this game, (your reasons above are exactly why) but I don't have a problem grouping up to share quest credit, or to get a 2 person heroic done. I love the story. I've replayed the 1-50 content for every class, sometimes more then once ;)


From what I've read, the leveling isn't fun anymore. From personal experience, weekly heroics are a chore to get through.


Shouldn't be that way.

People seem to have the impression that because I'd like them to group up with me, that I also was one of the people calling for companion nerfs and am out to ruin their game. I'm not.

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Shouldn't be that way.

People seem to have the impression that because I'd like them to group up with me, that I also was one of the people calling for companion nerfs and am out to ruin their game. I'm not.


You see at this point It is sometimes hard to pinpoint sincere thread from trolling one in general d. Well not always difficult. Obvious trolls is obvious. Reading this thread i have 50/50 impression. If you really sincere here then mb general d not for this thread at this moment. Mb best try in Server Forums.


Random people, in general, are terrible to group with, especially if you have any form of life going on around you when you play the game, and no cats and dogs don't count as a "life".


Actually cats are superior life form. Also smug as hell. And we are just random people for them. If you really have the audacity to tell them that they don't count, well say goodbye for your favorite shoes.

And this thread definitely need more cats and dogs in it. And mb raccoons.

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Everyone has different play styles and no one's is more right then the next person's.


Certainly True


Also though, not every game is made for you to play and enjoy. So if there is a game that has a certain convention, then you need to decide if you want to play it, or if you want to quit and go play something more your speed.


You don't get to whine incessantly that all the content needs to be easily completed by mashing your face on the keyboard because you're some special snowflake who deserves to have everything they want when they want it with no effort/contribution at all.

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Certainly True


Also though, not every game is made for you to play and enjoy. So if there is a game that has a certain convention, then you need to decide if you want to play it, or if you want to quit and go play something more your speed.


You don't get to whine incessantly that all the content needs to be easily completed by mashing your face on the keyboard because you're some special snowflake who deserves to have everything they want when they want it with no effort/contribution at all.


I thought this was how you got the 'special snowflake' title.

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I'm a fan of random grouping. There's a Heroic on DK with a stupid long respawn timer on the final 'boss' If I get there and someone else is there I'll throw them an invite to save ME time. If they're nice, they'll accept. If I'm waiting and see someone approaching, I'll throw THEM an invite because I don't need to feel as if I did something special by killing the mob by myself when my companion can probably do it for me.


Grouping for clickies only makes sense.


The only time I feel it isn't 'polite' to do so is when you're in a queue for something else, but at that point, when I try to invite you, I'll get that message.

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People playing mmos but hate playing with people.........0.0








Since it seems to have been missed where I posted it a few pages back... I will quote myself rather than type it out again...:


You need to remember that this is Star Wars. Then also remember that this is also Star Wars the Old Republic.


Myself, and quite a few others are playing this -NOT- to be playing an MMO, we are playing this to be playing Knights of The Old Republic 3-10+.


I dont give a rats patootie about the MMO part, I just want to continue playing my Stars Wars story that this game is continuing in its own fashion that started in 2 NON MMO console/offline games.


Dont like the fact that people want to play the game for the story and not help you do whatever piddly quest you want someone to drag you through? Take it up with Bioware/EA for making KOTOR 3-10+ in an MMO setting rather than harp on people for just wanting to continue playing through the next incarnation of KOTOR.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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