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Bio - PVE people all giving up and sitting on one node in WZ


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Just to chime in here as a PvE player who now run two characters through the PvP requirements - the reason some of us are doing it, despite not being fast or skilled (or in my case due to my hands being screwed), is that we physically can't reject the companion/skip recruiting them without doing the 20 matches.


Why does that matter? Welp, if we don't clear that companion mission we don't get any further companion missions from that contact, that means all other companions that follow are locked out, so even if I didn't want 4X but want to get the mission to re-recruit say, Iresso, I won't get the chance because I'll never get the mission.


I think the devs need to either switch it so you can reject the PvP-linked companions straight off or seriously lower the PvP requirements, down to say 5 matches or the medal suggestion someone posted upthread.


I don't want to PvP, I don't want to ruin other players enjoyment of the game, but if I want to move the companion chain along for future returning companions I have to, and while I try, I don't have the gear, the experience or the physical ability to contribute the way many seem to be demanding.


I think we all understand why PVE people who don't want to PVP are in PVP... It was sort of a good idea by the Devs to get people to try PVP... But it wasn't thought through and was badly implemented...


I for one welcome new pvpers... What I don't welcome is a whole team of PVE people just AFKing at a node without trying... What would be good is if Bio made it a bit easier for you guys to understand PVP and help you be geared right as well as giving you more of an incentive to participate in the matches and not just afk to get your companion


3 things should happen "if" they are going to keep this model for getting those companions or continuing the story..


1. Only give points or quest completion based on wins

2. Reverse Bolster for people with too high gear back to 190 PVE gear and give them 2018 expertise

3. Don't allow people to queue who don't have crystals in weapons or every gear slot filled

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3 things should happen "if" they are going to keep this model for getting those companions or continuing the story..


1. Only give points or quest completion based on wins

Bad idea. Explained many times why.


2. Reverse Bolster for people with too high gear back to 190 PVE gear and give them 2018 expertise

Probably a good idea, in theory. In practice, no doubt very complicated.


3. Don't allow people to queue who don't have crystals in weapons or every gear slot filled

For regular WZs? No.

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I think we all understand why PVE people who don't want to PVP are in PVP... It was sort of a good idea by the Devs to get people to try PVP... But it wasn't thought through and was badly implemented...

Bioware made the UNRANKED Zones, NOT to cater to a PVP community's seriousness of wins and losses, but to Introduce...to HAVE ALL that annoys the serious PVPers, be it entering With no Crystals, low gear oe no skill at all.

DEAL WITH IT! Bioware made it that way....they also made the RANKED zones for the serious PVPers.

SO ALL whining about gear or what ever in the unranked ZONES, is really not speaking voloumes of how they ( PVPers) Understand the game.

UNRAED are ther for this...to be unserious etc........it IS the intetion......so if you and other PVPers have issues....then get better and good enough to do Ranked....since Your "Counts" are so all important.

It is siply idiotic to see the unranked as anything other then what Bioware inteed....unserious...play and everythig goes areas.


I for one welcome new pvpers... What I don't welcome is a whole team of PVE people just AFKing at a node without trying... What would be good is if Bio made it a bit easier for you guys to understand PVP and help you be geared right as well as giving you more of an incentive to participate in the matches and not just afk to get your companion


Again THIS IS ONLY the fault of the PVPers..............I bet you not many PVEers enter ranked Zones and afks in the middle of Things nor give up or don't try............THIS is a UNRANKED zone thing.....and is a GOOD thing, since that is excactly what Bioware intended......UNRNKED is NOT serious....deal With it or grow better at pvp and do Ranked



3 things should happen "if" they are going to keep this model for getting those companions or continuing the story..

What they ( PVEers) Should do is og to the unranked zomes and do their thing like bioware intended.........regardless of how it annoys , sorry to say, a PVPer who's inability to understand the FACT that unranked is PLAY, it means NOTHING, so anything goes.......even what "kills" PVPthere.......again it is what BIOWARE INTENDED


1. Only give points or quest completion based on wins


In ranked Zones yes.........for unraked....grow up, it will not work, as t will make Bioware loose players....I assume you pay them the commisions lost LOL.


