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Maintenance: November 17th, 2015


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Let me quote it for you:




Enlightenment: Meaning of free - redefined.



Statement: my beloved shḯtgun's RoF is insufficient to deal with this thread. Gone shopping for a new, 42-barreled one.


Reminder: There are meatbags that pay to play the game instead of being free to play. The pay to play Meatbags can post on the forums unrestricted.

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its not just the game there is all so now the refer a friend links that was pointed ou to them back in July and now that two its seams there should be more info chat about whats the thing thats now caused some players to miss a hole day of play time for what was to have been 4hrs of down time.:confused:
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Hey Bio!


I know somewhere, behind Austin HQ is a spot where some of you go to pull your hair out in frustration while you kill a stick..


Once you finish up out there, (don't forget a mint) could someone come in and give us some sort of update and guide as to 'backing out' of this update? At least tell those of us hung to 'hang it up' and wait for further news, or if it will come back if we are patient, or what? I ask the cig smokers because as history has shown me, one of them generally has a clue as to WTH is going on in the server room..

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Coins can be a few days delayed on being delivered to you :)

I've been subbed for a long time and sometimes they come on time, the other months they don't. But in the end you will get them sooner or later :p



Thank You


I usually get mine straight away, this time, didnt, just got concerned a bit ;)

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I bet there's a few people at BW working their collective butts off to get this patch working for us.


Just want to say thank you to those people that are really working hard at this moment.



Believe me, I'm itching to get in and play as badly as anybody and as unhappy I can't. However I have worked in IT; I know that sometimes crap just happens. I can live with the downtime as long as what we're presented with afterward is a good update.

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I don't care either way, but your wrong on that note. NCSOFT messed up a Lineage II patch, they're extended downtime was due to them having to remove the patch they were doing during their maintenance period. And even told their subs they were doing that. At the end they appologiezed and gave every sub 3 free days for being patient while they put the servers back to the original state as the patch broke the something with AI server. Personally I didn't care and don't with TOR even as a sub. My point is they know Bitraider is flawed, and has proven to be an extreme issue time and again. Get rid of it.


I completely agree, get rid of Bitraider.

and i'd like to add, upgrade the technology.

Edited by juggernomad
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I don't really get the argument that "you only lost a few hours and it'll be up again soon".

That's fine and dandy if you're an American player and you just got home, but for us Europeans, it's nearing midnight and the servers still aren't back up.


That isn't a few hours, that's an entire day. With a full-time job, I have basically missed an entire day of the Rakghoul event, for example.


I agree with you. Personally its not even about the money, games cheap, it's just the point. This is a game I subscribe to, get next to no customer support when requesting it, and no promise of what my monthly subscription actually means. For every month I'm subscribed I feel like I'm cared about as a customer less.


I know if I treated my customers like this I'd have no work.

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I don't really get the argument that "you only lost a few hours and it'll be up again soon".

That's fine and dandy if you're an American player and you just got home, but for us Europeans, it's nearing midnight and the servers still aren't back up.


That isn't a few hours, that's an entire day. With a full-time job, I have basically missed an entire day of the Rakghoul event, for example.

Bad example because the event ended when the servers went down.

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Great job Bioware. First you nerf companions into oblivion, and then you screw the pooch on maintenance day. How about you take the time to fix the numerous bugs that this game has instead of nerfing companions and actually provide some stuff that benefits the players instead of hindering them? Talk about one giant clusterf**k! :mad:
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LOL... "Initializing". . . . . "This Patch has encountered an unspecified Error, Please try this Patch again", Okaaaay, It was running through the patch this morning. Stepped away for a sec and came back to this..... Current time is now 1527 CST, Began Trying to Download at 1100 CST. This coupled with several other issues makes me wonder if this game is worth keeping the 2 subscriptions I have here going, Not the first time, Patches have gone F.U.B.A.R.
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Hey Bio!


I know somewhere, behind Austin HQ is a spot where some of you go to pull your hair out in frustration while you kill a stick..


Once you finish up out there, (don't forget a mint) could someone come in and give us some sort of update and guide as to 'backing out' of this update? At least tell those of us hung to 'hang it up' and wait for further news, or if it will come back if we are patient, or what? I ask the cig smokers because as history has shown me, one of them generally has a clue as to WTH is going on in the server room..


They already did just that, the last dev post in this thread says "It's broken, don't mess with it", which of course got the response of "don't tell us what to do", or something along those lines. If you click on the yellow W it will take you the first dev post, then it will take you to the next one and the next one.

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