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So I just did the [The Tyrant] on Bel'Savis.


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There's your issue - your a cookie cutter watchman - and your not playing my toon, not everyone wants to play a watchman, ohh and try something harder , perhaps a lvl 65 H2+


Nothing wrong with using a spec you are proficient at. Also there are no Level 65 Heroics. Unless you meant SF but that's a flashpoint so that isn't relevant to this thread.


Also...with level synch gear kinda doesn't matter. Seriously if you are having problems with the heroics.....


I've only come across one heroic I had an issue with and a specific mob on another. Every other Heroic I have done today has been fine.

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But all the tweeking in the world doesn't address the underlying problem, a disconnect between the entire concept of what BW did with this expac and what many players expect/expected.


There is a disconnect between what they advertised and told us the day before the nerf, and now.

The expac its self was well received and most were enjoying it.

They dumped an untested nerf onto live which is too harsh, and then sat silent while a good many of the population (judging from the amount of people missing on Harb) leave, or at least logged out for the moment.

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There is a disconnect between what they advertised and told us the day before the nerf, and now.

The expac its self was well received and most were enjoying it.

They dumped an untested nerf onto live which is too harsh, and then sat silent while a good many of the population (judging from the amount of people missing on Harb) leave, or at least logged out for the moment.


Your confusing a symptom with their intent. Stop thinking about the companion power for a little bit and just look at the mechanics. Level sync so that going to old world planets is a challenge of sorts. The Heroic SF with unlocks inside that can only be activated with an alliance rating of 10. Getting new companions that you need to level up virtually from scratch. This is all the sort of grind that we have ALWAYs had. It would be perfectly in line with what they advertised.


The problem is that the companions were released in a broken state so people did not initially experience the above, because they could bypass the grind. So it is not a matter of selling one thing and delivering another, rather it is a matter of selling one thing and initially launching something that was not even close to being tested enough and then not addressing the issue until a couple days before you intend on fixing something that was not even close to WAI.

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SO you player that keep saying i can do it . NEED to under stand we have people that are in gear that is not first raid tier gear to run heroics and not die.. .


And YOU need to understand that you then need to put in the effort to gear up then. Getting to 190 - 208 gear is pretty easy. I suggest starting the Shadow of Revan to start building up coms and getting mod gear.


Getting the free 60 doesn't mean you were given a free I win pass and not needing to put in any effort. And to get 190-208 is minimal effort.

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My last Heroic run post of the night, I took my my mostly 208/216 Marauder and Rank 30 Vette as a DPS and did every Heroic on Hoth at once right after another.


Most were pretty easy and quick to do, only two required her to be a heals but a lot of them used to be H4 and are now severely gutted that anyone could easily complete them by themselves with the healing nerf.

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Cool thread. Let me add up:


I was playing my Pyro BH with Pierce influence 15.

I have decent gear, but I guess it only matters in level 65 content?


So: did all imp Heroics on


Ilum (there's only one :D)




H2 SF Tattoine


Tats is easy as pie


Ilum -I remeber this mission pre 4.0 and it was hard on level. Now it is a tough fight, but I didn't drop below 50% health with Qyzen (the only one done with Qyzen -he fits better for Xalek hunt on Ilum) in Tank mode.


Belsavis: some fights were hard, but perfectly doable. Didn't use healing mode. Some silvers hit harder than others.


SF H2: I expected hardcore. It was a bit tougher than before, but I did it with one death (my own mistake).

Had Pierce in Tank mode up to last stages. Used all my abilities and heroic moments -didn't have to use HM pre nerf.

On last stage (2 Zakuul Knighs and the Exarch level) I switched to tank stance and put guard on Pierce. He healed fine. Last fight before the exarch duel was the hardest of course, but Heroic Moment helped a lot killing ads.

The Exarch fight was kinda the same as pre nerf.


My conclusions:

1. early planets heroics are easier. It was like that pre 4.0 . So perfectly normal situation.