2. Reverse Bolster for people with too high gear back to 190 PVE gear and give them 2018 expertise

Still in Ranked, Unranked.....like intedded ANYTHING goes


3. Don't allow people to queue who don't have crystals in weapons or every gear slot filled


Allways allow this


HOW COME a pvper is unable to seperate ranked and unranked? THAT is a mystery to me

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I can't stand getting teams where 4 people don't have a crystal. Can we at least start with in order to queue every slot in the gear must be filled with something? That would at least put people on the right path.


If a person is unable to figure out they need a crystal in their weapon even after the game tells them that slot is lacking proper form resulting in gimped expertise, they probably would not do much in the match anyway.


Adding a crystal won't suddenly add a clue on their behalf. I guess it would save the players the hassle of dealing with a person who really is clueless though.


Ok fine. Don't let crystal-less peoples queue. Down with crystal-less peoples and their gimped expertise!!!!

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If a person is unable to figure out they need a crystal in their weapon even after the game tells them that slot is lacking proper form resulting in gimped expertise, they probably would not do much in the match anyway.


Adding a crystal won't suddenly add a clue on their behalf. I guess it would save the players the hassle of dealing with a person who really is clueless though.


Ok fine. Don't let crystal-less peoples queue. Down with crystal-less peoples and their gimped expertise!!!!

The crystal thing is not just about PvPers not having Expertise crystals in, it's more about PvEers not having PvE crystals in.

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As long as the "unskilled" stay the H*** away from the Ranked pvp witch actually marrer.then I can't see the problem....


SO what is everyone F***S up everything in the unraked zones....it is unranked it don't matter AT ALL


Stop complaining about unraneked Things and ALL will have a better pvp experience here on swtro.


PVPers not BOTHERING to do ranked pvp should not BOTHER complaining in unraked.....it is only selfish

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Allways allow this


HOW COME a pvper is unable to seperate ranked and unranked? THAT is a mystery to me


Holy edit batman... Please don't edit my posts with your rubbish to make it look like I wrote that lot of garbage... If you want to quote someone, then actually quote them... Don't edit it like you did so that it misrepresents what they wrote...

It really is pretty childish

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Only today when doing my Commando's class story I found out that nowadays generators & shields don't have any crystals as well ! :eek:


My older ones still have them.


Bioware made the UNRANKED Zones, NOT to cater to a PVP community's seriousness of wins and losses, but to Introduce...to HAVE ALL that annoys the serious PVPers, be it entering With no Crystals, low gear oe no skill at all.


I see what you mean, and I kind of agree. Unranked PvP is like sandbox playing : Nothing can go wrong, because there is no "real business" in it. So nwhy this hate & anger over people who don't want to lose in PvP ? I mean, as I interpret it, they gather around nodes because they don't want to get farmed.

That's understandable from their point of view, but not understandable from the point of view of the average PvP player.

Okay, some PvP players do like to farm others, for some it is even fun. But ... shouldn't we play for the fun, but for the win instead ?

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Bad idea. Explained many times why.


Probably a good idea, in theory. In practice, no doubt very complicated.


For regular WZs? No.


I didn't say it was a perfect solution... I don't think there is one for this situation...


Except for the option to completely remove the need to do PVP for companion quests or to do conquest stuf, there needs to be an incentive to make PVE people participate in the matches if they have to be in PVP...

Some people respond to a carrot, some people a stick... The middle ground is to say we will give you your companions, but you must participate in the matches and not just sit AFK on the sidelines... So making only wins count is a ledgitmate way to do that... If you can think of another way that "will" make people doing those quests or conquest participate, please tell us... I just can't see anything short of a win scenario working


Doing a reverse bolster on highend gear should also not be as hard as it sounds... Those equations are basically done already to work out how much expertise to remove... So instead of removing expertise, how about keeping the expertise and just reduce the stats back to 190 lvl PVE gear, which is where the PVE gear sweet spot is before you lose expertise... This is a much easier solution than PVE people trying to work out why their high lvl gear is rubbish in PVP and why they should wear 190 PVE gear


As for the crystal thing... Sorry I don't understand what the issue is there... You wouldn't let someone do an OP with no crystals, why should someone be allowed to do PVP with no crystals??... In an OP you can boot someone before it starts if they don't meet the requirements, we have no such option in PVP... By having a simple rule that doesn't allow you to enter a PVP queue with no crystal installed, tells those people to equipe crystals... Not sure what's so hard about that 😏

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Only today when doing my Commando's class story I found out that nowadays generators & shields don't have any crystals as well ! :eek:



Yeah, it really was a bad move removing crystals from green, blue and even non modable purple weapons and off hands... That never needed to happen... Especially on off hand generators and shields where you can't even see the colour

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I didn't say it was a perfect solution... I don't think there is one for this situation...


