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Commando / Merc classes are utter sh*t for PvP


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Theres no point in playing them, powertechs and vanguards are the way to go. ven our heals are trash compared to sorcs and sages, the heat system needs to either be doubled or our heals like rapid scan need a 100% buff to them i still dont know why it costs 20% heat for rapid scan


We have no defensives, everything we need is either locked behind utility points or pointless to use. Jet boost isn't viable anymore all Melee classes have a gap closer. Rocket out only works if you have H/O off the cooldown to run away or if you have the utility pint for the smokescreen, and it still will only work if theres nothing behind you.

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IF and im saying IF, they fix powertechs, probably mercs would be viable.


Since there are tons of pt atm in q, when u got focussed by 1 or 2, u are dead no matter what especially if u are quing solo and ur team is not that great.


Why pt is brioken, we all know tjis, just waiting bioware figures it out, probably in a couple of years or so :eek:

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I enjoy playing a commando in PVP in 4.0 but I'm not kidding myself, 4.0 PVP balance is the worst I have ever seen in this game. The disparity between classes at the top with classes on the bottom is extreme. Bioware has a history of dragging their feet and doing too little too late with PVP class balance. You can expect the over tuned classes we have now are going to stay over tuned for a long time.


If you want to play a class that is competitive in PVP you don't have many options anymore.

Edited by Fellow-Canadian
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Sad but true. Commandos are so easy to take down I wonder why people are playing them at all. I have seen one uber powerful Commando in a warzone who I think was totally twinked out who dominated. He hit me for 25000+ in two skill shots. The damage is there but 0 survivability on commando at the moment.


I often ask myself why I keep playing my Commando. Why not just stick to my Jugg, or my Sniper? I keep playing him out of spite, and for small victories. Every now and again I'll win against all odds, miraculously survive being focused, or at least last longer than anyone could have imagined, or defeat an Operative dogging my every more, or kill a Sin jumping around like a fool.

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Arsenal/Gunnery inflict the same dmg as AP/Tactics with better dcds.

There is a problem though. AP PT has no learning curve. The spec has no procs. Merc has very high learning curve regarding dcds.

- 4.0 Rocket Out every 20s.

- 4.0 +15% defense chance on every supercharge.

- 4.0 40% slow on TM.

- 8s mezze every 45s.

- 5 charges of tech/force immunity.

- 150 - 200k+ self heals.

- Shield every 1m 45, HO etc.


AP PT when HO ends is a defenseless pray.

Edited by Aetideus
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Ironically, melee specialists make pretty good mercs due to all the buttons/cooldowns you have to manage. It has the highest skill cap of the ranged/midranged classes due to the cooldown management and the sheer number of buttons (snipers are turrets with passive defensives and get a broad cooldown reset, so the curve for mercs is a bit higher) I see some mercs who can do great damage in a group but can't solo queue on the class. It takes practice to become a good merc in a pug setting. And yeah, there's not really an anti-focus button; you just have to pick people off from the corners and use your cooldowns as a deterrent. Net defensively and that marauder will think twice about leaping to you later in the fight. Stay in the back, force tunneling melee to overextend, and make them your *****.


Of course, if you're the type who always has to queue with a balanced group, you can just fire and forget and still faceroll most teams.

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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I was on my Arsenal Merc a couple nights ago who is geared with full 190, and I was getting just as much dmg as the good Juggernaut and Jedi Guardian dps. I got 1.7 million damage in Hypergate and was getting 16k hits with some of their abilities like Heatseeker missile. Their damage output is good, you just need to play smart. I agree with previous posters that the Powertechs have a very low learning curve and they are much easier to get damage output on, but a Arsenal Merc can do just as much damage if you play it right and watch your cool downs. So I totally disagree with the OP's statement in the title that the Merc classes are horrible in pvp. They are still good. Their new ability (the one that jets you backwards, forgot the exact name of it) is really useful and I use it all the time to keep my distance from powertechs and take them out in 1v1 fights. Powertech rely on being close range, if you can maintain the distance between you and them, you have the advantage. If your struggling with the class OP, its not because they are bad, its just maybe you need more experience playing them to play to their strengths. I have a lot of fun playing my lvl 62 merc and I do both solo queing and group que with my friends and have similar amounts of success. Not saying your a bad player, I am just saying you need to not jump to conclusions that they are bad overall in pvp, because there are a lot of good merc players like myself that don't agree and in fact love playing them in pvp. Edited by Trevor_the_Bruce
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Arsenal/Gunnery inflict the same dmg as AP/Tactics with better dcds.

