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Companion nerf, slot machine all over again....


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The fact was that running Star fortress heroic pre-nerf was incredibly easy if you had high presence, even with crappy 190 gear and only around 10 influence. Nothing except for the final boss was remotely dangerous, and then only because it could kill your companion in a couple of attacks in certain cycles. Your health just didn't deteriorate.


IMO companions obviously needed to be nerfed, but they obviously needed to do it well. I can't say whether they should have done this by reducing effects of presence, influence, base values or a combination of all 3. I haven't had a chance to test it out yet but am hopeful it will bring the challenge back to the solo part of the game. Soloing heroic content should be extremely challenging so people should not be complaining about that too much, especially if others can do it. The normal story mode should be a moderate level of challenge.

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They said they might have gone too far and to let them know if they had.


They have.


Not everyone has someone to run with all the time. I don't have a lot of time to play and I certainly don't want to hunt someone down who happens to be my level and just happens to be doing the exact same quests I am with the same time constraints.


The buffed comps were supposed to allow people to see all of the content, people like me. Now, I'm pretty sure I was doing better with my comp when I was 5 levels lower and I got to keep their gear up. Now there's not a damned thing I can do about it.


I have no problem with them nerfing them a bit. They were a bit OP but this is just silly.



I live in a time zone where our prime time is long after almost everyone else's. You can hear your footsteps echo in the deserted hallways of fleet and planets when I'm on. This nerf just put the game back into a "What's the point mode?" Tweaking was necessary. This is decimation. Spending hours wandering around trying to raise a group on a deserted planet or fleet isn't called for.

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When I read yesterday that the +2 Heroics would still be soloable I decided to wait to pass judgement until I had a chance to see for myself.


Now I can honestly say that they swung that bat far to hard and now the game went from fun to this really stinks. My companion can't keep up with me (or him) and when I got into a group of a few Gold stars we both went down like a ton of bricks and this was on Alderaan! Based on what I've read the higher level planets are even worse.


I understand that they don't want the companions to be Godmode where the player can just stand around and surf the web while they are in battle, and I honestly don't mind a little bit of a challenge but come on, this isn't fun at all.


I just started playing about a month ago, and I already prepaid for three months worth of a sub so I feel like I'm somewhat stuck with a game that I'm not enjoying unless they fix this quick. Maybe I should just give in to my husband and go play Fallout 4 in the meantime :confused:.

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**** all you *********** whiners. I have been a sub since release my main was a sith jugg cause my brother wanted to play empire. I switched to a jedi guardian and been lvling back up. now its back to the awful pointless grind again. **** off lost my sub and i hope you lose a lot more cause of this

They just lost 3 subs from my family. We came back to try KotFE and were pleasingly surprised by how much fun leveling was up to yesterday. Now the fun has turned back into a slog. We are all gone and unlikely to trust Bioware with our money again.

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They just lost 3 subs from my family. We came back to try KotFE and were pleasingly surprised by how much fun leveling was up to yesterday. Now the fun has turned back into a slog. We are all gone and unlikely to trust Bioware with our money again.


And the Elitist poster you quoted are the PROBLEM.

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When I read yesterday that the +2 Heroics would still be soloable I decided to wait to pass judgement until I had a chance to see for myself.


Now I can honestly say that they swung that bat far to hard and now the game went from fun to this really stinks. My companion can't keep up with me (or him) and when I got into a group of a few Gold stars we both went down like a ton of bricks and this was on Alderaan! Based on what I've read the higher level planets are even worse.


I understand that they don't want the companions to be Godmode where the player can just stand around and surf the web while they are in battle, and I honestly don't mind a little bit of a challenge but come on, this isn't fun at all.


I just started playing about a month ago, and I already prepaid for three months worth of a sub so I feel like I'm somewhat stuck with a game that I'm not enjoying unless they fix this quick. Maybe I should just give in to my husband and go play Fallout 4 in the meantime :confused:.


As I said before, I understand they needed an adjustment, I've no problem with that, but I like to solo every single thing in this game I can. Flashpoints? Needs grouping now, no issue with that. World bosses, okay I preferred being able to solo them, but I can do with finding a group for them. Operations story to nightmare, hey it's called a raid for a reason, no issue with grouping. But heroic 2s, story content, dailies, I never ever ever EVER group. No it's not faster. No I don't want to get to know you (general you). No I don't want to group because I'm a selfish wench and the loot is MINE.


