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Companion Changes in 4.0.2


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What annoys me the most is the fact the heroic 2+ is supposed to be minimum 2 inc comp well they might aswell revert them back to heroic 4+ cause thats what it feels like to me on my smuggler i was doing a nar shaddaa heroic 2 and my comp with influence 10 was healing me for 115 and this was only against 1 gold and 2 silver mobs i literally just face palmed myself when i saw how weak they are now i don't even feel the incentive to play cause the game is just so tedious now.


I just want to come and go as i please and not spend x amount of time looking for other people the game became more casual now its become more of a hardcore game which isnt what an mmo is meant to be well atleast in the majority of cases.

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I already decided to let my subscription run out for this month because the changes to the companion system have just made the game too much of a boring grindfest for me. It was already a boring grindfest after I ran out of new content, but I at least didn't have to spend TOO much time on it. Now, I really have to set aside WAY more time than I have to play the same weekly heroics over and over and over again at a way, way slower pace because my healer comp can't even begin to keep up with me.

So, no, Eric, I can't solo Heroic 2+ content--at a reasonable pace.

Just add an item/slider/etc. like y'all did for the 12x EXP boost for companion effectiveness instead of trying to cater to one side of the argument or the other. It should be clear to y'all now that you won't be able to please everyone--in fact, you'll drive a good portion of people away by even trying.

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I just don't get it. The majority of your players (Obviously not the elitist vocal minority mind you.) were HAPPY! Not just mindlessly grinding along like they normally do, but HAVING actual FUN for a change!


People were re-subbing. Fleets were showing an actual population for a change. Players were playing content they never actually had access to before and ENJOYING it. Now those subs are un-subbing again, along with gamers who have finally seen the light.


EA/Bioware have absolutely no idea how to run an MMO. That's the only answer to why you would screw up this badly. Whoever is parsing your data is a moron. Here's a hint if there's a next time. Next time your collecting data, chop off the top 10% of players. (These are the elitists who like looking down their noses at people and don't want players catching up to them.) then run the numbers again. Those answers will be more inline with what casual gamers are looking for.


Is this Biowares NGE patch? Only time will tell.

Edited by EightSided
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I just don't get it. The majority of your players (Obviously not the elitist vocal minority mind you.) were HAPPY! Not just mindlessly grinding along like they normally do, but HAVING actual FUN for a change!


People were re-subbing. Fleets were showing an actual population for a change. Players were playing content they never actually had access to before and ENJOYING it. Now those subs are un-subbing again, along with gamers who have finally seen the light.


EA/Bioware have absolutely no idea how to run an MMO. That's the only answer to why you would screw up this badly. Whoever is parsing your data is a moron. Here's a hint if there's a next time. Next time your collecting data, chop off the top 10% of players. (These are the elitists who like looking down their noses at people and don't want players catching up to them.) then run the numbers again. Those answers will be more inline with what casual gamers are looking for.


Is this Biowares NGE patch? Only time will tell.


I actually resubbed my subscription after a two year absence because the companions were fun to play with. Fun! Now this happened (brilliant timing too, really) and I can't say I'm surprised how they always seem to take one step forward while moving three steps back all the damn time. How is that even possible?

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Posted this in a separate thread but seeing that Bioware asked for a feedback on the issue I shall post it here as well.


Here is my suggestion on how to resolve the argument about companion nerf - the best way to appease both sides is to give the power to the people. Let the players chose if they want to have strong companions or their current nerfed version.


To do that, you can add another skill, an active "toggle" skill like "Passive Mode", to all of the companions that will, when toggled, boost the primary stats, damage and healing of the companion. You can call it "Heroic boost" or something. I'm not a software developer but I'm somewhat certain that introducing one companion skill should not be something impossible.


And that's it, both parties should be satisfied. Those who want challenge will have their challenge, and those who want easier gameplay will get what they want.


NOTE: this is simply a suggestion.

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I just don't get it. The majority of your players (Obviously not the elitist vocal minority mind you.) were HAPPY! Not just mindlessly grinding along like they normally do, but HAVING actual FUN for a change!


People were re-subbing. Fleets were showing an actual population for a change. Players were playing content they never actually had access to before and ENJOYING it. Now those subs are un-subbing again, along with gamers who have finally seen the light.


Exactly. The game felt vibrant like it never had before, I got a sense of community I hadn't felt last year. It really felt like people were having fun, and obviously, the companions had a lot to do with that.

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The problem is all the people posting on the forums about this since 4.0 release are the ones that got this change. Most of us were fat, dumb and happy playing along not know a bunch of people were trying to get our fun nerfed on the forums. Now that it happened all those players that were having fun are now posting on here and Bioscared is no where to be found today.
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I don't even want to play anymore. It was fine before.