There is a problem though. AP PT has no learning curve. The spec has no procs. Merc has very high learning curve regarding dcds.

- 4.0 Rocket Out every 20s.

- 4.0 +15% defense chance on every supercharge.

- 4.0 40% slow on TM.

- 8s mezze every 45s.

- 5 charges of tech/force immunity.

- 150 - 200k+ self heals.

- Shield every 1m 45, HO etc.


AP PT when HO ends is a defenseless pray.


Whew. Where to begin.


AP is putting out at LEAST 500 more DPS than Mercs on the top end in PvP. Check out the PvP records threads on various servers.




1) Carbonize. Anyone who has played PT knows the value of this. It's one of the best abilities in the game.


2) TWO stun breaks. No, seriously.


3) Shoulder Cannon - Usable while stunned/mezzed, making PTs one of the best node guards in the game.


4) Did someone say self heals? Oh yeah, since the heal nerf, mercs typically end a match <100k (unless you're playing wrong, and killing your damage). But PTs get automatic passive heals every time they are AOEd. It's not unusual to see AP PTs with 200k healing - all without pressing a button.


5) At level 24, AP PT gets 30% passive DR from AOE. Oh, and 30% DR when stunned. For free. Which mercs have to spend a heroic utility on - and in 4.0, that's not an easy choice.


6) Sonic Missile. Activating this gives you 30% defense.


7) Energy Rebounder. Exactly the same as the merc heroic utility - but again, completely free for AP.


8) Shield and HO.


9) 12 second CD on interrupt - half that of a merc.


10) Did I mention Jet charge on a 15 second cooldown? Like Rocket Out, except up more frequently and actually useful for more than just node swapping.


But of course, the main point of AP PT is that it has MUCH more burst than a merc, more total damage, is essentially immune to interrupts, significantly harder to CC, and has more utility.


I'm not screaming for PT nerfs here (although almost everyone now recognises that they're a problem), but there really is no comparison to be made. I play both merc and PT - I suspect you do not.

Edited by Jherad
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Whew. Where to begin.


AP is putting out at LEAST 500 more DPS than Mercs on the top end in PvP. Check out the PvP records threads on various servers.




1) Carbonize. Anyone who has played PT knows the value of this. It's one of the best abilities in the game.


2) TWO stun breaks. No, seriously.


3) Shoulder Cannon - Usable while stunned/mezzed, making PTs one of the best node guards in the game.


4) Did someone say self heals? Oh yeah, since the heal nerf, mercs typically end a match <100k (unless you're playing wrong, and killing your damage). But PTs get automatic passive heals every time they are AOEd. It's not unusually to see AP PTs with 200k healing - all without pressing a button.


5) At level 24, AP PT gets 30% passive DR from AOE. Oh, and 30% DR when stunned. For free. Which mercs have to spend a heroic utility on - and in 4.0, that's not an easy choice.


6) Sonic Missile. Activating this gives you 30% defense.


7) Energy Rebounder. Exactly the same as the merc heroic utility - but again, completely free for AP.


8) Shield and HO.


9) Did I mention Jet charge on a 15 second cooldown? Like Rocket Out, except up more frequently and actually useful for more than just node swapping.


But of course, the main point of AP PT is that it has MUCH more burst than a merc, more total damage, is essentially immune to interrupts, significantly harder to CC, and has more utility.


I'm not screaming for PT nerfs here (although almost everyone now recognises that they're a problem), but there really is no comparison to be made. I play both merc and PT - I suspect you do not.


OK I am convinced, I need to play my PT now.


JK. PT is so boring. :confused:


I really wish the PT class was at least more difficult to play for all the stuff it gets compared to what other classes have to spend valuable utility points on.


That being said, obviously there are certain classes that not only have very powerful abilities, but they are very easy to play.


I have come to the conclusion this is by design, and BW has created these classes for people who prefer facerolling or who simply cannot manage a more difficult class in PVP.

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OK I am convinced, I need to play my PT now.


JK. PT is so boring. :confused:


I really wish the PT class was at least more difficult to play for all the stuff it gets compared to what other classes have to spend valuable utility points on.


That being said, obviously there are certain classes that not only have very powerful abilities, but they are very easy to play.


I have come to the conclusion this is by design, and BW has created these classes for people who prefer facerolling or who simply cannot manage a more difficult class in PVP.


