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Companion Change Feedback


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All of these. I noticed all of the servers when logging on last night were suddenly light.


I don't have time to spend hours gaining affection or other things and am a solo player. I quit WoW because everything once you maxed out was raiding. I don't have time for that ****. I loved the expansion because I could do things without needing other people to help me.


Seriously, please- TAKE THE PATCH AWAY, MOVE COMPANION SKILLS TO A BUFF AND GIVE US THE ABILITY TO TURN IT ON OR OFF- Shouldn't be that hard.... you did it with the huge XP


At peak hours, Harbinger used to show Heavy or VERYHEAVY, Jedi Covenant and Ebon Hawk at STANDARD and sometimes HEAVY since 4.0.

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I think it's pretty clear that companions need either:

A) An AI / ability overhaul.

B) A stat re-balance that puts them not quite to pre-4.0.2 levels but higher than where they are currently.


The nerf was needed, seems to have gone too far for many casual players. Let's get to the middle ground.

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[*]“The One and Only” Achievement should still be possible. As an Achievement, this is definitely intended to be extremely hard and rewarding to players. This means the Achievement can be exceptionally challenging, and similar to HM Star Fortress, you will need to be a skilled player, with moderate to high Influence level with your companion, and very good gear on your character.



If people were getting this achievement far easier than you guys wanted then you should of reset every ones achievement with the companion nerfs


Found that the low lvl H2's was no differance but around 35+ i started seeing the healing nerf with the companions on my Shadow 216-220 about half of each, its more noticeable when the mobs I'm killing are same lvl as me or 1 under because of lvl sync a subtle way to buff companions with out actually buffing them would be to raise the lvl sync by 1-2 lvls on the higher planets.


On a side note about Tank role companions, one of the main reasons Treek we the best tank comp ever was because of her self heals which was just enough so we didn't have to constantly "re-summon" our companions so they would back at full health after every pull or every other pull like the other old tank role companions had to be even more so on specs that can't heal. If ALL companions could instant self heal to full after getting out of combat that would be nice, the only aspect of game play it would effect is make things less slow.


Also Veeroa Denz companion is bugged, she is a DW Force skill set using companion who is getting Tech power instead of Force power for her stats which is making her substantially weaker at all roles when she has higher rank than the other companions.

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With metrics it took them a month to change/address this at all. You can wait on that, or you can let them try and address your concerns sooner. Which would you prefer?


I'm just going to play another game. No loss. I didn't play much before the changes because it wasn't fun.


Also, pretty sure there's already a thread with plenty of feedback.


But, as a customer that bought a product, and then 10 days later product changed, I'm going to voice my concerns. And also poke at the terrible mishandling of this situation.

Edited by captradface
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Not to be rude, but wondering if 1400 plus posts in your other thread on patch 4.0.2 isn't enough feedback? Not mention the dozens of other threads.


Those threads didn't say anything that they wanted to hear, and they thought that asking for the information this way they would get some responses that helped them to justify their actions. At least that is what I think.

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Ok you want examples here goes;


Characters are all geared that same:


Level 65 wearing mostly 208 gear with chest and legs 216 weapons 216. (non agumented)

Used Lana level 18. Tried all roles Tank, DPS, and Heals.

Here is what happend...


Tried the Sentinal

Went to Makeb:

One on one, no problem with any mob. Swarmed by 4 or more dead in 15 to 30 seconds reguardless of what stance I used. If Lana is in Tank mode she died in 20 seconds me 10 seconds later. If Lana is in DPS mode she died in 10 seconds me 10 seconds later. If Lana is Heal mode I died in 10 seconds (cause she is swarmed and does not heal me and can't hear herself either) Lana died in 5 seconds later.

So I deleted the Makeb missions and went to Voss


On Voss:

Walked into the camp and tried a pack of 6 Mowrowars.

Again no matter what stance I am in or what stance Lana is in dead in seconds.


If I try Gold mobs same result One on one no problem, more than one dead.

If I try Silver mobs dead in seconds. (no chance at all cause they ignore me and kill Lana then pound me into the ground)

If I try gropus of 4 or more Non Gold or Silver Dead in seconds. (same reason as above they ingore me and kill Lana then destroy me)


If the mobs don't kill me first they will gang up on Lana and kill her. I follow shortly there after.

I try Herioc Ability no differance, I have only one shield skill "Protected by the Force" it lasts 6 seconds with a 3 min cool down, not much help.

I try ballanced Light Saber (don't remember the name of the skill) same results.

I use Lana cause she is the highes companion I have. All the rest are 14 or lower.


Ok I try my Jugernaut I do much better on the tank I can kill most of the Heroic 2 content with a considerable amout of difficulty.


If I try my DPS sage I can kill most of the Herioc 2 content but only because I have a shield and can do light heals on myself and Lana, cause I can not rely on Lana to heal me, much less keep herself up. (not how it should be)


The choice to scale (don't like the word NERF) the companions down to 25% effectivness (75% reduction in abilities) was a huge misstake.

I aggree they where way too strong but now they are weaker than prior to the realease of KOTOR.

