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Companion Change Feedback


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Please note I put "Forced PvP" in quotations as I'm not making a comment, yay or nay, about it. Merely repeating the threads that have been cropping up on the forums this past month about it.


And, by your logic of "we got our data" then why did it take a month for them to nerf the companions to begin with? It took them a month to gather that data, but it took them TWO days to get the appropriate data to find out they over nerfed? Again, I don't have numbers, but I do have an uncanny ability to notice trends and habits. And BW's habit has usually been "stay silent mostly forever." And they broke that trend. That smells of panic.


FWIW, I didn't notice the healers being OP because I didn't use them. I think the Tanks/DPS got messed up along the way, but I've been able to manage. Annoying, but I managed.


Do I think they should completely roll back 4.0.2? Meh, don't care because, again, I didn't use healing comps. I know they won't and I'm not, nor have I ever been, one of the people screaming that they should. I think the Tanks and DPS comps need to be fixed, given that they have no mitigation.


So, you know, you might want to step off your little soap box there. Or, to quote another BW game, "Can I get you a ladder so you can get off my back?"



Why did it take time? Adjustments and stuff work like this. You wait until you get a critical amount of players doing the SAME thing to get data. They want the KotFE story to be easy so that is a bad metric. I know LOTS of people that put their prefered charcters throught that 1 after the other THEN started with the level 65 grind. That is where the hard data is. So it takes time to get people to that point. the 2 weeks actually seems reasonable for that. Then a week of watching those players in the phase "oh junk".


Doesn't take much to analyse the new data, and I am sure they were motivated by the outcry on the forums and some loss of subs BUT to see that as the only metric is an exercise in self-indulgence.


I have no doubt they are throwing in a little extra to quiet people but trust me... to not go into detail but there are sources available to any player where RIGHT NOW you can see what the patch is gonna be and it will not be a full reversion, which is what many here appear to expect/demand. Is that not what you would expect IF the only reason was people quitting and not them also trying to preserve their vision of the game? Guess what, sometimes even if it is a lot of players these games say "bye bye I guess we aren't the game for you." and let you leave. And while they will try to minimize the damage there will still be people planning on leaving after tuesday.

Edited by Ghisallo
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Fallout is not an MMORPG with a persistent world. What the heck are you talking about? There were plans for a Fallout MMORPG which FAILED when Bethesda sued the pants off of Interplay. Fallout is a SP game. I really think you do not know the difference between and MMORPG with a persistent world and a SP:RPG or a SP:RPG with a Co-opt option and the difference between the persistent world and Instances. And btw there is no "difficulty slider" with the instances. You have Solo and H2 SF (as an example.) yes you have tacticals, and HM FPS, SM, HM and NiM Ops.... BUT they also provide DRASTICALLY different rewards, which is something that in the persistent world would be impossible.


Sorry but it is hard to take serious the opinion of a person that can't even tell the difference between an MMORPG and a SP game or the difference between the persistent world and the instances and such.


Oh I know what it is, I just dont feel like being long winded like you. Elder scrolls has those options as well as SWG did too and many other MMO's can scale difficulty in certain parts. Companions have had the ability to scale the level since beta thru mods in armor they had. So the nerf really all it did was unnecessarily weaken the game. Because we no longer have the ability to scale our companions levels because of the armor being only for looks now. Also this game has had scaled difficulty levels from the start so I'm trying to figure out what the heck you are talking about dude, you are talking gibberish that means nothing to the average player.

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Why did it take time? Adjustments and stuff work like this. You wait until you get a critical amount of players doing the SAME thing to get data. They want the KotFE story to be easy so that is a bad metric. I know LOTS of people that put their prefered charcters throught that 1 after the other THEN started with the level 65 grind. That is where the hard data is. So it takes time to get people to that point. the 2 weeks actually seems reasonable for that. Then a week of watching those players in the phase "oh junk".


Doesn't take much to analyse the new data, and I am sure they were motivated by the outcry on the forus and some loss of subs BUT to see that as the only metric is an exercise in self-indulgence.


I have no doubt they are throwing in a little extra to quiet people but trust me... to not go into detail there are sources available to any player where RIGHT NOW you can see what the patch is gonna be and it will not be a full reversion which is what many here appear t expect and what you would expect IF the only reason was people quiting. Guess what, sometimes even if it is a lot of players these games say "bye bye I guess we aren't the game for you." and let you leave.