Yep, I'd certainly not advocate that people stop playing Merc. I thoroughly enjoy it. It just irks me to hear people compare it to PTs like that. PTs of all things!

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Whew. Where to begin.


AP is putting out at LEAST 500 more DPS than Mercs on the top end in PvP. Check out the PvP records threads on various servers.




1) Carbonize. Anyone who has played PT knows the value of this. It's one of the best abilities in the game.


2) TWO stun breaks. No, seriously.


3) Shoulder Cannon - Usable while stunned/mezzed, making PTs one of the best node guards in the game.


4) Did someone say self heals? Oh yeah, since the heal nerf, mercs typically end a match <100k (unless you're playing wrong, and killing your damage). But PTs get automatic passive heals every time they are AOEd. It's not unusual to see AP PTs with 200k healing - all without pressing a button.


5) At level 24, AP PT gets 30% passive DR from AOE. Oh, and 30% DR when stunned. For free. Which mercs have to spend a heroic utility on - and in 4.0, that's not an easy choice.


6) Sonic Missile. Activating this gives you 30% defense.


7) Energy Rebounder. Exactly the same as the merc heroic utility - but again, completely free for AP.


8) Shield and HO.


9) 12 second CD on interrupt - half that of a merc.


10) Did I mention Jet charge on a 15 second cooldown? Like Rocket Out, except up more frequently and actually useful for more than just node swapping.


But of course, the main point of AP PT is that it has MUCH more burst than a merc, more total damage, is essentially immune to interrupts, significantly harder to CC, and has more utility.


I'm not screaming for PT nerfs here (although almost everyone now recognises that they're a problem), but there really is no comparison to be made. I play both merc and PT - I suspect you do not.


I play PT a lot, just not that spec. Is not entertaining playing with no procs and being a sitting duck when HO ends.

Regarding the records, tried to find a valid 4.0 list but does not seem that obvious. On the other hand, in TRE Arsenal Mercs get over 3.5k dps regularly. Haven't noticed a PT getting even close. 4.3k dps is the highest Arsenal in pvp I have seen (not me).


Referring to defensive cds:

1) Carbonize is good but less than 10m (8m radius).


2) 2 stun breaks? Do you mean the heroic util? Clarify please.


4) I get 250k - 300k self heals after the latest healing cd additions both in IO and Arsenal. Using high alacrity.

Having over 200k heals regularly with ST PT spec which has a bonus. Never noticed over 150k on Pyro or AP.

PT heals are reactive while Merc's are abilities. The new interrupt immunity on supercharge allows for 3 cds.


5) Never try to stun an AP PT. Takes more dmg without (and there is no need for a merc to).


6) Sonic missile is a good one but as the shield rather long.


8-10) Jet Charge. With the HO nerf at 35s cd there is a 25s downtime.

3.0 HO low cd allowed for AP to hit and run. Jet Charge is not disengaging while Rocket Out is.


A last word on burst. AP predictability on rotation (...) allows for many specs or whole classes to simply evade Energy Burst. AP burst without EB is regrettable compared to Arsenal.

Taking in account that a full EB requires 20s setup, evasive dcds (apart from stealth, gaps etc) :


Arsenal: Decoy

Assin: Force Shroud

Operative: Evasion

PT ST: Explosive Fuel

Warior: Undying Rage

Jugg: Reflect


Without a healer or good tank and long dcds the 25s downtime of HO is pretty awful.

Edited by Aetideus
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I play PT a lot, just not that spec. Is not entertaining playing with no procs and being a sitting duck when HO ends.

Regarding the records, tried to find a valid 4.0 list but does not seem that obvious. On the other hand, in TRE Arsenal Mercs get over 3.5k dps regularly. Haven't noticed a PT getting even close. 4.3k dps is the highest Arsenal in pvp I have seen (not me).


Referring to defensive cds:

1) Carbonize is good but less than 10m (8m radius).


2) 2 stun breaks? Do you mean the heroic util? Clarify please.


4) I get 250k - 300k self heals after the latest healing cd additions both in IO and Arsenal. Using high alacrity.

Having over 200k heals regularly with ST PT spec which has a bonus. Never noticed over 150k on Pyro or AP.

PT heals are reactive while Merc's are abilities. The new interrupt immunity on supercharge allows for 3 cds.


5) Never try to stun an AP PT. Takes more dmg without (and there is no need for a merc to).


6) Sonic missile is a good one but as the shield rather long.


8-10) Jet Charge. With the HO nerf at 35s cd there is a 25s downtime.

