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New patch taking days to download and keeps getting stuck?

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So I started downloading the new patch in the morning the day before yesterday. It took all day to get to about 95%, I left it over night and in the morning it said it had finished downloading but when I tried to launch the game I got an error message. I closed and reopened the launcher and it said downloading 100% complete and was stuck there for about two hours at which time it started downloading the whole patch over again. It started re-downloading at 12pm yesterday, by the time I went to bed yesterday night it was at 70% and when I woke up this morning it was at 75% and it's been stuck there ever since. I know Bioware released a message saying that there was a problem with downloads being slow and to just wait it out but but this is ridiculous I have been unable to play the game for over two days and it doesn't look like I'm going to be able to play it any time soon.
Posted (edited)

Do you know if you are on the streaming client or the standard client? I haven't seen a streaming launcher since before the update to the new style but it used to be indicated by the letters ST in the lower left corner. If the letters are there it should be the streaming launcher. If you are there are 2 fixes. You can do a repair install or switch to the non-streaming version.


1) Repair

right click the SWTOR desktop icon

choose open location, locate the bitraider folder and delete it (if you are woried you can move it to your desktop but it will make a new one as part of the repair)

Reboot your computer and launch SWTOR as normal. It will do a repair install of missing files then update.


2) Change patching modes

NOTE this is a complete download again


right mouse click on game shortcut and select open file location


open the launcher.settings file in notepad and locate the below line and edit to the below


, "PatchingMode": "{ \"swtor\": \"SSN\" }"

, "bitraider_disable": true


SAVE the changes.

Delete the BitRaider, Movie and Asset folders then start the launcher.


Both should get you up and running. The repair will be faster. The change will have fewer long term issues but will take a long time.

Edited by The_Wulff
Upon checking yes I do appear to have a streaming launcher. I'll try that, thanks heaps.

glad to help.


Does anyone have an actual patch size?

It was main assets and language assets so about 10gb of data being replaced



1) Repair

right click the SWTOR desktop icon

choose open location, locate the bitraider folder and delete it (if you are woried you can move it to your desktop but it will make a new one as part of the repair)

Reboot your computer and launch SWTOR as normal. It will do a repair install of missing files then update.



holy crap on a cracker, that worked. Thanks!


However if a AAA game company require deleting files in order to patch a game, something is inherently flawed.

holy crap on a cracker, that worked. Thanks!


However if a AAA game company require deleting files in order to patch a game, something is inherently flawed.


If a "AAA game company" needs to bring down servers for half a day to deploy a "bug fixing" patch, EVERYTHING is flawed.

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