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Please give us the ability to save gear sets and toolbar ability sets


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First, some context.


I'm the type of player who can and likes to play multiple roles with his classes. For example, on my Jedi Consular Shadow, I always have one set of gear equipped and another THREE sets of gear in my inventory at all times. During Operations, I'll switch between tank and DPS depending on where we are in an instance and what's needed at the moment. When I queue for PVP, depending on who's in my group and the warzone we get I'll swap between DPS and tank as well.


Aside from carrying all those gear sets in my inventory, having to re-do my toolbars constantly is a major pain in the bantha bottom. Here is what I'm proposing:


  • [GEAR SETS] Allow us to save gear sets, the same way we can save wardrobe sets today. Give us the first one free (your default character gear set), then you can charge us credits and CC for opening up each additional set. Allow us to give each set a name (e.g. "Tank-PVP").
  • [ABILITIES] QUICK-N-DIRTY: Allow the current UI layout save to also save ability mapping on your toolbars, whether you can use that ability or not.
  • [ABILITIES] BEST: Allow abilities mapped on toolbars to be saved to a Discipline. For example, my abilities mapped to the main toolbar will be saved for my Kinect Combat Shadow and a separate one for my Infiltration Shadow.


For a reference of this design, just play 15 minutes of Final Fantasy 14. What they've implemented there is perfect.

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  • 2 months later...
Agree, this is one of the things that I miss most from WoW. Field Respec is nice and all, but having to redo ability bars each time you switch specs is a pain in the ***. Likewise, manually have to change out every piece of gear just sucks and can be... mistake prone
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Give one preset slot to everyone for free to get them hooked and sell additional slots on the CM for 550 coins each. One slot would allow switching back to your main spec/gear if you have to switch for PvP or whatever. To save more than just your main spec, it would cost you.
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Give one preset slot to everyone for free to get them hooked and sell additional slots on the CM for 550 coins each. One slot would allow switching back to your main spec/gear if you have to switch for PvP or whatever. To save more than just your main spec, it would cost you.


As long as it's account wide, I'd be perfectly ok with that. Per character = screw that

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First, some context.


I'm the type of player who can and likes to play multiple roles with his classes. For example, on my Jedi Consular Shadow, I always have one set of gear equipped and another THREE sets of gear in my inventory at all times. During Operations, I'll switch between tank and DPS depending on where we are in an instance and what's needed at the moment. When I queue for PVP, depending on who's in my group and the warzone we get I'll swap between DPS and tank as well.


Aside from carrying all those gear sets in my inventory, having to re-do my toolbars constantly is a major pain in the bantha bottom. Here is what I'm proposing:


  • [GEAR SETS] Allow us to save gear sets, the same way we can save wardrobe sets today. Give us the first one free (your default character gear set), then you can charge us credits and CC for opening up each additional set. Allow us to give each set a name (e.g. "Tank-PVP").
  • [ABILITIES] QUICK-N-DIRTY: Allow the current UI layout save to also save ability mapping on your toolbars, whether you can use that ability or not.
  • [ABILITIES] BEST: Allow abilities mapped on toolbars to be saved to a Discipline. For example, my abilities mapped to the main toolbar will be saved for my Kinect Combat Shadow and a separate one for my Infiltration Shadow.


For a reference of this design, just play 15 minutes of Final Fantasy 14. What they've implemented there is perfect.


Honestly, I had hoped the equipment portion of this was what the 'wardrobe' feature was going to allow to spare me my DPS/TANK/PVP gear changing on my Guardian and Assassin... <sigh> As for the quickbars, I have found ways to work this (mostly heals/dps NOT tanks) with keymap changes

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Monetize it baby, hook them with the first one and run with it .

My thoughts exactly. :D

Don't care if you have to buy the feature from the CM, just want the feature!

Give one preset slot to everyone for free to get them hooked and sell additional slots on the CM for 550 coins each.

This would be fantastic, I would happily pay cartel coins for this


I am astonished by the numbers of players that are so brainwashed by EA/BW greed that they would happily pay cartel coins or credits for a basic feature that should be in game from the very beginning and completely FREE for all subscribers. Yes, you can charge preferred or f2p for it, but not subscribers in a subscription based game! And god have mercy on your soul if you think otherwise.

