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Maintenance: November 17th, 2015


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Hello all. Returning player here.


I bought a one-off 60 days subscription a couple of weeks ago. While I sympathize with the devs currently at work, the company is simply not delivering. In fact, this situation is costing subscribers money.


Errors are bound to happen. Noone expects a completely error-free experience. But this one lost me a whole day out of those 60 (I'm in Europe), and there really should be some kind of compensation to make up for it. Subscribers should not have to pay the losses in time and money when something goes wrong


I would like to suggest to the staff responsible to consider compensation options for subscribers after this situation is sorted.


why not just unsub save those subs for 5 months buy the latest console game and complete it in 5 hours then remind yourself that maybe that subscription was value for money after all

Edited by picee
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and lastly it is a f2p game so your not losing anything. .


That is a pretty big assumption. I don't think FTP can even post on the forums, but regardless -- maybe its FTP for you, but I paid for my pre-launch deluxe version, and then for my sub since the first month that came with the was used up... I'm not raging, but if I wanted to, I certainly can. Your specious FTP comment is offensive, and we are losing something - play time we paid for. This hits the European subs the hardest -- but as its 2 pm Pacific at the time of my writing this, this is now cutting hard into East Coast prime time and every hour from now that marches west. If it is down until 5 PM PST -- that's 8 PM eastern -- the East Coast players start dropping off and the Euro players are long since in bed, and its still *at Work Time* for the APac players so WZ and group activity will be hard to come by even as West Coast Prime Time starts up.


Flipping out doesn't help, but it might be a little therapeutic -- because, despite what you seem to think, it is a legitimate complaint, particularly if you are a sub. If you work a job where today is one of your days off, and the only day you can really play more than an hour or so because you have a life -- then its even more painful. Maybe you should be more considerate of other people's experience before you take such a pithy position?

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Unfair on Europeans? You realize most patches start at around 7 to 9pm for those of us in Australia. Every patch takes away peak gaming time for us, and you don't hear us complaining.


Just because you don't complain, doesn't mean complaining is misplaced. Maybe you should complain as well.

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Companion base stats have been reduced.

Companion damage and healing output has been reduced.


Good, but by how much? Because my sub ends in a few days, less than a fortnight, and tomorrow would normally be the day I resub, so the first thing I intend to do when I get on is check I can still solo SF. Cuz if I can't.... well, there are a fair few games out there I enjoy a lot more than this already.


I heard that the companions are going to get a 70% reduction in healing and dps...This will mean the heroic SF can not be solo'd any longer.

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Fallout 4 is primarily played from your hard disk so I fail to see the comparison here.



That's the point: it's played from hard disk! you know, like all old shool game you bought once and you played as long as you want without paying a rent every month to be allowed to wait for hours for nothing.

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I have a STO account, it is totally free to play all of the game content, some things you can get by paying for them, but if you are patient you can use in game currency to get most of the payed for items, I've playe it for ~2 years and never had a sub with them, have several toons at max level with high end equipment/ships/etc.


Indeed. Pretty much every good F2P game does it this way.

Nothing is completely locked out since everything can be achieved with ingame currency.

Hell, Old Republic is probably one of the harshest on this front. Generally a F2P is looking at having to at the very least use a friend's referral link for the preferred friends bundle. And the credit cap is pretty harsh as most cartel market items which unlock stuff sell for more than that cap. At least in STO I can buy character slots, etc. purely with ingame currency.

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What happened, exactly? Did something go wrong during the patch coding? I mean, I know this stuff happens, but why did the SWTOR website go down? I mean how do you POSSIBLY mess up game coding and shut down a website? is it a problem with the servers? *Your servers, not the game servers* I mean, did someone get in or did this just happen somehow with the coding and messed up your servers? This happened once before, and it took 3 days to fix it. I'm installing right now, and it's stuck at 93.15%. (0.00KB) At first, I thought it was my internet, now I know better. I mean, sometimes I patch slow, but I stay at 80-100 ms at ALL TIMES. the only times I go over 100 ms is normally because of a storm. Other times, it's because more devices are riding the WiFi. I know you have no ETA, but when do you THINK you MIGHT be done? I'm not trying to be the person that's "hey hey hey fix this while you're at it, oh this and this and this and this and this to, oh an ban that person to" <----- I'm not trying to be that person Lol. Just a tad-bit disappointed I couldn't log on and patch and immediately click play. Than again, What's life without waiting? game just started installing some more again, but just a little bit.


If any of you have a few answers for me, please let me know, because I'd like to know what happened.


Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!


You may be new, but sometime in the past somebody make the awesome choice to tie the website in some way to at least some of the servers that run the game so that during patch day the website is down.