And their usual trend has been to wait it out for a very long time. They did NOT do that this time. TWO. DAYS.


And as for your "not to go into detail" babble, be glad I'm not the type of person to report people for referring to ~that type~ of information ;)


And why on earth do you keep acting like I'm one of the people who's been screaming for a full reversal? How many times do I need to say that I. Don't. Care. about the nerf/buff/kissing babies while praising Wookie Christ.


There are VERY FEW people who want a FULL reversal, and I, personally, think it's ridiculous to demand that. MOST PEOPLE wanted a compromise, and that's what they're going to get, for better or for worse. And the people who haven't unsubbed yet might actually stick around.


Oh, and quit talking to me like I'm some effing idiot. You're just making yourself, and your supposed position, look bad.

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No matter if the elitists like it or not, SWToR lifes from the causals. As most other MMORPGs up to maybe 70% are very causals who log in 1th a week to do some solo stuff. 20% are regular visitors who play 1-3 hours/day. And only 10% (if at all) are hardcore gamers. And they are split in 70% who do NOT like the change , 15% who don't care and 15% who DO like this change.


So only a MINORITY like this ubar nerv! Cry as loude as you can ... you (the lovers) are on the shorter end of the stick.


BioWare would be stupid, to not reverse it or at last buff the compenions again to a level of maybe 25% less then 4.0 ;).


And for real, to balance something means FINE-TUNE it (5, 10, 15, 20, 25% steps). NOT to use a damn sledgehammer (50, 75% bs).

Edited by Jahor
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It is also just as likely that they said "oh crap people are going through the content too quick"... over nerf... "okay we have enough data to see that we over nerfed so lets make some changes and kiss babies while we are at it."


Why? is that more likely? because right now there is no "forced PvP" so kinda thinking you are confused. You have to remember giving players EXACTLY what they want is the way to kill your MMO. The trick is to keep em annoyed and not pissed off. based on that and some other things... yeah the people wanting this switch turned completey off... not gonna happen and that alone kinda undercuts your argument.


Well you are right on this they nerfed the companions because they were completing the new expansion too quickly, is what I think as well. They did say it was for their reasons. Which makes sense. No I dont think they should have nerfed the companions at all. All you had to do was click off the op skill there was no nerf needed that is what I did to make it harder for me. There was no reason why all the cries for a nerf were justified when you could do that simple thing. And there is no defense for that.

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Oh I know what it is, I just dont feel like being long winded like you trying to show my importance. Elder scrolls has those options as well as SWG did too and many other MMO's can scale difficulty in certain parts, you are just trying to sound like you know what your talking about. Companions have had the ability to scale the level since beta thru mods in armor they had. So the nerf really all it did was unnecessarily weaken the game. Because we no longer have the ability to scale our companions levels because of the armor being only for looks now. Also this game has had scaled difficulty levels from the start so I'm trying to figure out what the heck you are talking about dude, you are talking gibberish that means nothing to the average player.


A) ESO is heavily instanced and B) you would know even they described as "more of an elder scrolls game with a multiplayer option" hence the heavy instancing. Also SWG did not have a difficulty slider in the persistent world.


Yes they can create instances with variable difficulty, they already do. However until the do away with the persistent world that is the only path. When you have a persistent world shared by ALL players on a server there a difficulty slider doesn't work. What you are asking for in the persistent world would require a paradigm shift in their game development and that wouldn't happen without basically an Expac worth of work and require a complete change to their financial model as well.

Edited by Ghisallo
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Oh know... RIGHT.... The hy because if you knew you would know that A) ESO is also ncredibly instanced and B) you would know even they described as "more of an elder scrolls game with a multiplayer option" hence the heavy instancing. Also SWG did not have a difficulty slider in the persistent world. So do you want to continue to show you don't understand the difference?


Yes they can create instances with variable difficulty, they already do. However until the do away with the persistent world that is the only path. When you have a persistent world shared by ALL players on a server there a difficulty slider doesn't work


But yeah..

You are talking about sandbox games this is not a sandbox game dude.

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You are talking about sandbox games this is not a sandbox game dude.


Wait... You name SWG the classic sandbox game and say it has a difficulty slider, even though it didn't, and then say that the persistent world not allowing for difficulty sliders only applies to sandbox games? What!?!