Except for the option to completely remove the need to do PVP for companion quests or to do conquest stuf, there needs to be an incentive to make PVE people participate in the matches if they have to be in PVP...

Some people respond to a carrot, some people a stick... The middle ground is to say we will give you your companions, but you must participate in the matches and not just sit AFK on the sidelines... So making only wins count is a ledgitmate way to do that... If you can think of another way that "will" make people doing those quests or conquest participate, please tell us... I just can't see anything short of a win scenario working


Doing a reverse bolster on highend gear should also not be as hard as it sounds... Those equations are basically done already to work out how much expertise to remove... So instead of removing expertise, how about keeping the expertise and just reduce the stats back to 190 lvl PVE gear, which is where the PVE gear sweet spot is before you lose expertise... This is a much easier solution than PVE people trying to work out why their high lvl gear is rubbish in PVP and why they should wear 190 PVE gear


As for the crystal thing... Sorry I don't understand what the issue is there... You wouldn't let someone do an OP with no crystals, why should someone be allowed to do PVP with no crystals??... In an OP you can boot someone before it starts if they don't meet the requirements, we have no such option in PVP... By having a simple rule that doesn't allow you to enter a PVP queue with no crystal installed, tells those people to equipe crystals... Not sure what's so hard about that 😏


First off. Sorry for the other messy quote.


The problem in having a "WIN" only reqirement is the rather one sided win ration, at least on my server.

Here the Imps RULE pvp, so be it.......but addin a win requiremnt mean in essensce hardly any Pub players, other then the dedicated pvpers have a real chance of getting them.


I however can not for the life of me see why the focus on so and so gear, so and so partisipation even, some really are so clueless to pvp standing by a node, even rushing in to just die IS an attamt to actually do something........gear or not.

To me it seems the PVP community, probably for a lack of content, feels that the unranked, sandbox, totally unserious UNRANKED zones all of a sudden matter.


Now I would be the first to applaude any change that highten the pvpers experiences in RANKED pvp, here winning and loosing DO MATTER, in the unranked zones, thank god winning and loosing do not matter.


I think you have a good point in finding some way to encourage pve and pvp players alike to pvp on swtor, but I honestly think the ONLY way is for the PVP community to trat the unranked zones like Bioware intended them to be.

100% unseious, anything goes pvp "PLAY", here to get the commendations you need.


I do however thing there should be some Intermediate PVP as well, maybe a way to qualify for Ranked pvp.

I doubt gear alone will keep out the "egg heads" if you will.



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First off. Sorry for the other messy quote.


The problem in having a "WIN" only reqirement is the rather one sided win ration, at least on my server.

Here the Imps RULE pvp, so be it.......but addin a win requiremnt mean in essensce hardly any Pub players, other then the dedicated pvpers have a real chance of getting them.


I however can not for the life of me see why the focus on so and so gear, so and so partisipation even, some really are so clueless to pvp standing by a node, even rushing in to just die IS an attamt to actually do something........gear or not.

To me it seems the PVP community, probably for a lack of content, feels that the unranked, sandbox, totally unserious UNRANKED zones all of a sudden matter.


Now I would be the first to applaude any change that highten the pvpers experiences in RANKED pvp, here winning and loosing DO MATTER, in the unranked zones, thank god winning and loosing do not matter.


I think you have a good point in finding some way to encourage pve and pvp players alike to pvp on swtor, but I honestly think the ONLY way is for the PVP community to trat the unranked zones like Bioware intended them to be.

100% unseious, anything goes pvp "PLAY", here to get the commendations you need.


I do however thing there should be some Intermediate PVP as well, maybe a way to qualify for Ranked pvp.

I doubt gear alone will keep out the "egg heads" if you will.




The only issue is ranked is 4 man arena only... It is also only viable if you are on a FOTM toon... There is no 8 man ranked anymore... There are a lot of "reg" players who are more than capable of playing ranked... There are a few reasons that we don't... Ie, we hate 4 man death match, we prefer objective PVP, we don't want to forced to play FOTM classes just so we can participate...