Now, it's like why bother using companions at all? I might as well fight things completely naked, it'd be just as practical and useful.

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As a newly returned player, I can only hope that BW has improved on their ability to implement and sense of urgency from launch.


I've only been back about a week now and, to be fair, Companions seemed to be OP for my simple needs at this point.

While this was odd, I found it to be an improvement from having Companions be what they were at launch: A plot device that could get you killed.


If they have gone back to being a mere plot device that could get you killed, the game isn't worth plugging more money into truthfully.


Rather a shame too as the buzz around SWTOR was that it finally felt like a real BioWare game since the expansion.


...Let's hope they get it figured out quickly.


For those players that are banging the "It's an MMO" drum... You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

I've been an MMO players for almost 20 years and the challenge for games has always been balancing game experiences to encourage and reward grouping without actually forcing it on the players.

...The most successful in the genre encouraged it.

Don't ham-handedly use an argument that you don't fully understand.

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Laughable, "Lets nerf the comps so hard it makes the game impossible to solo for some people and lets make them wait 2 weeks for us to patch them back up."


That is assuming they will actually reverse the nerf... I hope they do, but the fact that EA/BE didn't poll the player base, or even post a thread in advance to get feedback, to see if the changes were needed/wanted in the first place is telling...


CMs cut the thread b/c there was datamined info in it, but there was a player based strawpoll created by Fled that indicated %70 of players did not want a nerf, %17 wanted a minor nerf, and only %14 wanted a full nerf. The poll stats I cited were out of 3,080 voters. Assuming the CMs were aware of the strawpoll, they made the changes anyways.

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So the game is an MMO again and all of you are unhappy? Get over it.


You SHOULD be grouping with other players to do content, that's how an MMO works. Besides BioWare tried the whole single player solo mode storyline stuff at launch and the game went F2P. Now if BioWare starts putting out more raids and more pvp this game will start getting good.


Find me a group of people with no *space bar*, no rush into any instances and doing every single mobs, every achievement and i will group again anytime.

Find me a group able to share knowledge about some fights rather that let you guess

Find me a group where people dont get for normal that you can wait for them for 10min or more because they have suddenly something more important to do

Find me a group that will share the loot rather than need on everthing included greens and reputations even if they are full endgame gear


and i could go like this for long


IF and i repeat IF people where more open to others and less selfish i would surely as some years ago spend time in group and have fun, but not anymore sorry

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"there are a lot of situations in regular combat where it is practically impossible for you to be killed if you have a healing Companion"




This is supposed to be a GAME, not a serious of cutscenes with a walking simulator filling in the gaps.


Anyone with sense can see it was painfully obvious the companions were way, way OP.



You people need to understand there is actually a reason why we have all those skills at the bottom of the screen? They aren't just for display you know. Frankly it sounds like all you people who - for reasons I cannot fathom - thought the state of companions was fine, should be much happier simply watching a video of the story, rather than ruining the GAME by insisting on your indefensible views.


Fine, you don't enjoy actually playing the game, because evidently you don't want to actually think, use abilties.. you know, play the game. Just don't try and ruin it for the rest of us with your complaints.


Casuals? Then find a friend to play the game with, it's super easy then. IT IS AN MMORPG.


Really? I find that ironic. You have ZERO problems ruining the game for the majority of players, because you think things are too easy, but that's okay? Yeah, right.


Yes it's a game, and the whining arseholes that are people like you constantly demand that BioWare "fix" things that aren't really broken.


Companions were "OP" to you? Then don't use one that's been leveled to 50, and/or turn off some of the companion skills so they don't perform as well.


But no, the whiny little babies had to go and get the game "fixed" because of what they didn't like.


An MMO game isn't a mandate for grouping. Every MMO since Ultima Online back in 1997 has been, in essence, a game where people play solo first, and group up only for specific things. It doesn't matter that those are the facts, what matters is that the same fanbois and whiny babies will always bleat so bitter when the game doesn't seem to conform to what their idea(s) of the game should be.


