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Maintenance: November 17th, 2015


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Hey everyone,


We've seen reports of people getting stuck while downloading or encountering other issues with the Launcher. We recommend not attempting to patch the game while we are investigating the ongoing issues. If you are already in a stuck state, we will update you later on what needs to be done to resolve your issue.




Can you idiots ever get anything right?

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is it pay to win or a fair business model? free to play is a cancer, I prefer to pay once a month and have access to everything instead of having to buy individual pieces of stuff which adds up to way more


I have a STO account, it is totally free to play all of the game content, some things you can get by paying for them, but if you are patient you can use in game currency to get most of the payed for items, I've playe it for ~2 years and never had a sub with them, have several toons at max level with high end equipment/ships/etc.

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As i said in other thread. Because of situations like this, i more and more appreciate the "no downtime patent" in GW2. Hour notice, hour passed, dc, download, login, play :). Game has 3 years and there was maybe 2 or 3 hour maintenance over this time, impressive.


Anyways there is not reason to whine, You can do many productive stuff today. You will play tommorow :)


i have nothing to do at all today so what do you recommend me do??????????????

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Night night every one , hope u have fun waiting and downloading :) I will not have this pleasure , thank you very much Bioware and EA I expect not to be charged for next month or least extra week or something up to for all subscribers! Edited by Bloodgodness
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Only if it's a Quinn, Andronikos, Vector, Torian, Corso, Jorgan, Doc, and Iresso and Tharan strip tease WITH Theron and the song is something awesome from Rob Zombie.:p


Thunderkiss `65 or Electric Head pt 2 :D

Edited by Petrockss
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It is very unfair on European players to be carrying out patching at a peak period for them. This might be the worst case so far, but its not the first case of a maintenance extension impacting European subscribers available game time. If you wish to use European peak times for patching so that potential problems don't effect American servers during heavy usage, you should consider charging less for subscribing in Europe. This would factor in the lower level of service and availability you are providing to those customers on those servers.


Unfair on Europeans? You realize most patches start at around 7 to 9pm for those of us in Australia. Every patch takes away peak gaming time for us, and you don't hear us complaining.

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What happened, exactly? Did something go wrong during the patch coding? I mean, I know this stuff happens, but why did the SWTOR website go down? I mean how do you POSSIBLY mess up game coding and shut down a website? is it a problem with the servers? *Your servers, not the game servers* I mean, did someone get in or did this just happen somehow with the coding and messed up your servers? This happened once before, and it took 3 days to fix it. I'm installing right now, and it's stuck at 93.15%. (0.00KB) At first, I thought it was my internet, now I know better. I mean, sometimes I patch slow, but I stay at 80-100 ms at ALL TIMES. the only times I go over 100 ms is normally because of a storm. Other times, it's because more devices are riding the WiFi. I know you have no ETA, but when do you THINK you MIGHT be done? I'm not trying to be the person that's "hey hey hey fix this while you're at it, oh this and this and this and this and this to, oh an ban that person to" <----- I'm not trying to be that person Lol. Just a tad-bit disappointed I couldn't log on and patch and immediately click play. Than again, What's life without waiting? game just started installing some more again, but just a little bit.


If any of you have a few answers for me, please let me know, because I'd like to know what happened.


Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!

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wonder why they don't let those of us who can get in, get in. I mean, no matter what they're doin on that side, its still going to be a patcher issue, not a server issue. soooooooo


Oh wth I'll slap bioware finally. Probably cause knowing them their linked together somehow and if one is up they all are up if one is screwed their all screwed. oOOHH!!! Kitty

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I am also a subscriber BUT I am not throwing a tantrum like a lot of people are on here. Regardless of how certain players may or may not feel, SWTOR will update/patch their game how best they see fit. All of the whining isn't going to make it any easier for you or quicker. They'll get the game up when they are able to. Maybe you should find other things to occupy your time instead of whining to others about your lack of being able to play. When it comes down to it, it is JUST A GAME no matter how much money you have spent on it or plan to spend on it.


I realize that this will rub people the wrong way but so does childish whining because you can't play a game. Life is too short to being getting all upset over a video game. Now, bring on the hate messages since I knew when I typed this that it would generate it regardless of how I chose to word my thoughts.


This guy. . . . . Gets it

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"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom I can tell you I don't have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you return the server hamsters now that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you."

—Liam Neeson, Taken

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