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The state of Republic PVP on Red Eclipse and PVP in general


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Hi everyone,


I've recently returned to the game having not really played a lot of PVP since patch 1.2. I started playing in BETA and was on Luka Sene server before the merge. Now on Red Eclipse.


I remember PVP being ok on release, if not a little buggy (capping doors from inside them), but once everyone started to gear up it was apparent that healers were overpowered. I was a commando healer myself, one of the best geared on the server having done a lot of pre-mades and farmed Ilum in open world huge battles.


Once i was full BIS it took 4 DPS to kill me, and if i had guard i was pretty much unkillable providing i managed my ammo. Patch 1.2 and the weeks following changed all that when healers took a huge hit to the point were it was barley viable to take one to a pre made. I was gutted as i was forced to re-gear to dps but i understand why they did it.


Having returned to PVP im astonished to find that healers are back to not far off where they were. I've easily played in excess of 200 games since coming back and i cant believe they have not fixed basic issues.

Specifically sorc/sage healers are simply broken. To be able to heal that much that quickly is just game breaking. I have two characters fully Exemplar geared, one being a sage. Healing with it is simply god mode.

On my dps Char i was bashing away with another player on a Sorc healer. We had no chance of killing him, even when we used our interrupts and stuns he would simply wait until they where off CD, stun one of us, 3 spells later he went from 7% health to 100% health and it would all start again. When we got him to low health out pop god bubble. There seems to be even more stuns in the game than before, but equally more ways to break them.


Many a time the other team has had 2/3 healers and their total deaths on their team was under 10 at the end of the match. Total waste of time and very boring. Trying to kill them is like punching smoke or hitting a training dummy.


As for Republic side PVP on Red Eclipse. What a total mess. I understand there is a PVE quest that is causing people to Q in the wrong gear but its not uncommon to see people with no colour crystals and some even had gear missing such as no relics. I mean come on ***.


Yesterday in preparation for this post i played some warzones and this is what happened.


1) Voidstar V Imp = Lost

2) Arena v Imp = Lost

3) Civil war v Imp = Lost

4) NC v Imp = Won (6 of the 8 Reps actually had full pvp gear, i nearly fainted)

5) NC v Imp = Lost

6) Arena v Imp = Lost

7) Arena v Imp = Lost (including a GS whole was alive for ages doing 56,000 total dmg)

8) CW v Imp = Lost

9) Arena v Imp = Lost

10) CW v Imp = Lost

11) HG v Imp = Lost

12) Arena v Imp = Lost

12) CW v Imp = Lost


Now i know some will say "its you your rubbish" but thats simply not true. Im always competitive in damage/healing and very often Im top 2 of objectives for my team.


Simply put the Imps farm us, game after game. Doing Random WZ is completely demoralizing. Ive not seen that many pre-mades either so it appears to be random Imps to. They always have at least 1 healer, normally 2/3. Lucky if Reps have 1.


Im so gutted as a loved PVP but what im experiencing is really getting me down. Ive tried advertising for a PVP guild but had no replys and im not sure if any other servers are better, i would be up for suggestions.

Edited by pompeychiv
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In the beginning you state healers are OP at the end you state if you are a healer you will die within seconds of spawning.



As for republic being bad? Speak for yourself. Here on TEH republic wins 80% of the matches even with imp premades, and they try to queue with 6 man premades but pub randoms still win.

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Sorry i should have been clearer, i was meaning healers such as commandos and Scoudrels. In the WZ's listed above i saw 1 commando and 1 scoundrel healers during those games. Such a shame as it would be nice to see more.


I wasn't saying Rep;s are bad in general, its specific observations from TRE.

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I am seeing the same loss ratio at the moment in midbies on the Harbinger. It's not the particularly bad pugs either, many folks fight tooth and nail. It's just for some reason the Empire always manages to coordinate better, have a better level distribution, have stuff like a double sniper combo. And we are not helped by the AFK guys, but surely, they have theirs too.


I hesitate to cry premades, because, well, it's midbies. And, well, nobody's fault but own that you are not in a premade, right. So, work with what you have.


I am trying to learn to DPS myself, and, yes, often regret it, because more healers would have probably helped. But I do not want to always play the same role.


There is nothing for it to persevere, unfortunately, and try to play the best and the smartest you can. I'd almost say we need to discuss the anti-farming strategy before the start of every zone, to prevent at least the farming if not the loses. There gotta be a focal point in each zone where it will be easier to keep the weaker team together, allow easier LoS of their ranged and collective defense against the melee.