2. there is something odd with silvers. Some hit much harder than the others. They were changed when 3.0 hit and BW tried to make game easier. They got killer hits and DoTs then. Some of them still seem to posses them.

3. Star Fortress is doable and isn't all that hard for sturdy classes (PT, Guardian). They might be tough or even impossible for squishy classes. My DPS sage is pre KoTFE so no testing SF H2 on him now.


I like the game better now. I feel as if heroics are still a bit easier than pre 4.0

I'm glad they nerfed them.

Edited by jstankaroslo
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SF H2: I expected hardcore. It was a bit tougher than before, but I did it with one death (my own mistake).

Had Pierce in Tank mode up to last stages. Used all my abilities and heroic moments -didn't have to use HM pre nerf.

On last stage (2 Zakuul Knighs and the Exarch level) I switched to tank stance and put guard on Pierce. He healed fine. Last fight before the exarch duel was the hardest of course, but Heroic Moment helped a lot killing ads.

The Exarch fight was kinda the same as pre nerf.



Call BS on that. I dont believe for one sec that you went past the sub boss that summons adds with companion in tank mode and you in DPS. and no heals between

Edited by Aricin
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If you are still open for testing, I would suggest many of the former H4's (I don't have specific names for you though though), which I do not think have been scaled properly anyway. I think that the mob density is still set at a H4 level and while only trying to pull one side of a corridor it pulls the whole group ( 7+ group usually with a few gold's and multiple silver's). I can tell now that I will have "issues" with these ones myself as even with the OP companions during the opening exchange my health went from 100% to 75% within 3 seconds.


Pref on a DPS class with limited or no CC abilities.

Edited by Jedi_riches
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Call BS on that. I dont believe for one sec that you went past the sub boss that summons adds with companion in tank mode and you in DPS. and no heals between


what you believe or not is not my concern.

Pyro has weak self heal and to be honest I thought I'd die on this fight. But if you kill ads fast (death from above, flame thrower) this is doable. For some reason the pretorian was attacking me as much as tank Pierce, so Pierce didn't go down.

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If you are still open for testing, I would suggest many of the former H4's (I don't have specific names for you though though), which I do not think have been scaled properly anyway. I think that the mob density is still set at a H4 level and while only trying to pull one side of a corridor it pulls the whole group ( 7+ group usually with a few gold's and multiple silver's). I can tell now that I will have "issues" with these ones myself as even with the OP companions during the opening exchange my health went from 100% to 75% within 3 seconds.


Pref on a DPS class with limited or no CC abilities.


sure. Corellia today. With Pyro and Pierce (I think they fit each other)

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If you are still open for testing, I would suggest many of the former H4's (I don't have specific names for you though though), which I do not think have been scaled properly anyway. I think that the mob density is still set at a H4 level and while only trying to pull one side of a corridor it pulls the whole group ( 7+ group usually with a few gold's and multiple silver's). I can tell now that I will have "issues" with these ones myself as even with the OP companions during the opening exchange my health went from 100% to 75% within 3 seconds.


Pref on a DPS class with limited or no CC abilities.


ok, did Corellia heroics. Pyro with Pierce in tank stance.

Corsec heroics were with lots of silver ads, but they went down fast.

Wookies were no problem.

Prison Bust -also easy.


All the fights without even defensive cooldowns. I didn't even stop to rest when Pierce was 50% health.

With no regards to wandering mobs (these were my nightmare pre 4.0), or without checking the mobs before attacking.

So, even if I'm better tha I give myself credit for, this should be perfectly doable for any 65 character.

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this should be perfectly doable for any 65 character.


What about characters that are not max level and are in appropriate levelling gear? which also means not all utilities, passives or abilities available?


Are Heroics intended to be new end game content and not to be attempted when you are there running your class missions (it must have been missed off the patch notes somewhere if this is the case)

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What about characters that are not max level and are in appropriate levelling gear? which also means not all utilities, passives or abilities available?