3.0 HO low cd allowed for AP to hit and run. Jet Charge is not disengaging while Rocket Out is.


A last word on burst. AP predictability on rotation (...) allows for many specs or whole classes to simply evade Energy Burst. AP burst without EB is regrettable compared to Arsenal.

Taking in account that a full EB requires 20s setup, evasive dcds (apart from stealth, gaps etc) :


Arsenal: Decoy

Assin: Force Shroud

Operative: Evasion

PT ST: Explosive Fuel

Warior: Undying Rage

Jugg: Reflect


Without a healer or good tank and long dcds the 25s downtime of HO is pretty awful.



I'd be really surprised if you've seen 4.3k outside anything but a single arena round. The biggest I've seen in any lengthy fight is a little under 4k for mercs - AP PT regularly breaks 4.5k.


1) Most fighting in arenas happens <10m range. So yay for the win on carbonize.


2) Yep, heroic for the double stun break. It's pretty much a necessity, just as merc has two mandatory picks in the heroic tier.


4) Show me a match where you're getting 300k heals and not SUCKING for DPS. There is a reason why passive heals are great for DPS - because you don't have to spend GCDs on them. Merc heals are *incredibly* heat intensive, and ridiculously poor value for both GCD and heat cost. PTs just keep on truckin'. 200k+ self heals on AP is completely commonplace.


5) So you're listing the fact that PTs can largely ignore CC as a negative? Heh.


6) So are all the merc DCDs.


8-10) You're not saying anything which doesn't screw over mercs even *more*. The HO nerf was far worse for mercs - and we get a longer cooldown on our crappy mobility move just as a matter of course. And yes, you can use jet charge as a disengage - nobody is saying you need to use it on your primary target.


Every class suffers if you remove a big attack from their chain. PTs get to interrupt mercs every 12 seconds - on top of their carbonize, pull, and regular stun. What happens when you interrupt a PT again? Oh, no DFA. Big deal. You can preload EL on PT, so can essentially start every fight with full stacks for EB - and again, this class has some of the biggest burst in the game. That again, happens to be immune to interrupts.


Decoy has no guaranteed duration - it has 5 charges. This means under a burst condition from 3 dps in an arena, it will last for *less* than one single GCD, and white damage (like railshot) completely ignores it. It is garbage outside of 1v1. 30% defense on the PT, combined with their free stun DR and AOE DR makes this look pitifully underpowered. Asking a merc to compete with a PT without actually stunning them is retarded.


I *do* play AP, so I know what I'm talking about. There is absolutely no comparison, and your suggestion that AP PT is in not in *any* aspect more powerful is just ludicrous.


Again, I'm not saying people should abandon the merc class. I've played it since launch, and it will continue to be a favourite. But let's not pretend PTs are slumming it here.

Edited by Jherad
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If you cut merc arsenal range to 10m on tracer (30m single use buff if using priming shot before it), made it instant and made blazing bolts a 10m uninterruptable channel then I'd say it could be considered similar to AP PT except with a reverse attack pattern, leaping out to disengage rather than leaping in to engage.


Because right there is how you cut the damage of an arsenal merc to junk, by chaining together anything which breaks the two cast bars, ideally breaking tracer late and blazing bolts early so all they have left are weak attacks since the 3 stronger instant abilities will have been used quickly.


Range is less valuable than being able to keep up your damage while under pressure as its win win for an attacker if they can cheaply cut your damage while damaging you.


Range is mostly useful for mercs in regs because killing the enemy in a small room is not the only goal so mercs can find things to do relatively safely as people get divided between trying to do objectives and fighting.

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Range is mostly useful for mercs in regs because killing the enemy in a small room is not the only goal so mercs can find things to do relatively safely as people get divided between trying to do objectives and fighting.


Yeah, that's pretty much the key to merc DPS right there. I can do 3800+dps with good positioning and some tasty targets - but if I'm harrassed, my DPS drops *significantly*. On my PT, my DPS actually *improves* under fire (close and personal, pyro shield).

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I play PT a lot, just not that spec. Is not entertaining playing with no procs and being a sitting duck when HO ends.

Regarding the records, tried to find a valid 4.0 list but does not seem that obvious. On the other hand, in TRE Arsenal Mercs get over 3.5k dps regularly. Haven't noticed a PT getting even close. 4.3k dps is the highest Arsenal in pvp I have seen (not me).


Referring to defensive cds:

1) Carbonize is good but less than 10m (8m radius).