The companions ability needs to be increased so they are our equals (after all we did train them)and so that we can do what Eric said we could.




I play these games to have fun. Not to increase my stress level.


Currently all they are doing is increasing my stress level and no longer fun.


I am currently trying to take a DPS class my level 60 Shadow with mimium level companions (most less than 10) through the KOTOR starter story. So far It's going fair, going to to be going up aginst Arccan shortly will coma back and update when I've done that fight.

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Not to be rude, but wondering if 1400 plus posts in your other thread on patch 4.0.2 isn't enough feedback? Not mention the dozens of other threads.


How true we have given feedback already un less they want are feedback to have feedback so it has xibits feedback what a joke well played BW

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Level 65.

Item rating 216 (all defiant gear)

Jedi Knight Defense discipline


I ran three companions at three influence levels through the Alderaan Heroic 2 star fortress. I did these tests alone with SCORPIO rank 1 influence (2478 presence with force convocation buff), Qyzen Fess rank 25 influence (3678 presence with force convocation) and T7-01 rank 50 influence (4928 presence with force convocation buff) all companions were set to the damage role and I only used the rank ten alliance perks on the ephemeris and power core levels to control for their randomized distribution throughout the fortresses. During the runs with SCORPIO and T7-01 I didn't notice much difference except for kill speed. The SCORPIO run took one hour to complete while the T7 run was only forty minutes. No deaths occurred on either of these runs. In contrast the run with Qyzen again took an hour, however it resulted in several deaths stemming from Qyzen's lack of survivability. All companions were guarded in each run.


My assessment is that all that was accomplished with these changes is the speed with which we can complete content has been slowed. Prior to the changes I was completing these star fortress runs with the rank 50 T7 in 30 minutes. Additionally, achieving the exceedingly expensive rank 50 influence is hardly noticeable from a combat perspective and therefore not rewarding. The real difference was that having a melee player and a melee companion made things more difficult. Also, Vector still does his Kaliyo impression in tank stance.

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My issue and why ive cancelled my sub is im very angry about hk 51 and treek. These 2 comps are store bought and you removed their uniqueness. This has taught me a very valueable lesson to never buy anything off the cartel market. I dont see the need to get more companions when there all the same? its quite pointless im not sure whos idea it was to do this pointless grind when there all the same.


Biggest comp issues


1. Store bought companions are no different then standard companions (why buy comps off the store?)


2. Uniqueness has been removed from all companions


3. Cant customize or clothe companions differently


4. A pointless grind to get more companions who are all the same? Wheres my incentive to do this grind?


5. To many companions who are all the same i have an army of companions that ill never use. Theres just to many companions and no point or reason to get more.


As for a nerf i havent logged into this new update after cancelling sub but just some free advice might want to advise new people that they have to level their comps up to get them where they were.


HK 51 is an iconic character in kotor and i bought him off the cartel market for him be turned into a standard sub par combat droid is beyond stupid and not fun at all. I will NEVER buy anything else off the cartel market or play this until hk 51 is given the proper iconic skills back and is made unique again.

Edited by publicenemies
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PH2s should be easy. You have to grind out around 320 of them to max out a level 20 alliance. It's not that they are hard now after the patch, it's that they are tedious. The challenge hasn't changed, but the time it takes to do them went from very quick to much more slowly. Before I was actually going to max out the alliance for several of my toons because I was having fun plowing down the heroics.


Now? Nope.. I just don't have it in me and they aren't fun, they aren't challenging, they just take too long. Unsubbed, and I might come back in 6 months for a month to do the newly released stories, and then unsub again for another 6 months. As compared to before the patch I was actively going to keep subbed the entire time and was spending way to much in cartel coins for new weapons, armors, and crystals for all my characters. I had 5-6 of them that I was going to max out their stuff, and that would have been at least 5 more months of being active in the game to do so.

Okay - that's a reasonable preference. Not one that I personally share, but I can certainly understand where you're coming from. Thanks. :)

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I did read that, but honestly forgot. That attitude is exactly why this became a problem. This should be considered a bug and should have been resolved before this left QA.


You're right.


The problem is with the attitude.


Not only with their refusal to admit that their game is bugged, but also with the general lack of communication on any level, and that is why I pointed out that from all appearances it looked to me like they were trying to sneak these changes in, and were upset when others beat them to the punch using information that they got from unofficial sources.


Maybe if they communicated better, and if they put changes like this on the PTS for us to try out an provide feedback, then they would not step in their own poodoo so often.

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You're right.


The problem is with the attitude.


Not only with their refusal to admit that their game is bugged, but also with the general lack of communication on any level, and that is why I pointed out that from all appearances it looked to me like they were trying to sneak these changes in, and were upset when others beat them to the punch using information that they got from unofficial sources.


Maybe if they communicated better, and if they put changes like this on the PTS for us to try out an provide feedback, then they would not step in their own poodoo so often.

We're on the same page then.

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Those threads didn't say anything that they wanted to hear, and they thought that asking for the information this way they would get some responses that helped them to justify their actions. At least that is what I think.