Are Heroics intended to be new end game content and not to be attempted when you are there running your class missions (it must have been missed off the patch notes somewhere if this is the case)


In my opinion early planets Heroics are doable for these players.

Of those I tested I guess half of Belsavis and half of Corellia are possible. If they happen too be to tough, then augment, craft purple mods, tread carefully.


Before 4.0 most of H4 on higher level planets were not soloable. You could group for them, or outlevel them. You can still do both for content that is too hard.


Thing is: in MY opinion content is on ok level. For new/inexperienced players some things will be even too tough at first. With a bit of experience, better rotations, better gear they'll be able to clear this optional content. It has been like this since the game launched.

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Before 4.0 most of H4 on higher level planets were not soloable. You could group for them, or outlevel them. You can still do both for content that is too hard.


Thing is almost all H4's became H2's in 4.0, Eric said that all H2's should still be able to done with just yourself and your companion, at no point did he say it can only be done by just you and your companion once you over level significantly and have appropriate higher levelled gear.


If only about 50% of H2's are soloable at under this criteria then this is not being able to solo them, if this is the case then the former H4's need a lot more work doing to them to bring them to a solo H2 level.

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Thing is almost all H4's became H2's in 4.0, Eric said that all H2's should still be able to done with just yourself and your companion, at no point did he say it can only be done by just you and your companion once you over level significantly and have appropriate higher levelled gear.


If only about 50% of H2's are soloable at under this criteria then this is not being able to solo them, if this is the case then the former H4's need a lot more work doing to them to bring them to a solo H2 level.


no, you are creating your own argument.

I was talking about new, inexperienced players in green gear. Half of what I tested is IMO soloable for them.


Experienced player with good gear, class buffs etc could solo everything I tested. There may be some heroics that are harder, but that the whole fun -you don't know what to expect.


I had great time today (for the first time) doing SF H2 -I expected to fail on my Pyro. When I saw that I can do it -well -self satisfaction guaranteed. :)


I believe all content now is soloable. Some of it just takes more effort.

Also note that Heroics are optional content. If you can't clear it, you can leave it.

On level 65, when you need heroics to your alliance, they are ok.

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If you are still open for testing, I would suggest many of the former H4's (I don't have specific names for you though though), which I do not think have been scaled properly anyway. I think that the mob density is still set at a H4 level and while only trying to pull one side of a corridor it pulls the whole group ( 7+ group usually with a few gold's and multiple silver's). I can tell now that I will have "issues" with these ones myself as even with the OP companions during the opening exchange my health went from 100% to 75% within 3 seconds.


Pref on a DPS class with limited or no CC abilities.


I did all of the old former H4 Hoth heroics, that I strongly remember having a high mob density, And they were all reduced to 2-4 groups of easy to kill mobs. I did this on my 208/216 Marauder with Vette as a dps majority of the heroics


If you can think of a specific planet for me to test, I will go look into it using whichever class you prefer.

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I did all of the old former H4 Hoth heroics, that I strongly remember having a high mob density, And they were all reduced to 2-4 groups of easy to kill mobs. I did this on my 208/216 Marauder with Vette as a dps majority of the heroics


If you can think of a specific planet for me to test, I will go look into it using whichever class you prefer.


It must just be my lack of skill level, I play to the best of my ability and I guess it is not enough, but it was one of those on Hoth I was specifically thinking of, I felt as if the mob density was too high, it might be lower than it was as a H4 but I guess its just me and my feelings.

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It must just be my lack of skill level, I play to the best of my ability and I guess it is not enough, but it was one of those on Hoth I was specifically thinking of, I felt as if the mob density was too high, it might be lower than it was as a H4 but I guess its just me and my feelings.


