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Question for all the casuals


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Since my original post is coming across as a personal attack to a lot of people. I'm fixing it, maybe to make it sound like I'm not attacking people for having a different opinion. The original has been quoted in entirety directly below.




Why won't you group with people?


I work full time, I got 2 dogs and a cat to deal with. I only have a couple hours a day to play games. I don't see this as a problem for me, and while pets are not human kids, they do occasionally cause emergency situations that I need to type "afk cat on fire brb". I don't get mad if people do this. I understand - hence why I bothered to mention my pets at all. If you can't deal with the possibility that someone else might have to afk while in a group with you, then I am not attacking you, OK?


I avoid larger group content (operations, 4 person flashpoints, world bosses) because I am not willing to risk getting a bad bunch of people who will spoil my fun and my game.


However, I don't see the problem with most of the other people in the groups for heroic 2+ content. Is there a problem with grouping for 30 mins or whatever, to get a heroic or mission done so we can both get on with leveling alliance/influence, or crafting? If so, please don't direct your anger at what Bioware has done to their game - at me. I just wanna do the dungeon/flashpoint, say thanks for the group, and move on.


I made a post a few days ago asking for people who play in the early morning on Jedi Covenant to start a morning heroic/whatever group. Are there no people on my schedule or is the idea of grouping up on a whim that anathema to people?


I see people raging about how they don't have any time to do anything now that they can't solo. I wish they would adapt, and try doing heroics with another guy.


It's faster then doing it solo, and it solves the problem of not being able to get through content alone. Sometimes it's fun.


I may be harsh and blunt on these forums, but I'm really not trying to be mean. I'm just frustrated that people seem to spend so much time arguing and complaining instead of adapting. I can accept the changes to the game, and I'm going to keep my subscription active. If you choose to quit, I hope that you come back eventually. I'd hate to have this game shut down because I love playing a crazy sith warrior.

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Why can't you group with people?


I work full time, I got 2 dogs and a cat to deal with. I only have a couple hours a day to play games.


Yet, I don't see the problem with most of the other people in the games I play. I get groups for heroic content a a daily basis, and most of the time, they are NOT terrible, rude jerks. We just do the dungeon/flashpoint, say thanks for the group, and move on. Occasionally, someone asks a question about the game, and if I know the answer, I tell them.


I made a post a few days ago asking for people who play in the early morning on Jedi Covenant to start aa morning heroic/whatever group. I GOT NO ONE.


Stop raging about how none of you have any time to do anything now that you can't solo and look around. Stop being so anti-social and rude (you know, like these mythical people that you won't group up with), and try doing heroics with another guy.


I may be harsh and blunt on these forums, but I'm asking you to run a heroic with me. I'm a great tank, and even after the nerf, my lvl 20 influence Xalek is better then nothing. Bring your favorite dps character and we'll go obliterate the enemy, or something. COMEON!


Welcome back to your bait fest.

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Why won't I group? Because I can do what I want on my own, and I'm a control freak. My husband won't even play with me I'm that bad. I do group with my son though but he's a game hopper - he's awesome, stays out of stuff on the ground and doesn't fall of the cliff repeatedly.
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The game is all about story just ask BW. The story is SOLO, all of the sudden you want people to group up? That really doesnt make sense. There are raids and heroic FPs for group content. Theres even a group finder.


People are pissed because BW sells a solo story game and then on a whim destroys the enjoyment of soloing for many many people.


They just made the game less fun because it lines up with "their vision" Who the hell wants to pay for a game that is less fun by design?

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Having run tanks in swtor for years the reasons i -only- group with friends and guildies are as follows:


Im sorry if it hurts some feelings, but 90% of the random people I encounter in this game are so mind bogglingly stupid I have trouble understanding how they even manage to turn on a computer let alone log into the game...


Im paying to play this game to relax and have fun. Not be forced to hold some idiots hand just so i can get something done.


Healers who couldnt put a ice pack on a stubbed toe if their lives depended on it? Check!


Derpy DPS who leap facefirst into every mob they see? Check!


Herpaderps who knockback every single time its off cooldown scattering mobs gathered to aoe/aggro control? Check!