I don't think you understand what a persistent world is in an MMO or I am being trolled, not sure which actually.

Edited by Ghisallo
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Wait... You name SWG the classic sandbox game and say it has a difficulty slider, even though it didn't, and then say that the persistent world not allowing for difficulty sliders only applies to sandbox games? What!?!


I don't think you understand what a persistent world is in an MMO or I am being trolled, not sure which actually.


I do I'm sorry but it was funny.

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I do I'm sorry but it was funny.


Ah so you were being sarcastic, playing a role while you did so speak, at my expense of course? Okay that makes more sense lol.


And I am not trying to show my importance...fyi. I just think some people are ignorant of the important differences between a SP game and an MMO with a persistent shared world. The rules for video games are not universal across genres but people who have always been a fan of only one genre sometimes assume that what works for one works for all


I actually think a take away for BW should be that after this they need to say "forget it, SWTOR is an MMO" BUT also make a TOR 3. I say this because turning SWTOR into TOR:3 is simply not possible, you might as well turn off the servers, I think this expac has thus far proved trying to keep the MMORPG fan and the TOR SP RPG fan happy at the same time is largely a hopeless task,

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Tanking is so bad on her (rank 50), she cant hold or take agro from you 2x maul and you got agro rest of fight (65 assasin in average 216 gear with 220 weapon) Nico Okarr (rank 30 ) is way better he can even take agro from you with multi grapple. She is so bad tank that i cant use her on some champion mobs cuz she cant hold agro or take it off you when you got it.


Dps you must be kidding 2 aoe abilities, she sucks at single target and on groups she takes agro and dies un less you are faster and do more aoe dmg.


Healing could be a little better on rank 50, in group fights fx on belsavis heroics she keeps my health at 25-30% but i think on using defensive cooldowns, but not to bad but could be better.

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This is purely meant as a QUESTION, but would it be POSSIBLE for Bioware to have an alternate server with the Nerfing reversed to pre-4.02 levels? Let the Players that like it stay in the nerfed servers, and give players who don't like it, move to a different server? Is it really that drastic a difference? I mean clearly, the players that like the nerfing seem like they would be just as happy if those that don't like it simply went away anyway, whether that means unsubbing, or simply just leaving all together, and if Bioware doesn't fix it in some agreeable way, the players that like the nerfing will probably get their wish, and Bioware will lose players, both FTP and Subs.


I ask because I don't know the logistics of such a thing.

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As a Twi'lek on Tython once told me, or did he tell my character, he said: "This debate is pointless",,,


As a player since launch, subbed since launch, multiple accounts (all subbed) Founder, player of every class, leveled all from 1 to 50, then 55, then 60, and now 65. Never at any time during the 4 years have I been un-subbed.


That info is not meant in any way shape or form, to sound like I'm spatting off saying I know everything there is to know about playing SWtOR, because I don't :p


However, I do have memories from the 4 years of playing. I remember Lost Island, when it first released. People complained, Bioware toned it down some. It opened the gate for more players to be able to, or want to, give it a go.

Of course, in game in general chat, especially on Fleet, you had those that had to say "well, the only reason people can do it now is because they nerfed it", just one example, there were more,,, not important. Point is, that once it was toned down a bit, it did in fact allow more players to not be intimidated by it. Nobody wants to go into something with the fear or knowledge they will fail, it's human nature, can't blame them at all.


There were other changes for the same type of reasons, but I guess for the point I'm trying to make, I'll bring up Makeb. When Makeb realeased, a lot of people hated it. Too many mobs, takes too long to reach the objective, everywhere you turn, mob, another mob, oh look, more mobs. Bioware toned it down, removed a lot of the mobs. Made it where you could turn 2 corners before the next mob. :eek: Well, I still hate Makeb and only do it on my characters because I'm one that tries to complete all content.


Bottom line point. In all the time I've been playing SWtOR, I've seen a lot of changes, so have you all. Some good, some bad. It's life. It's pretty obvious that this nerf of the companions was huge. Be it huge because so many people stopped playing, or huge because so many people complained on the Forums, or huge because so many actually really went through with the un-subbing. Any of these possibilities would be huge for any company running a paid service.