This is why "regs" or unranked WZs are important for many of us and do matter, it's not something new all of a sudden... Since Bio removed our 8 man ranked and dumped this 4 man Arena ranked mess on us we have had no outlet for serious 8 man PVP... This is a shame because the better players have no where to play and the new or Intermediate players get lumped in with us... Im sure if we had a solo 8 man ranked queue like the 4 man ranked queue, there would be a lot more people queued for that than 4 man ranked...

Then "regs" would be a training ground and would be a non serious WZ... But as it currently is, it is a mix of serious and non serious players... Both have valid points on why the current system ruins it for them...

The serious people are annoyed at people not trying, not gearing, not equipping crystals, or even when fighting people not trying to win or play objectives

The non serious, casual or new people are annoyed because the serious people just farm them, rage at them, global them and it's not an enjoyable experience for them...

But seeing as we have this terrible system, we need to work out how to make it work as best as possible so that we can all try and enjoy it...

I can see why you're concerned about faction imbalance affecting your completion of republic companion quests if they were based on wins... I'm not sure what the solution might be... Maybe base it on participation medals, but that would also require an ungrade to that system otherwise it would encourage AFK people to camp the node to get defence medals all match... What ever the solution, there needs to be an incentive for PVE people to "try"... With out the carrot and stick they will continue to AFK and not participate or try...

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The only issue is ranked is 4 man arena only... It is also only viable if you are on a FOTM toon... There is no 8 man ranked anymore... There are a lot of "reg" players who are more than capable of playing ranked... There are a few reasons that we don't... Ie, we hate 4 man death match, we prefer objective PVP, we don't want to forced to play FOTM classes just so we can participate...

This is why "regs" or unranked WZs are important for many of us and do matter, it's not something new all of a sudden... Since Bio removed our 8 man ranked and dumped this 4 man Arena ranked mess on us we have had no outlet for serious 8 man PVP... This is a shame because the better players have no where to play and the new or Intermediate players get lumped in with us... Im sure if we had a solo 8 man ranked queue like the 4 man ranked queue, there would be a lot more people queued for that than 4 man ranked...

Then "regs" would be a training ground and would be a non serious WZ... But as it currently is, it is a mix of serious and non serious players... Both have valid points on why the current system ruins it for them...

The serious people are annoyed at people not trying, not gearing, not equipping crystals, or even when fighting people not trying to win or play objectives

The non serious, casual or new people are annoyed because the serious people just farm them, rage at them, global them and it's not an enjoyable experience for them...

But seeing as we have this terrible system, we need to work out how to make it work as best as possible so that we can all try and enjoy it...

I can see why you're concerned about faction imbalance affecting your completion of republic companion quests if they were based on wins... I'm not sure what the solution might be... Maybe base it on participation medals, but that would also require an ungrade to that system otherwise it would encourage AFK people to camp the node to get defence medals all match... What ever the solution, there needs to be an incentive for PVE people to "try"... With out the carrot and stick they will continue to AFK and not participate or try...


Fantastic post, and I have to agree in a lot of.

I was thinking the "importance" of the unranked zones ahd to With lack of content............something I am urging bioware to change.

I would for be extremely excited to "try" and dive more into the swtor pvp ( mess here, yes it is a mess) if the content appealed to me more.


Beuse of the slimplicity, ansd my extrmeme low skill in pvp, I prefer the simpler Things like Death matches really.

I think I poseted in the sugestet contet thread here about a pvp based campaign, use the "story" of the war and make it pvp, With imps attacking Coruscant and Reps attacking Kaas.......With or With out any pve added mobs for "forces".......something like that, With added objectives...like guard a zone, plant a bomb, Control a zone etc etc I think would also prompt Bioware to look into re introducing 8vs 8 pvp.


That being said.....the PVE "Conquest" I actually feel lacks PVP content......it is about controlling a planet, and many have contested areas, where at times bases are raided, as well as ALOT of stuff.......how ever 4-8-20 on each side, fcing off at such a base, in PVE open world PVP combat could be awesome......I think if there maybe was a thread here, where you according to servers could "sign up"


I like a "promotion" at least to a more serious Level of pvp based on , Things like Medals, achevemnet wins etc.

