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4 meter (single target) skills should not exist.


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Inside PvP competitive environments were everyone is always vulnerable to a bit of lag (some more than others, specially) and after 4.0 which increased everyone's mobility, having to (at least in ranked and other tight pvp situations) use skills that have the lowest range ingame (4 meters) is very annoying and unreliable (therefore unbalanced; sometimes the person thinks he already used his skill only to find it still on CD because the delay + some other random factor didn't let it... then it's too late.

Minimum baseline range for any single target skills in this game should be ~5.5-6 meters at least (since 10 is causing so much controversy; meele classes surely are op as hell atm right? lol).


Trying to change the thread name to make it more appealing lol, but baseline is this above, just a slight change imo.

Edited by James_Mcturney
Making the tittle more appealing.
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In an PvP competitive environment were everyone is always vulnerable to a bit of lag (some more than others, specially) and after 4.0 which increased everyone's mobility, having to (at least in ranked and other tight pvp situations) use skills that have the lowest range ingame (4 meters) is very annoying and unbalanced; sometimes the person thinks he already used his skill only to find it still on CD because the delay + some other random factor didn't let it... then it's too late.

Minimum baseline range for any single target skills in this game should be ~7 or 10 meters.


Obs: after i get in the game today i will post a nice list with skills that have such petty range.


Buddy. I feel for you, and I get it.


The problem is, imagine, omg, imagine the havoc someone like Mosh, or Snave, or any great pvper would create if they had an increase to the range of their abilities when already with 4m range skills these guys dominate the field.


ROFL. Trust me. Worst idea ever. Stick to your 10m range and higher classes and you will be fine. :D

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I understand what he is saying. I noticed it last night when I was playing my Jugg the 4 meter range is fine when the target is standing still. But if the target is moving and you are having to chase them, even though you are showing within range on your screen and the distance indicator show less than 4 meters when you try to use the ability it says the target is out of range. I regularly play my Jugg and sent in PvP with about a 60ms server ping. I can honestly say I've never had that issue until after 4.0.
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I understand what he is saying. I noticed it last night when I was playing my Jugg the 4 meter range is fine when the target is standing still. But if the target is moving and you are having to chase them, even though you are showing within range on your screen and the distance indicator show less than 4 meters when you try to use the ability it says the target is out of range. I regularly play my Jugg and sent in PvP with about a 60ms server ping. I can honestly say I've never had that issue until after 4.0.


This is what i meant, it was mostly for sentinels but then if its the worst idea ever i will just ask for a buff into sentinel skills range, since cripling slash almost does more bad than good atm, same for pacify... only -90% meele/ranged accuracy only works for a few classes/specs right? it would be nice if it made like 40% of the targets skills randomly fail for 6 seconds, that would be awesome (some kind of merc's net but related to skills that require target), cripling slash could even be removed in this case because it could wreak the havoc against healers....

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10 meter punches and saber attacks, then? That's just dumb.


Why not just give Sabre melee blaster rifles Because you now when your multiple leaps, throws, 10 meter chokes and bladstorm are on cooldown For those rare few seconds they are missing out.

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If you as a melee cannot keep In melee range in the current state of class balance then just /unistall.


That's a bit unfair to say that... I play with high ping, 200-300ms... I can sympathise with the poster... I've adapted, but it is an extremely big challenge sometimes staying on target because your target has moved out of ranges because of lag... I know my DPS out put suffers... I see my guildies on the same class do 2mil and I do 1.6-1.8mil... I know it's because of the lag.. It not unplayable obviously, but it's still a pain...

I am guessing you play with sub 50ms and I would agree that if you can't stay on target with that ping there is something wrong... But you shouldn't assume everyone is in the same situation as you

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That's a bit unfair to say that... I play with high ping, 200-300ms... I can sympathise with the poster... I've adapted, but it is an extremely big challenge sometimes staying on target because your target has moved out of ranges because of lag... I know my DPS out put suffers... I see my guildies on the same class do 2mil and I do 1.6-1.8mil... I know it's because of the lag.. It not unplayable obviously, but it's still a pain...

I am guessing you play with sub 50ms and I would agree that if you can't stay on target with that ping there is something wrong... But you shouldn't assume everyone is in the same situation as you



I play from east coast Australia and sit anywhere between 170 to 220ms my main class is a guardian I play all classes though and know melee have every tool to stay on target even with lag.

We are not running around Spaming basic attack here melee damage is all instant attack bar sabre dance you are either in range or you are not.

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Buddy. I feel for you, and I get it.


The problem is, imagine, omg, imagine the havoc someone like Mosh, or Snave, or any great pvper would create if they had an increase to the range of their abilities when already with 4m range skills these guys dominate the field.


ROFL. Trust me. Worst idea ever. Stick to your 10m range and higher classes and you will be fine. :D


Jesus mate don't mention me in the same sentence as Mosh, people will freak out. He's better than me.


The issue people are having isn't so much a range one, the problem lies within desync issues with the game. Basically where you think people are they aren't, sometimes it's only off by a little bit but that can be enough to get them out of range from melee abilities.


This is further compounded by positional requirements (like with backstab for example I often have to run completely around a character just to get it to work and end up backstabbing their face) and also when moves "overlap" like for example when you roll (granting immunity) yet get pulled back in to the fire pit because the game thinks the pull went off before the roll. Same thing happens for example when I go to sap cap someone, the sap goes off but somehow their next ability fires off too, shouldn't be possible but the lack of a correct sync causes this overlap.


