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Star Fortress Heroic no longer soloable...


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Spoken like someone who thinks he knows what he's talking about and really doesn't


Like TX said ERIC clearly said H2s are meant to be done with your companion filling the second position.


He was speaking for the planet heroics. Not the star fortress the star fortress heroic is designed to be a TActical, meaning with players at least a 2nd one, not like planetary heroics

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He was speaking for the planet heroics. Not the star fortress the star fortress heroic is designed to be a TActical, meaning with players at least a 2nd one, not like planetary heroics


Can you prove that's what he meant or are you just assuming that's what he meant?

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I saved most of my common data crystals as I was leveling and bought a full set of Outlander purples when I hit lvl 65. I think those are higher then 192 gear?


At the moment I am in 220 gear. could not do Alderaan star fortress solo, comp was at affection 32. There is tier higher in gear. I think its 220. not sure as don't have it yet and not looked.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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It is. I just finished a run with AP PT (Full pvp set 208 with 208 augs. No buffs used since I am only lvl 2 with the specialists on that toon. Lana inf lvl 11 as healer). It was not easy and I died 3-4 times in the 3rd reactor room, but I got it done.


With 218 gear and lvl 49 inf it is the player at fault, not the game.


Be aware not all people play dps. Also be aware not all classes are as resiliant as a powertech. Also be aware of different player skills. Sure, a former NiM plater will have no problems here - but someone who casually does GF ops might have serious problems.

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On my Sorc, I went out to test things out after the patch, doing the more 'challenging' H2s. I'm in 5 piece comm 220s rest 216s (except for relics still 192s). Hilt and offhand are both 220. Every piece is augmented.


My Companion, Talos (love this ****er for some reason) is rank 50.


Can I complete them all? Yes. Of course. Was it tough at times? A bit. What you say? A bit? LTP! I'm not an idiot (I swear!). I have many characters and have read and learned all their rotations etc.


There were so many times Talos just *********** stood there. I was at 25% health after a fight and mfer just stood there. No healing. No nothing. Just stood there looking creepy and dumb.


There were definitely times I was certain I would die. 'Almost' die in mostly 220s, grinding rep that Eric said would be doable for most players seems off to me.


Not complaining. Just my observation.




/posting in other relevant threads

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I soloed a Star Fortress on my commando with a lvl 25 comp. It was hard, but possible. I tried the same thing on a sage with equivalent gear and lvl 27 comp and found it to be almost completely impossible. I tried every combination too. When I went healer, my tanking comp wasn't killing adds fast enough and we got overwhelmed. Healing spec with a dps comp didn't work because I simply could not keep my comp up through the damage. Balance spec didn't have enough direct dps to burn waves of skytroopers and got overwhelmed. Telekinetics came closest, but still couldn't stay alive long enough to get the job done since the comp heals are almost worthless now.


My opinion on the comps before this patch was that they were pretty OP at lower levels, but came close to balancing out at high levels. Now they work fine in low-mid levels, but are very underpowered at higher levels. Definitely more balancing needed.

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I knew that this thread and others like this would happen. And that some elitist as.shats would show up to tell everyone they are noobs if they are not able to solo h2 sf anymore.


The Zakuul paladins hit way too hard. The 3-platform event with the large number of adds is clearly made impossible for my class/ilvl comp.

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I cleared the Alderaan SF earlier this evening as an Annihilation Marauder with Pierce (Level 33) as a healer for the most part. I went in with mostly 208s and a few 216s from crystal vendors. Trash was easy enough, barring the non-caster Knights of Zakuul who still hit incredibly hard. My droid CC was invaluable, too, which put one mob out of commission for as long as I can refresh it.


The first droid boss didn't require a whole lot of effort. One thing to note is the Sky Troopers that spawn while the boss is being assembled aren't tied to its aggro table, so you can clear those, heal to full, and then attack in order to avoid engaging the boss plus trash.


I went toe-to-toe with a Paladin as well and it required every CD in my toolkit. I had Pierce tank while I did my best to burn the Paladin as quickly as possible. I tried it with my companion healing, but tanking the mob as Marauder was just awful.


I had Pierce go meatshield spec for that little room where two Knights and two Sky Trooper spawn. I CC'd a trooper, quickly killed the other one while Pierce did his best to keep aggro on the remaining Knights, then assisted him with killing his target. I fully expected us to die after taking down one Knight (the mobs don't all respawn if you wipe, thankfully), but was surprised when we managed to clear all four without biting it.


Disabling the three consoles was pretty straightforward. I had Pierce heal for this particular encounter. The Sky Trooper Captains can be CC'd, so I took one out of commission while I attacked its partner. The regular Sky Troopers are pretty squishy and can be cleaved down as long as you make sure you CC the Captain farthest from the door where the adds appear so you don't accidentally break crowd control. The third console wasn't any harder than the first two if you know how to kite the big circle on the ground, burn one Captain, CC the other, and immediately switch to Sky Trooper adds when they turn up. The droid that drops the item to interrupt the Exarch doesn't hit very hard and can be saved for last until you clean up the room (it'll likely aggro on your healing companion, which is fine).