You can't farma million of the same medal........you need one other.....same With achevments........but at a fairly easy Level, for most........not all, but most of the PVE related content requirering pvp.


I think one thing that may help more then hurt, but requrie ALOT of work by players.


How about even on PVE worlds, go to areas, aannounce ( just in case) and conduct some pvp "training"......


Also I think possibly you will agree With me on this. Gear........I think there should only be one type of gir, meaning ALL gear have the "expertise" stat........this is also Perfect, for open pvp areas, pvp servers, and will go along way in "helping" the issue With People being wrongly geared.

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Fantastic post, and I have to agree in a lot of.

I was thinking the "importance" of the unranked zones ahd to With lack of content............something I am urging bioware to change.

I would for be extremely excited to "try" and dive more into the swtor pvp ( mess here, yes it is a mess) if the content appealed to me more.


Beuse of the slimplicity, ansd my extrmeme low skill in pvp, I prefer the simpler Things like Death matches really.

I think I poseted in the sugestet contet thread here about a pvp based campaign, use the "story" of the war and make it pvp, With imps attacking Coruscant and Reps attacking Kaas.......With or With out any pve added mobs for "forces".......something like that, With added objectives...like guard a zone, plant a bomb, Control a zone etc etc I think would also prompt Bioware to look into re introducing 8vs 8 pvp.


That being said.....the PVE "Conquest" I actually feel lacks PVP content......it is about controlling a planet, and many have contested areas, where at times bases are raided, as well as ALOT of stuff.......how ever 4-8-20 on each side, fcing off at such a base, in PVE open world PVP combat could be awesome......I think if there maybe was a thread here, where you according to servers could "sign up"


I like a "promotion" at least to a more serious Level of pvp based on , Things like Medals, achevemnet wins etc.

You can't farma million of the same medal........you need one other.....same With achevments........but at a fairly easy Level, for most........not all, but most of the PVE related content requirering pvp.


I think one thing that may help more then hurt, but requrie ALOT of work by players.


How about even on PVE worlds, go to areas, aannounce ( just in case) and conduct some pvp "training"......


Also I think possibly you will agree With me on this. Gear........I think there should only be one type of gir, meaning ALL gear have the "expertise" stat........this is also Perfect, for open pvp areas, pvp servers, and will go along way in "helping" the issue With People being wrongly geared.


When 4.0 was released there was a bug that allowed opposite factions to enter the other factions planets to PVP people... Everyone lost their minds over it... Sure it was a bug and the way it was wouldn't have worked... But I started a thread asking them not to remove it, but to fix/enhance it so it was an actual feature... Myself and a few others suggested lots of safe guards to prevent ganking of new people or people who didn't want to PVP... But we either got trolled or the PVE people couldn't understand how this would be good and would have zero impact on them, so they argued and raged at the idea till we gave up

The thing is this would have been the ultimate story mode for the game... The whole game since launch was about the republic against the empire... Even the original cut scene showed the imperials invading the Jedi temple... So why not have the ability to do this in the game??... Even in the PVE mode it doesn't happen... The whole time doing the original story I kept waiting for the opportunity to have a big invasion of the enemy Homeworlds...

I'm not sure if you ever played World or Warcraft before, but there was an option/raid you could do on the other factions city... It was some of the best PVP in the game... Players could decide wether or not to participate or they could just watch... Certain NPCs weren't kill able, so that never interfered with people's game... And even non pvpers would rally to protect their city from the enemy... It was a source of pride and outrage that they would attempt to attack us... So we would gather people from all different game areas to come and defend... This is how I actually did my first PVP, before that I had been too intimidated... Once I got a taste for it I went and did WZs and got hooked on PVP... This is how a lot of people in wow started out their PVP careers... Swtor has no such feature...

I really do think an option to raid the opposite factions Homeworlds would be an awesome feature and would probably be a better way to get people to try PVP instead of forcing them to do it for a PVE companion


If you are interested in the idea of cross faction Homeworld PVP raids like I describe above, have a read of this thread... It evolves as it goes on and there are lots of ideas on how to make it work... I'm pretty sure we answered every concern people had as to why it wouldn't work... But in the end the negative Nancies derailed the thread and the idea






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I didn't say it was a perfect solution... I don't think there is one for this situation...


Except for the option to completely remove the need to do PVP for companion quests or to do conquest stuf, there needs to be an incentive to make PVE people participate in the matches if they have to be in PVP.