When you introduce lag and random FPS drops in to this mix you end up with a pretty messy situation.

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Inside PvP competitive environments were everyone is always vulnerable to a bit of lag (some more than others, specially) and after 4.0 which increased everyone's mobility, having to (at least in ranked and other tight pvp situations) use skills that have the lowest range ingame (4 meters) is very annoying and unreliable (therefore unbalanced; sometimes the person thinks he already used his skill only to find it still on CD because the delay + some other random factor didn't let it... then it's too late.

Minimum baseline range for any single target skills in this game should be ~7 meters at least (since 10 is causing so much controversy; meele classes surely are op as hell atm right? lol).


Obs: after i get in the game today i will post a nice list with skills that have such petty range.


Melee classes obviously have lower range but have enough tricks to offset those disadvantages. They're more challenging but damn, they have the output. Can't handle melee? Go back to ezmode sorc/sage.

I play jugg and mara with 200-350 ms ping, don't let "delay + some other random factor" get in your way.


In PvE they had a rough time with 3.0 mechanics but PvP hasn't changed.

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I play from east coast Australia and sit anywhere between 170 to 220ms my main class is a guardian I play all classes though and know melee have every tool to stay on target even with lag.

We are not running around Spaming basic attack here melee damage is all instant attack bar sabre dance you are either in range or you are not.


I here what you are saying... But like I said not everyone has the same ping... I was trying to say you shouldn't tell someone to uninstall because they are having difficulties...

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Jesus mate don't mention me in the same sentence as Mosh, people will freak out. He's better than me.


The issue people are having isn't so much a range one, the problem lies within desync issues with the game. Basically where you think people are they aren't, sometimes it's only off by a little bit but that can be enough to get them out of range from melee abilities.


This is further compounded by positional requirements (like with backstab for example I often have to run completely around a character just to get it to work and end up backstabbing their face) and also when moves "overlap" like for example when you roll (granting immunity) yet get pulled back in to the fire pit because the game thinks the pull went off before the roll. Same thing happens for example when I go to sap cap someone, the sap goes off but somehow their next ability fires off too, shouldn't be possible but the lack of a correct sync causes this overlap.


When you introduce lag and random FPS drops in to this mix you end up with a pretty messy situation.


Thank god someone who is respected gets it...

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Inside PvP competitive environments were everyone is always vulnerable to a bit of lag (some more than others, specially) and after 4.0 which increased everyone's mobility, having to (at least in ranked and other tight pvp situations) use skills that have the lowest range ingame (4 meters) is very annoying and unreliable (therefore unbalanced; sometimes the person thinks he already used his skill only to find it still on CD because the delay + some other random factor didn't let it... then it's too late.

Minimum baseline range for any single target skills in this game should be ~7 meters at least (since 10 is causing so much controversy; meele classes surely are op as hell atm right? lol).


Obs: after i get in the game today i will post a nice list with skills that have such petty range.


Time for 10m AOE backstab has finally come. DOIT Bioware!

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lol @ people waving (maybe) 1-meter-long lightsabers at targets 7 meters away.


lol, sages becoming immune to even... idk... the implosion of the universe for 8 secs.

also 1 "meter" in swtor is really not a meter, if that was true, our toons would be like 3 meters tall.

And to be fair, even with a long arm, no jedi can reach 4 meters with a lightsaber, unless some kind of weird alien... touche.

Edited by James_Mcturney
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The REAL WORLD threat range of a knife....meaning less then a foot of blade is 6m

6 or 7 meters makes alot of sense With a 1 meter blade


That's assuming footwork.. Try to hit 6m with your knife without moving your foot from where they are which is what most animation looks like.

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The REAL WORLD threat range of a knife....meaning less then a foot of blade is 6m

6 or 7 meters makes alot of sense With a 1 meter blade


oh oh this is what we are arguing? so, in my real world, ppl can move so fast its almost like teleport, therefore the meele range in swtor should be 20 m. gogo bioware pls:rak_02:

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oh oh this is what we are arguing? so, in my real world, ppl can move so fast its almost like teleport, therefore the meele range in swtor should be 20 m. gogo bioware pls:rak_02:


No they can't fly and use "Powers" but they can REACH the same length With a same type weapon.


I can not for the life of me see what makes a lightsaber ( 1 meter stick) so unique it ignores range, or needs a SHORTER range then what is logical.


In combat, a 1 meter stick ahd a Reach of 1 meter+ Arms Reach, + moements ( one step moves ) all this means the actual range is VERY much longer then People are aware of.


A dula wield lightaber, offers a Reach from saber tip to saber tip, of roughly 4 meters, when STANDING still and only reaching out to ech side, the range is then 360/180 at 4 meters.

Add cobat movements, stretching to gain Lenth, thrusting moves With steps, and Your range is easily upto another 2-3 meters.


Just ry woyls self. put a stick of rouchly a meter, then put Your arms out to the sides and measure the distance tip to tip, and you will see 4 meters...........before any "movement", then stretch to one side, make a one step thrust and measure Your actual Reach...........easily another 2 meters.



So the real range of a person With a lightsaber in Melee IS 6-7 meters...........

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