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I am astonished by the numbers of players that are so brainwashed by EA/BW greed that they would happily pay cartel coins or credits for a basic feature that should be in game from the very beginning and completely FREE for all subscribers. Yes, you can charge preferred or f2p for it, but not subscribers in a subscription based game! And god have mercy on your soul if you think otherwise.


Believe me, I'm not brainwashed. I just know how to speak Bioware's language at this point. They're not going to do any enhancements or features to this game unless it is directly driving revenue in some way. Building this feature as a nice convenience feature for free is never going to happen. Therefore, just drive it the same way they did the wardrobe feature. Done and done.

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For example, on my Jedi Consular Shadow, I always have one set of gear equipped and another THREE sets of gear in my inventory at all times.
Having 4 sets of gear on the go seems a bit excessive. You only mention doing tank or DPS - that would only be two sets, unless you are getting really anal about the exact configuration and carrying 2 sets of tank gear and 2 sets of DPS gear. (Perhaps you have some with expertise and some with other stats>)

If that's the case - multiple sets of DPS or Tank - surely there are ways to reduce the number of pieces you really need to switch. Particularly, is it really necessary to have 4 bracers and 4 belts?


You might be better off creating insta-60s for the various roles rather than trying to make one toon a jack-of-all-trades - or at least, one character for PvE and one for PvP. They could be essentially the same - same look, class, etc.


Basically, given the current state of making new content and trying to fix some of the bugs, something like you suggest is probably very low on the list.

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To be honest the only thing stopping me playing my tank or healer classes as dps is spending time moving my bars around, only to have to later move them back when going back to healing. Same with PvP and PvE.


I love this idea, but would like an addition to it:

allow different set up's of discipline tree points (those 7 things that I don't know the actual name of). I tend to want different ones when doing PvP or PvE, for example the guardian "stun breaker heals 10%" is lovely for PvP, pointless in PvE.

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Having 4 sets of gear on the go seems a bit excessive. You only mention doing tank or DPS - that would only be two sets, unless you are getting really anal about the exact configuration and carrying 2 sets of tank gear and 2 sets of DPS gear. (Perhaps you have some with expertise and some with other stats>)

If that's the case - multiple sets of DPS or Tank - surely there are ways to reduce the number of pieces you really need to switch. Particularly, is it really necessary to have 4 bracers and 4 belts?


You might be better off creating insta-60s for the various roles rather than trying to make one toon a jack-of-all-trades - or at least, one character for PvE and one for PvP. They could be essentially the same - same look, class, etc.


Basically, given the current state of making new content and trying to fix some of the bugs, something like you suggest is probably very low on the list.


Not really excessive at all. Two tank sets, one for PVP and one for PVE. Same with DPS. All are completely optimized. I do a mixture of all content type in the game and don't want to run to my cargo by constantly, I'd rather be ready for whatever I or my group feels like doing at the moment.


Creating another Shadow just for the purpose of slotting him as a specific spec is just...dumb. I say this as someone who has a guildie who does this (he actually has a character for each spec in the game, a bit "excessive"). I'd rather work one character. It's bad enough we can't switch AC's like we can AC specs, resulting in my having 8 characters just on the Republic side. But that's a different topic all together...


While this feature may be low on their list, and we don't know - it would be great if they can communicate their plans for the year and/or for them to comment on threads like these so we, the community, know where they stand on things.

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I am astonished by the numbers of players that are so brainwashed by EA/BW greed that they would happily pay cartel coins or credits for a basic feature that should be in game from the very beginning and completely FREE for all subscribers. Yes, you can charge preferred or f2p for it, but not subscribers in a subscription based game! And god have mercy on your soul if you think otherwise.


Subs get 500 CCs a month, and those with security key get 100. For all intents and purposes buying stuff with CCs is free...if you sub.


And "paying" for this type of feature is not unprecedented: WoW dual spec cost 5000g (that was a LOT when it first came out). Loose translation (in case you do not know): 5 million credits.


As long as it's account wide, I'd be perfectly ok with that. Per character = screw that

Well they could always do what they do with a lot of unlocks: X CC for character or X*2*80% for account wide. Do not know the exact math but you get the idea.


But even if it was on a per character basis, for many characters one does not really need this feature. So players could pick and choose which characters to have this feature enabled on...just like field respec.

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