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So I just did the [The Tyrant] on Bel'Savis.


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Update: I was able to successfully complete Viper's Nest on my Sentinel but it was extremely close using every defensive cool down I had outside of popping Heroic Moment. I did notice However as I was able to kill mobs the damage got easier to manage. The Rest of the heroic was a joke including the champion just before the end.


People were complaining Makeb heroics were too hard before the nerf, not sure they are a good testing ground for companions. There are enough other H2+ quests to still give a ton of crystals that can be used to buy better gear.


Yeah but Eric said every Heroic should be soloable, if some are very over tuned it might be nice to get some feedback on them.


I'm going to keep trying to do this heroic on my Sage because now it's taunting me.

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People were complaining Makeb heroics were too hard before the nerf, not sure they are a good testing ground for companions. There are enough other H2+ quests to still give a ton of crystals that can be used to buy better gear.


Sure, still good to know where are the limits, if any.


Atm as a Vigilance Guardian in gear rating 208 (including augments), almost all datacrons and all legacy presence with T7 or C2 (in heal mode) at influence rank 15, I was able to do all the HC2s from Tython up to Balmorra without real problem

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what I'd like for you to try Reno is.. assuming you still have free lvl 60 left. create that free lvl 60 on server where you have no legacy and do a heroic on that level 60. then come back with your findings.


the game cannot, shouldn't be tuned for people who have maxed out legacies and maxed out gear. it needs to be tuned for people who do not.


lvl 60 with starter gear they get, starter companion they get and no legacy buffs? while still having more abilities available then player who might be trying those H2's at level.. is at least closer to a fair test then legacied out, geared out lvl 65.

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what I'd like for you to try Reno is.. assuming you still have free lvl 60 left. create that free lvl 60 on server where you have no legacy and do a heroic on that level 60. then come back with your findings.


the game cannot, shouldn't be tuned for people who have maxed out legacies and maxed out gear. it needs to be tuned for people who do not.


lvl 60 with starter gear they get, starter companion they get and no legacy buffs? while still having more abilities available then player who might be trying those H2's at level.. is at least closer to a fair test then legacied out, geared out lvl 65.


oo that's a good idea, I may try that myself. Didn't know what to do with that stupid token.

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what I'd like for you to try Reno is.. assuming you still have free lvl 60 left. create that free lvl 60 on server where you have no legacy and do a heroic on that level 60. then come back with your findings.


the game cannot, shouldn't be tuned for people who have maxed out legacies and maxed out gear. it needs to be tuned for people who do not.


lvl 60 with starter gear they get, starter companion they get and no legacy buffs? while still having more abilities available then player who might be trying those H2's at level.. is at least closer to a fair test then legacied out, geared out lvl 65.


Sadly that option isn't available for me to test, but would gladly do it if I could.

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what I'd like for you to try Reno is.. assuming you still have free lvl 60 left. create that free lvl 60 on server where you have no legacy and do a heroic on that level 60. then come back with your findings.


the game cannot, shouldn't be tuned for people who have maxed out legacies and maxed out gear. it needs to be tuned for people who do not.


lvl 60 with starter gear they get, starter companion they get and no legacy buffs? while still having more abilities available then player who might be trying those H2's at level.. is at least closer to a fair test then legacied out, geared out lvl 65.



Brilliant idea.

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This was on my Level 65 Sentinel decked out in full 208 augments, 186 relics, 216 implants and an earpiece, and a mix of mostly 220 gear with some 216s still left to replace.


My companion was a rank 10 Doc as a healer. Most groups were 2 elites and a silver aside from the second group which was 3 silvers and the champion at the end.


I was able to successfully clear it without dying once using:


Self Heals, since I play Watchman

Rebuke on Cooldown

Saber Ward but only once

Pacify if I had time to weave it in between my rotation.

Disable Droid (but I quickly broke it with Twin Saber Throw by accident)

Full Class buffs since I have Legendary

Full presence from all Datacrons (Minus Fleet) and companion stories.

Leftover Stim from the HM TFB I ran the night before.


I did not use:


Guarded by the Force

Force Camo



Heroic Moment and Heroic Moment Abilities.


My health only got low once and that was in a pack with 2 golds and a silver because I decided to attack a gold first instead of the silver.


Doc had aggro on a gold full time during one trash pull but his health never dipped below 90%.


The Champion didn't hit all that hard and was easily beatable without interrupting his Ravage.


I consider [The Tyrant] to be one of the hardest heroics of the Old Era before 4.0. I am willing to go try any other heroics outside of SF since my Sentinel has not done the FE story if people would like further results from any other heroics.



Please Comment below in a constructive and civil manner your thoughts or suggestions, so we can provide feedback to the Devs about this.


So far today, I've run the H2 on Hutta, DK, Balmorra, Tatooine, Taris and Nar Shaddaa. All 38 of them Imp side on my Merc who is in pure PvP gear (mix of 204 and 208, augmented and PvP crystals, all crons and buffs from legacy). As DPS, with HK also set as DPS. I know they're only low level planets, and I'll work my way through the rest of the Heroics (aside from one pesky one on Makeb with the gas... that I can't solo due to the time taken to disable the gas...).


I haven't died once, HK-51 hasn't died once. I've not even come close to it. So planetary Heroics wise, I'm not sure I'll see an issue. I do however feel that I may encounter problems in HSF, I'll get to those by the end of the week and see what the situation is.


I will however say this, I'm unlikely to run either a tank or a healer to do any H2 content now. It was bad enough pre 4.0.2, now it would just be masochistic (I know, I know, I play a Merc.... :p)


What I will say though, is I will not run HK-51 in anything aside from DPS. He's a DPS companion still in my eyes.