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"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom I can tell you I don't have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you return the server hamsters now that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you."

—Liam Neeson, Taken


Sick reference though bro. Everyone knows your references are out of control.

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hey everyone,


as you can tell, the website is back online, but the game servers are still down. We are actively investigating an issue with client patching. Unfortunately, i don't have any eta for you right now, but will keep you updated as i find out more!






so again the subbed players get ripped off with there money just ticking away with no game play this sucks you as a company should show some sort of goodwill and put 1 days sub back on our accounts for your tech issues

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OMG, seriously, someone was so bored they felt a need to whine about Star Trek Online here? Someone who clearly has not got the first clue about it?



Or.... just do what normal people do and spend a few weeks converting all your Dilithium to ingame currency. It takes one click per day on each alt, then you just stick it on the exchange once you have enough...


Or again, just use the Dil/Fleet Credits you get from normal gameplay to upgrade them. Again, no money required... It's no different to grinding ops gear. Hell, I don't think there is even a WAY to buy fleet credits with real money. I just use the ingame currency to buy fleet mark boosters and away I go... Millions of fleet credits without even trying.


One 20hr daily and repeatable 2hr ones. And you clearly never maxed one ever, since you'd know that once you do you get a booster you can give to alts which makes them advance much faster. And compare that to the rep system in SWTOR? How exactly does STO's time gating differ from having weekly caps on rep gains?


Okay, now I KNOW you don't actually PLAY the game. Most groups doing the equivalent of SWTOR's flashpoints just rotate between them. Time it takes to complete a bunch of them, the CD for the other ones has finished and you can start from the beginning if you are in a serious grind mood that night. The shared CDs are just for easy/normal/hard mode for THAT SPECIFIC ONE.


I don't think I've ever told someone they're just a scrub who needs to quit whining and learn to play, but DAMN, it's hard to resist right now...


Uh what he or she said about STO is absolutely true. Game worked fine till they updated, then it was nothing but the black screen of death.


Their answer to users who had this issue, (lifer sub here btw) get a new pc. The one you have can't run the game. Yet, their other games, work fine. This game, works fine. Other MMO's work fine. Their csr sucks, their game (now sucks) and their tangent into the DQ (and no that's delta quadrant not the dairy queen that would be an improvement for crytpic) sucks.

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I think it is sad that the devs can't even keep us informed it takes them hours to even replay to tell us something but it is in a pre programed speech the customer support in this game sucks and the devs can't even replay to let us know what is going on and whats the statis of the game I been playing this game from the beginning and it is getting worse everytime they patch the game they fix bugs and add new ones on every patch
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What happened, exactly? Did something go wrong during the patch coding? I mean, I know this stuff happens, but why did the SWTOR website go down? I mean how do you POSSIBLY mess up game coding and shut down a website? is it a problem with the servers? *Your servers, not the game servers* I mean, did someone get in or did this just happen somehow with the coding and messed up your servers? This happened once before, and it took 3 days to fix it. I'm installing right now, and it's stuck at 93.15%. (0.00KB) At first, I thought it was my internet, now I know better. I mean, sometimes I patch slow, but I stay at 80-100 ms at ALL TIMES. the only times I go over 100 ms is normally because of a storm. Other times, it's because more devices are riding the WiFi. I know you have no ETA, but when do you THINK you MIGHT be done? I'm not trying to be the person that's "hey hey hey fix this while you're at it, oh this and this and this and this and this to, oh an ban that person to" <----- I'm not trying to be that person Lol. Just a tad-bit disappointed I couldn't log on and patch and immediately click play. Than again, What's life without waiting? game just started installing some more again, but just a little bit.


If any of you have a few answers for me, please let me know, because I'd like to know what happened.


Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!


Well you see it all started with a badger the little badger got this great idea of adding the walrus (bitraider) to the client. Next came many a issues with the walrus being slow, not able to keep up. It mainly wanted to be idle not move much. But the badger kept defending it to the Silly wabbits so the wabbits kept it. And once again the walrus has failed to move his *** and the badger is currently somewhere unknown to fix the problem, and the silly wabbits are tapping their foots behind the poor piggy dev who is frantically with his little hooves clicking away thru 5 billion lines of code to find the walrus's problem.



Oh and the site always goes down during maintenance.

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I see most of you saying you got stuck at xx.xx% and it appears to be going forward but very slowly. I have gotten stuck with the "error while downloading patch 310 retrying" is anyone else encountering this? I also just did the work around in the settings file to get rid of bit raider so I'm not sure if that boofed it for me or if I'm just getting a variation of the same patch bug everyone else is experiencing
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