No, there does not, nor can there be. If you make it "wins only" your WZs will simply be cluttered up more with reluctant PvEers. It won't make them try harder and it won't them give up and go away.


Some people respond to a carrot, some people a stick... The middle ground is to say we will give you your companions, but you must participate in the matches and not just sit AFK on the sidelines.

Define "participation." Simply not going AFK? If I (hypothetically) join a WZ and turn chat off and run around aimlessly, am I "participating?" Do I have to occasionally attack someone on the other team? How many times? Do I have to get at least one kill? What's the bar, here?


So making only wins count is a ledgitmate way to do that... If you can think of another way that "will" make people doing those quests or conquest participate, please tell us... I just can't see anything short of a win scenario working

There is no "other" way because there is no way.


As for the crystal thing... Sorry I don't understand what the issue is there... You wouldn't let someone do an OP with no crystals, why should someone be allowed to do PVP with no crystals??... In an OP you can boot someone before it starts if they don't meet the requirements, we have no such option in PVP... By having a simple rule that doesn't allow you to enter a PVP queue with no crystal installed, tells those people to equipe crystals... Not sure what's so hard about that 😏

Bolster applies in tactical FPs and SM Ops just as much as it does in regular WZs. The (theoretical) point of Bolster is to eliminate the need for minimum gearing. Your suggestion is totally counter to that. It is never going to happen.

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No, there does not, nor can there be. If you make it "wins only" your WZs will simply be cluttered up more with reluctant PvEers. It won't make them try harder and it won't them give up and go away.


Define "participation." Simply not going AFK? If I (hypothetically) join a WZ and turn chat off and run around aimlessly, am I "participating?" Do I have to occasionally attack someone on the other team? How many times? Do I have to get at least one kill? What's the bar, here?


There is no "other" way because there is no way.


Bolster applies in tactical FPs and SM Ops just as much as it does in regular WZs. The (theoretical) point of Bolster is to eliminate the need for minimum gearing. Your suggestion is totally counter to that. It is never going to happen.


Wow, QQ much??... You're about as negative and close minded as I've seen on these forums... I guess your intention is to just vent hot air instead of debating a solution... I'm sure if I said PVP was white, you'd say it was black...

You know we don't really care about you QQing... I offered some advice on where to go have a QQ that might actually get the attention you so desperately want... The Devs don't read this section, most PVE people don't read this section...


Why did I start this thread in this section, so that other pvpers could comment on what they are seeing... I've probably got less than a one percent chance that anyone that matters in Bio will actually read it... I also knew better than to post it in general because PVE people wouldn't care and it would disappear of the front page in 30mins


So instead of being mister negative and QQing... Go play some PVE or go start your own thread in the general section and ask them to remove the requirement for you to have to PVP to get your companion... You'll be doing us all a favour if you can get them to do it

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What is participation.........


I am sure the defenition will vary somewhat, but I think most will agree on what is not.


I was on a winning team in huttball the other day, I had not a single Clue to what I was doing and to the point any possible instructon given to me would have been "chinese".




What I found I COUD do was all Things making my total noobish ness an edge for my team.

I disrupted and made the other team farm me for kills as much as I could..............since it was all I could.


Well the rest of the then made score after score.....


Did I participate......yes.

did In any way "know" what I was doing....not at all....I be I still won't


So what s participate? I think it is doing what little you can and simply TRY something....yes standing guard at a node can sometimes be the exact right thing, other times NOT.

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What is participation.........


I am sure the defenition will vary somewhat, but I think most will agree on what is not.


I was on a winning team in huttball the other day, I had not a single Clue to what I was doing and to the point any possible instructon given to me would have been "chinese".




What I found I COUD do was all Things making my total noobish ness an edge for my team.

I disrupted and made the other team farm me for kills as much as I could..............since it was all I could.


Well the rest of the then made score after score.....


Did I participate......yes.

did In any way "know" what I was doing....not at all....I be I still won't


So what s participate? I think it is doing what little you can and simply TRY something....yes standing guard at a node can sometimes be the exact right thing, other times NOT.


LoL... You did OK in Hutt Ball with what you did.. It's one of those maps that needs a little explaining, especially on tactics... Bio really should have a tutorial and proper explanation for each WZ type, but I think Hutt Ball needs it the most..


