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"The new generation of gamers is going to be not only the death of this game, but all mmo's in my opinon. Everyone wants instant self gratification in games without having to put forth any effort whatsoever in achieving any goal at all. It reminds me of spoiled children who throw tantrums when things don't go their way. Heck, my 5 year old acts more mature. And nope, not exaggerating on that"


At the same time I dont want a game that requires me to put so much effort that there is no time for anything else. Hardcore players are no more right then casual's {like me} are wrong.


You didn't read my whole post if seems CombatLord. I am a very casual player myself. A very busy, single mother with very little time for games. But, when I do have the time I do personally still enjoy a challenge. I know that with my casual playstyle I may never be raiding or doing any hardcore pvp in any mmo. Here's the difference between me and many other gamers it seems. I am 100% ok with that!


I don't expect to be able to get the best rewards or gear if I don't put forth the time and effort that others have put forth to accomplish such things in the game. Many years ago I was hardcore into gaming. So I have been on both sides. I just play these games casually on occasion to just relax and have some fun. Will I get the best gear the game has to offer? No, and I don't care. Am I going to get everything hardcore gamers are going to get? Again, no and I don't care.


But even though I am such a casual player these days I just can't seem to bring myself to get any enjoyment whatsoever out of a game that takes 0 skill or challenge to play. That is just me personally.

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I might be misunderstanding your post, so if I am I apologize in advance. But what I am getting from it is that you are comparing mmo gamers who want some type of challenge to playing an rpg on difficult or extreme mode? If so, that is a ridiculous comparison. Noone said they wanted to play a game where "you will die if an NPC looks at you". I have played those kinds of rpg's before by the way.


I think what you are missing is that many gamers don't want a game where we sit back, press one button and win. We actually want to have to know and learn how to play our class by using our abilities in different fights and situations. I don't know, where we actually have to use our brain and overcome a battle on occasion.


I personally am not looking for some hardcore game where I can't get to level 3 without dying repeatedly. I played an mmo like that years ago, can't remember the name right now but it was pretty intense. May have been Darkfall actually. Anyways, I think many of us are very sick of all the mmo's repeatedly dumbing down their games to such an extent that a 6 year old could play. Make the game a bit interesting by adding some challenge. Where I need to know how to actually play my class well to pass some areas of the games or missions for example.


Seriously all, there has to be some balance between hardcore game play and so easy a dog can press a button and win game play. And in my opinion, dungeons, raids, heroics, etc. should never be easy or soloable. If you want to play the easy content in a game, then just stick to that easy content. But how about we leave a challenge where the rewards reflect the effort put forth. And yes, again, I am a very casual player by the way.

Better yet look at Bloodborne vs Fallout 4.


Bloodborne is chances are game of the year. It's hard and thanks to that makes it so much more fun. Fallout 4 you just run around killing everything, can cross the map in 11 minutes, it's not really all that hard it's a cake walk that takes no time to beat. I got a refund after playing Fallout 4 for 10 minutes myself.


The new gamers today want everything given to them. They don't want to learn anything or team up with other people. They want to be the big hero like the storyline tells them they are. I loved games like UO and SWG that if you want to be that big hero? You work long and hard for it, but it's a lot more fun to be a crafter or someone who supports everyone else.

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Troll posts are funny!


Go and count the posts in the forum threads.


For every elitist snob post there are 20 saying the patch sucks. You lose. The vocal minority has been silenced for a change. Hopefully Biofail will actually listen to the players who play and not the ones that scream NERF IT! because they're afraid of people actually catching up to them.


Have I mentioned, troll posts are funny...XD


Majority is actually in game and is playing it ,instead of those dosen that are whining around the forums how the game suddenly became impossible, while thinking that they constitute any important part of the player base.

Edited by Pavijan
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A lvl 50 companion is now 20% more stronger than a level 1 companion and is overall weaker than a companion during 3.0


Thank you bioware. :rolleyes:


If that+s really what's happening than buff the presence bonus and make the LvL 50 companions way more powerful, but leave level 1-10 companions as they are.

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But even though I am such a casual player these days I just can't seem to bring myself to get any enjoyment whatsoever out of a game that takes 0 skill or challenge to play. That is just me personally.


You do realize that companions are statistically weaker now at level 65, than they were at level 60 in 192 gear before 4.0 came out right?


They didn't just nerf the excess, they pushed them under the power level they were capable of in 3.0 when they were 5 levels lower. Do you not understand that is why people are complaining? Your influence 50 companion today is weaker than when it was 5 levels lower and you geared it yourself.

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Yes this, all the ppl that are now thanking BW for the nerf should have all the SF stuff reset and they will have to do it all over again and get the challenge that they want.


I'd be fine with that. I got the <one for all> achievement before this nerf, but went back last night and beat it unbuffed in 208/216 with my rank 25 Lana just to make sure I deserved it. It was a little more difficult, but doable.