I have to admit, Alderaan's Exarch was a bit tricky for me. She hits hard, spawns adds that decrease healing and damage done, and loves stuns and knockbacks. First attempt with Pierce healing me failed and we died at around 30 per cent. Second attempt, which was a kill, had my companion tanking while I popped CDs and wailed away on her and interrupted that impale move along with killing her ghostly friends. Pierce actually ended up dying and I resorted to kiting her around and letting my DoTs eat away her HP.


All in all, quite a challenge even with 208s and 216s. I'm almost afraid to try the harder Sky Fortresses, but probably will when I have time. I'm going to get Pierce's influence up a bit more, too, before I tackle the rest.

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I am hoping the Star Fortress is not a requirement for Chapter 10 onwards ... I have not yet attempted Star Fortresses on any of my current 65's as I am working on getting the other 4 Storys finished for Legendary ... looks like I'll not now ever see that content ...
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Did another one with a 208 pvp geared operative healer. Rather challenging for me compared to the pve geared dps sorc, but I got it done in the end.




I'm really interested to know how you did that. Even pre-4.0.2 I wasn't able to solo the Voss Exarch as a Scoundrel Healer in 208/216 gear due to the fact that he targeted my companion and killed him in less than 30 seconds. I just couldn't outheal the amounts of damage my companion took.


I didn't have a problem as a Shadow tank pre-4.0.2 but haven't tested it since then.

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Ok So I admit I have not had a chance of testing the changes myself yet or actually having done a Star Fortress yet, but I find it funny that many of these people saying they have done it solo pretty much all claim they did it in 216-224 gear, higher than the gear dropped from the quest itself which cant be right can it.


Also soloing is not just a matter of gear, class etc, its also a matter of skill level, I don't want anybody having to drag me along to complete these but I used to use over levelling and then OP companions to make up for this difference, neither of which are applicable any more.


Whats the point of making the game more solo friendly then taking it away again.

Edited by Jedi_riches
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Ok So I admit I have not had a chance of testing the changes myself yet or actually having done a Star Fortress yet, but I find it funny that many of these people saying they have done it solo pretty much all claim they did it in 216-224 gear, higher than the gear dropped from the quest itself which cant be right can it.


Also soloing is not just a matter of gear, class etc, its also a matter of skill level, I don't want anybody having to drag me along to complete these but I used to use over levelling and then OP companions to make up for this difference, neither of which are applicable any more.


Whats the point of making the game more solo friendly then taking it away again.


Game is still insanely solo friendly

You can solo 90% of the game with a blindfold on

the other 10% requires groups and or you paying attention to the content


H2 Star Fortress is soloable still

The only difference now is instead of god mode heals from your companion you will have to utlize self heals, defensive cool downs, interupts, adrenals, and even relics (if applicable)


In other words you will have to play your character fully and completely

Learn the fights, learn the tactics, learn the stratagy

More is required of you then simply pushing same button over and over till boss falls dead because your companion healed more damage then it could deliver.


There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG with having players be required to think and learn for 10% of the game content.


They still got the other 90% they can mindlessly breeze through.


The companions need to be balanced for the whole of the game, not just this one quest.


If the Star Fortresses are supposed to be equivalent to the rest of the H2s then they're much too tough and should be nerfed.


Star Fortress H2 is presented like a Flashpoint more then a heroic.

Just a 2 man flashpoint


And its still very soloable if a player utilizes their abilities and items


Facing a group of mobs with one elite?

CC the Elite so you can clear out the others first


Dont want droid to summon reinforcements?

Interupt the ability when its being channeled


Need a fast heal in combat?

Utilize your stun or other CC type ability that all classes have

Utilize a knockback


ect ect ect


There is absolutely nothing wrong with having content that requires thought on the players part to complete.

Edited by Kalfear
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Ahh, there it is... the learn 2 play comment...


So, do you feel good about yourself now? Shall I go learn... to play another game?


They nerfed this into the ground and turned it into a "smash your head into the wall over and over" thing and you're happy?


Well, I guess some people like that sort of thing. The vast majority don't however.


I didn't make the L2P comment because I wanted to feel smug, or superior or like some L33T. I made it because the OP is in good gear and in very very high influence and is stating that it is impossible to solo Heroic SF now. Others have come out to dispute that, stating that it is indeed possible with lower influence. Thus, if a player has that high gear and influence and is still unable to do it it has to be a player issue.


That does not mean I support the Nuclear nerf applied to comps. Quite the opposite. I hate it. However the OP is wrong when he says that its impossible to solo Heroic SF

Edited by BaronV
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Game is still insanely solo friendly


Star Fortress H2 is presented like a Flashpoint more then a heroic.

Just a 2 man flashpoint


And its still very soloable if a player utilizes their abilities and items


Facing a group of mobs with one elite?

CC the Elite so you can clear out the others first


Dont want droid to summon reinforcements?

Interupt the ability when its being channeled


Need a fast heal in combat?

Utilize your stun or other CC type ability that all classes have

Utilize a knockback


ect ect ect


There is absolutely nothing wrong with having content that requires thought on the players part to complete.