If someone has an advice on minimizing the farming, it will be greatly appreciated.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Most Republic players were rerolling Imp side because of these problems.

As far as I know, most servers are Imp-side dominated now anyway.


If someone has an advice on minimizing the farming, it will be greatly appreciated.


Same here.


Worst thing is that even Imp side farmers and in general better players simply refuse to roll Rep side.

It would be a greater challenge to them - and most PvP players write here they play it for the challenge anyway - but they seem to ffind the Imperial side a better challenge, when constantly playing Imp vs. Imp, and otherwise just farming Rep for Comms.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Meh. My anecdotal evidence: I did my Weekly in 2 1/2 hours on Tuesday night on TRE, Rep side. Solo pugging.


There are a greater proportion of novice players about, but 90% of this "Rep is terrible" is people looking for an excuse outside themselves for why they lost.


Most of people's problems with losing in PvP would go away if they got better.


edit: apologies if that comes across brusque, I've been at the single malt.


There are a greater proportion of players making novice errors, or badly geared, or just aren't that good at the minute. In a way that's good, if it gets new people into PvP, but it means there are lots of examples of poor play to blame losses on. My own experience playing on both sides means I don't buy that there's massive faction imbalance against Rep, at least on TRE.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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Meh. My anecdotal evidence: I did my Weekly in 2 1/2 hours on Tuesday night on TRE, Rep side. Solo pugging.


There are a greater proportion of novice players about, but 90% of this "Rep is terrible" is people looking for an excuse outside themselves for why they lost.


Most of people's problems with losing in PvP would go away if they got better.


edit: apologies if that comes across brusque, I've been at the single malt.


There are a greater proportion of players making novice errors, or badly geared, or just aren't that good at the minute. In a way that's good, if it gets new people into PvP, but it means there are lots of examples of poor play to blame losses on. My own experience playing on both sides means I don't buy that there's massive faction imbalance against Rep, at least on TRE.


Nice to see you playing again dude :)

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Yes, pvp on pub side on red eclipse is just a big ugly ball of frustration. I decided to reach conquest goal on 2 of my pub toons (both in full minmaxed augmented 208 pvp gear) and it took me a whole day to do it, becuase out of like 30 games I played, pubs won only 1!!! All the others were an utter and complete beatdowns.

I honestly do not understand that, before 4.0 factions were pretty balanced on red eclipse, what happened?

Anyway, after that unholy grind switched to imp side and farmed those noobs with prejudice. Promised to avoid pub side until balanced is restored.

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Most Republic players were rerolling Imp side because of these problems.

As far as I know, most servers are Imp-side dominated now anyway.

Same here.

Worst thing is that even Imp side farmers and in general better players simply refuse to roll Rep side.

It would be a greater challenge to them - and most PvP players write here they play it for the challenge anyway - but they seem to ffind the Imperial side a better challenge, when constantly playing Imp vs. Imp, and otherwise just farming Rep for Comms.


- The Rep pvp healer population has significantly declined. Reps in TRE rely heavily on healers.

- Most of the Rep pvp players do PvE. Most Imp players don't.

- Most of the Rep players have Imp alts especially now. Many Imps don't.

- The amount of Rep "companion mission" players is higher.

- Most of ToFN transfers went Imp side

- No heavy PvP guild/ premades Rep side. D.. R.. premades are sparse.

Edited by Aetideus
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Too kind.


No really, too kind. I'll be sure to try and winkle one of your snipers out so you regret me being there, next time I see them. At least you don't have electronet. ;)


I have a few more since last time we met in a warzone, you might not actually recognise some of them :)

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I had the same experience on Red Eclipse. I don't think I'm an especially good player, particularly at PVP, but I'm not so bad I should be dooming all the groups I play with. As I confirmed by switching to an Imp alt and getting a much more sensible ratio of wins despire being pretty sure I'm a worse player with that class..
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I think their are a myriad of reasons why pvp shifted over to the imp side on what were previously pub dominated servers.


1: Over all of the servers their were more imps than pubs queuing for pvp, after many migrations of pvpers to other servers, i believe the immediate balance faction wise was changed immensly the the sudden emergence of new blood. With more imps showing up, and the fact that the pvp community is relatively small now, a sudden influx of about 20 new imp players shifted the balance away from pub dominance.


