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For those who have not ragequit.


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I'm an immortal juggernaut, on the Jedi Covenant server.






I play from 8am-noon eastern time. Looking for a daily pool of players who want to run a couple heroic starforges.


I'm posting here for maximum visibility. Also because standing around in Odessan spamming general with < lfg starforge > is boring. If there is no one that wants to do it, I'd rather go run heroic missions or hunt lockboxes.


Any takers?

Edited by Tarkashae
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On Red Eclipse there was almost constant LFG Star Fortress activity on Odessen, even before companion nerf.. I dint have to wait more that 1 minute on each of the 6 to find another player.


At 8am?

I was actually hoping to find some people, without having to spam general. In the long run, maybe find a couple people to play the game with. Telling me to just spam general illuminates the problem.


It's not your problem, so it isn't a problem at all, right?

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Lots more rage on the forums today....


Some guy mentioned in general chat today that heroic starforge was impossible.


I invited him to group and we went and did one. Took about 30 mins.


I hope people will pause in their raging and "I quit" rants long enough to run a few starforges and see that they aren't impossible and the game isn't ruined. Maybe even discover that the hype train isn't %100.


As always, I'll be logging in tomorrow around 8am to run a few of them, if anyone on Jedi Covenant wants to do that, look me up.

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Lots more rage on the forums today....


Some guy mentioned in general chat today that heroic starforge was impossible.


I invited him to group and we went and did one. Took about 30 mins.


I hope people will pause in their raging and "I quit" rants long enough to run a few starforges and see that they aren't impossible and the game isn't ruined. Maybe even discover that the hype train isn't %100.


As always, I'll be logging in tomorrow around 8am to run a few of them, if anyone on Jedi Covenant wants to do that, look me up.


the hard part is apparently the knight ambush. thing is, that's doable, you just have to play smart, Kite them out, use cool downs, don't just stand there and trust your companion to heal you as you rush em

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I used my cooldown abilities and basically made sure stuff wasn't hitting my heals and dps. Moved out of obvious area of effect damage, and interrupted big damage abilities and heals. And taunt, used that too.


Ya know, the stuff a tank does.


We didn't die at all.


It's hard...maybe? I think the hardest part is getting people to stop repeating how impossible it is to do them and just...


Go do it.

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I wish I could help, but all my toons on a different server. I wish you luck though, I know that lonely feeling when everyone's asleep and even fleet chat is quiet. :(


Think maybe I'll make a little time today when I wake up to help others on my server with their runs.

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I used my cooldown abilities and basically made sure stuff wasn't hitting my heals and dps. Moved out of obvious area of effect damage, and interrupted big damage abilities and heals. And taunt, used that too.


Ya know, the stuff a tank does.


We didn't die at all.


It's hard...maybe? I think the hardest part is getting people to stop repeating how impossible it is to do them and just...


Go do it.

Yeah, you're a tank spec. Try it as a DPS and see how much of a faceroll it is with a minimal armor rating, no shield, little to no mitigation, and an "OP companion" that can only heal for 1% of my HP. (a companion that stops healing the second it takes damage)


Doing it as a DPS character is now damn near impossible due to the 4.0.2 changes. I'm glad you can blow through it, two days ago I blew through it too, but now I only survive 15 seconds against the final H2+ boss once he melts my 50 companion. (MM sniper wearing 208 relics, 216 earpiece/implants, 216 mainhand/offhand with 220 barrel, full 220 armor, all pieces with 208 augments)

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Yeah, you're a tank spec. Try it as a DPS and see how much of a faceroll it is with a minimal armor rating, no shield, little to no mitigation, and an "OP companion" that can only heal for 1% of my HP. (a companion that stops healing the second it takes damage)


Doing it as a DPS character is now damn near impossible due to the 4.0.2 changes. I'm glad you can blow through it, two days ago I blew through it too, but now I only survive 15 seconds against the final H2+ boss once he melts my 50 companion. (MM sniper wearing 208 relics, 216 earpiece/implants, 216 mainhand/offhand with 220 barrel, full 220 armor, all pieces with 208 augments)


I'm not talking about soloing it. I'm talking about tanking for people. I couldn't solo it before the nerf, didn't have the dps. Didn't complain, just found people to group with.


...Which is what this post is for. Looking for people on Jedi Covenant that want to run heroic content between 8am and noon, eastern time. Calm down, man.

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