Edited by Transcendent
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The companions they get start at rank 1? or 10?


rank one. from going through conversations on characters that skipped them though, by the end of chapter three, most should be around rank 5-6. then one you take with yourself the most, assuming they agree with your choices - might be around rank 10.


that said. rank one companion would still be a decent litmus paper IMO in part becasue it should balance out extra abilities that lvl 60 would have over lvl 43-44 on Belsavis

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rank one. from going through conversations on characters that skipped them though, by the end of chapter three, most should be around rank 5-6. then one you take with yourself the most, assuming they agree with your choices - might be around rank 10.


that said. rank one companion would still be a decent litmus paper IMO in part becasue it should balance out extra abilities that lvl 60 would have over lvl 43-44 on Belsavis


Well my guardian I was working on finished class story chapter 3 with a rank 21 T7, everyone else 6-8. I'm sure it differs per character.


But yea I agree having a rank 1 companion with an instant 60 and their gear (180? I think) should be a good test.

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Well my guardian I was working on finished class story chapter 3 with a rank 21 T7, everyone else 6-8. I'm sure it differs per character.


But yea I agree having a rank 1 companion with an instant 60 and their gear (180? I think) should be a good test.


hmm. i didn't minmax answers during my test so that may account for lower influence levels.


but yeah. gear level is 188, just a tad worse then what you get from finishing ziost, but better then rishi/yavin stuff

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Well I've tried many numerous times on my Sage to do it, even going back to fleet and using crystals to buy gifts to increase the influence rank of Theron Cedrax and Treek and I still cannot get past those 8 silver mobs from Viper's Nest even with Heroic Moment every attempt. The Damage that is inflicted is not solo friendly at all and needs to be adjusted.


I was able to do it on my Sentinel but not on my sage. I don't like giving up on this kind of stuff but it was starting to get frustrating.


What should I test next guys?

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Well I just made a new lvl 60 char on a new server to test the Tyrant HC.

I chose Vigilance Guardian with default utilities and Doc as healer.


I had to use Saber Ward and Focused Defense to win and I finished at 90% HP.

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Reno what I've noticed is as you get to the later planets like Hoth and up the NPC's in those Heroics hit way harder and do more specials. As a DPS spec player with a healing companion on those planets when 3+Gold/Siver Elite mobs are involved and you aren't on a class who can CC it becomes very difficult to survive.


One test which you might try is on the planet Voss with the Heroic "Not Afraid Enough" on the Republic side. Most of those mobs have 4+ NPC. Good luck :)

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Reno what I've noticed is as you get to the later planets like Hoth and up the NPC's in those Heroics hit way harder and do more specials. As a DPS spec player with a healing companion on those planets when 3+Gold/Siver Elite mobs are involved and you aren't on a class who can CC it becomes very difficult to survive.


One test which you might try is on the planet Voss with the Heroic "Not Afraid Enough" on the Republic side. Most of those mobs have 4+ NPC. Good luck :)


Do you have a specific class/role in mind for that? Cause I will test it after I try another Makeb heroic on my Sage to investigate whether if Makeb needs a pass or Just Viper's nest.

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Sentinel is possible even when undergeared (not full 220/224).

Though I have trouble in last room before Exarch fight. Room where you have to drain twice.


Everything else to that point felt fine with CC and Heroic Moment in difficult parts. 5 min cooldown is really nice.

Edited by Halinalle
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So i just got done completing Savage Skies on Makeb to test to see if it was Viper's Nest or my Sage that was the issue and I was able to complete it smoothly with my Sage at 59 and Tharan now at rank 10. The Silvers in that heroic did not hurt at all and I only used Force Mend whenever my HP dipped below 90%.


My sage is now 60, so I'm wondering if I should try Viper's Nest again.

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"Not Afraid Enough" complete on my fresh boosted Level 60 turned 65 with orange gear missing mods and a rank 1 Elara.


Hardest part was the Elites and their Grav Round. I combatted this by keeping my group pulls to 3-5 using Elara's CC and Defensive Cooldowns. The Voranitikus was a joke and for the second part all I did was click the consoles and Hold the Line away from the enemies since they weren't required to fight.


For the Final Boss, I used Heroic Moment and quickly killed the silver and then easily took down the champion.

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Reno. I did Viper Nest in 3.0 on my 56 SS Slinger with level 38 gear and Makeb bolster, no comps. I just found a spot the mobs couldn't attack and killed them through AoE and stuff since they were out of LoS. It was pretty clutch tho. Just a way to do it with a ranged toon ;) You focus the ranged Grav Round and ignore the melee since they can't reach you. They should drop fast enough. Edited by Ryuku-sama
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Reno. I did Viper Nest in 3.0 on my 56 SS Slinger with level 38 gear and Makeb bolster, no comps. I just found a spot the mobs couldn't attack and killed them through AoE and stuff since they were out of LoS. It was pretty clutch tho. Just a way to do it with a ranged toon ;) You focus the ranged Grav Round and ignore the melee since they can't reach you. They should drop fast enough.


You know what... I forgot about the Makeb GSI buff...


EDIT: Seems they've removed because I can't find it where it normally would be.

Edited by Reno_Tarshil
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I finally did it!


I had to cheese it a bit to do it tho.


This requires a Knockback on a sorta short cooldown.


So what I did was I cleared the group bottom groups across the ramp near the boxes and the group up top and then I clicked the box to right looking at the boxes and quickly ran up to the ledge with Tharan. And Started dpsing the Ranged Adds while the Melee chased me up to the cliff. I let the melee get up to me on the ledge and force waved both of them off and went back to dpsing the ranged adds. I repeated this method gradually killing off the ranged adds and any melee adds that were weak coming back up until all 8 were dead.


After that I went and grabbed the thing, killed the elite and silver and collected my reward. I still think Viper's nest needs to be nerfed slightly but I was able to manage thru it.

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