2) 2 stun breaks? Do you mean the heroic util? Clarify please.


4) I get 250k - 300k self heals after the latest healing cd additions both in IO and Arsenal. Using high alacrity.

Having over 200k heals regularly with ST PT spec which has a bonus. Never noticed over 150k on Pyro or AP.

PT heals are reactive while Merc's are abilities. The new interrupt immunity on supercharge allows for 3 cds.


5) Never try to stun an AP PT. Takes more dmg without (and there is no need for a merc to).


6) Sonic missile is a good one but as the shield rather long.


8-10) Jet Charge. With the HO nerf at 35s cd there is a 25s downtime.

3.0 HO low cd allowed for AP to hit and run. Jet Charge is not disengaging while Rocket Out is.


A last word on burst. AP predictability on rotation (...) allows for many specs or whole classes to simply evade Energy Burst. AP burst without EB is regrettable compared to Arsenal.

Taking in account that a full EB requires 20s setup, evasive dcds (apart from stealth, gaps etc) :


Arsenal: Decoy

Assin: Force Shroud

Operative: Evasion

PT ST: Explosive Fuel

Warior: Undying Rage

Jugg: Reflect


Without a healer or good tank and long dcds the 25s downtime of HO is pretty awful.


Are you really trying to compare how mercs are superior to PTs? Come on man. :p


Zachariah goes point by point why your detailed comparison is faulty to put it kindly, but I have to point out... Do you really believe PT should not be stunned in PVP, especially as they unload their uninterruptable burst?


Sure, the AP PT takes at least 30% less thanks to their INNATE ability that grants 30% DR when stunned and yes stunning them means they will take LESS damage, but it also means they can't pour out all their burst on their target within a very small window.


Stunning them is the only way to put distance between oneself and a PT it's the only way to survive... Hilarious if you think they shouldn't be stunned.


Another key point to PTs is honestly, even without energy burst, you know what? They still can muster some strong sustained damage on a target so even if you interfere with their "rotation" chances are it won't cause a big drop off in their overall damage. Spam 1 ability to proc another and enjoy great damage is what the PT does.


The PT rotation is so simple and requires such a ridiculously easy setup that it doesn't take them long to get back on track and dump EB on a target soon again.


The merc requires much more setup for their damage, and if someone is in their face, the setup is interrupted by them having to find a way to escape and try staying alive.


The PT uses instant DCDs and basically can keep pouring out their damage on a target while their defensives and innate defenses do the rest.


Trying to point out the woes of a PT compared to a merc is like Donald Trump pointing out how being a millionaire isn't as good as it seems and that being a common citizen with a regular job who gets paid 30k a year actually has it better than him. Yeah, it's about that ridiculous.

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I'd be really surprised if you've seen 4.3k outside anything but a single arena round. The biggest I've seen in any lengthy fight is a little under 4k for mercs - AP PT regularly breaks 4.5k.


1) Most fighting in arenas happens <10m range. So yay for the win on carbonize.


2) Yep, heroic for the double stun break. It's pretty much a necessity, just as merc has two mandatory picks in the heroic tier.


4) Show me a match where you're getting 300k heals and not SUCKING for DPS. There is a reason why passive heals are great for DPS - because you don't have to spend GCDs on them. Merc heals are *incredibly* heat intensive, and ridiculously poor value for both GCD and heat cost. PTs just keep on truckin'. 200k+ self heals on AP is completely commonplace.


5) So you're listing the fact that PTs can largely ignore CC as a negative? Heh.


6) So are all the merc DCDs.


8-10) You're not saying anything which doesn't screw over mercs even *more*. The HO nerf was far worse for mercs - and we get a longer cooldown on our crappy mobility move just as a matter of course. And yes, you can use jet charge as a disengage - nobody is saying you need to use it on your primary target.


Every class suffers if you remove a big attack from their chain. PTs get to interrupt mercs every 12 seconds - on top of their carbonize, pull, and regular stun. What happens when you interrupt a PT again? Oh, no DFA. Big deal. You can preload EL on PT, so can essentially start every fight with full stacks for EB - and again, this class has some of the biggest burst in the game. That again, happens to be immune to interrupts.


Decoy has no guaranteed duration - it has 5 charges. This means under a burst condition from 3 dps in an arena, it will last for *less* than one single GCD, and white damage (like railshot) completely ignores it. It is garbage outside of 1v1. 30% defense on the PT, combined with their free stun DR and AOE DR makes this look pitifully underpowered. Asking a merc to compete with a PT without actually stunning them is retarded.


