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Companion Change Feedback


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Please give us your feedback, and we simply ask you to be as constructive as possible. Include information such as:

Your level: 65

Roughly Average Item Rating: 208

Discipline: Sith Assassin

Companion: Lana

Companion role: Healer

Companion Influence level: 13

Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?): Alderaan

Your personal experience while playing this content: Lana tended to focus on healing herself then me. She would only heal me after she was completely healed. She died almost immediately against the first boss and I didn't last long after that.


**A suggestion that someone in another thread said was to put a button where people could choose to nerf their on companions if they wanted more of a challenge.

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Here's some feedback for you: There's too many good games out there right now for you to be making the game less fun. Especially since the majority of FE content is Star Fortress solo runs, and recycled Flashpoints, Operations and planetary Heroics.


Personally, I haven't logged in since I found out about the Companion nerfing. In any case, yall have fun. I'm gonna go find me some more mini-nukes and see if there's any new mods for FO4.


did you see the one that changes paraphrases to actual full text yet? cause IMO that mod is basically essential. though I'm waiting for some especially awesome modding to begin once Bethesda releases developer tools... ooooh, that game is going to become infinitely replayable then.



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Here's some feedback for you: There's too many good games out there right now for you to be making the game less fun. Especially since the majority of FE content is Star Fortress solo runs, and recycled Flashpoints, Operations and planetary Heroics.


Personally, I haven't logged in since I found out about the Companion nerfing. In any case, yall have fun. I'm gonna go find me some more mini-nukes and see if there's any new mods for FO4.


Solid feedback from someone who hasn't played the game since the patch came out.

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Here's some feedback for you: There's too many good games out there right now for you to be making the game less fun. Especially since the majority of FE content is Star Fortress solo runs, and recycled Flashpoints, Operations and planetary Heroics.


Personally, I haven't logged in since I found out about the Companion nerfing. In any case, yall have fun. I'm gonna go find me some more mini-nukes and see if there's any new mods for FO4.


Wow...I actually agree with you...that's when you know ****'s bad!


Wow... I agree with TUX's and Infernixx 100% on something. That's it.. close the game down and eat the Harby Hamster for dinner folks its over. :D


I hope they get the message.... majority of the folks are pretty pissed about this.

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My Level: 64

Item Rating: 192 (almost anyway) everything except mainhand which was level 50 and relics 126

Discipline: Jugganaught vengence

Companion: Jaesa

Companion Role: Healer

Companion Influence Level: 18

Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?) Star Fortress Heroic Mode: planetary heroics Belsavis


Tried the heroics on Belsavis tonight before starting my class mission there, every heroic encounter where there were a mob of silver and gold both me any my companion were barely walking away I was being hit on by all of them, the healing I got from Jaesa was next to worthless.


Now while my skill level may very well be at fault, but I am playing to the best of my ability but they were certainly no fun whatsoever to do!


With all that gear and level it really should not be that difficult.

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Wow... I agree with TUX's and Infernixx 100% on something. That's it.. close the game down and eat the Harby Hamster for dinner folks its over. :D


I hope they get the message.... majority of the folks are pretty pissed about this.


*** is happening, if those 2 are on the same page then god help us all !! :p

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did you see the one that changes paraphrases to actual full text yet? cause IMO that mod is basically essential. though I'm waiting for some especially awesome modding to begin once Bethesda releases developer tools... ooooh, that game is going to become infinitely replayable then.




I got that one and the one that reduces fusion core depletion. Power Armor, all day, every day.

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You want detailed information now? Seriously? From players on live servers?


You should have gotten that from the professional testers you hired... oh, wait... you didn't do that.


You should have gotten that from the huge test you did on the PTS server... oh, wait... you didn't do that either.

You tested this with a handful of hand picked players. How'd that work out for you?


I don't work for Bioware. I pay Bioware to play a functioning game, that is professionally made. You want us to beta test for you? Let's talk salary.


The hubris of how this entire *********** fiasco is being handled is just asinine. **** this game.

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Shadow tank level 65

Gear 208 comm gear - no Augments - all class buffs

Comp Lana Influence 15 - healer stance


I soloed a HM Star Fortress but it was really hard I must have died 4-5 times before getting it done. I was even using the health buff. (Before the last patch I got the one and only title after some practise)


Most of my deaths were down to Lana stopping healing for periods and attacking a mob even though I was on low health. If she healed full time and I had better gear then getting the title would be doable. I do think a tank as an advantage though since I can taunt mobs off my companion.

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Not really valid as your comps gets pvp boost from valor my sin has a 43% increase in pvp damage 20% from healing and damage 16% reduction to damage as well. Not sure where those pvp stats are coming from but my comp has expertise in pvp.


Companions get expertise based on their level, it's a set amount or was before 4.0.2.