Deconstruction Efforts and Brig Stompers were the only two that had some groups of more than 4 initially but that was off set by half the mobs int he groups being weak/standard and thus easily AOE'd down.


I haven't tried the Heroics on Pub side for Hoth tho.

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Deconstruction Efforts and Brig Stompers were the only two that had some groups of more than 4 initially but that was off set by half the mobs int he groups being weak/standard and thus easily AOE'd down.


I haven't tried the Heroics on Pub side for Hoth tho.


I don't remember really, I landed on hoth while class questing there, hit the heroic terminal and just used the QT to them all without paying attention to what they were called. To be honest it's probably just me :( .

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Took a trip down to Oricon today because I remember having a spirited discussion before 4.0 about how the Heroic on Oricon was very solo unfriendly even tho I had no problems soloing it then.


Fast Forward to today and.....


I took my Sentinel (The same Sentinel I made the claims on in the first place back then) and discovered the Heroic remained largely unchanged. I had Rank 10 Doc with me and I proceeded to go thru the motions that I normally do when I run the Heroic and the experience was the same now as it was then.


In spirit of recent revelations about all heroics being solo friendly, while I had no issues with it, the fact it remains largely unchanged may pose a bit of a challenge to someone else and should have a glance over it, to see if some groups need pruning or if the Heroic itself is deemed fine by their standards.


Where to next, I wonder...

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Reno, could you post this info in THIS thread....Eric is directly seeking feedback there and I think he should see this.


I've already posted some feedback there but this thread is like a log/request for planetary heroics since that thread seems to be filled with mostly SF stuff and I messaged Eric yesterday about Viper's nest and he told me that he saw my thread and appreciated it so I'm going to continue posting my experiences here and if I find a Heroic that needs to be looked at in my opinion, I'll also post it over there.

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I've already posted some feedback there but this thread is like a log/request for planetary heroics since that thread seems to be filled with mostly SF stuff and I messaged Eric yesterday about Viper's nest and he told me that he saw my thread and appreciated it so I'm going to continue posting my experiences here and if I find a Heroic that needs to be looked at in my opinion, I'll also post it over there.


Ok, fair enough, I just wanted to make sure that your viewpoint was getting the eye service it deserved. I think all voices in this need to be heard on all sides.

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Ok, fair enough, I just wanted to make sure that your viewpoint was getting the eye service it deserved. I think all voices in this need to be heard on all sides.


No problem, I am not having trouble with most of the planetary heroic but I do think Companions need a slight buff and readjustment for new players sake but not in the ball park where you afked to victory.

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I've got a level 58 jedi guardian in mostly 156 with a bit of 180 gear and am in the process of running the full set of Oricon dailies and the weekly, as historically that's a fair benchmark for quests that punish the undergeared and unprepared.


Bothrium beast was a bit slow, but pretty easy. Trash groups in the shuttle/hero area and the named champions were kicking my ***, and I found them pretty easy to solo if somewhat time consuming, during 2.0 and 3.0. Haven't tried the tower or the subteroth yet.


In general in 4.0 I've been finding that groups of trash mob with some strongs and an elite or two are more likely to be dangerous than a champion or boss. I guess the peons have decided that they're tired of getting pushed around. ;)



Also haven't manage to solo HSF on my healing sage main yet, but I still have some datacrons to collect, 20 levels of influence to gain, and I'm not in full 220/216 gear yet (I perhaps foolishly held onto a 198 set bonus while companions were in god mode), so I'm not really ready to call it undoable yet. Even at suboptimal gearing I was able to heal through the Exarch's damage, just couldn't do enough damage to get them down below 70% through their self heals. I'm thinking it may be easier on my shadow tank where I won't have to juggle targets to do interrupts (and where I'll have more interrupts on shorter cooldowns). Everything up to the Exarch was pretty easy assuming you know the encounter mechanics, even the 3rd platform isn't bad if you farm the 2nd platform for the drain capacitor thingies.

Edited by Ramalina
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