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BW hold your ground, don't change the companions back to easy mode


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Yeah Bioware, hold your ground! Don't change anything, no matter how many subscriptions you lose! Hold on to your principles!


You have data showing that people were blowing through your content too fast, so it was the right decision to nerf companions so now we HAVE TO grind through the heroics, raise companion influence to max, and raise those crafting skills to max plus get all the end-game recipes in order to outfit ourselves so we don't die so much!


MMO's are all about the grind, and I'm glad to see SWTOR returning to its grass roots!


Keep going, Bioware! Nerf some more stuff! For example, it's too easy to get companion influence to 23 by just buying the cheap gifts the Fleet vendor has. Nerf that.


I haven't played the actual KotFE expansion yet; I resubbed a few months ago because I wanted to finish a few class stories first. I'm so happy to see you return the grind to us; I promise I'll re-resub as soon as my interest in KotFE returns, and my personal life is re-fortified to be able to sit for hours through the grinds you've returned to the game.


Good job Bioware, keep up the good work!

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20-30 ...Really?????




You do realize that it is easy to vote multiple times in polls like strawpoll.me, right? Heck you can even download browser plugins that will let you vote multiple times. Now if SWTOR permitted polls using your login that would eliminate multiple votes, but they don't.


Even if you could get a poll that couldn't be easily hacked it would be skewed since there is no way of knowing if those on the forums are a representative sample of the community.


If Bioware were really interested in polls the could easily add one to the launcher. But what I think people lose track of is that they want to attract new players and will do what they think best to do that. The "faithful", those that are Star Wars Fans, will complain, but are really unlikely to stop playing, in my opinion of course, since what other option do they have for a Star Wars MMO? So their goal is probably to attract players that may like Star Wars but won't play a game just because it is Star Wars, like me.


Are they going about it in the right way? Only time will tell.

Edited by Erasimus
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You do realize that it is easy to vote multiple times in polls like strawpoll.me, right? Heck you can even download browser plugins that will let you vote multiple times. Now if SWTOR permitted polls using your login that would eliminate multiple votes, but they don't.


Even if you could get a poll that couldn't be easily hacked it would be skewed since there is no way of knowing if those on the forums are a representative sample of the community.


Really?! You're going with that?

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Yeah Bioware, hold your ground! Don't change anything, no matter how many subscriptions you lose! Hold on to your principles!


You have data showing that people were blowing through your content too fast, so it was the right decision to nerf companions so now we HAVE TO grind through the heroics, raise companion influence to max, and raise those crafting skills to max plus get all the end-game recipes in order to outfit ourselves so we don't die so much!


MMO's are all about the grind, and I'm glad to see SWTOR returning to its grass roots!


Keep going, Bioware! Nerf some more stuff! For example, it's too easy to get companion influence to 23 by just buying the cheap gifts the Fleet vendor has. Nerf that.


I haven't played the actual KotFE expansion yet; I resubbed a few months ago because I wanted to finish a few class stories first. I'm so happy to see you return the grind to us; I promise I'll re-resub as soon as my interest in KotFE returns, and my personal life is re-fortified to be able to sit for hours through the grinds you've returned to the game.


Good job Bioware, keep up the good work!


Sarcasm level is overwhelming! Can't handle so much sarcasm! *Shutting down*

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Really?! You're going with that?


Of course he is, it's not like the majority of single post answers to threads about the issue (I mean by that posters who don't run around mutliple threads c/cing their answer) are negative reaction and notice of sub cancellation. Oh wait! It's totally that.

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The exceptionally loud 20-30 people crying on here do not warrant the changes they seek.


Your data showed how stupid easy the game was with these companions.

Now I'm not asking for a challenge, I'm asking for a balance.


The heroic 2 should be completed via companion and player. This has hold true. Those in crappy gear, low influence companions, not using skills available, etc. are the ones who are crying.


The "me and a friend can't do it" is all anecdotal. We don't know that they are in good gear, decent companion, etc.

Only your data will show this and you will make the correct changes.


The balance is this:


1) CORE STORY CONTENT should be done in any gear no matter what.

2) Side content, heroics, operations, etc. should require gear appropriate for the content. Heroics means you have some gear by using the comms/gear awarded from the story.

3) If players take the time to get gear, the content SHOULD be completed. This is assuming the player uses all skills available, uses a companion that can help them, and is wearing gear appropriate for their level. A lvl 20 geared player should be able to do lvl 20 heroics. A lvl 50 geared player should not be able to do the Star Fortress Heroics.



The whiners I see, I really think it is the case of they want to have everything handed to them with zero effort because they spend money on the game. Makes sense, but there needs to be a BALANCE. This means in an MMO with story content meets two requirements. The story is accessible to everyone and meeting MMO requirements is accessible to everyone.


This requires people to put effort in. Story requires you to sit through the content. You can make choices that companions like or dislike.

MMO content requires you to get gear and move your character forward. If you don't then do you expect the game to be easier for you? YOu can sit in your RP guild, but don't get mad that your empty shelled gear doesn't help you on heroics.