If you want to know how to play Hutt Ball do a quick search of the forums, I'm sure there must be a thread someone has started on it... But if you can't find anything, just start a thread and ask us what you want to know and we'll try to give advice on tactics and strategy

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The thing about "forcing" PvE players to PvP is you can't force them to like it.


20 matches of getting farmed at the spawn? Congratulations, "pros", your club stays exclusive, your queue times stay long, and the only thing you taught these noobs was how to get primaried. They never had a game where they could say "GG" without facepalming. Nobody wants to group with them because they're so bad and generally wastes of a slot against teams full of "pros" anyway.


The solution we could shout over and over and over until we're blue in the face: Bioware, make better matches.

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Requiring 20 matches for comps is a *********** awful idea.


I started Pierce with a lot of affection or whatever it's called now and don't give a **** because getting him back was just something to do between pops. Maybe he'll be a good crafting monkey. Meanwhile, there are plenty in my WZs now that do nothing or have anxiety freakouts in chat because they're RL scared of silly video game PVP but want their pet back.


In yesterday's patch they buffed the comms payouts. That's plenty of incentive and support for anyone who actually wants to start trying PVP.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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No one says you have got to have that comp. ya end up with a couple of dozen of them that you will never use anyways. Man, Bioware throws pvp a bone by giving them a companion attained doing pvp and the rest of the population acts like they got jobbed out of the family fortune.


What about all the pve stuff everyone has to do to get the rest of em? So, 99% pve and 1 % pvp to get all the companions and the 1% is enough to send players crying to the forums complaining.



Edited by MotorCityMan
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Wow, QQ much??...

You have an extraordinarily expansive definition of "QQ."


You're about as negative and close minded as I've seen on these forums...

You should read the PvP forum, then.


I guess your intention is to just vent hot air instead of debating a solution... I'm sure if I said PVP was white, you'd say it was black...

I asked a series of questions. The fact that you choose to spew nonsense rather than reply says a lot.


You know we don't really care about you QQing.

You know I don't really care about yours. You're the one complaining about being teamed up with AFKing PvEers, not me.


I offered some advice on where to go have a QQ that might actually get the attention you so desperately want... The Devs don't read this section, most PVE people don't read this section...

So basically no one reads this section.


Why did I start this thread in this section, so that other pvpers could comment on what they are seeing... I've probably got less than a one percent chance that anyone that matters in Bio will actually read it... I also knew better than to post it in general because PVE people wouldn't care and it would disappear of the front page in 30mins

This is as much a PvE issue as it is a PvP issue, since it concerns a PvE element of the game: companions.


So instead of being mister negative and QQing... Go play some PVE or go start your own thread in the general section and ask them to remove the requirement for you to have to PVP to get your companion... You'll be doing us all a favour if you can get them to do it

Do you pay attention to anything other people post? I could not care less about getting about Pierce or 4X. I have like 17 companions on my Imp main, none of whom is Pierce. You're the one who wants BWEA to do something, not me. I'm just telling you how it is with most of the PvEers who are doing WZs just to get him (or 4X). They don't care about you any more than you care about them. Deal with it. Or don't. Your choice.


Another chance for you: what, exactly, would be required for "participation?"

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as someone that only pve'd from the beggining(almost 4 years of swtor), entering pvp has opened a new game to me, the only problem i have is to gear up for each thing(pve/pvp) because of expertise or get bolstered, but the few times i've been there forced me to become a better player, really understand the class i play the most(guardian), and i see myself doing it everytime i can now, not a big fan of changes at all, but it's good to see other things, get out of the comfort zone, can be used for life in general, but was really glad with the pvp experience i'm having.
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as someone that only pve'd from the beggining(almost 4 years of swtor), entering pvp has opened a new game to me, the only problem i have is to gear up for each thing(pve/pvp) because of expertise or get bolstered, but the few times i've been there forced me to become a better player, really understand the class i play the most(guardian), and i see myself doing it everytime i can now, not a big fan of changes at all, but it's good to see other things, get out of the comfort zone, can be used for life in general, but was really glad with the pvp experience i'm having.

This is a game, not life. If you enjoy "getting out of your comfort zone" in the game, great. If you have discovered you enjoy doing WZs, great. Your feelings have nothing to do with others' feelings.

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