Just for the record, I'm totally for fixing the companion problem. I'd be happiest if I could gear my own companions again as always, that way I know they're on the same level as me, and if they aren't doing well, it's on me, not bioware, not the content, just me. Since that's not going to happen, at least give them some meaning back, let me see my health go down to 1/4 and my companion put me back up to 3/4 before the inevitable happens. If I pull a mob, and one pushes me, or knocks me into another mob, and we die, crap happens, that's to be expected. But speaking for myself, and my time playing, it truly is at it's worst right with companion heals, as I run mostly DPS for my weeklies and such, so I do use healing companions a lot.


Also, I don't feel the Star Fortress in of itself is too difficult, I find it fun, well, when my Companion actually heals me, but somewhere around page 96 of this thread is my Star Fortress blow by blow run after 4.0.2, and believe me, I'm not proud of it, but it is what it is, hence I'm spending time on the Forums right now, something I've hardly ever done in my 4 years here. Or my 5 years before this playing WoW, I don't think I ever posted once on WoW forums.


So final note on all that, they are changing it. How? We don't know yet. I'd venture to say, any change would be better than it is right now. And I'm not talking "okay, increase of 1%,,,cool", but a reasonable change to bring companions healing a little better then it was for SoR, after all, we did go up 5 more levels, not down 30.


And yes, I'm sure someone will jump on me, because I'm not the greatest at getting my point across in typed words, much better speaking them. :)

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Tanking is so bad on her (rank 50), she cant hold or take agro from you 2x maul and you got agro rest of fight (65 assasin in average 216 gear with 220 weapon) Nico Okarr (rank 30 ) is way better he can even take agro from you with multi grapple. She is so bad tank that i cant use her on some champion mobs cuz she cant hold agro or take it off you when you got it.


Dps you must be kidding 2 aoe abilities, she sucks at single target and on groups she takes agro and dies un less you are faster and do more aoe dmg.


Healing could be a little better on rank 50, in group fights fx on belsavis heroics she keeps my health at 25-30% but i think on using defensive cooldowns, but not to bad but could be better.


my 21 inf. treek had almost 1.5 better healing tooltips over my 30inf scorpio, i think even if we ignore the numbers nerf of 4.0.2 that there's something deeper in the companion code not quite working either, on top of the allready known "let me stand here and smell the roses while you get pummeled" stance ;)

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This is purely meant as a QUESTION, but would it be POSSIBLE for Bioware to have an alternate server with the Nerfing reversed to pre-4.02 levels? Let the Players that like it stay in the nerfed servers, and give players who don't like it, move to a different server? Is it really that drastic a difference? I mean clearly, the players that like the nerfing seem like they would be just as happy if those that don't like it simply went away anyway, whether that means unsubbing, or simply just leaving all together, and if Bioware doesn't fix it in some agreeable way, the players that like the nerfing will probably get their wish, and Bioware will lose players, both FTP and Subs.


I ask because I don't know the logistics of such a thing.


Is that possible? Sure. But remember any future content updates need that code...so two different updates to make. We have east coast and west coast servers. Yes they are in physically different locations (VA and CA to be precise) so that means setting up two different servers. That is a lot of time and money, more than they will spend.


So on Tuesday they will buff Companions BUT not to pre 4.0.2 levels in order to try and preserve what they can of their original plan and let the chips fall as they may. This is not the first time I have seen such a thing in an MMO and it will not be the last.

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Is that possible? Sure. But remember any future content updates need that code...so two different updates to make. We have east coast and west coast servers. Yes they are in physically different locations (VA and CA to be precise) so that means setting up two different servers. That is a lot of time and money, more than they will spend.


So on Tuesday they will buff Companions BUT not to pre 4.0.2 levels in order to try and preserve what they can of their original plan and let the chips fall as they may. This is not the first time I have seen such a thing in an MMO and it will not be the last.


While you are likely correct, from the sound of things from those opposed to the 4.02 mess, hopefully Bioware does something more than a half baked window dressing on this "buff", otherwise they could lose that wave of new paying subs they got just a few months ago, above and beyond those that have apparently already left. That would be unfortunate for SWTOR and Bioware.


It is a shame there can't be a viable workaround, where those that like it, can have what they want, and those that don't can be equally satisfied, whether that be on another server, or a "switch" of some sort.

