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Star Fortress Heroic no longer soloable...


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are you sure about that? becasue my Lana was dropping in healthy pretty quickly even on regular trash pulls. are you SURE you are not imagining the fix? or.. I don't know.. lying?


becasue fix IS slated for next patch not the one today


They still lack a shield, but they have armor, defense, damage reduction, etc.


The tank companions are not buffed to the point they should be, but tanks have absolutely gotten buffed. They were utterly useless before, now they can do better, but not where they need to be.


The most noticeable difference is when you use a dps companion. They don't die any where near as quick now because they actually have armor.

Edited by Darkbloom
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do it in gear that isn't 220+ and on a class that isn't designed to take a beating would help.


How about a Hatred Assassin in 208 comm gear? That's my main and I soloed the Belsavis SF this evening with one death because I had a derp moment and failed to move out of an aoe in one of the reactor rooms.

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How about a Hatred Assassin in 208 comm gear? That's my main and I soloed the Belsavis SF this evening with one death because I had a derp moment and failed to move out of an aoe in one of the reactor rooms.


Don't you love when that happens? I've done that on my sniper a few times was busy going through my rotation and didn't notice it in time and smack DEAD. :(

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A heroic mission designed for a team of 2 players is no longer soloable? Say it isn't so!


Heroic 2+ means it's soloable with companion (companion counts as one of the 2+) according to Musco. So yes, it's a huge problem. Especially when there's an achievement for soloing it sans buffs/unlocks and it's harder now *with* buffs than it was before without. Companion nerf is WAY too harsh. my healer comp used to keep me up through 2 golds and 5 silvers. Now they can't heal me through a single gold mob. This is completely outrageous and basically ruins alts in the new content.

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Harder than before? Yes. Impossible? No. Just did it in 200 gear and level 6 Senya on my Merc. No buffs either.


I think some of the paladins are way overtuned though. One was taking me down in just a few hits, whereas another was not too much trouble.


Overall I'd return a little healing power, but then again I was using a level 6 companion so they might scale a lot better at higher levels.

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Done. Solo'ed on my Shadow tank in 216's, with no buffs and endurance stim, and with Lana healing at influence level 26. It was fairly straight forward, but game mechanics are important. Kill weak first, protect your healer, etc. etc. Ironically I found the last boss easier than the Robot boss who calls out additional troops.


I won't apologize for the gear. If you can't do it in 208s? Gear up. Sheez, it's not hard to do so when the crystals drop like rain.


It is not impossible. It is a challenge but not a Hard Mode. You have to know your skills/class that's all.

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Stop trolling people, it's making you look foolish. And most of what you posted is for n00bs anyways. My guess is your still downloading the patch and are taking your anger out on the forums.


Grab some bleach and clean some of the mold off of grandma's basement walls where your living and try to have a brighter outlook on life..:)


Strange that you call me a troll, yet you are the one who seems to find the need to take it out of the context of the game and make it personal by your pathetic assumptions about my life. Who's the troll?


The audacity of it. I shouldn't be surprised. Keep it all in context, attempting to attack my person outside of the game only speaks of the weakness of your arguments.


I've done some of these so-called new impossible HCs, and they are piss-easy.


If you think it should be a walk in the park to do HC SF then you are seriously wrong. There's a good reason why there's a special achievement for finishing them on your own; there is also a very good reason why there is a SOLO mode SF. SOLO mode, let that sink in.


I speak to you like idiots at the game, because you act like them.


You don't want challenge of any kind; you don't even want to think or learn how to play your class at all. You are all a liability to end-game, because when you end up ruining HM FPs it'll be completely your incompetence at fault.


Indeed none of you want a game at all, you want a 'walk to next cutscene' experience.

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I hear a lot of people quoting this line, but nobody linking to it. I want to see what the man actually said for myself.


this is all Eric said.


Absolutely! It certainly may be a bit more challenging than before but you can complete them. The intent is that you can complete any [Heroic 2] with your Companion counting as one of the two. If you find this isn't true for any Heroics tomorrow, let us know.



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nuff said

and some guy in gen chat done it with lvl 15 inf companion on his/her sentinel


companions copped a nerf for sure but at the same time companions should never be better than a player.

i heard of people kicking someone from a flashpoint and using their healer companion instead they were that good


were they nerfed to hard? maybe, but not overly too much

if its 75% like some are saying then 50% nerf would have been more appropriate

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True but the second form is called an H2 so technically it should be at the difficulty of an H2 Which I'd say it's more at the level of an H2.5 or an H3.


I think it may need to be toned down a slight smudge because of the solo achievement, because the planetary heroics are still fine to solo.

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I think it may need to be toned down a slight smudge because of the solo achievement, because the planetary heroics are still fine to solo.


I haven't tried any planetary Heroics yet. will probably do that tomorrow but I'm going to test how it goes on a new char going from lvl 1. I might even switch servers and see how it plays when I don't have my presence buffs and all that jazz.

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"...ANY Heroic2"...what part of that is unclear?




New Flashpoint: Star Fortress! Conquer the new Flashpoint and liberate the Galaxy from the grasp of the Eternal Empire!


The Old Czerka Flashpoints used to have 2 and 4 player difficulty.


Black Talon and Esseles had 2 player difficulty.


Star Fortress is for all intents and purposes considered a Flashpoint and not a Heroic Mission.

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