Companion capabilities caused no imbalances. They can't be used in operations or PvP warzones. But that didn't matter.


"BioWare, the companions are WAY too powerful for MY tastes. NERF THEM FOR EVERYONE!"


In essence, you sorry slabs of ignorance made BioWare ruin the fun for a lot of people, all so BioWare could shut you up.


You know, if you want to pick up the cost of my subscription per month, then you can dictate terms. But since you haven't done that for about 4 years now, how about you stop pitching a fit about things that only affect you in your own negative opinion?

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So the game is an MMO again and all of you are unhappy? Get over it.


You SHOULD be grouping with other players to do content, that's how an MMO works. Besides BioWare tried the whole single player solo mode storyline stuff at launch and the game went F2P. Now if BioWare starts putting out more raids and more pvp this game will start getting good.


Preach it, brother. Why actually play the game when I can wait for hours and hours to find people for even the most basic heroics? Because that's exactly how it was before the companion buff.

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As I said before, I understand they needed an adjustment, I've no problem with that, but I like to solo every single thing in this game I can. Flashpoints? Needs grouping now, no issue with that. World bosses, okay I preferred being able to solo them, but I can do with finding a group for them. Operations story to nightmare, hey it's called a raid for a reason, no issue with grouping. But heroic 2s, story content, dailies, I never ever ever EVER group. No it's not faster. No I don't want to get to know you (general you). No I don't want to group because I'm a selfish wench and the loot is MINE.


Now, it's like why bother using companions at all? I might as well fight things completely naked, it'd be just as practical and useful.


That's how I'm feeling right now. I loved the fact that I could go and do stuff solo. I'm not a huge raider and I understand that part of the content is gated to me because of that, but I had fun going through the heroic grind to level up my alliance and felt like I was taking part of the greater story and world. I wasn't hurting anyone else's fun by being able to force leap from mob to mob without having to worry a huge amount about my health.


Heck I tried to solo a SF heroic last night, found that I just wasn't powerful enough to do it so I left. More power to those of you who could do it! It didn't hurt me at all by NOT being able to while other's could you know?

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well looks like my sub ends this month for another long brake till they make the game fun for solo players again id been addicted to this game after the kotfe stuff it all seemed so promising then this patch happened... oh well :eek:

exactly ^^

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Find me a group of people with no *space bar*, no rush into any instances and doing every single mobs, every achievement and i will group again anytime.

Find me a group able to share knowledge about some fights rather that let you guess

Find me a group where people dont get for normal that you can wait for them for 10min or more because they have suddenly something more important to do

Find me a group that will share the loot rather than need on everthing included greens and reputations even if they are full endgame gear


and i could go like this for long


IF and i repeat IF people where more open to others and less selfish i would surely as some years ago spend time in group and have fun, but not anymore sorry


Add in, a group that lets me scavenge mobs for mats without yelling profanities, attempting to kick me from group, or spitefully running ahead and pulling boss.

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You're actually surprised they swung the nerf bat that hard? The minute they announced it I just resigned myself to the fact that my comps are going to be mostly just ornamental now.


yep. same.


I was more frustrated with people who were telling me that I'm overreacting.


oh well.



Edited by Jeweledleah
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I'm from Canada and I've all but given up on playing with NA players in general. Between peoples lack of social etiquette, the elitism and the general pisspoor attitude towards the treatment of others, my scope has narrowed completely. I hate grouping with people. I hate playing with people. I hate feeling rushed.


Never used to be like this, used to welcome all sorts and loved to socialize. Now? I can't stomach it. The NA communities have changed drastically in the last 5-6 years for the worse.


Well, this is an MMO. Why are you playing it? Just what do you do end-game?


I think like many people you've decided that the community is horrible as a whole, and you've chosen to see everyone through that prism. Send out requests for "Looking for guild of casual old farts." I've always managed to in all my years of playing MMOs since Matrix Online, which is pretty much every MMO.


I may be somewhat fuelled over the fact that people want it to go back to the utter faceroll of before, but I don't just insult people randomly just out there in the world. People generally have a layer of thickened skin on forums because everything is much more impersonal.

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