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Please give us your feedback, and we simply ask you to be as constructive as possible. Include information such as:


Your level


Roughly Average Item Rating



Sorceror / Lightning



Companion role

Tank: Struggles to tank when taking on 2 or more elites plus trash. Barely survives against Champion without support / assistance. Fails to pull agro 50% of the time especially ranged attackers. Before the patch I could use all three roles. After patch only the Tank.

Damage: Got me killed a lot. I pull agro and die in seconds from spike damage.

Healer: Worst than tank role. Can't heal enough to sustain me through spikes.


Companion Influence level


Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?)

Solo and H2 SF was enjoyable prior to patch. Companion was great, tanked like a boss, and the tedium of slogging through multiple waves of mobs and runs of solo/H2 SF was made tolerable because I could switch my brain off and do the content at ease.

Your personal experience while playing this content

Before patch i had a lot of fun. I only have a couple of hours per week to play since I work nearly 60 hours a week. I joined a few months prior to 4.0 to play the class missions that i missed, and the 12x exp made it very quick and enjoyable. After 4.0 landed i thought the changes to companions were great and I liked being able to pick the role of the companion rather than being locked with just one class. I really liked Lana and being able to choose the role to match my class was great. I would have loved if the game continued that way. I could never do heroics before 4.0 because group finder and LFG takes too long, and I don't have time to wait for groups.


In the first week i got through all of the planetary heroics solo and they took between 5-10 minutes each. As an average player in non-raid gear this felt sufficiently enjoyable and some progress was achieved. I still couldn't participate in raids because I dont have time for that but at least I could enjoy the story/daily grind.


Each night i could probably do 5-6 H2s before calling the night (roughly 1 hour) so committing to that schedule I could get the weekly done with a few extra hours and help on the weekend. It was fun and i felt like i was progressing enough despite the limited time to play.


Post patch. It takes about 20-30 minutes to do one planetary H2. My companion and I are die a lot more and waste time running back to the place that i previously died (only to realise monsters have respawned).

I tried throwing CCs and stuns after seeking advice from guildies but planetary H2s have just become a hard, tedious, boring grind fest.


In conclusion, post patch is not fun at all. I understand if you intend the game to be challenging for some people who want hard mode, but I'm afraid I don't enjoy it.


You should find this helpful if you are having trouble with that class/build:


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Its a matter of damned now or damned later actually. Some people got used to the OP companions and as much as before the nerf used words like compromise, their ideas were "give me my way, the effect on the game plan itself is irrelevant".


The flip side is that even before the nerf I spoke with players PISSED by the nerf who said "yeah this is fun now but it's going to get old fast because it's so easy. I am probably going to let my sub lapse before Christmas and I will probably just resub in May to binge play the chapters."


Either way the lose players and thus lose money. It's simply a matter of when it happens.


The lesson to take away from this whole debacle? TEST!!!!!!! If they would have launched the companions in their post nerf condition we would not have this drama. We would have people complain about the grind but when have players NOT done this in an MMO. Some people would have left also sure, but it all would have been the standard forum emo...not this bad soap opera we ended up with.


They were already happy with subscriptions for part of the year. They pretty much said "binge play the episodes". I bet a large percentage of concurrent players was preferred/f2p. So they weren't thinking of losing subscription months from current subs, but picking up subscription months from preferred/f2p.

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Here is a nice fact. People who complained the companions were to op and needed to be nerfed could have just deselected the op skills or turned off the companion to create a harder challenge, but instead cried on the forums for 3 weeks. Basically they fooled the bioware development team into thinking they were the voice for the majority of the players and they nerfed the companions ( that and we were finishing the new content too fast). Instead the truth is revealed in our friends and guild mates unsubbing in droves and now bioware see's that they were duped by a few entitled wanna be's. They did not want casual players to be able to do the same content as so called elite players. Other wise they would have just turned off the skills or companions like I suggested day one of their complaining threads. Pvp players dont even use companions yet that is what most of these complainers were. So you be the judge as to why would warzone players feel the need to complain about companions being too OP, and be too lazy to just deselect the OP skills if they wanted more of a challenge.




how about some proof like how many actually cancelled subs because of this patch which guess what you got zero proof and you will never have that proof


so all those facts aren't facts


We can safely assume that there was major evidence on Bioware's radar of canceled subs, or they wouldn't have done such a historic 180. If you believe they decided to roll back the nerf out of a self-induced eureka moment, then we must be living in two different realities.