Yes the whole reason I'm posting on the forums and not playing is that I feel disheartened now. Bad thing is I have been seeing this coming for 2 weeks now and tried to rally people on my server to come post here to stop it from happening. Only people that complain about something come to the forums. I bet 90% of the player base was happy with how it was before.

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I want to know why? You knew how strong companions were. You tested them, you approved them to be released. You knew how much they affected content. Surely the performance of companions over the last month is not a surprise to you. It is reasonable to expect some post release tweaks, but a massive nerf?


Why now, have you determined that they are completely unacceptable? What changed from your testing to now?


The only thing I can see that has changed is a vocal minority have complained, and now you make changes. How is this anything other than a response to complaints? The companions have been doing nothing other than what you intended them to do. If companions have been vastly outperforming what you intended, how did you let that happen?


I am very dissatisfied.

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I don't usually post here, but when I saw all the "companion nerfed" topics, I got that sinking feeling of an unpleasant recognition. I was really enjoying the game and was looking forward to some Christmas gaming. Thing is, I haven't even logged in yet. Don't feel like logging in after reading about an 80% nerf on the companion healing. 80%, really?
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I don't usually post here, but when I saw all the "companion nerfed" topics, I got that sinking feeling of an unpleasant recognition. I was really enjoying the game and was looking forward to some Christmas gaming. Thing is, I haven't even logged in yet. Don't feel like logging in after reading about an 80% nerf on the companion healing. 80%, really?


Not really. It's still a massive nerf though. But more like 50%.

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You are a juggernaut. I promise you that most other classes would not be able to do it unless they managed to do so by the skin of their teeth.


And thats why there is this achievement, it's called One and Only for a reason.


Juggernauts have better DCD's than any other class in the game. Stop acting like you're a hot turd. I posted a nice long, REAL account of what it's like to solo a Heroic Star Fortress as a good player on a juggernaut. Only *I* was able to admit that if I didn't have Enraged Defense and a giant HP boost, there were several occasions where I would have died and probably not have been able to progress. I also had the guts to admit that I *did* die, several times. There is no way in hell you a) did it in 35 minutes (it takes me at least 45) or b) sailed through it with no rough patches, deaths/near deaths.


Yes, it took me about 35-37 mins in tank discipline, DPS gear. I did skip Paladins however, as they are not necesseary for the achievement. I also admit that there were moments that it wasn't cakewalk, but that is good.


I lured champions out of rooms during Exarch chase before engaging - every class has this possibility. I dropped below 30% health three times during final battle. I also swapped utilities before last fight to squeeze as much from my class as I can imagine. Any of those tricks are available to other classes.

I feel much more confident soloing content on my Madness Sorc btw.


You do realize you can still be a good player and admit that the companion nerf was a bit overboard, right? lol


I think challenge is fun.

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That still sounds like I don't want to play the game. And I really was having a load of fun (that's the only reason I play games for, by the way). :mad:


It's not that bad, but you do have to be more mindful of your surroundings and play with a lot more attention than you did on Monday.

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It's not that bad, but you do have to be more mindful of your surroundings and play with a lot more attention than you did on Monday.


I don't know. One of the things I enjoyed most was that, "hey mobs, look how much I don't care about you being parked right in my path -- so long, suckers" feeling.

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I enjoy being able to play solo content just for the story and not for a challenge. I don't want to have to spend two to three times as long doing anything per character considering there's still 3 class stories I've yet to do. Weren't they supposed to be letting players focus more on the story now? Well done.
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This is why I'm confused.


They had to be making money with all the people coming back. Not WoW-like numbers, but more income than they've seen in awhile. Why would you jeopardize that?


Obviously players were happy and I can't blame it on the elitist vocal minority because we all know Bioware doesn't listen to its player base either pro or con. If they did they'd have responded to the few thousand posts from players voicing their displeasure at this latest debacle of a patch. These voices are drowning out the elitists for a change and still nothing is being said or done except to start sweeping posts into the Off-Topic section of the forums. Damage control has begun.


This means some moron up the line decided to nuke companions from orbit without testing them out first. Then of course what followed was yesterdays complete and utter faceplant by Bioware. How much money they've lost we'll never know, but you know its going to be felt in their wallet at the end of the quarter.


Here's a hint Bioware. This one ain't gonna blow over...

Edited by EightSided
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I enjoy being able to play solo content just for the story and not for a challenge. I don't want to have to spend two to three times as long doing anything per character considering there's still 3 class stories I've yet to do. Weren't they supposed to be letting players focus more on the story now? Well done.


I really don't think you have anything to worry about there. Some really hard content (e.g. H2 Star Fortress) might take longer, but most of the rest is still just as fast as it was.

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This is why I'm confused.


They had to be making money with all the people coming back. Not WoW-like numbers, but more income than they've seen in awhile. Why would you jeopardize that?



This has me bewildered as well. I haven't seen the servers this hopping since launch....not sure why you'd shoot your cash cow in the face like this.

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