2: Pub classes selection tends to be more varied when pvping than imps. And you are more likely to see a full range of classes in every warzone. Imps are more likely to stack certain classes. With balance being the **** way it is now, stacking 4 sorcs is perfectly viable. If balance were better, pvp might shift somewhat back to republic, but with the way it is now, the only thing left is for pubs to start stacking the favored classes.


3: Most of the pvp guilds for the republic were very insular, and really did not actively recruit. Even fewer even strived for ranked glory, which for the better part of two years has been the only thing that has changed for pvp. Eventually those guilds lost people, and considering that the win loss ratio was also starting to trickle away, this caused many of the more fairweather players to leave as well. Those that didnt leave the game entirely switched sides and now play imp, or focus more on pve aspects of the game(which has improved substantially)



Their are still times where pvp is republic favored on some servers, but its not during primetime. Primetime usually fairs a lot better for the imps than pubs on any server I have tried recently.

Edited by Haystak
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2: Pub classes selection tends to be more varied when pvping than imps. And you are more likely to see a full range of classes in every warzone. Imps are more likely to stack certain classes. With balance being the **** way it is now, stacking 4 sorcs is perfectly viable. If balance were better, pvp might shift somewhat back to republic, but with the way it is now, the only thing left is for pubs to start stacking the favored classes.


Interesting point.


So Imp side players prefer to stack classes to get an advantage over others ? This confirms my theory that Imp side players are a more aggressive type of players - because if they weren't, then they woldn't be so keen on getting *any* advantage over others ...


The better diversity of Rep side players is to me proof that they are *not* trying to exploit all possible advantages over others - hence the lesser class stacking. They seem to be more "fun" oriented, and seem to rather try to play in PvP what they like - not what is overpowered.


Even fewer even strived for ranked glory,


Another proof that the mindset of Imp side players is different than the one of Rep side players.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I know on the Harbinger it has turned so one sided now, favoring Imp side. Since 4.0 started, warzones have become so Imp dominated, to me its not even worth logging on my pub toons to play anymore. Ranked has been Imp dominated for a while, but now warzones are too. There was a bunch of very good pub players over here, but they seem to have disappeared. I see so many pub players doing pvp for conquest and companion quests, its very painful to play. Im done getting triple capped and farmed out of spawn, just not fun anymore. I now also play IMP side , a tleast I can win a lot of matches on IMP side. I have a few Pub toons on the Ebon Hawk, and that server seems Pub dominated in PVP. Probably going to move the rest of mine over there for I can at least have fun with them. Hoping sides balance out sooner or later.
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I had a few close matches and a few facerolls. To be honest, if you are a pug player, you will be facerolled by the same Imperial premades on the old Binger if you log your Imperial. So, might as well play the side you like. The outcome is the same. Find a group, or lose a lot.


Are you guys seriously saying that the Harbinger is particularly bad? Because I was not noticing much silliness in the regs till all the PvP servers arrived.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I think the situation here is glaringly apparent. I have been playing on my imp toons too frequently as of late so have been unable to carry the remaining rep population to imminent glory.


In all seriousness though, people repside are just looking for the next big great pvp guild, delusions of grandeur, ambition or even boredom lead them to search for the next dominant force because that is the situation most repside players have become used to. Whereas imp guilds tend to have a stronger core.


As for rep guilds being insular, I think it applies to both factions although I have always maintained that I would actively recruit and I'm always willing to take on new players as long as they are willing to learn, where other pvp guilds tend to cherry pick players.

I've been criticised for this by my officers and players have left because of my stance, I won't change my mind though. I was a new player once too and didn't have a clue (its up for debate if I even do now) but someone had the patience to give me a few pointers and made my ingame experience a little less painful.

Maybe if the other rep pvp'ers had this attitude we wouldn't have this faction imbalance problem...

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Repside on TRE was always better in yolo queue. As for regs, since like 3.3 there is simply not many dedicated PVP players left on repside in general and whoever is left is mostly doing yolo during the season (and probably quit \ transferred \ taking a break now).

I agree that repside lacks dedicated pvp guild with high and active playerbase. Most of the times i see alts of imp pvp'ers or pve premades farming conquest\companions or some good players who log in like once a month :)

I try to play repside as much as possible since it is much more challenging and fun, but not as much as i'd wanted due to time constraints and the fact that my mains are still imps so they need some love too :)

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