The whiny grinder class finally got defeated. Appealing to a dwindling base of vocal grinders is a sure way to have a dead game, appealing to the broadest playerbase possible is BW's best strategy.

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Chances are there going to be offering something shine to get people to resub. Tuesday or the Tuesday after the holidays to help us forget their screw up.


Regardless of the state of their game, I would expect every video game company to have a sale/promotion for this Friday, Black Friday.

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Here is a nice fact. People who complained the companions were to op and needed to be nerfed could have just deselected the op skills or turned off the companion to create a harder challenge, but instead cried on the forums for 3 weeks. Basically they fooled the bioware development team into thinking they were the voice for the majority of the players and they nerfed the companions ( that and we were finishing the new content too fast). Instead the truth is revealed in our friends and guild mates unsubbing in droves and now bioware see's that they were duped by a few entitled wanna be's. They did not want casual players to be able to do the same content as so called elite players. Other wise they would have just turned off the skills or companions like I suggested day one of their complaining threads. Pvp players dont even use companions yet that is what most of these complainers were. So you be the judge as to why would warzone players feel the need to complain about companions being too OP, and be too lazy to just deselect the OP skills if they wanted more of a challenge.



Sorry mate but i get a strange feeling everytime someone is saying : BUT WE ARE THE MAJORITY. Everyone for him/herself is a minority so please stick only to your nose at this matter.



Lets get to Topic :


•Your level 65

•Roughly Average Item Rating around 220 with some 224 and and some 216 storymode items.

•Discipline Telekinetics

•Companion Lana Beniko

•Companion role Heal

•Companion Influence level 50

•Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?) Voss Starfortress Expert Mode

•Your personal experience while playing this content. I died 5 Times Until all was done. First Death was at one Zakuul Knight cause Lana stopped doing anything Midway. Second Time : 200k Zakuul Knight felt as much of Instant , cant explain why but i died in a flash. , just like : He is dead Jim. the further 3 dies was at the third core before the exarch. Didnt get past that respawn of mobs until i pulled everyting i got. Yes i used up all legacy skills , Yes i used up Raidbuff, Yes i used up all 4 useable wich i collected in the starfortress and then finally i got threw. After thisi waited until all is ready again again und then just killed the Boss as if he was nothing ... . In my opinion i just can say something is seriously wrong at the moment with the companions. They stop doing anything midway and things like that. Before 4.0.2 the companions where really way too strong but because of that i think that this bug just wasnt of intereset causde .... one heal from companion and you whre full again .... now its felt like 1000 of heals from companion until you are at 100% again.

Edited by Isaee
added a quote on something
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I explained the business perspective trap they are currently in directly above your post here. At least as I see it.


The trap would have been avoided however IF they had launched with the current companions. Yeah some people would have left but we would not have the "I miss my old power" issue... which really is the cause of this drama FAR MORE than the current power of them.


I disagree with the idea that they had no idea how powerful the companions were. IMHO they basically took Treek in raid gear with fully augments and bumped 10-20%. As Eric said in a post they wanted them powerful. Yes they made a oopsy in adding that much power. But to suggest they didn't know what they had done is silly.


Should the companions still be worse than my favorite geared out companion in3.X then why the heck should anyone stay around. Companions had always been Op if you knew how to gear them. All you had to do was, load them out in mod gear and place pink mods in them and you basically had yourself a PC or close enough you didn't have to bother with hunting a group for most stuff in game.


At 60 me and guildy two treeks would do Kuat some parts where harder than others but it was doable. Sometimes we died sometimes we didnt. And current companions are a waste of time IMHO, the AI is a mess and i dont remember that from 3.X. As someone else had said the OP comps covered all the AI problems.


Can I still do the stuff I was doing before sure but add anywhere from5 to double the time depending on what your doing. So if you leave them that way reward me for making the grind that much longer

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my 21 inf. treek had almost 1.5 better healing tooltips over my 30inf scorpio, i think even if we ignore the numbers nerf of 4.0.2 that there's something deeper in the companion code not quite working either, on top of the allready known "let me stand here and smell the roses while you get pummeled" stance ;)


On of theing I noticed with her is once she goes through her toobar she just PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW with that crossbow like she's going u a favor and just before u kill whatever it is you are banging on she tosses out a taunt

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