And now that heroic SF isn't so faceroll easy, I might actually continue to play it. Still need that walker mount, lol.

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Majority is actually in game and is playing it ,instead of those dosen that are whining around the forums how the game suddenly became impossible, while thinking that they constitute any important part of the player base.


My thoughts exactly. Though I'm at work now so cannot be in game as of right this second :(

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You didn't read my whole post if seems CombatLord. I am a very casual player myself. A very busy, single mother with very little time for games. But, when I do have the time I do personally still enjoy a challenge. I know that with my casual playstyle I may never be raiding or doing any hardcore pvp in any mmo. Here's the difference between me and many other gamers it seems. I am 100% ok with that!


I don't expect to be able to get the best rewards or gear if I don't put forth the time and effort that others have put forth to accomplish such things in the game. Many years ago I was hardcore into gaming. So I have been on both sides. I just play these games casually on occasion to just relax and have some fun. Will I get the best gear the game has to offer? No, and I don't care. Am I going to get everything hardcore gamers are going to get? Again, no and I don't care.


But even though I am such a casual player these days I just can't seem to bring myself to get any enjoyment whatsoever out of a game that takes 0 skill or challenge to play. That is just me personally.


I guess my whole issue is that I don't wanna grp to planet stuff, raids and fp's I understand that those needs grps and that's why I avoid those. However H2's are kinda needed for the gear filler spots {bracers, relics, implants} and I hate having to spend a hour asking for a grp in chat and either get other dps and no heals or when I am lucky enough to get a grp with a heals or a tank and the first thing that happens is then someone decides they have to go afk cause "the phone is ringing or they just remembered they need a drink or the dog needs to go out" and that's another 15 or 20 mins of downtime waiting, buts that's what has happened to me can't speak for anyone else. And I agree that a challenge is fine and even fun but I think they went too overboard with the nerf's they did, they could have done a 30 or 40% nerf instead and saw how that affected game play. But I can not say that the hardcore's {I know you are not} or that the one's that liked it pre 4.02 are right, that is not my place and I was wrg fpr trying to say it earlier and at this point it rly does not matter cause what is done is done, so at this point everyone has to make a decision to keep playing and paying for a sub or quitting.

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Majority is actually in game and is playing it ,instead of those dosen that are whining around the forums how the game suddenly became impossible, while thinking that they constitute any important part of the player base.


Yep while you're at it just give us some more statistics you've pulled out your butt.


The most amusing thing about this post I find is the same people pro nerf are on all the pr/anti threads. Making it seem like there is a lot of them, but compared to all the people against it, you're the minority on the forums.


BW made a bad move with this. Admit it & move on.


When GOOD players die in H2s & their companion has been dead for awhile, something is wrong.

The wrong being BW said that H2s are meant for you & your companions/alliances.

You don't have to be able to burn through H2s in a couple minutes flat, but it shouldn't take you over an hour in 1 heroic with multiple deaths too.

People want fun with a small challenge. They don't want to sit there raging at their pc because it was easier to solo Heroics at level pre 4.0 than it is now.

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You don't have to be able to burn through H2s in a couple minutes flat, but it shouldn't take you over an hour in 1 heroic with multiple deaths too.


Yes, a game has to hurt anyone else but the elitists to be fun. Your hands should bleed by not playing like the vocal minority wants you to. To play for a challenge and to play for competition!


People want fun with a small challenge. They don't want to sit there raging at their pc because it was easier to solo Heroics at level pre 4.0 than it is now.


Bioware is great at telling stories. They just should give a shiz about challenges. And they just should give a shiz about forcing people into group play for retention.

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Love the nerfing of companions think more is needed though. I like a Challenge when I play games not God mode.


LOL, what a pro! Cmon show em all how tough u are. :D


There WAS NEVER ANY CHALLENGE in going thorough story or H2 content. If you wanted challenge u joined HM or Ops or PVP. There is plenty of challenging stuff to choose from.


Instead some were simply whining about the thing that was welcomed by majority of player base. Of course eaware did what they always do. Now many do cancel subs -> the game suffers. As profits fall do u think eaware gonna spend more resources on it in future?


English in not my native language. hope I made my point clear enough.

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And that's the thing

The ppl that like that they have been nerfed are not right, and the ppl that think it went too far are not right also.

What is done is done and now everyone has to ask themselves and make the decision rather or not to keep paying and playing or quit and find something else. And anyone that does quit because of the nerfs is not wrg for doing so is that's is what they feel is right. I for one prbly wont quit and try and wait and adjust no matter how annoying it is for me to do so.

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LOL, what a pro! Cmon show em all how tough u are. :D


There WAS NEVER ANY CHALLENGE in going thorough story or H2 content. If you wanted challenge u joined HM or Ops or PVP. There is plenty of challenging stuff to choose from.


Instead some were simply whining about the thing that was welcomed by majority of player base. Of course eaware did what they always do. Now many do cancel subs -> the game suffers. As profits fall do u think eaware gonna spend more resources on it in future?