Or perhaps they're less interested in the rage and unsub posts and more interested in drilling down to the specific content causing problems. Even in this thread, people are pretty much just saying they want it reverted without providing information. Even when they type out their character, level, etc. they just say "couldn't beat something, gg, unsubbed".


I still haven't seen many examples of people listing something that was out of line with the expected difficulty in the OP. Just people who can't solo heroic SF in 192s with no buffs and people who had to try in order to beat H2s on Belsavis. They are well aware that the difficulty of these activities went up with the patch as that was what the patch was intended to do. What they are looking for now are the outliers. I've seen many complaints about the Makeb heroics not being able to be completed at level with appropriate gear and that is feedback that can be acted on by lowering the difficulty of those specific H2s.


I don't think this thread is intended for feedback on whether or not you agree with their design choices for the content, only whether the current content is out of line with the expectations they listed. Although I'm sure they appreciate seeing feedback on their design in the other 12 threads in GD today.

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Well, the main problem with Version 4.0.2 which I face now is that the game fails to even load when I press the play button in launcher. Have windows 10, so anyone know what the problem might be?


To the topic: I really like the changes in v 4! Bioware dont listen to the other tryhards hehe :p!

also I am sub(my sub ran out 17'th but I will buy 180 days when I get my paycheck!), lvl 65 with several characters, and I am loving it! GJ bioware!

Edited by TheSithLordLuni
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Your level -65

Roughly Average Item Rating -220 ops drops full set bonus

Discipline - Immortal Jugg

Companion - Lana

Companion role - Dps for trash, Heals for bosses

Companion Influence level - 20ish

Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?) - Mostly solo for farming Paladins - random flashpoints with lower level players. Solo heroic Star Fortress for challenge sometimes.

Your personal experience while playing this content It was easier on Monday, but it hasn't become impossible. There are some flashpoint bosses that I can't clear solo. Solo mode Star fortress is very easy and I hardly take any damage. I could probably leave my companion on DPS the whole time if I could be bothered to click on the heal consoles. The Exarch solo presents a challenge. I can beat them, but it is very slow going because my damage is low as a tank and they heal to much. Beating them was just stamina and willing to spend 15+ minutes fighting prior to the patch, but now I have to pay attention and use cooldowns more. Overall, I liked having super awesome companions, but I'm not really upset by the changes.

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Your level 65s

Roughly Average Item Rating 208-216

Discipline Sniper, Juggernaught, Sorc

Companion Pierce, Jaesa, Khelm

Companion role Tried them all currently like Tank/DPS

Companion Influence level 10, 42, 35

Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?)

Mostly lots of planet heroics. Lower level one are easier and less tedious.

Your personal experience while playing this content

Here is my problem currently with companions. I use to run Heal companions because it reduced downtime and they did decent DPS. After the fight the healing companions would heal you up and you could go go go on to the next fight. Nice and smooth. Now the heal companions healing has been over nerfed and they do almost no DPS/heals so they are pretty much useless. Takes them forever to heal you back up after the fight and the fights takes 2x as long.


The Tank/DPS companions are not terrible at the low level heroics unlike the heals companion which was over nefered. My problem is that in-between every fight I have to spend 15 seconds healing. I gets tedious I spend 30 secs fighting to rest for 15 seconds. Honestly its not fun. It reminds me the old EQ days staring at a spell book to regen.


Companions seem to function better in the lower level Heroics. Proportionally companions have way more health than you at the lower levels and at 65 they are around your Health or slightly ahead. I feel that at level 65 the companions should be a bit more beefed up.

I feel that something should be done to reduce downtime in between fights. Auto heal or heal while you move or even reduce the 15 seconds down to 5 seconds.


I think having a strong heal companion really made the game more enjoyable for me because I was able to constantly fight and move and not fight-rest-move


I don't have much of an issue with the fights themselves taking longer its the rest time in-between.

Edited by Mahrdol
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So now you want feedback....didn't ask for it before and went ahead made the changes anyway and besides the only ones you have listened to is the subscribers who whined the most and completely ignored the preferred and F2Pr's as you will do also with this request......so my feedback wouldn't be worth the effort to even provide at this point in time much like back when you nerfed other things that shall not be mentioned here.


BTW...damn good job breaking it right at the release of other games, bloody marvelous.

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I am not posting a testing here.. i want to know, if you BW guys are going to make Treek and HK special again. I personally would NEVER have invested this many cartel coins in this ewok, the way that stupid ewok is now. Just like all others. I feel betrayed, i have spend money and Cartel coins to get the special healing+ tanking companion and if you aren't going to return those special features back to her, i think the leats you COULD do is: give players who got Treek their cartel coins back.. if they unlocked her with those and for collection.. or the money if they bought her.

Period. I also highly dislike the companion nerf.. not because i would die often.. which isn't the case for the most,in most that i do, then again i most of the time have accompany because i hate doing stuff solo (bores me), but fights take annoying long and the companion now feels pretty useless to me most of the time with almost influence 30...

i already expected when i heard people cry for a companion nerf, that the nerf , if it would come, would cause the opposite cries, because it wouldn't be a reasonable change.



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