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Why are gunslingers the worst advanced class in ranked pvp?


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The op specifically asked about team ranked, that's why everyone is referring to that


Okay, in text, yes, but not in the headline.


That is referring to how things were. How things ARE is much different now.


That Gunslingers are filling the top of the PvP Leaderboards like Sorcs & PTs do is new to me.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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That Gunslingers are filling the top of the PvP Leaderboards like Sorcs & PTs do is new to me.


That's not really an appropriate representation of a class' potential. The update is still fairly recent, and as we all know there is a larger amount of the population playing the classes you mentioned. That, by default, increases the likelihood of those classes appearing on the top. Fewer people play Snipers and Gunslingers, and even less of those do well.


You're this high ranking PvP official we've been told about, right?

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You're this high ranking PvP official we've been told about, right?


No. I'm just a bitter and cynical player who has tried to get his Gunslinger working, but is utterly disappointed in how easily he is being shut down, compared to other classes, and the primary target in most WZs anyway (my weirdest experience was an Huttball carrier not going to the goal, but instead several metreas to me, where my Gunslinger was already being hacked doiwn by AT LEAST 4 other players, helping the rest o get me down, and only AFTER THAT continue to get a goal ...).

Because of that, I'm very certain in the Gunslinger class being utterly trash in anything but in situations where he or she has a healer to back him or her up.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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No. I'm just a bitter and cynical player who has tried to get his Gunslinger working, but is utterly disappointed in how easily he is being shut down, compared to other classes, and the primary target in most WZs anyway (my weirdest experience was an Huttball carrier not going to the goal, but instead several metreas to me, where my Gunslinger was already being hacked doiwn by AT LEAST 4 other players, helping the rest o get me down, and only AFTER THAT continue to get a goal ...).

Because of that, I'm very certain in the Gunslinger class being utterly trash in anything but in situations where he or she has a healer to back him or her up.


Record a couple of your warzones and post them dude, not in this thread obviously because even my post is off topic for what the OP is after (for which I apologise to the OP). Show us what you are experiencing and lets see if anything can be spotted which could help.


Otherwise I'm afraid to go around saying the class is trash/garbage and other stuff like that is just inaccurate. Sure I play imp most of the time and there's probably a faction imbalance but even so....even though it's more difficult for our class going solo in reg warzones we're not trash.

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It's not so much that snipers specifically are trash. It's the gross disparity in defensive cooldowns between some classes that make things unfair. Slingers/snipers, mercs/mandos. mara/sent even pt/vanguards to some degree, suffer from lack of an Oh **** CD for when they get focused. We all know about the guard/jug lay on hands ability, the sage/sorc bubble and the effective defensive CD and shroud for shadow/sin. Ops/scoundrels can off heal and can stealth along with incredible mobility. Some classes have extra stuns as well, and some can stealth for defense.


Bioware needs to balance defensive CDs and mobility more evenly among the classes.


As a slinger, it just isn't fun to constantly be the first focused and killed target in arenas and even warzones. Even if metrics show that it isn't really that bad (but it is), the play experience for the average player is miserable.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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Their lack of mobility is incredible and our pvp officer won't even allow gunslingers on our ranked team. I assume because in ranked warzones they can be killed easily due to lack of mobility?


absolute fail

MM/SS is on the best specs to burst

They just need support and some minimal comprehension bout dcd's

i'm sorry about ur "PvP officer" he should L2P

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It's not so much that snipers specifically are trash. It's the gross disparity in defensive cooldowns between some classes that make things unfair. Slingers/snipers, mercs/mandos. mara/sent even pt/vanguards to some degree, suffer from lack of an Oh **** CD for when they get focused. We all know about the guard/jug lay on hands ability, the sage/sorc bubble and the effective defensive CD and shroud for shadow/sin. Ops/scoundrels can off heal and can stealth along with incredible mobility. Some classes have extra stuns as well, and some can stealth for defense.


Bioware needs to balance defensive CDs and mobility more evenly among the classes.


As a slinger, it just isn't fun to constantly be the first focused and killed target in arenas and even warzones. Even if metrics show that it isn't really that bad (but it is), the play experience for the average player is miserable.


solo rankeds are and will be trash in a game that has it's combat mechs based on Healer/TANK/DPS

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Aren't all MMOs built around tank, dps, and heals?


this exactly; you can balance low-end PvE content to be done by an all dps team and still keep the trinity in operations. But imagine if raiders where told that their hard mode ops had to be done in an all dps group; we would have mass riots. Tactical flashpoints aren't trying to push the skill boundaries of their classes.


Its mirrored in PvP, regs can have all dps teams and be fine, but ranked is where you push the boundaries of PvP and you can't get away with that **** and still be balanced.

Think of it this way; snipers are viable in gRanked because teams are balanced; but everyone wants to solo que so they look underpowered because bioware doesn't design classes for all dps teams, which most of what you get in ranked. Yet if they where given the CDs on par with the top solo classes, snipers would become OP in gRanked (and likely cause riots among solo ranked classes as well).


Most of bioware's "class balance" issues would be solved if they didn't allow ranked que pops without healers. At least then classes that are designed like snipers, CDs focusing on CC and Burst mitigation, become viable because they can use CDs to counter large burst damage to stay healed. Other classes win the solo ranked game because if you don't have a healer, than whoever can do the most overall damage mitigation lives longer; and since the objective is to stay alive first and formost there is no counter.

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Aren't all MMOs built around tank, dps, and heals?


not all the MMo's

Solo rankeds can pop randomly with 3 tanks and a healer (i had a couple of games like that in S1)......thats why they are trash. The logic the combat team gives to the game in order to achieve balance crashes with :

1) the lack of a larger playerbase (games should start with Heal/Tnk/2DPS, but u don't have enough players to get those)

2) the posibility (High) that u will have a game without a healer and a tank makinf pure dps classes a liability


In solos u wanna bring a class that can do damage and stay alive longer than others, thats why q sync and skank tanks are and will be a pest. it's the counter for getting a random and ppl will use whatever is on their hands to win


In solos u can see all the "wholes" that the game has provided by the design team. In fact it's pretty good that they don't balance arround solo rankeds. That would be a big mistake


it's not what snipers/slingers are designed for. U can only DPS and if u twist ur dcd's (to have more damage mitigation) with the same output of damage the class would be OP

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it's not what snipers/slingers are designed for. U can only DPS and if u twist ur dcd's (to have more damage mitigation) with the same output of damage the class would be OP


This whole post is incoherent.


To reiterate, snipes/slingers are easy kills. Bioware knows this. How could they miss it. They haven't fixed it in 2 years. I can only surmise that this is what is intended. As long as people are playing the class, they have no incentive to repair it and make it viable.


Better off spending your time in other games, or at least playing another class.

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