You're missing my point. All I'm saying is that the Heroic Star Fortress is much tougher than other H2 content, and if its not intended to be then it should be nerfed.


If it is intended to be tougher than the other H2s, that's fine, though they could perhaps do better at conveying that so people don't try it without expecting a very high degree of challenge.


What shouldn't happen is the companions being buffed to make the current Heroic Star Fortress more easily soloable, because that would screw the rest of the content in the game.

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Might I remind you that the point of an expansion is that things AREN'T supposed to be how they were "last month" or before that expansion, and that this expansion was supposed to create all new buzz and bring more people back to/into the game and get us all playing again?


I don't want to go back to the way things were "last month" when I had *nothing whatsoever to do* at end game except level yet another alt.

so u should be happy with the nerf make end game a bit harder plus nerfing companions its not a change to content and how much end game is there its adjusting in line companions shouldn't be as power full as skilled player in bis gear

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You're missing my point. All I'm saying is that the Heroic Star Fortress is much tougher than other H2 content, and if its not intended to be then it should be nerfed.


If it is intended to be tougher than the other H2s, that's fine, though they could perhaps do better at conveying that so people don't try it without expecting a very high degree of challenge.


What shouldn't happen is the companions being buffed to make the current Heroic Star Fortress more easily soloable, because that would screw the rest of the content in the game.


play solo mode easy H2 should be hard and its consider flashpoint so will be harder than normal planetary misions as it have better drop ( not grate any one who can solo it wont do it for the gear only deco and speeder)

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I had fun doing my Star Fortress Heroic tonight, Tatooine.


I'm a merc healer.

I did it with Lana, lvl 27

Set her to TANK.

I'm in mostly 208 and a couple 216's. All augmented 208's

Used heroic moments every champion.

Got the missile launcher, the focus, and the thing Hizo gives you.

I chose to not pick up the medical thing, as I wanted all my heroic moments available for DPS.

Took my time, got cooldowns.


Last guy was hardest, but sent Lana and then dropped the missile. did heroic moment, dropped the airstrike, then cycled through the rest. When done, had to keep Lana healed while cooldowns on Heroic abilities cycled, did the focus. Then the Hizo thing.


Lana died, but I had enough done I hit him a couple times and defeated him.


So, doable. Merc healer and a Tank companion lvl 27.

Without the special abilities, no. Someday.

Edited by Taurax
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I've just soloed one with my inquisitor tank (Belsavis, all buffs, alliance turret, healing probe, force focus). I started with lvl 17 K'krohl, tried lvl31 Veeroa Dens and then switched to lvl20 Rokuss. My gear is 208-216-220, and 216- 220 pieces are augmented with blue augments. It was doable but there are some issues which could ruin the fight.


1) Melee healing companions take too much damage. This was not an issue before but now they just can't heal all incoming damage. Verroa Dens was half dead most of the time where ranged companions were fine and healthy. There should be an option to switch off any companion activity except healing (like EQ2 mercs, they have passive mode when they only heal and every other activity stopped, even auto-attacks.)


2) Annoying bug when companion stops healing and must be manually switched to passive mode and back to get active. This bug was not significant before but now it could cause the wipe. I was nearly dead in third generator room because Rokuss stopped healing, and it took some time to return him to his senses and it took some efforts not to die then because I took too much damage.


3) Healing priorities. Companions always consider themselves as highest priority to heal up. This is very annoying now because they can't fully heal all incoming damage on themselves and just lose time trying to do the impossible. There must me an option to manually switch healing priorities.


All those issues are not new but they became critical now because reduced healing output can't smooth them up anymore.

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Why would someone gear up to 216 gear to do something that drops 208 gear?


Lol. Why solo a flashpoint that is designed to be group content?


Apparently it is too hard for some to do solo in 208, so there is one option. The other option is, dare I say it, to actually group up,

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They are soloable, just not for average geared people anymore unless you can taunt. I took down Voss and Belsavis last night, both one shots, but it was very challenging, particularly on the Exarch fight with all of the adds. I had to use all of my alliance buffs strategically. The biggest issue I saw with the heal companions was the amount of damage and agro the took was way too high. Another companion issue is if they get low on health, they only heal themselves and even when recovered, they don't heal the player.


It seems if you can taunt off the healer comp early, the fights are very doable. If you can't, the healer comp seems to bug out and then it's a sever uphill fight from there.

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Lol. Why solo a flashpoint that is designed to be group content?


Apparently it is too hard for some to do solo in 208, so there is one option. The other option is, dare I say it, to actually group up,


No one wants to group up with people that are elitist smart @55es that ninja gear and complain about how "you don't know how to play!" Then rage quits, or votes to boot you out. This is why solo-ing is gaining in such popularity.


LOL (< sarcasm there, not really laughing out loud.)

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Lol. Why solo a flashpoint that is designed to be group content?


Apparently it is too hard for some to do solo in 208, so there is one option. The other option is, dare I say it, to actually group up,


If you read what Musco said 2 days ago, the number next to heroic includes companions, so a Heroic 2+ is supposed to be soloable.

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