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Star Fortress Heroic no longer soloable...


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you know what's funny the complaining from my experience is only here on the forums if you actually play the game and read general chat people are pretty much fine with the change and have no issue doing star fortress solo


Because solo mode is boring and doesn't really give anything apart from easy way to get the paladin achievements. Difficulty wise? I'd rather do "brutal"/"nightmare-ish" Belsavis heroics without companion.

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But they are still listed as Flashpoints.


If they were Heroics, they would be on the Heroic Terminal.


but a heroic 2+ is still a heroic 2+ regardless of what else you want to call it, and they said the heroic 2s are designed for people to do with companions too. Esseles is also a flashpoint and we designated for 2, flashpoints doesn't make any definitive point on numbers

Edited by paspinall
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Do you play? There are plenty of H2+ (not going to say all since I'm not looking at it)... so ... dude... just ****... you aren't contributing.


Take a 216/220 DPS with no self heals with a comp and tell me what you see.


I see a comp (one force one tech) who heal me for about 300 or so per tic. That is utter ********.


I did it with a Sentinel Combat - one piece of 220 gear with 50% 208 and the rest 216, all my gear augment with 208 except for the 208 pieces. Senya rank 31 with alliances above level 10. I'm not the greatest player and I encountered most of my issues at the third reactor - died twice there. Exarch was cake but it was the Belsavis one which is one of the easier ones. Had a tough time with the second paladin but walked away with 25% hp on me and my companion at full hp - didn't need a second attempt.


I'm not going to post a video as I have absolutely no reason to lie - I'm pro OP companions and I'm not elitist thinking that only some should be able to clear it.

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Because solo mode is boring and doesn't really give anything apart from easy way to get the paladin achievements. Difficulty wise? I'd rather do "brutal"/"nightmare-ish" Belsavis heroics without companion.


talking about heroic star fortress solo which again is completely soloable i will keep using this until it sinks in but for the people that can't do this



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but a heroic 2+ is still a heroic 2+ regardless of what else you want to call it, and they said the heroic 2s are designed for people to do with companions too


And people are doing them. You can argue that you want them to be easier, that's certainly your right to have an opinion. But you can't argue that players are not beating them with their companion today because they are.

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talking about heroic star fortress solo which again is completely soloable i will keep using this until it sinks in but for the people that can't do this




Can we see video of Concealment Op soloing it? Please.

Or if that's too easy: Medicine/Sawbones

Edited by Halinalle
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And people are doing them. You can argue that you want them to be easier, that's certainly your right to have an opinion. But you can't argue that players are not beating them with their companion today because they are.


exactly all that happened is it's more difficult you have to pay attention to your surrounding it's not like before when you could stand in one spot and hit one button and fly through this heroic mode

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Can we see video of Concealment Op soloing it? Please.


i don't have one geared or level 65 so you won't see one from me currently i have it done on my Sage and Guardian


as for my Scoundrel i rarely do dailies or heroics on it because it's a pain in the *** to kill mobs and such i keep it for ops

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And people are doing them. You can argue that you want them to be easier, that's certainly your right to have an opinion. But you can't argue that players are not beating them with their companion today because they are.


Considering in full specced healer, with healer gear of 204 of greater my all out healing cant keep a dps companion alive against a paladin that's gone from easy (cause yes I agree way too easy) to well.... this


And I cant see something I need to redo since the patch and I could happily solo heal hard modes with the tank in gear they had from levelling so I don't know what else I am missing.

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And people are doing them. You can argue that you want them to be easier, that's certainly your right to have an opinion. But you can't argue that players are not beating them with their companion today because they are.


People in gear above what even drops in there. Are you listening to yourself attempt to justify this? They are broke, it isn't a question if they are or not. I'm in full 216 plus some 220 and almost died to a paladin. It wasn't even the last boss. That is broken no matter how you want to twist or turn it.

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People, what is the issue? Why are all you (I want it easy crowd) complaining when there already is a SOLO version of Star Fortress if you are a casual or not well geared?


Does all content need to be done on "easy mode"? Does everything have to be so simple, that people grouped have no fun trying to run it too? What about them? Why be so selfish?


There is a SOLO version... Do I need to keep repeating it?


Why do you feel that what is fun for you is also fun for others? For me there is no fun in finding a challenge, not anymore. I have a house to run, a child to entertain, *that* is my challenge - when I play a game I want to relax and not bother with difficulty when doing something that was originally intended to be easily soloable with a companion - I don't have time to group up and hope we don't wipe because someone will find it funny to pull half the FP on our backs.

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People in gear above what even drops in there. Are you listening to yourself attempt to justify this? They are broke, it isn't a question if they are or not. I'm in full 216 plus some 220 and almost died to a paladin. It wasn't even the last boss. That is broken no matter how you want to twist or turn it.


It is intented do be done with 2 players and 2 companions. That way, your gear can be lower. It is possible to do with the right gear solo. If you want do it solo, your gear will be better thant what will drop.

Edited by Neglience
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Anyone else find it backwards the One and Only achievement was easier than the All for One? I don't have the latter since I haven't leveled up my specialists. Yet I got one and only in lvl 60 gear and a rank 4 companion weeks ago.
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Seriously lol? It says HEROIC 2 right there in your shot Reno...


It's still a flashpoint and was promoted as such. The two Czerka heroics and Black Talon and Esseles were also tuned for 2 people.


If it was a heroic it would be on the Heroic terminal and give the same rewards as heroic.

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It is intented do be done with 2 players and 2 companions. That way, your gear can be lower. It is possible to do with the right gear solo. If you want do it solo, your gear will be better thant what will drop.


If I had a dollar for everytime someone said this....


Someone's going to need to sticky Eric's comment aren't they.

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It's still a flashpoint and was promoted as such. The two Czerka heroics and Black Talon and Esseles were also tuned for 2 people.


If it was a heroic it would be on the Heroic terminal and give the same rewards as heroic.


How much of Heroic 2+ is unclear, heroic 2+'s are completable by a player and companion was the aim, that's all, doesn't matter in the slightest any other label

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It's still a flashpoint and was promoted as such. The two Czerka heroics and Black Talon and Esseles were also tuned for 2 people.


If it was a heroic it would be on the Heroic terminal and give the same rewards as heroic.


Some of the Heroic(??) quests on Makeb aren't on weekly terminal.

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People in gear above what even drops in there. Are you listening to yourself attempt to justify this? They are broke, it isn't a question if they are or not. I'm in full 216 plus some 220 and almost died to a paladin. It wasn't even the last boss. That is broken no matter how you want to twist or turn it.


It just depends on how BW wants it tuned whether this is intended or not. In 216/220 I ran it straight through with no buffs and no deaths. Companion at level 20. I've been in 216s since the week of launch, so I'm sorry I didn't have any 190s laying around to test with.


If I had 204s but used the buffs and maybe got my influence higher, I would have been in the same position. That's why the buffs exist, to make up for the lack of gear or skill that some players have. If it's still too tough, you can bring a friend along to help out.


I think that's fine for difficulty. Others disagree. But it's up to BW if this is the intended difficulty of these instances or not.

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