Headpants who ensure to always attack CCd mobs first? Check!


Seeing a problem here?


The above listed is not fun, in any shape or form. And I could list quite a few more types of " Special " one encounters daily but the list would make me cry from PTSD :p

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There are two types of people who play this game that make up about 90% of players, and they are as follows:


Group 1: Rude disrespectful kids who want everything for free with no work, and are totally ungrateful when they actually get it. They hold no allegiance to the game or its future, and are like locust that will drive away new subs on their way to the next big thing.


Group 2: Bitter older mmo players who are glued to the SW ip, and who are torn between mmo styles, but they now gravitate to either solo play, or elitist groups who bash the young and ignorant alike. They too are a cancer, simply because of their constant vocal vitriol, both in the game, and on the forums.



Neither of these groups play well with others, so grouping is a crapshoot as a result.

Edited by Holocron
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The game is all about story just ask BW. The story is SOLO, all of the sudden you want people to group up? That really doesnt make sense. There are raids and heroic FPs for group content. Theres even a group finder.


People are pissed because BW sells a solo story game and then on a whim destroys the enjoyment of soloing for many many people.


They just made the game less fun because it lines up with "their vision" Who the hell wants to pay for a game that is less fun by design?


I'm curious, what part of the story can't you see even if you didn't do some of the Heroics? I'm serious. I have one level 65 character and haven't even started the new expansion yet. He was 65 after finishing the Revan expansion and I stopped playing for a bit until the current companion changes.

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The game is all about story just ask BW. The story is SOLO, all of the sudden you want people to group up? That really doesnt make sense. There are raids and heroic FPs for group content. Theres even a group finder.


People are pissed because BW sells a solo story game and then on a whim destroys the enjoyment of soloing for many many people.


They just made the game less fun because it lines up with "their vision" Who the hell wants to pay for a game that is less fun by design?


They didn't destroy the ability to do solo content. They destroyed the ability to do solo heroic content. So what. If you hate people or are too busy or can't deal with grouping, what's the point of doing heroic content when there's solo mode? What are you gearing up for? You gonna solo an operation raid? I couldn't solo the heroics before the nerf, didnt complain, just did the heroics in a group. Had fun, even.


I'm trying to get people to group with here. Look at the responses. Why are people spending so much effort rejecting me and people like me. I just want to play a game, why are YOU making it so difficult?

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I'll be looking for a group if my Shadow can't solo through the heroic SF on her own - but considering I've got a whole lot of gifts and alliance crates in legacy storage that won't be a problem.


But I'd totally take you up on that offer if you were pub and on Begeren Colony .. and don't fall off cliffs.

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Why can't you group with people?


I work full time, I got 2 dogs and a cat to deal with. I only have a couple hours a day to play games.


Yet, I don't see the problem with most of the other people in the games I play. I get groups for heroic content a a daily basis, and most of the time, they are NOT terrible, rude jerks. We just do the dungeon/flashpoint, say thanks for the group, and move on. Occasionally, someone asks a question about the game, and if I know the answer, I tell them.


I made a post a few days ago asking for people who play in the early morning on Jedi Covenant to start aa morning heroic/whatever group. I GOT NO ONE.


Stop raging about how none of you have any time to do anything now that you can't solo and look around. Stop being so anti-social and rude (you know, like these mythical people that you won't group up with), and try doing heroics with another guy.


I may be harsh and blunt on these forums, but I'm asking you to run a heroic with me. I'm a great tank, and even after the nerf, my lvl 20 influence Xalek is better then nothing. Bring your favorite dps character and we'll go obliterate the enemy, or something. COMEON!


It's you and people just like you for the first reason I don't group.


The second reason, is you still haven't figured out why people are mad. It's not the fact that they changed companions, it's the fact that they absolutely suck so much *** now, they are next to worthless.

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When i started on the game some years ago, i went numerous times in group, did operations, hard mod and such.

With time, i hated this because of the :


-rush to avoid mobs and kill only boss,

-if their achievements are done you can be sur yours do not count, so you will never do yours,

-inspection and critics (i do not speak about constructive help and advices) a class should be played like this and that, not how you feel good in it and if you dare to do the other way, then kick button --where is the fun in here if you have to be the clone of the other shadow or tank or dps to be accepted and why devs are doing so much skills if only some are good to use by the bible of elitists ?