English in not my native language. hope I made my point clear enough.


Correctly stated

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Well, if you want real challenge - try another game where even seasoned veterans got owned on daily basis - do your research for single server 100% PvP game. AI for "strong" NPCs there rivals any average MMO player.


They invented the "may i have your stuff?" question, btw :D

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Yep while you're at it just give us some more statistics you've pulled out your butt.


The most amusing thing about this post I find is the same people pro nerf are on all the pr/anti threads. Making it seem like there is a lot of them, but compared to all the people against it, you're the minority on the forums.


BW made a bad move with this. Admit it & move on.


When GOOD players die in H2s & their companion has been dead for awhile, something is wrong.

The wrong being BW said that H2s are meant for you & your companions/alliances.

You don't have to be able to burn through H2s in a couple minutes flat, but it shouldn't take you over an hour in 1 heroic with multiple deaths too.

People want fun with a small challenge. They don't want to sit there raging at their pc because it was easier to solo Heroics at level pre 4.0 than it is now.


There is nothing " pulled out of my butt". And we are everywhere simply because people whining are much more vocal and I'm on the forum purely to show anyone who is reading this a different side of the medal.


All that I'm saying comes from playing the solo game AND various Heroics which I'm trying left and right. And I'm not a great player, but not a bad one ether. And by Heroics I don't mean Star Fortresses, but planetary heroic 2 missions, and for THOSE your companion should be enough.


I realize that Star Fortresses those may be impossible to solo for most, but it's better for rest to understand that it thata ae HEROIC FLASPIONTS, not a Solo Flashponts or a planetary Heroic 2 missions, and therefore they are is a GROUP CONTENT. To solo that now, you will probably have to get maximum gear and lvl 50 comp or lvl10 alliances, which I will never have, but somebody will and will be able to do it and therefore get that connected achievements.


On the other side, I will never beat a Dread Fortress and Palace solo (which I wold very much like) and you don't hear me whining about that.

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I realize that Star Fortresses those may be impossible to solo for most, but it's better for rest to understand that it thata ae HEROIC FLASPIONTS, not a Solo Flashponts or a planetary Heroic 2 missions, and therefore they are is a GROUP CONTENT. To solo that now, you will probably have to get maximum gear and lvl 50 comp or lvl10 alliances, which I will never have, but somebody will and will be able to do it and therefore get that connected achievements.


On the other side, I will never beat a Dread Fortress and Palace solo (which I wold very much like) and you don't hear me whining about that.


I gather you are trying to say SF is not a solo mission in +2. funny Eric (BW spokes person) contradicted your statement yesterday. Something along the lings that SF+2 was designed for PC + 1 Comp



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You do realize that companions are statistically weaker now at level 65, than they were at level 60 in 192 gear before 4.0 came out right?


They didn't just nerf the excess, they pushed them under the power level they were capable of in 3.0 when they were 5 levels lower. Do you not understand that is why people are complaining? Your influence 50 companion today is weaker than when it was 5 levels lower and you geared it yourself.


DIng ding ding correctomundo! But idiots will still be idiots.

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"Normal is too easy, make it harder."


"But you could just play on hard."


"No, hard is fine. Make normal like hard."


Play without your companion if you want a challenge. Push yourself to the limits, don't push your limits on other people.

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I gather you are trying to say SF is not a solo mission in +2. funny Eric (BW spokes person) contradicted your statement yesterday. Something along the lings that SF+2 was designed for PC + 1 Comp




No, he didn't mention Star Fortress at all. He was talking about ordinary Heroic 2 missions. And man would think that when something has 2 modes - one Solo and one Herois 2+ it was pretty clear which one is for what.


Also, Heroic fortress drops 208 hilts/barrels which means that it was designed for people in worse gear than that, which is possible to beat only if there are TWO of them.

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"Normal is too easy, make it harder."


"But you could just play on hard."


"No, hard is fine. Make normal like hard."


Play without your companion if you want a challenge. Push yourself to the limits, don't push your limits on other people.


Tried that argument, they want to play the game as it's designed was the counter I got.


But the interesting thing is, they don't want to play the game as it is designed, they want to design the game the way they play.

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No, he didn't mention Star Fortress at all. He was talking about ordinary Heroic 2 missions. And man would think that when something has 2 modes - one Solo and one Herois 2+ it was pretty clear which one is for what.


Also, Heroic fortress drops 208 hilts/barrels which means that it was designed for people in worse gear than that, which is possible to beat only if there are TWO of them.


Here you go----


had you taken the time you'd have read it


Absolutely! It certainly may be a bit more challenging than before but you can complete them. The intent is that you can complete any [Heroic 2] with your Companion counting as one of the two. If you find this isn't true for any Heroics tomorrow, let us know.




See the word ANY in that statement

Edited by Atalantia
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