Bioware you made the CORRECT decision with the companions. It was a joke to play because I could literally AFK and they could complete the content. Right now I have to use CC (sometimes), maybe heroic moment, and sometimes bring a friend. I feel like I'm in an MMO again.


The story content is PERFECT, because I can do it alone. The heroics is PERFECT again because I might need a friend for the harder content. You did the right thing.


Don't change a thing. :rak_03:


And what about those that none their friends wanna play and they play they are just fracked over because all of you think its fine now.

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Really?! You're going with that?

I've voted eight times on that poll just to see how far some of the browser plugins have come, it is pretty simple. One example is a plugin called ZenMate for Chrome that can hide your location, encrypt your connections, change your apparent location, etc. Polls like strawpoll.me either use cookies, IP address, or some combination. All of which can be easily spoofed.

Edited by Erasimus
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You do realize that it is easy to vote multiple times in polls like strawpoll.me, right? Heck you can even download browser plugins that will let you vote multiple times. Now if SWTOR permitted polls using your login that would eliminate multiple votes, but they don't.


Even if you could get a poll that couldn't be easily hacked it would be skewed since there is no way of knowing if those on the forums are a representative sample of the community.


Yeah lets just wait until you look around on fleet or where ever and realise there is no one around and people are again called for merges...

I cant believe I came back for this, got sucked into paying 3 months sub and then they pull this.

Since the nerf I have literally played less than one hour, of my normal 4-5 hours after work (gaming is a hobby and I don't watch TV)

But its cool I am only one player, i am sure everyone else is staying right? or at least those that are leaving are just whiny casuals who you are better off without, because after all there is heaps of people playing this game, whats a few thousand or even just a few hundred to you...

The game will go on, there will still be people to queue with, guilds wont fold and servers wont merge. i mean if that was going to happen it would have already huh.

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" The "me and a friend can't do it" is all anecdotal. We don't know that they are in good gear, decent companion, etc.

Only your data will show this and you will make the correct changes"


And statements from ppl that say that it is still relatively easy to do solo are anecdotal as well as we only have your word and not hard proof as you say.

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Anyone with a bit of sanity and actually playing the game, will admit the nerfs in the patch went WAY overboard! :mad:


Well I never claimed to be sane, but I do actually play the game. So far, imo, the nerf is not WAY overboard, but some things may need to be tweaked if their baseline is that casuals and soloer's can do every single H2 including the SFs. I would consider myself both. I'm still playing and checking out how the nerf is working out for everything I usually do. The heroic weeklies and SFs primarily since the expansion, but I'm interested to see how leveling another alt will be too. Maybe the nerf is WAY overboard, but for me at least, its just to early to call it.


Edit: And I don't agree with the OP that those complaining are whiners, they are complainers, and I'll be a complainer too when something about the game is done that I think sucks enough to warrant my complaining. Complaining is primarily what the forums are for, in my mind, and I've done so.

Edited by Bobs_YourUncle
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Yeah Bioware, hold your ground! Don't change anything, no matter how many subscriptions you lose! Hold on to your principles!


You have data showing that people were blowing through your content too fast, so it was the right decision to nerf companions so now we HAVE TO grind through the heroics, raise companion influence to max, and raise those crafting skills to max plus get all the end-game recipes in order to outfit ourselves so we don't die so much!


MMO's are all about the grind, and I'm glad to see SWTOR returning to its grass roots!


Keep going, Bioware! Nerf some more stuff! For example, it's too easy to get companion influence to 23 by just buying the cheap gifts the Fleet vendor has. Nerf that.


I haven't played the actual KotFE expansion yet; I resubbed a few months ago because I wanted to finish a few class stories first. I'm so happy to see you return the grind to us; I promise I'll re-resub as soon as my interest in KotFE returns, and my personal life is re-fortified to be able to sit for hours through the grinds you've returned to the game.


Good job Bioware, keep up the good work!


So in other words you live in your mom's basement and have no job and are a virgin, is that what you mean by re-fortified??

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So just because people was really enjoying themselves being able to do stuff solo with OP companions and state their enjoyment is less with the new patch they are considered whiners?


People pay subscriptions to this game and are fully entitled to their own opinions, its as equally valid as yours OP.

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The exceptionally loud 20-30 people crying on here do not warrant the changes they seek.


Your data showed how stupid easy the game was with these companions.

Now I'm not asking for a challenge, I'm asking for a balance.


The heroic 2 should be completed via companion and player. This has hold true. Those in crappy gear, low influence companions, not using skills available, etc. are the ones who are crying.


The "me and a friend can't do it" is all anecdotal. We don't know that they are in good gear, decent companion, etc.

Only your data will show this and you will make the correct changes.


The balance is this:


1) CORE STORY CONTENT should be done in any gear no matter what.

2) Side content, heroics, operations, etc. should require gear appropriate for the content. Heroics means you have some gear by using the comms/gear awarded from the story.