-how dare you salvage, no time for it rush rush and the next room you see this one salvaging ....

-greed or need ? need of course for all greens reps and if some could even need on the gear you wear they would do it


and i could add more and more


So you are suprised that some of us do not want anymore grouping ?


In fact i group when i see someone asking for help, because this is what i like, helping others,.

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They didn't destroy the ability to do solo content. They destroyed the ability to do solo heroic content. So what. If you hate people or are too busy or can't deal with grouping, what's the point of doing heroic content when there's solo mode? What are you gearing up for? You gonna solo an operation raid? I couldn't solo the heroics before the nerf, didnt complain, just did the heroics in a group. Had fun, even.


I'm trying to get people to group with here. Look at the responses. Why are people spending so much effort rejecting me and people like me. I just want to play a game, why are YOU making it so difficult?


I've heard that antagonizing people is a great way to make them want to play with you...:rolleyes:

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It's you and people just like you for the first reason I don't group.


The second reason, is you still haven't figured out why people are mad. It's not the fact that they changed companions, it's the fact that they absolutely suck so much *** now, they are next to worthless.


People like me? Who ask for help and offer help? You don't like that? OK.


The first day of the nerf, I logged in, asked in general for some people to run a heroic starforge with and got told that it wasn't possible. And I said, I'll tank, companion will heal, you dps and have your companion do whatever. They refused to go.


Companions aren't useless now. They need an un-nerf, they need even balancing for ALL classes. They need to be fixed. I agree that the nerf screwed new players and leveling players. That needs an immediate hotfix.


But *I* can tank. I love tanking. I love the challenge of all types and skill levels of players. I can adapt my playstyle to each group, and thats fun. I ask questions, I love watching the cutscene animation of the starforge blowing up. My companion can heal, you can dps and pull all of the things and I'll do the best I can to tank ALL OF THE THINGS, and I think that's fun. Pull EVERYTHING, lets GO. Let's have fun with the game we got, OK?


I still like the game, and I'll be sad if Bioware gets shut down because of a mistake like this, but can we not be allowed to have ANY fun at all with what's here?

Edited by Tarkashae
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Press Spacebar.


OMG you ^&%^$%$ hit the spacebar.


^This. Actually why my main stuck in social lvl because of this)) Already done ops and raids, runs with guild.. Now my guild dead and rip and i just want to have fun with swtor stories.

Also i hope you understand - all people are not the same. Different people like different aspects of this game. There is introverts and extroverts. Team players and solo players. There are differences even within the same group. And this diversity is a good thing for this game.

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There are two types of people who play this game that make up about 90% of players, and they are as follows:


Group 1: Rude disrespectful kids who want everything for free with no work, and are totally ungrateful when they actually get it. They hold no allegiance to the game or its future, and are like locust that will drive away new subs on their way to the next big thing.


Group 2: Bitter older mmo players who are glued to the SW ip, and who are torn between mmo styles, but they now gravitate to either solo play, or elitist groups who bash the young and ignorant alike. They too are a cancer, simply because of their constant vocal vitriol, both in the game, and on the forums.



Neither of these groups play well with others, so grouping is a crapshoot as a result.


So.. I actually don't fit into either of those groups. :confused:

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People like me? Who ask for help and offer help? You don't like that? OK.


The first day of the nerf, I logged in, asked in general for some people to run a heroic starforge with and got told that it wasn't possible. And I said, I'll tank, companion will heal, you dps and have your companion do whatever. They refused to go.


Companions aren't useless now. They need an un-nerf, they need even balancing for ALL classes.


But *I* can tank. My companion can heal, you can dps and pull all of the things and I'll do the best I can to tank ALL OF THE THINGS, and I think that's fun. Pull EVERYTHING, lets GO. Let's have fun with the game we got, OK?


I still like the game, and I'll be sad if Bioware gets shut down because of a mistake like this, but can we not be allowed to have ANY fun at all with what's here?