I *do* play AP, so I know what I'm talking about. There is absolutely no comparison, and your suggestion that AP PT is in not in *any* aspect more powerful is just ludicrous.


Again, I'm not saying people should abandon the merc class. I've played it since launch, and it will continue to be a favourite. But let's not pretend PTs are slumming it here.


4.3k was in Regs actually.


1) So in Arenas as a Merc I should stay at 10m? I guess sorcs stay at 10m too.


2) Stun break Heroic *might* have a meaning in Areanas based on group, but not that much in regs where heals on SC are more valuable.


4) What kind of math are needed to utilize the healing abilities of the spec? Med Prob is on tracer missile and alacrity is on supercharge *to use if is needed*. instant heal every 13s. 250- 300k heals is in regs.


5) 4.0 offered enough gap abilities to range classes to make stun an AP a last resort. Before stunning an AP PT (while damaging)

- knock back

- punch root

- Rocket out

then stun | net | concussive, based on situation.


6) Which ones? Heals are on 13 - 20s, knock back 23s, root on punch 8s, +15 defense chance on supercharge 30s, instant 40% slow on TM.


8-10) So, every Arena match is confined in 10m yet you may use jet charge...as disengage? In regs is almost the same.

Rocket out is disengage, jet charge is 90% offensive.


The difference with AP is that its rotation is predicatble. Because there are no procs or RNG (and there is a glowing stack on your tray for EB) everyone knows what is coming. Try guessing what an arsenal might use, from 30m.


20s is required to setup a full Energy Burst. That is absolute in Arenas. There is no disengage in arenas for PT unless there are only stealths that self heal.


If focused in arenas both merc and AP PT die with 50- 70k dmg without help. Yet, yes. Decoy is valuable against 1-2 opponents attacking. What about all the other specs that may easily shut down PT burst that I mentioned?


I may ask the AP PTs that shut down daily for their opinion about efficiency. Merc has a very high learning curve on DCDS, but it is rewarding. In contrast with AP with long dcds and nothing really to change in rotation.


Not saying that PT suck. ST PT is my main. Just AP is not OP or better than merc in 4.0.

Edited by Aetideus
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4.3k was in Regs actually.


1) So in Arenas as a Merc I should stay at 10m? I guess sorcs stay at 10m too.


2) Stun break Heroic *might* have a meaning in Areanas based on group, but not that much in regs where heals on SC are more valuable.


4) What kind of math are needed to utilize the healing abilities of the spec? Med Prob is on tracer missile and alacrity is on supercharge *to use if is needed*. instant heal every 13s. 250- 300k heals is in regs.


5) 4.0 offered enough gap abilities to range classes to make stun an AP a last resort. Before stunning an AP PT (while damaging)

- knock back

- punch root

- Rocket out

then stun | net | concussive, based on situation.


6) Which ones? Heals are on 13 - 20s, knock back 23s, root on punch 8s, +15 defense chance on supercharge 30s, instant 40% slow on TM.


8-10) So, every Arena match is confined in 10m yet you may use jet charge...as disengage? In regs is almost the same.

Rocket out is disengage, jet charge is 90% offensive.


The difference with AP is that its rotation is predicatble. Because there are no procs or RNG (and there is a glowing stack on your tray for EB) everyone knows what is coming. Try guessing what an arsenal might use, from 30m.


20s is required to setup a full Energy Burst. That is absolute in Arenas. There is no disengage in arenas for PT unless there are only stealths that self heal.


If focused in arenas both merc and AP PT die with 50- 70k dmg without help. Yet, yes. Decoy is valuable against 1-2 opponents attacking. What about all the other specs that may easily shut down PT burst that I mentioned?


I may ask the AP PTs that shut down daily for their opinion about efficiency. Merc has a very high learning curve on DCDS, but it is rewarding. In contrast with AP with long dcds and nothing really to change in rotation.


Not saying that PT suck. ST PT is my main. Just AP is not OP or better than merc in 4.0.


Something tells me this guy also does "metrics" on the side for the BW devs.

Edited by Lhancelot
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Something tells me this guy also does "metrics" on the side for the BW devs.


If he's from TRE I wouldn't mind learning his name, so I can watch and learn from his playstyle, as it seems he's a rather spectacular player.


Not even trying to be sarcastic here (if only mildly:p), maybe I just suck big time and need a few good lessons.

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