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Crash to desktop after clicking Play on launcher.


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As the title says, I am crashing to desktop upon clicking play.


The most recent post I found with a response to this was in April, and after attempting all of the suggested fixes there, I am still unable to launch the game.


My NativeHeight and NativeWidth are identical to my Height/Width in terms of resolution, which match my monitor. I added Fullscreen = false to my .ini file, and nothing. RefreshRate is set to 60. WindowX and WindowY are both 0.


My logs show that the launcher closes, but nothing else. Game doesn't start upon pressing play - just nothing.


All after this bogus patch today. I would very much like if someone could let me know if they've experienced this, and if they've got a fix?

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As the title says, I am crashing to desktop upon clicking play.


The most recent post I found with a response to this was in April, and after attempting all of the suggested fixes there, I am still unable to launch the game.


My NativeHeight and NativeWidth are identical to my Height/Width in terms of resolution, which match my monitor. I added Fullscreen = false to my .ini file, and nothing. RefreshRate is set to 60. WindowX and WindowY are both 0.


My logs show that the launcher closes, but nothing else. Game doesn't start upon pressing play - just nothing.


All after this bogus patch today. I would very much like if someone could let me know if they've experienced this, and if they've got a fix?


I am having the same issue...5pm ready to play and crash...5 times

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crashing to desktop for me also, updated my drivers and still nothing. after loading for 5plus hrs this is a major head kill and after reading about nerfed companions and not being able to see for myself i am very frustrated, fix this Bioware. or you will lose a very dedicated player....
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Same here, what a joke of a company. I left a few months after launch because the game was still buggy and they couldnt fix anything. I came back around the xp and still the same crappy bioware with no communication or excuses that its someone elses fault.
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Same here!


edit- or more precisely, just a flat crash for me too.


edit 2- "Repair" is unavailable as well. I thought the screen settings could be accessed from the sign in hub? Where are they in this 4.0 launcher?

Edited by Momerath
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So I'm reinstalling the game. At 83% and climbing for the minimum download, and I'm about to go run some errands.


I have a generally rather fast connection, though with all the server traffic right now I'm down to around 4 - 6 MB/s download speed.


I'll update once I'm back and it's reinstalled fully. If that's a fix, then fine, but hell, that's really an uncool fix.

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Same issue here. Press play and crash to desktop. No error message, the game simply doesn't start.


Tried rebooting, tried the .ini file fix, made sure latest drivers are loaded, even tried turning off my firewall/anti-virus. Nothing.

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I thought it was just me and Windows 10, it sucks that it's happening but glad it is not just me.


Yeah, I hate this is happening to anyone, but I'm glad it's not just me either. Several guildmates are running Win 10 and are in game so probably isn't specific to that.

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I deleted the bitraider folder in program files and that forced the launcher to do a repair. There seemed to be another 8% of files that needed to be downloaded. The launcher works now. I hope this helps some of you.


I called customer support and they also had me do this. Worked for me as well.


Edit: Specifically it is the "Bitraider" folder in your SWTOR install directory. If it is still "in use" open task manager and stop the processes with a description starting with bitraider... (I had 3)

Edited by Zharik
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Just got off the phone /w customer service and they had me do the following:


fire up task manager and end any "bitraider" processes. (I had 3 running).


right-click the shortcut to start swtor and select "open file location"

double-click the "bitraider" folder

delete the 3 ".xfr" files and the config folder.

close out explorer and fire up the game. After entering your username/password you should see it verifying and then updating and eventually the play button will light up. Took me right to character select. Only took a few minutes for the update part to finish. Hope this helps.

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Haha, I suppose I could've tried the BitRaider fix as well, but totally forgot that step.


The reinstall worked, by the way - I'm in game and things are alright. Strange that it happened at all, but glad that y'all got it working. I hope everyone in the thread gets it working and is able to be back in game.


*high five*

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yes! a solution i cut this from the solution i read in another thread, looks like its posted here also but here it is again:


fire up task manager and end any "bitraider" processes. (I had 3 running).


right-click the shortcut to start swtor and select "open file location"

double-click the "bitraider" folder

delete the 3 ".xfr" files and the config folder.

close out explorer and fire up the game. After entering your username/password you should see it verifying and then updating and eventually the play button will light up. Took me right to character select. Only took a few minutes for the update part to finish. Hope this helps.


now i can see how bad the NERFing is...heard mixed reviews at this point

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