I'd group with you but I can solo heroic Star Forge (and everything else I need to do). So I don't need to. But trust me if I ever need help with anything I'm going to hit you up. Probably won't though, if I wanted to play with others I'd join a guild.

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They didn't destroy the ability to do solo content. They destroyed the ability to do solo heroic content. So what. If you hate people or are too busy or can't deal with grouping, what's the point of doing heroic content when there's solo mode? What are you gearing up for? You gonna solo an operation raid? I couldn't solo the heroics before the nerf, didnt complain, just did the heroics in a group. Had fun, even.


I'm trying to get people to group with here. Look at the responses. Why are people spending so much effort rejecting me and people like me. I just want to play a game, why are YOU making it so difficult?


Regarding doing heroics solo....They destroyed the ability to do solo heroic content, after explicitly stating that they are meant to be solo'ed the night before. What's the point of doing a heroic solo? What am I gearing up for? Heroics are an essential part of the leveling process, and the alliance system now. I need to do heroics to get credits and blue gear for my low level toons every few levels. I need to do a massive amount of heroics to grind alliance specialist influence on every 65 I have. They have also pretty much replaced dailies. If I want to grind some credits out, time to do heroics. Should we be expected to want to find a group every single time we want to do one of those things? Not a chance. Heroics are 100% meant to be solo content in 4.0.




Having run tanks in swtor for years the reasons i -only- group with friends and guildies are as follows:


Im sorry if it hurts some feelings, but 90% of the random people I encounter in this game are so mind bogglingly stupid I have trouble understanding how they even manage to turn on a computer let alone log into the game...


Im paying to play this game to relax and have fun. Not be forced to hold some idiots hand just so i can get something done.


Healers who couldnt put a ice pack on a stubbed toe if their lives depended on it? Check!


Derpy DPS who leap facefirst into every mob they see? Check!


Herpaderps who knockback every single time its off cooldown scattering mobs gathered to aoe/aggro control? Check!


Headpants who ensure to always attack CCd mobs first? Check!


Seeing a problem here?


The above listed is not fun, in any shape or form. And I could list quite a few more types of " Special " one encounters daily but the list would make me cry from PTSD :p


I don't necessarily agree with the insults or harshness here. But this more or less represents my grouping experience outside of pvp/FPs/OPs. 50% of the time it's either holding someone's hand, or waiting around for 15 minutes for no particular reason. I don't mind showing an inexperienced player the ropes, in fact I quite enjoy it. But we shouldn't be forced into grouping for content that is unmistakably meant to be solo'ed in 4.0. :)

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Hey look, excuses and snide comments. Didn't get anyone from the forums to group with this morning.


Here it is:

Immortal Juggernaut on the Jedi Covenant server LFG heroics.

8am-noon eastern.


I won't even talk for the whole thing, I'll just be your tank puppet and go where you go and keep mobs off you.




not excuses. reasons.


just because you don't mind, doesn't mean others should be ok with it.


sometimes I'm group. when I'm in a mood for adjusting to other people's playstyles, finding compromises, all that stuff. sometimes I group becasue I want to play with a friend.


and sometimes.. I just want to play at my own pace, not feel guilty for randomly changing my route or afking because while playing I'm also working on something in real life, or escaping out of the conversation 5 times because I'm looking for a perfect in character set up, or scavenging every single dead mob, or because gosh darn it, I want to keep all the decorations that drop and there are very few people who are ok with me doing that while we are running together, and they are not always on at the time I have a moment to play.


playing with other people, even the nicest people in a world - comes with conditions and compromises. and there is many a time when I just don't want to deal with it. I just want to relax and do my own thing.


yes, I'm aware of single player games. i have a large library of them. the problem is... sometimes - I DO feel like playing with other people. hence - the mmo.


edited to add. Eric stated, directly stated that that content should be soloable (as in you and your companion). especially planetary heroics.

and yes, yes in theory it still is... just requires way more effort that its worth for most people. and since that and Star Fortresses are de facto end game content? what exactly are we supposed to be doing here. maybe if they didn't make those heroics as the primary way of getting alliance boxes. maybe if they didn't require Heroic star fortress completion for alliance recruitment. so many maybe's.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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