3) If players take the time to get gear, the content SHOULD be completed. This is assuming the player uses all skills available, uses a companion that can help them, and is wearing gear appropriate for their level. A lvl 20 geared player should be able to do lvl 20 heroics. A lvl 50 geared player should not be able to do the Star Fortress Heroics.



The whiners I see, I really think it is the case of they want to have everything handed to them with zero effort because they spend money on the game. Makes sense, but there needs to be a BALANCE. This means in an MMO with story content meets two requirements. The story is accessible to everyone and meeting MMO requirements is accessible to everyone.


This requires people to put effort in. Story requires you to sit through the content. You can make choices that companions like or dislike.

MMO content requires you to get gear and move your character forward. If you don't then do you expect the game to be easier for you? YOu can sit in your RP guild, but don't get mad that your empty shelled gear doesn't help you on heroics.


Bioware you made the CORRECT decision with the companions. It was a joke to play because I could literally AFK and they could complete the content. Right now I have to use CC (sometimes), maybe heroic moment, and sometimes bring a friend. I feel like I'm in an MMO again.


The story content is PERFECT, because I can do it alone. The heroics is PERFECT again because I might need a friend for the harder content. You did the right thing.


Don't change a thing. :rak_03:


I feel the same way. Post nerf, the single palyer story in KotFE was challenging when it needed to be (aka Boss battles) and I need to use my rotations and DCD's. Prior to the nerf, as you stated, I could go afk and come back 10 minutes latter and POOF boss battle over, my healer NPC won it for me because they wouldn't let me fall below 70% health. I was joking with my brother lat night that the healer companions prior to the nerf were like having the "jesus droid" from prelude to revan flashpoints with you at all times if you set them to heals. They littereally wouldn't let you die at all or even come close to it. BW did the right thing nerfing their heals. now its more reasonable and you can't just storm through 3-4 mobs and still come out unscathed, Story content is perfect now, so I hope they don't change it to prior to the nerf cause to me the story felt good and the cinematics are great, but it was hard to feel invested in my character when everything was so easy that it felt like the game was playing itself and I could just sit there and do nothing.

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We should grind for good gear in order to do a simple Heroic? Ha ha OP. Some people actually play this game less than 24/7. :)


When your gear is good enough for HM operations but due to level sync it means jack poop when it comes to high end planets Heroics if you happen to be wearing light armor. SHRUGGGG

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I feel the same way. Post nerf, the single palyer story in KotFE was challenging when it needed to be (aka Boss battles) and I need to use my rotations and DCD's. Prior to the nerf, as you stated, I could go afk and come back 10 minutes latter and POOF boss battle over, my healer NPC won it for me because they wouldn't let me fall below 70% health. I was joking with my brother lat night that the healer companions prior to the nerf were like having the "jesus droid" from prelude to revan flashpoints with you at all times if you set them to heals. They littereally wouldn't let you die at all or even come close to it. BW did the right thing nerfing their heals. now its more reasonable and you can't just storm through 3-4 mobs and still come out unscathed, Story content is perfect now, so I hope they don't change it to prior to the nerf cause to me the story felt good and the cinematics are great, but it was hard to feel invested in my character when everything was so easy that it felt like the game was playing itself and I could just sit there and do nothing.


You and your brother do not make up the whole community so you 2 are entitled to your opinion and the ppl that don't like the nerf's are entitled to theirs and you know what, neither one is any more valid then the other.

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They will be reported and they will have infraction points put on their account for harassment. I'm simply showing support for the decision. The nerf does not affect me as I'm capable of playing my class. Thank you for the response.


Report DEEZ.... it was whiny m********az like you that cried *****ed and complained about OP companions, then you have the audacity to say "the nerf doesn't affect me cause I'm an uber elite super mmo legendary player. And if somebody calls me on my ******** I'm gonna tell my mommy..."



Well I DON'T CARE. UNLESS BW FIXES THAT BS NERF, I'll be adding my name to the "unsubscribe list" anyway.


Now run tell dat....

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And to the OP and others that say the nerfs were good I have a question


How come you just did not use a comp before then you would have all the challenge you want??.

I think the answer might be is that you enjoyed getting the stuff done when it was easy and now that you have gotten it done you all don't want anybody else to get it so you make yourself sound like some hardcore gamer, so you "praise BW for making the game challenging again" when secretly you don't want the challenge. Just a thought I could be wrg though.

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Considering only subs can post here, and at most about 0.001% probably do (and that's being really generous), I'd hardly call that a representative example of the player base. The people who post here by their very nature are going to be more outspoken and likely to complain, which is why polls posted in forums are worthless. I haven't even seen anywhere near the kind of salt in fleet chat (the only thing I did here was one of two people laughing about how much rage was going on) as over here.


So when those people on the forum were begging on their knees for a nerf, they weren't a representation of the playerbase as well?

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I've actually started playing WOW again because of this.


Hear me Bioware? WOW!!


In seriousness. My wife and I subbed because the game was no longer a grind and we could play the content and end game H2's at our own pace. Now we're going to be unsubbing because of this change.


Our only choice is to vote with our wallet.

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