All my companions at level 65 had somewhere around 900 expertise, regardless of influence or presence. I couldn't remember the exactly amount, but I did note it did not change regardless of companion or alt, it only changed based on level. Sounds like they increased it though, I believe that is somewhere around 1200 to 1500 expertise at level 65 based on those stats you are reporting.


They really were weak in PvP before 4.0.2 despite the supposed OPness... They had no armor so took full K/E damage, and had much lower expertise with very bad AI that could not fake cast to bait an interrupt or stun. If you could kill a player healer in PvP, you could kill a companion healer much easier. Tunnel DPS couldn't kill them and then complained, but really those same people couldn't kill a player healer in the same conditions so it wasn't the companions being OP that was the problem.

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I've played around with my sorcerer in 208-216 gear with rank 1-13 companions and everything seems to be about perfect now based on intended goals. There might be some specific boss/other things that may need tweaked especially for certain classes but that is it.


I do however think more rewards for doing H2 Star Fortress without buffs should be added. As it stands now you would do it once then there is no reason to do it again. If you do it without the buff the last boss should drop a lot of credits/ more crystals. I also think it would be nice if you added a low chance at receiving some decent looking mount as a drop. Whether a new one or a different colored of something cool already in game.


For the record people It's not about being easy or hard. The heroics aren't hard now after the nerf. Its about having a standard or "sweet spot" of balance. Prior to the nerf gameplay was broken and consisted of you being full health immortal and just spamming a dps ability. Asking people to not use a big gameplay mechanic like companions because they are broken is just plain stupid.


After the patch gameplay is more engaging. you have to look at your health and use other abilities along with dps. If you aren't paying attention and just using dps abilities then it may be harder for you. This is the "sweet spot" and pretty much what most games especially MMOs aim for. Its not too hard yet at the same time its not too easy.


If there is something specific that is simply too hard especially for certain classes then report it so BW can tweak it. Crying and trolling through various posts on the forums acting as if you can't do anything at all in game is ridiculous.


Also people posting something like "companions suck now! sub cancelled!" and nothing else need to grow up. Give actual feedback or don't bother wasting space with a worthless post.

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I enjoyed the 4.0 commpanions a lot. First time in SWTOR i had real fun doing solo questing fighting randomly gold mobs with silver adds, it was pure fun. But now its pure pain, i thought nice BW is taking care of casual players and gives us some content to enjoy solo, but imediatly the joy of playing is gone :(
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Most of my deaths were down to Lana stopping healing for periods and attacking a mob even though I was on low health. If she healed full time and I had better gear then getting the title would be doable. I do think a tank as an advantage though since I can taunt mobs off my companion.


Yeah I've noticed this with Lana as well. Maybe its an issue with her healing AI.


As for overall feedback my Sentinel has mainly 208 gear with 216 offhand and I can't do heroic star fortress. Whats more is the whole issue about the game being fun in solo mode, combat definitely seems more of a grind now. You should also consider that people have many alts now due to 12x xp and the endgame alliance grind already appears tedious to do on more than 1 character.


If you're considering nerfing anything by 75% it might be wise to take a step back and look at the bigger picture before you implement it and consider that it might be wise to moderate it no matter what your metrics are telling you.

Edited by Morrolan
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One of the most basic things I think is that taking down effectivity of comps down across the board 75% is not well thought out response; it appears reactionary and not proper level of response. Especially considering this is an MMOG and seemed like the majority of the fan base actually liked it.


So first consideration is that not every situation is the same. Fights with a tank as a PC and a DPS as PC and NPC as heals is slightly different. The HPS for a DPS is way higher to do something than the HPS necessary for a tank to do the same goal (more heavier hits landing at greater percentage). Now of course the tank will take much longer doing it, but this is the tortoise metaphor.


Having said that, to your request for input...


Level: 65

Roughly Average Item Rating: 200-208

Discipline: Combat Sentinel

Companion: T7

Companion role: Heals

Companion Influence level: 20

Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?): H2 Star Fortress (Forget which one in particular, think Tatooine)

Your personal experience while playing this content: Not much change for anything outside of the Star Fortress (which begs the question was this crushing nerf put in just for people doing H2 Star Fort Solo?). But within the Star fortress itself, I noticed something different. I'll preface with that I'm fairly decent player and respected player on my server. I earn my guards. But try as I might, I could not get the first and only Paladin I tried. Interrupts, Def CD's, heroic buffs, heroic abilities...nothing. Kept dying over and over getting "close" him down to 15% at one point. but T7 just could not keep up at his best.


Another question is: why do you need us to tell you things like that? You have a great number of metrics at your fingertips. You can tell how many of each mobs were engaged. You can tell the outcomes of all fights. You can see the deaths from what encounters. You can track trends of these deaths.


So are you just asking us if we do die more whether we consider that an enjoyable "personal experience" or not?


My thought? Having companions finally useful was kind of fun. Did I care they were OP? No. sorry, I didn't. It was my solo play. It wasn’t effecting anyone else. Now they are back to being slightly more useful than a medpac. The reasoning was that they were effectively better than great players in great gear. Ok, so the response was taking their effectiveness down 75%? So what are they now? Horrible players in no gear? That's the goal here? Why do we even bother having them? Give us better/longer HOT medpacs and be done with it. Is it story considerations? I look around and think these guys are horrific now, from a story point of view. They are unqualified at best, and incompetent at worst. Sorry, getting a little snarky, but it’s frustrating to FINALLY after all these years to really have something you wished the whole time to happen actually happen and then it nuked right out of game before you could even really enjoy it.


Isn’t there room to make them maybe not a fantastic player in great gearing, but maybe a decent player in decent gear? Is that such a bad thing?

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Above all, adding time to a long grind for alliance, which is all your changes do, simply makes the game not fun.


Well done in taking the fun out of a game. I'm sure it meets all your goals and metrics.


This. So much this. Your changes only take something that was already a grind and makes it grindier.

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Your level - 65


Roughly Average Item Rating - 208


Discipline - Sith Sorcerer


Companion - Lana


Companion role - Healing


Companion Influence level - 30


Which mission or Star Fortress are you playing - Heroic


It was pure torture that come much too late , cure or not . Lana doing anything to cure except . Dear mobs are jumped . You heals itself hardly what has to follow , which she dies. :rolleyes:


100 % of the time I was able to heal myself ... ( and with ) by the half I have canceled , so makes it really not fun .


Conclusion: The healer is total crap. Better to be a part to strong healer , as this idiot . Power to the Nerf reversed ...:mad:




Your level - 65


Roughly Average Item Rating - 208


Discipline - Sith Sorcerer


Companion - Lana


Companion role - DD


Companion Influence level - 30


Which mission or Star Fortress are you playing - Heroic


Erm ... it was ... nice. But only recommended if you are a healer himself and constantly pushes the healer button . Because the DD holds out hardly anything . The mobs have brushed him repeatedly down immediately .

Damage he makes virtually no .. For example : My sorcerers in seconds an elite mob skin down . The DD beats in time not even 2 % off .


Conclusion: The DD comes with a lot of patience and if you are self- healers .




Your level - 65


Roughly Average Item Rating - 208


Discipline - Sith Sorcerer


Companion - Lana


Companion role - Tank


Companion Influence level - 30


Which mission or Star Fortress are you playing - Heroic


Well , the tank can hold agro, at least 3 mobs . In more it becomes critical. But he holds out something that is very good. He also neatly out skin damage . Not too much and not too little . Unfortunately Lana has something to race the habit by the mob away . :confused:In the middle ( no since no others were ) in the fight she runs away to one side and then on the other . I was allowed to dive behind to heal your order . ( because it is sometimes disappeared around the corner . ) I do not think that should make something like a tank , in any event, no NPC . I mean to run away before the Heal , is not so good .


Conclusion: The tank is ok , a few finer points still have to be set but then it's good . But you should only use it again ... if you're self- heal or at least has healing abilities . Or large mob groups shun .


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Most planetary heroics feel fine to me except for 3 on Makeb.


The Observer: This heroic is fine, except for the champion droid half way thru the Heroic, it was boss immunity and hits pretty hard for it's planetary level, I was able to complete it with a Sorc in 172 gear at 65 (but I did wipe a few times) and as a Merc with 208/216 gear at level 65. I feel if you remove the boss immunity from the Mob so that it may be CC'd it will be more solo friendly from newer and older players alike.


The Viper's Nest: This Heroic is very anti-solo friendly. The first part of the quest requires you fight off 8 silvers, which apply all sorts of debuffs and deal a large amount of damage very, very fast. I spent a good portion of my afternoon on my Sage trying to complete it before having to cheese with knock backs off a cliff to complete it. I imagine Tank classes will find this easy but I was near death after having used cooldowns on my Sentinel in mostly 220 gear when I went thru.


False History/For the Record: I list two different Heroics because they are the same Heroic just different factions. This is very not solo friendly because of the Gas Room needing 4 panels and if you arn't able to move quick enough (because it's designed for 2 players on opposite sides of the room clicking wall panels), you die and get kicked out of the instance and your heroic reset. There for, I strongly recommend if you wish this to be solo friendly, you should disable two of the panels.


Like I said above, I feel all planetary heroics are alright except for those 3(4) on Makeb and I hope they are adjusted to become more solo friendly, thank you.


I want to commend you for being reasonable and trying to provide valid feedback and help to your fellow players. But don't expect thanks from most of them :)


I appreciate your posts and it helped me. I haven't done many heroics so I decided to solo a few. Unfortunately I picked Makeb For the Record to test the waters. It was pretty easy on my 65 GS in 204 PvP gear until the gas room :D

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